Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 236: People don't live only in bread.

July 11, 7447.


arrived between the metastatic crystals in the center of the eleven layers.

I pulled up close and found that the columns between these transition crystals were still about fifty m square on one side, similar to the columns at the center of the eight, nine, and ten layers.

The time has been more than five hours since then.

It's all morning.

I haven't slept almost all day.

For not running, it was easier than when I rescued Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz), but it was somehow a hard day to remember the labyrinth row of sunlight (Sun Ray).

There was a good chance that the altar was a source of light, so he was hurrying around to destroy it.

In total, it had destroyed more than twenty.

According to Guine, all the altars were arranged in circles at regular intervals or more exactly five hundred meters from the outer circumference.

In other words, the forest averages about 200 m from the outer circumference.

From there, the meadow averages about 200 m.

These donut-shaped woods and meadow boundaries, or at best a lightning bolt cage, were formed around the middle of the meadow.

It was a huge cage, not dozens of times higher than previous hierarchies.

So, I cross the meadow and go into the woods again, but then a few hundred meters apart in a donut form just about a hundred meters further, and the altar was set up.

Therefore, the total extension of the circumference in which the altar is arranged in a circular fashion would be about 28 °. Even assuming they were lined up at an average interval of 300 meters, there must be more than ninety. I wanted to break at least a fifth. Of course, it seemed very likely that the labyrinth's auto-repairing action would work, but it seemed that repairing it would take a lot of time.

Anyway, I needed so much time because I was hurrying around destroying every possible altar. This is the second time I've come to the eleventh level anyway. Not to mention that there are no aisles, I didn't expect to overthrow the hierarchical guardians with just that much experience, and this was really unexpected.

I expected it to take no longer than the previous hierarchy to get through the eleven layers from what I saw last time, but this was only the second time, I never thought.

It's almost my first hierarchy, and I couldn't fail to be cautious about traps.

I'm running out of energy today on the boulder.

Talk as you roam dry bread.

"Guys, if you're tired, just bear with me a little longer. Maybe it's about ten o'clock tomorrow, no, today, after the last twenty hours that Wyvern, the guardian, will be resurrected. I don't have five more hours. Get some sleep right after this. Zulu and Engela take turns watching."

I'm sorry, but you two need to be patient with about two hours of sleep.

He's a slave, he can't use magic, and there's a poverty label.

Zulu in particular said, "This will foil your husband even more!" He severed Wyvern's head and took turns with Engela.

I told you to stop because it's going to be packed.

I let everyone else like it because I agreed, but isn't that enough scale?

"It's where Wyvern will be resurrected, but there are several possible patterns. First of all, as usual, if you are to be resurrected in front of you to protect the entrance and exit of the passage there. It's easiest in this case. All you have to do is hit them all at once.

Because of the size of the figure, you can use magic without worrying about discussing it with each other when you become aware of it. Magic at a beating distance won't have time for that ray to fly to the boulder, and I don't even think the rays will be fired in the first place because the forest will be a shield because of the location. "

Everyone is staring at me and focusing on the conversation, sipping dried meat soup, sipping dry bread with tired faces.

"It will be fully possible to end it in the meantime until Gorgon comes by. As for Gorgon, the perimeter of this pillar is a wasteland with good sight, so I think that's the only way to fight it safely with magic and bows. In some cases, you can just run into this room.

You probably won't be able to get inside the room as before, and even in case you seem to come in, the aisle is thin, so you can only come in one at a time. You can wait by both sides of the room. "

Yeah, I'm tired, too, and I'm losing my mind. It's good to think about it in advance.

"So, otherwise. There was a tumor-like outpouring all the way up this column, right? That's Wyvern's nest, and it would be troublesome if we were to come back to that place."

It stinked so bad that I dipped all three of the big dry breads left in the soup at once.

"Hmm, how about that?

"Is that true?

Mizuchi and Bell express their doubts.

"What do you mean?

Tris and Ralpha and everyone else looked at the two strangely in my response.

"I do agree it would be troublesome if that happened, as Al said, but if you're a hierarchical guardian, wouldn't you be resurrected to protect the entrance there first?

"Yeah. I think so, too. Then you may move up there so that the intruders are easily attacked."

Both Bell and Mizci not only expressed doubts on this matter, but also appear to be in agreement.

"I see... it certainly might be"

Ralpha also hammers often with his face.


"If we are to be resurrected to a favourable place from the beginning, why is the Nine Layers of Minotaur consolidated and resurrected? Wouldn't it be strange to be resurrected in pieces around the pillars? Amber Goliath was in the ground, wasn't he?

Mizuchi said something that would convince him.

If you ask me, I certainly might.

Everyone else is nodding as well as me.

"Hmm... I guess so. But now I want to think about a little more possibilities. If you're going to be resurrected on this, you can't do it because you can't even magically target it, and the distance is too far from where you saw it. Even if you come down, if you shoot up attack magic from the bottom up, the example rays are a problem.

Besides, it would be unlikely from being a guardian, but it is also possible that he will not come down soon. "It's dark beneath the lights," and there's a chance you won't notice it for a while. "

I smoked the soup and swallowed enough sprinkled dry bread with the leftover soup.

"In that case, just try something you can try while you come closer and go back to the ten layers. It's a partition."

In some cases it will come to the eleventh layer about another time, but if the lightning bolt cage remains, I will give up going into this and beyond already. Amulets are likely to sell high, and it is likely that even the Wyvern scales obtained this time will be able to make an unbeatable price weapon. Even the ten layers get a lot of treasure, and for another year or two, even if you make enough money, you'll be able to store enough money.

That said, I don't think the boulder has that.

The Lightning Bolt cage will either cause the guardian or challenger to halt life activity on this floor, or it will disappear if he is gone. Otherwise, we'll have to build a cage from the beginning.

"Come on, let's get some rest"

Wash your face with cold water and skip drowsiness.

He solidified himself in his gear and waited for Wyvern's resurrection by diving into himself to stay out of the aisle between the transition crystals.

In time, the amount of light outside drops rapidly and returns to the dark blue like dusk.

Then, a sign of the resurrection, Xu began to swirl.


Issue a whisper warning.

Everyone grabbed the weapon again and found tension coming through.

In front of the room......

Even though I was listening to Mizuchi and Bell, I honestly felt surprised.

But as they say, it's only natural to say as a guardian that we revive to protect the entrance and exit to the metastatic crystal.

So you two were right.

But no matter how long I waited, Wyvern was not resurrected because of all the whirlpool.

Oh, I wonder if it's a pattern with nine strong layers of minnows?

That Wyvern, the level was twenty-eight.

I can't hold it until I have a clear certainty, but does the level of the monster change the time to resurrection?

I'm sure it is.

Probably because it equals unfounded or something.

Nor did it occur about the cage of lightning bolts, nor did the seven-colored columns of light rise.

Mizuchi's troop formation (partisation) will not be lifted either.

Just in case, I kept my combat posture in between the transfer crystals and kept waiting, but it's going to be wasted...

Nothing particularly unusual happened when I tried to get out.

I tried to unleash appropriate attack magic toward the sky, but the light didn't come out either.

Since no lightning bolt cages have occurred, are the remaining altar-type turrets also kept silent?

Did you destroy the altar until you pushed it impossible where you were tired, in vain?

Ma, look.

I waited to scrape my nerves after that, but it didn't make any difference just because I kept swirling.

Sometimes I don't get enough rest, and fatigue on boulders is near its limit.

You can rest here as you are and then continue exploring.

In the first place, I was going to spend up to one cup tomorrow in the labyrinth.

I decided to go back to the 10th floor for a good meal and rest.

Then when you come back again, it may be useless, but I'll break all the altars first, just in case.

You'll need a whole day or so, but you can't.

Besides, if you look at the extent to which the broken altar has been repaired this time, you can guess how long it will take for the altar to come back to normal.

As that altar is a turret, even if Wyvern is resurrected if you destroy it all, that threat falls considerably.

Still plenty of two hours just in case.

I kept waiting until lunch before returning to the upper levels.

Shall I bring you a hammer next time?

Will Karim lend it to me?

But in turn, I said I attacked them magically.

Even last night, I and Mizuchi, as well as Bell, broke quite a few altars.

Considering that, I just don't like warhammers being heavy baggage.

I'm back on the tenth floor.

Between the metastatic crystals there was a good smell of appetite.

"Your husband! Besides, it looks like you're all right."

I hadn't brought in a proper stove magic prop yet, so I noticed and spoke to us when Giberti, who was making a simmer out of simple sauce, moved in.

Yeah. I can handle it this time.

But it still smells like it.

Oh, beef.

That was the eyeball ingredient this time.

"Ah! It's stew!

Larfa rushed out to the pot, throwing out the scales she stripped so hard from Wyvern.

You bastard...... be more polite.

"Wait, Lar. We'll finish them off first."

"Yes! Yes! Oops!"

Bell says as he pulls Larfa's ear back with a peek into the pan.

Yeah, yeah.

Not since we took care of the two quail giants that are resurrected outside.

"Don't look like that. Let's work another one, and good luck."

I said as I carefully placed Wyvern's scale-packed bag in the corner of the room to check the sword.

Zulu carefully places Wyvern's head in the corner of the room, where he has a handful.

Don't worry, we'll have a nice tummy meal and get some sleep.

I don't have a shower yet.

12 Jul 7447

I came back to earth in the evening at sundown.

The sky is more and more cloudy.

The wind was blowing hard, but the dust was not as strong as the calf because it was damp.

It feels like it's gonna rain.

However, although unexpected, the expression of our Redeemer (Sabres), who had succeeded in capturing Wyvern, the patron of eleven layers, and bringing home a large number of what could be termed magic objects (magic items), is bright.

It seems that there was no great harvest, led by the sheek-faced Zenom, this again by the sheek-faced slaughterer (Butchers) and a satisfying bastral to say that there was no particularly harvest-like harvest, this one also by the sheek-faced exterminator (Exterminators) had a beverage of his thoughts as he chewed Baldukki by the stalls of Murowa.

Against them, for some reason, boastful Carm or Kim tells them that the Eleven Layers have broken through into the present.

Everyone who heard it looked very surprised by the unexpected, but at the same time, he was happy that his expression had changed so brightly.

It's a lying leopard who looked shitty until just now.


It's not like we're gonna make our own money directly...

Oh well... will you be so happy?

It was Zulu who spoke with a full voice there. He just opens his mouth a little when he unloads the stupid big bag he was in charge of like Santa Claus and goes around shouting, "Don't be surprised, don't even shout out loud" to each and every one of us.

"Huh! Dra." Shh! It's Wyvern. The boulder's your husband, isn't it?

Feels like it.

Ultimately it was Engela who finished it......

She is with me and honoring me with her bag mouth.

You just wanted to do this...

Quickly, I'm going to redeem the demonic stones other than Wyvern I got on this labyrinth trip.

"What's going on?

Mizuchi walking next to me says a little strange.

"Hmm? What?

"You look happy."

Do you?

Ahead on the early walk with a soft grin, Mizuchi opened the door to the demon prop Dunhill.

Looking happy?

Well, are you happy, I am.

Then I went back to the inn, took a shower, changed my clothes and then had another debrief. Wyvern's head had to rot, so the slaves asked me to ice it. I don't have a choice.

It should be noted that Wyvern scales can be processed to combine toughness and suppleness, and several knew they could be tailored as luxury weapons. It seems normal to tailor it like metal scaled armor (Skyle Mail) or overlay billboard armor (Sprint Mail). It seems to be a valuable item that is hard to come by, and sometimes it seems to be too much to hold if you are a musketeer there.

"Is it quick to introduce the First Knights to a handler who can tailor those weapons?

When you say that, "If you're a fancy weapon, the King's Capital carrim is a good armor workshop," or, "Why don't you stick it on the surface of the shield?," he said. Speaking of which, I've heard that Carlim was an armor workshop, and that we were ordered by the First Knights captain class before we served the First Knights. I guess it's a first-class workshop. It would be a good idea to ask there.


Rubber armor delivery is scheduled for later this month, but we're going into the third holiday tomorrow anyway, and we have business to go to the Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu.

Tomorrow, I'll report to the King (the old man). Why don't you go get an appointment?

If I'm going to get some time at the end of the month for delivery, I'm going to have to go through this during the rest of the month.

No, [Primitive Wyvern Scale] looks like a magic item in itself.

Sometimes you go through the Sundark Chamber of Commerce, so first you go to the Sundark Chamber of Commerce...

No, no, even if it means appealing to where you're making good money without skipping......

13 Jul 7447

Though I climbed the castle all the way, there is no way I can suddenly see the king today or Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen, Queen I. That's not even making an appointment, and they wouldn't be free enough to meet a broker in and out like me. No, of course I didn't expect to see you today. I'm just here to pick up an appointment via the First Knights. Regardless of Baron Logan, the First Knights, the Vice Commander's Associate Baron Bitwers will meet you first.

But I'm at the corner. No, I wanted to ask Baron Logan, the First Knights Commander, about my sister's condition as well. Next time, they waited nearly thirty minutes for me to get back to her, but I got permission. As always, I think the power of the First Knights' Chamber of Commerce plates is truly amazing. Or is it the power of the royalty? It was unusual for me to come to the headquarters of the First Knights, so I went to the building of the First Knights headquarters while I bowed my head and said, "Thank you for your service," as the guards did everything.

I'll be in a bowl with His Highness Richard, who just came to talk to Baron Logan for something to get into the building. Hanging with three guardian demon stones in total and just a few scales appropriately, the almost empty [double (double) tool holder (tool bag)], I rendezvoused (in the royal castle, so much so that the opponent didn't have to thank his minister if he was in the military) and retreated aside to give way.

"Hey, Mr. Greed. Wasn't the delivery a little further?

You seem to want a little public talk. Looks like it's not a rush business, and I'm not in a rush either.

After hanging out for a little while, I was noticed by the bag I was raising.

"Hmm?... that's a bit of a hierarchical guardian...?

With that said, this guy knows the Hierarchy Guardian tattoo. I turned it upside down on the luxurious side because I could get on the dirty front side to enter the royal castle. There have also been reports of new hierarchical guardian destruction and I told the King I was here to make an appointment.

"Ten layers of breakthroughs! A boulder."

and said as very impressed,

"Without the demonic stones that you adventurers (Versatilers) take home, the kingdom will not turn. I hear the culmination of this is Greed, the killer (Slaters) led by you. It is also the royal mission to celebrate, spread and increase the number of those who will succeed. You'd better hurry, I'll tell His Majesty from now on, so that your sights can come true. Wait inside."

When I said that, I went somewhere.

I think the kingdoms that don't turn are lip-service to boulders, but if you can see the king today, that's fine. I had no choice but to ask Captain Logan to give a message to someone who was wandering around there. Then soon the captain came to me sitting in the chair at the entrance to the Knights headquarters.

"Hey, what's going on today? You want me to pick you up?

The captain speaks to me casually.

"I'm sorry to keep you busy. I wanted to say hello because I came nearby for a little while..."

Besides, I explained the situation that it would be bad if I wasn't here at Kakukakushikajika.

After that, we talked a little bit, but my sister said that she had been on an expedition again since last week, driven by a border dispute with the Kingdom of Dabus. I wasn't listening...

Then, I heard rumors that Captain Logan will be bravely defeated in a cup this year.

"I'll be forty-five now, too. Physically, it's getting tough. Turk, Vish and Sagan are growing enough..."

Turk is about Viscount Taklad Gendail, the First Squadron Commander, and Vish is about Sir Vishur Balxas, the Second Squadron Commander. And of course, Sagan is about Sir Sagan Kendus, the third squadron leader.

"Plus you'll need to rejuvenate the organization."

I don't think the First Knights are so old that they need to be rejuvenated.

Some people who have flashed into competition for platoon and squadron leaders move to the Knights after the second, and others retire before that by being pulled to their place of origin or to the captainship position of another local Knights. Around ten of those retirees get out and down every year, and even the new squire joins the group. What's the average age like in the late twenties and thirties?

I think it's a fully youth-friendly organization, but hey.

Well, I guess the average age is seven or eight years higher than the other Knights.

"Whoever's going to succeed me, let Jeff support me for a while, and after Jeff leaves, someone else should succeed Jeff as deputy commander. We don't know each other, so do it right."

You'll miss me. It's just a polite upper side word, but a convenient one. But I liked this Captain Logan thing. I owe you my sister shelter, but I liked her for some reason.

"I've also been wanting to pull into the country and relax, because it's been hard for my wife."

The original territory of Captain Logan, the city of Casoidel, is located five hundred kilometers east of the King's capital in the Duke of Thurm, and is closer to the eastern realm of the Earl of Lean Flight. In addition to that, there is also a city called Hamra, a territory converted to the territory of the Marquis of Golz, which is heaven, at the same time as the promotion of the Commander. I guess even if I left the Knights Commander because it's an enclave territory, I'd have to travel all the time, so I wouldn't call it a “relaxing” life, but it would still make it mentally easier.

Richard came back at such a fold. His Royal Highness says two words and three words with the captain, and when he exchanges conversations, he tells him to come with me to the three storeys guarding Honmaru from the two circles. I greeted the captain of the regiment and followed his Highness.

"You seem to be working hard, Greed. I praise you and send you."

"Ha, thank you. Happy."

Her Royal Highness, Lady Maureen of the First Queen, is in front of me kneeling in honor of Her Highness. Naturally, he is the oldest of the four queens and hits Richard's real mother. He is also one of the few to know about hierarchical guardians. It seems the boulder could not be attached to His Majesty the King's convenience.

Provide a [double (double) tool holder (tool bag)] with the pattern of the hierarchical guardian and have it inspected.

"Status open...... this bag, unlike the martial arts, does seem to belong to the hierarchical guardian....... hmm? Anything in there? Is that a demon stone?

Oh, I forgot to give you the demon stone.

And Wyvern's scales.

"It contains the demonic stones of Great Underground Vojanoi, who was the guardian of the ten tiers, and the demonic stones and scales of Wyvern, who supposedly was the guardian of the eleven tiers"

"Holy shit! Two layers in this short period of time? Big."

Moleen says after looking at a scale of three centimeters in length and two centimeters in short diameter.

That's a pretty small guy, huh?

Richard, who was holding back beside her, is also circling his eyes.

"Status open...... this is!

Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen is surprised to see the status of Wyvern's scales. Wyvern's scales are a precious thing in themselves, and with that they are quite expensive, but not like royalty deserves surprise. In the Kingdom of Lomberto, even in remote areas, Wyvern lives, and is defeated by the Knights of the Land about once every decade.


He was silenced while staring at Wyvern's scales.

"Sounds like this scale is also a magic item. There is a magical reaction of all elements...... Because it's a protospecies Wyvern...?

Were you using magic sensing (detect magic) to be silent?

I already know that Wyvern's scales are precious, and I think it's time to end them by giving them the compliment of giving them a public notice at the end? I want to bring it to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce.

"Greed. Does this Wyvern scale have a single head?

Molene asked softly and narrowly.

"Ha. One head, it's round. Just in case, I took it home with my head severed."

"Wow! What about tails and nails?

Whatever the tail is, it's a nail. I didn't say anyone was going to sell it, so I didn't do anything to get there.

"No, you... smelled meat too... so I didn't collect it"

"Well... I would have liked to see it... but it's great that you brought your head back. I think you should lay your head down when you issue a public notice. I saw the concubine once."

Yeah, that's what I thought, too, so I put Zulu in charge of my head.

It's a lie, though.

Thank you, Zulu.

"And on this scale, what are you going to do?

"Haven't made any particular decision yet, but I thought I'd bring it to a major chamber of commerce... somewhere in a workshop specializing in armor to tailor armor and shields..."

"Well, I thought you were going to tailor your armor at the Chamber of Commerce."

I wish I could do that, but I don't know how to handle scales, and I wouldn't be able to use them for rubber protectors, so I'm not in a choice from the start. The rice cake would be a rice cake store. Explained that. Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen whispered to Her Royal Highness Richard about something. I heard that. His Royal Highness Richard calls the guards out loud.

I ordered one of the guards who appeared to give me the ring that Her Royal Highness Lady Maurice had removed from her finger to call the king.


I had no choice but to kneel and be in awe.

Her Royal Highness and His Highness are talking to each other seriously.

Her Royal Highness seemed to have some fun, and Her Royal Highness was under the impression that she was a pioneer.

That's how the king appeared.

"Something wrong?

He just glanced at me and got to the throne.

Her Royal Highness slaps her in the ear.

"What! Is it more amazing than the arr that Zahm is always proud of?!? Which, status opens... Hmm, the protospecies Wyvern..."

So what?

"Hey, Greed. I'll buy you this scale at 100,000 Z per sheet. What do you say?"

Huh? Yeahhh!?


Out of the question.

'Cause there's a lot more than a thousand of them, right?

It took more than six hours for ten of us to strip it off.

Even if it's 10,000 sheets, it's a billion Z!

Shh, wow!

Of course, if I tailored it to armor, I'd put a little more value on it, and you could make a couple of outfits?

But it's going to take six months or a year to create, and it's going to be about the same amount of extra wages?

That said, would you buy me everything for the boulder?

"You, Gried, are a good adventurer, too. Know how much it's worth. Ugh?"


Dangerous. They were supposed to fool me.

"I'm kidding. Jokes."


"Buy one for two hundred thousand. You're not complaining about this, are you? How many of them are there?



"Ha. That's a pretty small one, but I was wondering if there would be about 10,000 of them all if we ignored the size..."

You're a hoax, damn it.

"Am I? Hey! Are you kidding me! Now you're saying it's small... it's the biggest class scales, this!

His Royal Highness and Highness as well as the King were very surprised.

The overall length of a normal Wyvern is about seven or eight meters, and it seems to be about 2,000 scales large enough to be used for armor, whether you can take a piece. It's common sense that you can't even think about a shield. He said he doesn't look good without some sized scales, and that if he's too small, he can't be processed into boulders. They can only be used for swords, spear sheaths, etc. rather than protective equipment when they are below a certain size, and they also lose strength because they become unprocessed.

When I made my fingers more than double the size of the scale I just showed them and showed them, "Is this about the biggest one?" not only did I open my mouth gently, but it was the end of the day when my eyes started to get dazed.

Eventually, I hurried back to Balduk and had the feather to come back out with all the chopped heads and scales. They invite artisans who the royal family is kind enough to scrutinize about the price. Neither me nor I thought it was worth it, so I didn't feel the hassle of hurrying back to Balduk.

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