14 Jul 7447

It was tough yesterday.

I ended up staying at the royal castle.

I haven't slept because of it.

It's good to go back to Balduk once after that and charter the carriage and climb the castle again with Wyvern's scales and head.

I can also nod that there was a private room in one of the three circles.

Some time after his arrival, His Royal Highness Richard came to the King and his wife.

I tell him to show his head first, so I showed him Wyvern's head, which he left on the carriage carriage carriage in an icy state. When they removed the rubber pulling cloth they were using as a cover, the three seemed unable to conceal their surprise expression uniformly. But that's when I heard about "big scales” yesterday morning, and I heard them say that there seemed to be more scales, but I was also a little surprised that they were going to surprise me that much.

Anyway, none of the Slaughters ever saw the real Wyvern alone. So I didn't even know this Wyvern was more than double its normal size. Somewhat to a large extent, I guess, I was thinking.

It also seemed surprising to see Wyvern's head that he was an official with a soldier who took the streets where he was making a fuss, including the king. In the end, I don't know. A large number of people came to replace me, and I saw Wyvern's head all the time and made a fuss. That must have been almost everyone serving the royal castle hearing rumors and walking in to see it at first sight.

I wonder if I felt proud of everyone who went to the eleventh level with me when I got a sense of reality, even though at some point I was pushed to act like a personnel organizer, "I've done something so many people would admire to see."

I've been busy so far, but I'm glad to hear it, and it's not like I care about the degree of personnel organization. The scales on the head would be a double thread, and if you want, you can give them to me. But I want to sell it if I can.

The craftsmen who were summoned while doing this have continually ascended the castle.

What twelve of them were there.

A lot of people dressed up quite snugly because they came up to the royal castle to speak of craftsmen.

Some people seemed to be making a lot of money, and it wasn't uncommon for people to wear clothes that looked a few steps better than me.

That was only a problem after His Highness Richard invited me and them into the Sannomaru and began testing the scales.

His Royal Highness Richard irresponsibly said, "It's the Wyvern scales that were all on the table in these four big bags. Then give me a full share and price."

The craftsmen pointed out that the bags needed to be sorted out by size first, as they were just unconstructively packed without sorting out the peeled scales. I had no choice, so I turned the bag upside down in an attempt to turn it into a mountain about a centimeter in diameter, and the artisans who saw the zero-out scale changed the color of their eyes and jumped.

They rarely get scales that exceed three centimeters in long diameter, and if you try them, they looked like a pile of treasure. In the end, it took 13 people, including me, to build a mountain of 0,5 centimeters.

It seems that small items with a diameter of less than one centimeter do not have a large value because they are difficult to process, but they are still traded at a high price of 10,000 Z. There seem to be several processing methods for each part of the armor, so they can make armor the size they like to bring in without any processing, so this was also a factor that raised the value somewhat.

And it's been tough since each craftsman became a step to value. Five mountains ranging in diameter from 1 cm to 3 cm were immediately valued. The number is highest because the smaller one, even though it was all peeled off, was peeled from skin to skin. A total of more than three thousand scales had been confirmed in these five mountains alone. Prices ranged from 255 million Z below to 315 million Z above.

It is to be purchased at the average of the values given by these twelve artisans. These five mountains totaled 275 million Z. Up to this point, there have been no particular major problems. Anyway, the scale and size you can take from a regular Wyvern doesn't change much.

The problem is eight mountains of scales between 3 and 5 cm and 7 cm in size (they were a little short of 5,000 when I counted them) and mountains larger than that. There are no more than two hundred scales of mountains over the largest seven and five centimeters, but a single one was given a value of 680,000 to 800,000 Z. On average, it is seventy-five million Z, and this alone is nearly 150 million dollars.

It's a hassle, so I can't think of any more details, but all the scales of the original Wyvern are a little short of 2.3 billion, which is the average amount estimated by the artisans.


The above amount was only assumed to be a "normal” Wyvern scale. All craftsmen said they wanted you to remember that it was simply valued based on size. The point was that if you finished the machining process and created the armor, it was a ignored price for what was the only material that seemed to have a special name and for what there was a magical reaction, and if you tailored this to the armor (they said if you use it all, there would be about four people, and if you use it luxuriously, it would be about three people), you were nailing that price would be even more expensive.

Naturally, it's a very gratifying story for me.

It's such a dream story that I'm going to jump up and dance.

Whatever. Now...

Nearly all mental powers needed to be mobilized to contain the burning face, there were times when he was sleepless, and when the night dawned and he reported to the king, he was about to make a strange voice. High tension of lack of sleep is scary.

"... Huh. Is it going to be named..."

The king, who received a report from me and His Royal Highness Richard, nodded with a slightly excited face.

"That's what all craftsmen say. It is a national treasure when it comes to being a weapon of name! No matter how poor the quality, it's not strange to be a family heirloom. However, if there is a common view among the craftsmen that quality is not the highest for this scale…"

His Royal Highness, who reports next to me as much as I do in thanking His Highness, can't hide his excitement to guess from the tone of his voice. There are a few works of art such as painting and sculpture in this era, but the patron system is not developed, so such products have very rare and unscrupulous values. It is common sense that a uniquely named item has more value than that. It is also one of the reasons why rarely available magical objects from labyrinths and the like are expensive.

"Hmm...... That's what I'm talking about when I'm done tailoring my armor..."

The opposite king had a voice playing while saying this.

By the way, I, you haven't said a word yet about selling it.

No, of course I don't want to sell it.

If you say it's a national treasure class, I'll give it to you. Instead, I just think it's a territory.

'Cause my predecessors, the King, once had an adventurer like me give a fireball wand a reward for describing it to the Viscount and leaving the territory to him, didn't he?

I understand that magical armor (magical armor) is likely to be made.

I also heard that that's not one place to wear it, but three... I think I could make about four if I suck.

But there's no untrained magic armor.

I'm not interested in being a national treasure, either.

Nothing is worth more than a piece of art for an item that you just decorate without even using it.

Well, I want expensive art, too.

You can boast just because you have it, and just because you possess it will foil you.

Besides, people who know the value of things are impressed.

Most importantly, my eyes, the owner, will entertain me too.

But that's fine with my kids, my grandkids, and my future generations.

Maybe you can't afford that while I'm alive.

I would be satisfied if I could gain a sense of accomplishment as the founding father.

We did it, you just have to think.

Besides, my army armor thinks a rubber protector would suffice. Paragonoki seeds were also divided a little last year when they returned home, on the condition that they would not be exported in the future. With my magic and the magic of Grouse Plant, I can promote the growth of 500 rubber scarecrows every day for a month. It would be midday, as it used to be, but it's possible to grow for three months each day if you eat and hold the mites and fall asleep. You'll be able to get the sap in three weeks. Well, there's nothing else I can do in the meantime.

In the end, as for Wyvern's scales, it was decided to tailor them to armor before opening up their value again. In order to do this, I will first ask the artisans as individuals to produce armor with materials in it. Of course, you can sell all the scales like this. The royal family recommended it. But there's no reason to say yes to an armored dawn knowing it could come with a name. You can't just give in there.

It takes about four months to process the scales and the tailoring of the armor takes about the same amount of time per outfit. I mean, it's early to get a formal value and next spring. It's a super expensive item, and I guess so.

It should be noted that the scales are processed, but a few craftsmen have come forward to make sure that they are done. But I'm going to ask one of them, a guy named Carlim, who I heard had a good reputation for. At first I also thought I would give it to all those who wanted it in equal portions in order to shorten their time, but they said they had to make it subtle one by one to fit the shape of the armored wearer (manufactured first according to the size of His Highness Richard's body by the king's wishes), so I heard that one craftsman should do the whole process.

The cost of processing is estimated at approximately 30 million Z. for one piece. The wages for tailoring the armor after that seem to be about 10 million Z. Firstly, tailor His Highness Richard's armor and shield, leaving the excess scales unprocessed. They're going to use this to tailor the armor of His Highness Richard's son, who is just five years old now. He wants to be machined again after he's grown up and then tailored as armor.

A skilled armorer has sharp predictive eyes about the growth of the wearer, but he says he needs to be old enough for a boulder to grow up in person. At that point, they can perform the machining with some anticipation of later height growth, growth of hands and feet, etc.

A boulder with armor is synonymous with a luxury item.

It's not like a rubber protector close to mass production in Barkud.

I was impressed.

It should be noted that the armor of the son of His Royal Highness Richard, the grandson of Wang Tai Sun, was to be given in equal measure to the armor of His Highness Richard. This means that the exact same amount of scales will be reserved as His Highness Richard's armor and will also be kept for repair for the remaining scales. You won't be there by four times the estimated price you can put on your first armor, but you won't have a bee if you expect to triple it or so.

I went back to the Chamber of Commerce with a hock-face while doing (though I've already caught it) calculations for the uncatched raccoons, and invited the Russegs to dinner.

"What's going on? Can't believe we're all suddenly eating together?

"Dear Al, you seem tired today, is there anything good you can do?

Says Russeg and Millie, who were suddenly summoned from the workplace.

"Hmm? Yeah, well. We'll figure it out. Hey, Harris?


Harris doesn't seem to know how to answer, with his face that he doesn't quite understand.

That's right, but you're gonna look a little happier without being so hard, okay?

"Uh, yeah. Tomorrow or so, no, but I think we'll get to know each other today, okay?

If I told him that without suppressing the nigga, the Donneols seemed to understand right away. He thinks it's a ten-layer breakthrough.

"Nfu. When I eat, I go back to the store and get some sleep. You guys, take the day off from work and go before the administration, right? Hey, don't worry about Leila and the others. Why don't you just go?"

Russeg and Millie snorted at me if I were to say so much.

Heh heh. He says Wyvern's head will be decorated in front of the administration this afternoon with a public announcement.

I want you to see it!

They're going to take it to the stripper tonight.

Back in Balduk in the evening I caught Mizuchi, who had been indulgent in his room before dinner.

"Scales are supposed to be tailored to armor. We don't know how much until next spring."

Start talking in my room.

Mizuchi is sitting across the street from the table drinking bean tea floating with ice.

"But you know the whole story, don't you?

"Yeah. A billion dollars a piece would be over. According to this, two billion isn't weird. I really don't know a little bit more about what that will wear. But I'm expected to wear at least two."

Anyway, we also need to put in place a policy of machining before we actually do the machining first. I need some temporary tailoring with that. The wishes of His Royal Highness Richard, the wearer, must also be heard, and decisions must be made about the design. At this point, an estimate of the approximate number of sheets used is made for scales. At the same time, we find out a lot about how many clothes we can make, but we still don't know where it ends up.

The scales used according to the design are then processed. There will naturally be failures in the processing of scales, so I don't even know the yield until I finish the processing. After that, we have to sort the scales that can be used. Temporary tailoring is carried out several times together. Row this far to find out exactly how many sheets to use and the size of the scale to use. It's this time to figure out exactly how many clothes you can make. They say they will probably wear two or three. Because they use scales in luxury.

"Wow! Four billion if you wear two!? Three billion if you pay the reward and taxes...... Amulets are going to sell high... for this minute."

Mizuchi's face appears to have a degree of excitement, no heart or redness.

"Yeah. Depends on the price of other magic items (magic items). Whatever the other magic items (magic items), I think they add up to nearly 12 billion when combined with the amulet and what we have now."

"... yes. Congratulations. You make your dreams come true..."

Mizuchi, who put the cup of bean tea back on the table, said with a smile as he looked like he was about to cry.

"Yeah. Um... thanks"

Mizuchi and his gaze intersect.

I was smiling naturally, too.

It clogs the distance between nature and the face.

That's when I heard a rambling up the stairs at the Boyle Pavilion.

There was a rogue guy there.

... We're not the only ones staying.

I felt a little sorry for myself.

Mizuchi is also smiling bitterly.

I flatter my shoulders, too.

But that rude footsteps knocked on the door when they came in front of my room.

Who is it?

"Mr. Gried, you're here!?"

He seems to be in a hurry.

This voice, it's not a killer (Slaters).

But I know.

It's Andersen's sister, the leader of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

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