10 Jul 7447

I silenced myself for a moment, staring at the altar.

"Don't you dare, let's go somewhere else"

I didn't see a monster. If you approach the altar, there's a good chance the monster will be summoned, but you didn't see it. This is not like running away. It's just a rollover. No, I don't mind if I say I ran away from the monster. I've been on the run many times.

I moved the meadow toward the right, which seemed to me to be donut-shaped. The next time there's a cut in the woods, I'm going to go in the back from there.

Moving around for a while, I still arrived at a cut in the woods. It's about 10 meters wide and it's like a passageway. There's just a neat, wood-free part there. A peek in the back seems to curve loosely to the right. Looks like there's no trap either. Then why don't we move on here?

At a distance of about 100 meters, it now curves to the left, and it is surrounded by woods as if it is at an end about 100 meters away. Moving forward a little cautiously, Mizuchi now stopped everyone's legs with a "wait" voice.

"That's the altar, isn't it?

... Mizuchi's fingering, looking in the direction of the front left, can't see anything interrupted by the deeply growing tree.

After all, the forest vegetation is thick and seems invisible unless it comes from the Mizuchi position.

Ask her to clear where she stood.

"You look like an altar... but you don't even look like a gargoyle"

"Mr. Al. Show me too..."

Change places with Guine.

We need to make sure you remember where we are.

A little further from there, Engela discovered the altar in the opposite direction next.

"That altar, just over 200 meters from where I saw it."

Says Guine, who confirmed the location of the newly discovered altar.


Surprisingly, this led me to discover the third altar today.

Is there such a high density and altar in this eleventh layer...

You mean there's a place between the altar and the altar that looks like a passage through this forest slice?

Apparently, everyone had the same doubts as me.

The altar that existed until now in this labyrinth, all of which should also be said to be the Mont Room, rested with the stone statue of Gargoyle in a room of some area. When you step into that room, the stone statue of the gargoyle is breathed into your life and moved, and at the same time a large magical formation of patterns emerges in front of the altar with the light to summon monsters, even the guardian of the room.

If we defeat them all, the doors of the temples set up at the top of the altar will open, and if we're lucky, we can get some treasure. It is confirmed that the Lord of the Mon Room is equipped with magical objects with such a low chance as to say once a year that this is all but the object of the adventurer to obtain the treasure. Others have the potential to gain valuable ore by digging back walls of less than three layers. And then... are you like a guardian?

So it's usually impossible to meet and miss the altar, not just us saviors (Sabres), first of all. I think what we're missing is about the massacrers (Butchers) and uprooters (Exterminators) with Carm and Kim in command. I think I would have challenged Carm and Kim if they hadn't said, "I hope it's a demon that can be defeated without making a victim..."

I hear there was a deep-rooted disagreement about missing the altar and choosing a detour.

Because it is the altar of the labyrinth that has the potential to gain treasure as precious as that.

What, a species with a life?


Shall we talk metaphorically so that it's easy to understand?

There is obviously an opening between you, who are usually indigest, and adventurers who are used to fighting and working out quite well. Shall I add or subtract them?

You can fight a Tosa dog like you do a fighting dog and shake the dice if you can win.

Hundreds of millions of yen if you get a lot of eyes.

What would you do if you told me that you would give billions of yen worth of goods depending on your appearance?

Of course, we have company. Up to nine other people besides myself.

You can wear armor, and if it's about a knife, a spear, or a bow, use a weapon. OK.

Not necessarily one Tosa dog, though.

But from past examples, many rarely exceed five.

I think a good percentage of challengers will come out.

Assuming you don't think you can do something horrible like that, there are people around you who might be happy to do it, who might be looking for a one-shot reversal in their lives, right?

That's what an adventurer is for entering the labyrinth.

Both Carm and Kim said they had a hard time keeping everyone down.

I can see that they expect every time they see the altar because they have powerful companions now.

There is a certain degree of discrepancy in the boulder that I won't tell you to stop by the altar because it's almost the first deep layer of the labyrinth.

Well, you can always come.

"Hmmm...... it's still early, let's go back and look elsewhere"

Somehow it was decided to re-compartmentalize it because it was still going on.

Eventually, I took a morning drink and looked around the inner circumference of the meadow for about three kilometers.

Altar discovered a total of seven places.

Naturally, I just saw it all from afar.

Not a single thing I've seen pulling over to the side.

The distance between the altar and another altar ranges from about 200 m in the shortest to about a mile in the longest.

I think I've overlooked a few things because some angles may not be visible.

Thank you. I also feel like it's lined up in a circle around a column of metastatic crystals in the center of the room.

It doesn't seem to be equally spaced apart by boulders though.

After lunch, I decided to try to get close to the first altar I discovered.

Clearly not like the altar I've seen in the labyrinth before.

First of all, the black flames don't light.

I mean, there's no such thing as a fire burning furnace in the first place.

And then the shape seems a little different.

Besides, there were no doors to what looked like a shrine in the distance.

So, there was no gargoyle, and there was no way a monster would be summoned.

This is a good place to clap.

Everyone looked cautious, approaching carefully but eating a shoulder watermark.

The same was true of another discovered altar.

The doubts were endless in front of a mossy altar nestled secretly in the woods so that they could be buried in the trees, but in the end I decided to try stepping into the back of the woods.

As he stepped through the broad hay of the leaves and proceeded to avoid the blue and lush branches, the forest was interrupted and he went out into the uncrowded wasteland of the haystack. It's a little square with no trees growing, about fifty meters long.

"How far along have you been?

When I asked Guine, she said the current location was about 800 meters from the outer perimeter.

There are no traps, and I don't see any monsters.

There's nothing near the altar.

"If nothing happens like this, we need that much time..."

Mizuchi groans as she looks up at the pillars.

I also look up at the elongated columns stretching over the trees.

It's still far away and I don't know what the surface is, but from previous examples, is it shaped close to a straight square?

Is the surface gotten gobbly like natural soil or rock shredded?

Is it as smooth as an artifact?

I don't know if it's coming from here.

The columns are penetrating the clouds far above the sky, but it seems to be moving slowly whether it is a cloud or a cloud.

Fushigi ~.

That being said, at this rate, it will be slower than simply going flat because we do have to yield and avoid branches from time to time. But still, Wuqiao. Sometimes, considering that there are places like open spaces where the woods break off like this, if nothing happens, it would be like an hour and a half on our feet.

"What time is it?

When Bell asked Ralpha, the answer was fourteen o'clock.

"What do you want to do?

Tris will ask me.

If you don't mind it from here, you can go back to the crystal bars that have been transferred in fifteen minutes.

It would be quicker if we ran through the meadows along the way.

"Let's go a little further"

Through the wasteland, he stepped into a somewhat thin, forest-like place ahead of him.

Formation has become a vertical squadron (trail) led by Ralpha.

I'm watching the right around the middle.

By the time it had been five minutes since I had progressed, I had gone out to a similar vacant lot earlier.

Now it was covered in tall grass, not wasteland.


"It's about a mile from the perimeter."

I look around as I nod at Guine's words.

No birds, no animals, no monsters, nothing.

"At this rate, I think I'll be able to get through all at once."

Everyone looked at Kim's words like they said, "Right."

"Hmm? Something's out there, huh?

Mizuchi, who was never tired of looking up at the pillars, says weird things.

What she pointed at was far above the pillar, around sticking it into whether it was a summer or a cloud.

Did you just plug it into a slice of cloud?

When you ask me, I do say slightly out, or I feel like there's a place that's swollen.

That's when.

There was a loud noise that stuck my ears.

This is the sound of a lightning bolt cage!

At the same time, Mizuchi's [troop formation (partisation)] feels ineffective.

We look around in a hurry.

The lights increased the luminosity and the surroundings became like daylight.

The lightning bolt cage is far away, occurs near the outer circumference, and seems to surround almost all of the eleven layers.

And several columns of light stood and climbed in seven colors in the distance in kilometers.

On the count of four, one on our left and right front and one on the left and right in the back.

I don't know what it is, but I can hardly say this.

"Run into the woods!

Everyone fled to the woods in pieces to scatter the spider child.

It is a testament to skilled adventurers not to solidify and escape in one direction without being told.

In the woods that would be blocking sight if we were to rendezvous.

But still, one way or another, it seems to have escaped around the woods of those who have just come.

It looks safe for sure, and I can't help it with this.

I built a dirt hill in the middle of the square before I escaped.

If the monster is nearby, it can be shielded.

He'll come this way even if he's not nearby, and I hope he shows you a bare gesture to come closer and look into Koyama because he thinks he's suspicious.

But because I had to try to see if I could use more magic than that.

Anyway, I thought that having a lightning bolt cage meant nothing more than being distracted by a guardian.

The last time I ran into the woods, I looked back only once just before that and saw all directions.

So far I don't see anything particularly unusual.

"Mr. Al, this way."

I heard a whispering Tris voice.

When I looked at you, I saw Guine and Carm beside Tris.

Did you rendezvous after entering the woods?

"Where is everybody?

"I saw Bell and Marceau flee over there,"

Mr. Mizuchi and Kim are over there.

Tris and Carm answered as they indicated their right hand toward the square, but Guine couldn't seem to afford any other attention.

"What about Ralpha and Zulu?

I don't know.

"Is it that way?

Looking at the one on the left, I saw chills and blonde hair there.

"There he is. Guine, get Ralpha and Zulu. Tris needs to speak to the Mizuchis. If you see a monster before you rejoin, you don't have to force it to rejoin. If you look strong, use voice or magic to do something and call me. As soon as I find him, I'll shoot in the magic."

I gave instructions so that Carm and I could hide in the shadows of the trees so that they could hardly be seen from the square.

In no time Guineh returned with Ralpha and Zulu.

Though he seems to be concerned with moving as closely as possible to avoid making noises, Zulu's metal belt armor (Banded Mail) makes quite a few noises.


I lowered my voice to Ralpha's question: "Over there. I'm doing Tris now," he replied.

"What, that!?"

Carm raised his voice and pointed diagonally up.

Move your gaze so that everyone follows the tip of your finger.

I could still see something small about the rice grain size flying this way.

Huh? That...

Hit me!?

The distance is too far and the appraisal is out of range.

Naturally magic is out of range.

If you inject a lot of magic into it, will it arrive?

I come closer to Gungung and this way while I think.

I got about grains of barley.

You look like a lizard-like reptile who grew bat feathers.

The color looks... black because it's still far away.


The calm is small but raises a frightening scream.

"D, Dragon?

Zulu says in a flattering manner.

"That's the first time you've seen it!


Ralpha and Guine are saying something tongue-in-cheek.

But a dragon?

That's why Mizuchi told me.

I know that too.

Fire should be blown.

Depending on the type, it's acid, venom, ice... like there was one more...

Don't move, don't talk.

He hurriedly touched the order of one person at a time and hung the magic of Resist Earth, Resist Water, Resist Fire and Resist Air. It's good to practice seriously......

The effective time is in thousands of seconds, so hold for more than fifteen minutes.

... and finally to myself... ok.

"Spread out (spread)!

He pointed to the left and gave instructions, while lowering himself and rushing to the right.

Look up into the sky.

I saw a lizard flying through the gaps in the trees.

The dragon, which was about a grain of barley, is already pretty big.

Like a little beaver, huh?

A slightly skinny crocodile head.

What the hell is that?


Several horns grow to stretch towards the back of my head.

A torso that seems to be stretching streamlined.

It grows from its back, seemingly bat-like wings.

They even seem to grow horrible hook claws around the middle of their wings.

Shit, that's a disturbing branch!

Keep your posture low to the limit and run like crawling through the ground.

There he is!

Looks like Mizuchi and Tris are moving a little further behind the woods towards us.

When I redirected toward them, they immediately noticed.

"Something came up!?"

Mizuchi asked in a low voice.

Take it easy!

You didn't notice!?

"It's a dragon!

Everyone's complexion changed.

You didn't seem to notice.

"Hang up your opposing magic!

When I said that, I first hung the magic of the Resist on Mizuchi.

She can use all sorts of Resist magic too, but Mizuchi's magic is a precious means of attack after mine.

I want to keep it as warm as possible.

It was followed by the magic of the Resist on everyone in a row.

I look back only for a moment, looking up at the sky, but I can't see it interrupted by the trees.

Is it impossible not to notice this?


Mizuchi, the first to do the sorcery, was looking up at the sky as he approached the square.

Engela, who was a little behind her, looks up at the sky with an equally hard look on Mizuchi's face.

Looks like you finally noticed.

"Spread out over there! I'll shoot you down as soon as I get in range like this!

I flew directions to everyone as I hurried to Mizuchi's side.

Run with Engela bent over like she was bounced.

"Dragon, isn't it?

I'm not rattling!

It's already about a big beeball!

Appraisal...... naturally still not possible?

But if you've extended your range of attack magic, you'll already get it.

It's not good to be solidified at the firing point.

"Go quickly!!

Relax and narrow your eyes and yell at Mizuchi as he looks up at the sky.

At the same time, stretch your left hand toward the dragon.

"It's Wyvern!


Launched a Stone Canon missile.

An ultra-large telegraph column that is launched from the tip of your left arm.

Enough to accelerate if this much distance is open.

The crystal of my magic flying at a fierce speed for a flying lizard!

The orbit is slightly off immediately after firing to make it easier to see lizards.

I don't know if it's a dragon, but if only this guy decides properly!

... What No!?

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