July 2, 7447.

It was only in the evening that we returned to the ground.

There was also a sight that seemed to have been managed for the guardians of the ten layers.

But eleven layers...

Completely different than before, a vast world that seems like a one-floor bump.

Since it is thought to have a diameter of 10 km, the area would be large to the extent that Japan's Ota and Shinagawa districts combined.

I only remember the top five in a large province and the top five in a narrow province, so I don't have a basis.

He joined members of the slaughterer (Slaters) and Kathy, who had been wandering in the entrance square. Carm borrowed out Murowa because he told me that he was going to make ten layers of breakthroughs in this labyrinth row. We'll go back to the inn, get dressed, and then we'll meet up with all the killers (Slaters).

He confirmed that they were all gathered and reported successful breakthroughs in the ten layers.

I get blessings from everyone who hears my report and cheers.

Remove and show the demonic stones of the two Great Underground Vojanois.

As for the quack giant this time, we didn't get weapons, protective equipment and other equipment because it wasn't a monster close enough to people, but we explained that we got a magical hoof iron, and its terrible abilities, and the story continued to eleven levels of sight.

Everyone who hadn't seen the sight was impressed, and had some sort of admirable look that was very intriguing.

You don't seem very interested in magic hooves.

You said you weren't going to sell it, and you wouldn't get a bonus for selling it?

I hope you think it is something that is going to be useful in the future immediately after listening to it, and you think it is not something that will make a scene right now.

Mizuchi and Tris are talking.

I don't mind.

But whoever that quack giant is, we might all see about the eleventh layer.

Either way, the Eradicator (Exterminators) arrived between the five layers of metastatic crystals before 16: 00 on the second day. The number of people is down by two, and this is an amazing record, even though it's supposed to be down as a force. Not much different from when Ginger or Hiss were around.

The rising level of magic between Lorrick and my battle slave Meck would be one of the major factors, but it would also be because the aggressiveness of the battle outweighs the veteran slaughterers (Butchers). They've had quite a bit of experience, and sometimes the original level was low, and this is the party that's been going up the most in the last two years. Just a little bit more, right, and if I can shrink for an hour or two, I'm going to get a ticket to six layers.

Of course, the massacrers (Butchers) have not lost either. They also arrived after 20 o'clock on the second day on a six-layer metastatic crystal. This one is sufficient as proof of strength if you seem to be able to arrive stably before twenty. I can give you permission to go to the seventh floor.

Anyway, this time it's a performance without a leader from the old Redeemer (Sabres). It's super speed that you can't even make the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) with the exception of the Redeemer (Sabres) who trampled down to six layers of metastatic crystals in two days in the first place.

Their faces are also colored with confidence.

"Well, the labyrinth row from the sixth, but the next time the massacrer (Butchers) is Zenom. Take command. And if you're an eradicator (Exterminators)... right. Bastral, you go."

"Huh? Is that me!?"

Bastral responding with an unexpected face.

"Oh, yeah. It's a good time to keep going through that, isn't it?

"... Yes. I'll try! By the way, shouldn't Marl and Limby take you with them?

... This guy scares me in a shabby place.

The two Marl and Limby, who were letting me sit in the last seat, looked at me with a glowing face.

My eyes are dazzling like they are even releasing a phonetic sound called sparkle.

Oh, Bastral had a relationship where he was coaching these two in a sausage factory, and I was just wondering if he was scared and just wanted to use them quickly.

"... you've decided not to. Even these guys are still scared of goblins."

Marl and Limby both leaned over when I told them to. Well, if you're one-on-one, you can handle goblins to the point of neglect, but well. If you're ready to get hurt, you might even be able to beat an orc or a hobgoblin. But you know what, if you're an adult, even an amateur can't handle being desperate. In the first place, we fought in the labyrinth and that's not the end of it.

"Hey, Marr, Limby. It's too early for you guys. My arm needs to be a little bigger anyway."

That's what Lutz says and encourages him to do.

"Oh, it's mostly spearbound. Not yet. I didn't know your husband would be okay with that. Ha, I can't say very much."

Jess, my battle slave who's making them mentor me, has also given me a no-go.

"Marr, Limby"

I couldn't wait for a moment. I called to the two of you.

"" Yes, sir ""

"Are you eating well?

"" Of course!

They are required to always eat out half an egg of cabbage or its equivalent with a bottle of baldukki as a raw vegetable each meal, and about three slices of bread on a six-cut bread conversion from a previous life. It's only about two months, so the effect hasn't shown up much. However, now that you've made a solid run in and added five hundred spear swings each day, you'll have two days of training based on a diet muscle tray centered on the squats Mizuchi taught you, and if you keep five sets after each meal, you'll run out a year later and you'll have about the strength of an adventurer. Anyway, the moves.

"You guys are still time to build your bodies. You don't have to worry about the labyrinth yet. I'll see how it goes in a while, okay? Do it right."

"" Yes ""

Mm-hmm. Good reply. This kind of feels good, doesn't it?

The next day, I stole Boyle Pavilion's kid's eyes and let Mizuchi's Jade Dragon and my Uranus wear Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof.


It's still easy to wear, and it's easy to remove.

I felt it was unnatural to tell the kid not to touch the hoof, and even if he was suspicious of something he couldn't take off and looked at his status, I immediately took it off, put it together and stuck it in the shrine locker.

10 Jul 7447

I stepped into the eleventh layer.

"I can't see the ceiling...?

Kim looks up over the sky and says:

"You really don't have a passage... and this light..."

Carm is also looking around at the perimeter as he stretches to make his low back a little higher, but he won't see anything but over the square, whether there is a semi-circular radius of five meters, which he's now transferring, interrupted by dense forest trees.

Anyway, last time I didn't let Guineh climb a tree, it wouldn't even look like a meadow 200 meters away. A tree that is about 50 to 60 cm thick has only about two to five meters apart. In every case, there is also a large lichen of leaves, and even branches grow from a fairly low position.

You know what the definition of photosynthesis is?

I don't think it's gonna work until the light's plugged in.

... this is it now.

Note that the lights from the ceiling still remained as dark as dusk.

"What do we do? Proceed like this?

Mizuchi asks me.

Everything about the destination seems to be on the wall, and that's the only way.

"Let's go through this forest first. Umbrella number (wedge one) at five-meter intervals."

That's what I said and I took the lead.

As a precaution, we tried to use the magic of life sensing (detect life), but at a radius of 200 m, which is the sensing range, we had no reaction other than ourselves.

I also tried trap discovery (find trap), rope trap and fall (detect snare) and hole sensing (z and Pitts) magic, but there was still no response.

I expected this because it was the same last time.

When I struggled so hard to get through the woods, I suddenly opened my eyes.

Even though there were so many trees so far, they suddenly disappeared.

We got together again in front of the meadow that Guine saw last time.

"Have you seen the demon?

Just in case, I'll ask everyone, but naturally the answer is no.

At the end of the meadow, where the tall grass spreads about ten centimetres high, this also appears to be dotted by the density there by the way of Ghine's report.

Although its density seems somewhat negligible compared to the forests around it, it also seems to be very unchanged.

Nature and sighing leak due to poor prospects even though there are no aisle walls for this reason.

We all stared for a while, but I still didn't see anything moving like a monster.

Maybe it's because of the lights like dusk, where the amount of light drops somewhat more than the seven layers.

"It's open here, and we can make sure it's safe, okay?

What Mizuchi says is to make a high scaffold with earth magic to make Guineh see a wide range.

I thought it would be necessary since I heard that there was a meadow.

Before this, there were a lot of trees and it was difficult to build stairs.

Not to say it's impossible at all, but it requires a lot of mental concentration to create an acreage staircase with Uneune to avoid branches to climb to the sky.

If you're going to do something that looks prominent like this, I want to do it once and for all.

Last time I put in the height of Guine, I just saw it from a height of about six or seven meters.

Up to the horizon (within sight) is not more than 10 km.

Besides taking into account the height of the woods where the trees are growing, it is a good point to look over five.

Up to about the column of the metastatic crystal.

So this time I was feeling the need to get out of Guine's height and build a hill at least about twelve or three meters tall.

Speaking of greed, he thought he would need more than twenty meters in height at his leisure.

At a height of twenty meters, the diameter of the bottom surface would need to be about fifty to sixty meters considering the ease of climbing and the angle of the stairs.

We need a big place that won't be disturbed by growing trees.

At last, it would be better to have walls at the top of it to the extent that only the head flies out, like a submarine bridge.

If you think of an attack from a monster who doesn't even know where he's lurking.

"After all, the outer circumference is a forest two or three hundred meters wide. Its interior seems to be a similar meadow, but to the extent that it probably is for the other side of the room. Because I couldn't even see the surface of the meadow.

Its interior seems to be quite dense with forests and forests. Percentage is two places that seem like meadows or wilderness, five forests, and three forests? "

Guineh's report, coming down from Tsuchiyama, itself was as much as expected.

"Should we try the metastasis on the other side of the room as well?

"Mm-hmm. Of course that increases certainty, but isn't that better later?

If that's what Guine says, I guess so.

"So, the ground seemed flat everywhere?

Mizuchi asks. This is also important.

"Yeah, even if the woods were hilly, height itself wouldn't be a big deal. One way or another, it was hard to figure out if there was a place where the ground was lower than here. We need to get closer to what's happening to the ground under the woods and woods..."

"It's just so big to find out it doesn't look like a mountain."

Bell has also participated in the conversation. You're absolutely right.

"Yeah, but this labyrinth doesn't really go up or down the terrain in each layer."

I got empathy for what I said, but no one even gave me an explanation of why.

Of course, the terrain in this Balduk labyrinth does not go up or down at all.

Mizuchi, Carm, etc. with special skills in [Inclination Sensing (Inclination Sensing)] also noticed a very small degree of inclination on the ground, and sometimes even in Ralpha's [Spatial Grasp].

Until now, however, there was not much I could clearly understand.

I was wondering.

"Anyway, if you don't go, it's gonna start."

When I broke up the conversation at this place, I was not sure what I would do to erase the scaffolding I had made.

Do you want me to turn it off?

Everyone is still discussing this layer thoroughly while I erase the scaffolding.

You must be anxious.

"Umbrella type number (wedge one), 20 m apart. Target is that tree."

Announcing a fairly large spacing to go for a slightly taller tree at the end of the meadow.

Maybe even that tree has two hundred meters.

There shouldn't be any traps there.

"We're gonna run through this all at once."

I stepped into the meadow while keeping my posture a little low.

I don't think that makes much sense, but it's a mood problem.

He crossed the meadow and moved a little into a slicing square between the woods and the woods.

Except behind what just came through, it's covered in trees, and now even if there were any monsters in this hierarchy, their gaze would be blocked.

There's nothing blocking the boulders. I'm just taking a breather at how everyone couldn't hide the tension from crossing the meadow.

But it's also creepy to say that even Guineh hasn't seen a monster at all from high ground.

That's when.

"That, what?

Ralpha, who was looking behind the woods, expressed his doubts.

What Ralpha was pointing at was the back of the forest, that is, the central direction of the layer where there was supposedly a metastatic crystal.

"Hmm? Which one?


Carm and Tris are also looking in the direction she points, but they can't seem to find anything particularly strange.

"Maybe it's hard to see him hiding in the trunk in that position. At this angle…"

Giving way to the position Ralpha has always stood.

"Mmm... that one!

"Huh?... ah..."

Tris stood from behind the short carm and the two of us looked in one direction.

I think I noticed something in a little while.

"What do you see?

"What's going on?

Starting with Engela and Bell, everyone gathers to see you.

I've looked at it, too, but it seems to be in a bad standing position, and I can only foresee about 20m interrupted by branches and tree trunks with lots of leaves.

"Mr. Al! That's the altar! You can see the altar!


Hurry up and ask Tris to give up the place, surely only a fraction of the altar seemed a hundred meters away.

It's an exquisite angle that just shifts the position of the head a little to the left and right, making it invisible.

The fact that there is an altar......

That means the monster will be summoned.

And if it's ever been the same, four gargoyle stone statues should be beside them.

But there is also the possibility that treasure will be gained.

I don't think I have a hand to miss.

"What do we do? Want to go that far?

Ralpha says with a challenging face that seems even tongue-in-cheek.

"But it's in the woods. If it's not the square..."

"The tree could get in the way quite a bit."

Bell and Tris rang the alarm at the same time.


Especially Kim and Guine. Spears. It would be enough to just poke, but it would be rather difficult or impossible to use such methods as swinging it around or swinging it down first.

The sword as well as the spear seems quite harsh.

Probably, but the only thing you can use without much change is Ralpha's bloody axe, Bloody Handaxe. What?

So is missile-based attack magic when this is all bad vision, and the ice-soaked Special Attack is only about the guy in front of you......

There's no way you can ice marinate someone who's wearing a weapon or using a piece of your body as a weapon in front of you.

It takes less than a second to swing down a weapon, so it's faster than ice pickling.

What are we gonna do?

Until just now, if the density of the trees seemed to increase any more, the worst case scenario was in my head until I immediately retreated to the ten layers using fire magic with great vigour.

I thought I could burn leaves and little branches until I couldn't burn them to the trees.

He also thought that if a monster was nesting, he might be able to start and end with a heat of a big fire like a mountain fire and a lack of acid if he was breathing with oxygen.

Especially if, as previously speculated, the composition of the oath's air is the same as Earth's, and the monster is breathing with oxygen in the air, it's a story on the assumption.

There's only a weak rationale for doing so.

But when there's an altar, it's not a story... I guess.

It would be bad if it burned to the altar.

It may not burn because there are so many parts of the stone, but it doesn't necessarily do any harm.


If it were this much tree, it would be cut with a vacuum blade (vacuum blade), which is Wind Magic Level VII attack magic.

But what about the tree you cut?

I just fall on the spot and get in the way extra.

Hey, what are you gonna do, me?

After all, is there normally only one way to fight and earn treasure?

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