14 Jul 7447

Uh, already, damn it! You've been a good place for a long time, what is it!?

What did you mean, other than the guests come to the front of the room on their own in the first place!?

Even Carm, Kim and Lorrick can be stopped at the front desk, right?

The innkeepers should work properly!

"Let's let it go."

Lift Mizuchi's jaw.

"Are you okay? Shouldn't we leave?

Mizuchi says with a slightly worried face.

It looks like it's completely chilled. Damn.

"Maybe something happened."

That's right. If I had to do something, I wouldn't be here.

"Hey!? You're not here!?"

Andersen's voice was again heard from outside the door with the sound of a knock that had become only a little violent.

It also feels like something is stuck in my feathers.

It should be noted that at about the same time, "Sir, please don't!" or "Hey, you, stop it! I also heard innkeepers, employees, and lads saying," Mmm, that's impossible. "

"I don't know what else to do, I'm just gonna come out."

"Yeah, I think we should do that"

I got up from my chair and headed for the door.

"... that's what I'm saying. I'll give you a hand with my father and her parents, okay?

A small sigh leaked on me as I lay my hands on the table and looked down at the old woman with dark pink hair looking up at me as I lowered my head.

When I opened the door, I put my chest armor on the leather armor that had been embedded in it and hung it up to the crossbow (crossbow), and there was Andersen with a sword and a fully armed, chopped look on his lower back. Follow Boyle Pavilion employees like goldfish shit. I saw a relief look on everyone's face, including Andersen, when I looked like a pain in the ass. I had no choice but to invite her into my room and respond with Mizuchi.

She started talking from the beginning with the foreword, "I'll tell you everything without a secret."

Fourteen Knights came last Wednesday (that is, July 9th) that they are on vacation from Wang Du. They say there are three groups of four or five each. It should be noted that this group is all active Knights, and that quite a few positions in the Knights were mixed. All of them, they were on extended leave from the Knights.

Needless to say, when I heard this, Mizuchi and I only had a bad feeling.

As expected, there was a bad feeling, and each of the three groups was led by Noirula Siebecht, Yorile Reface, and Michele Forcaine. He is the bastard of the Three-King. They had brought in a squire from their parents' house, which could be described as a ministerial corps, all of whom, they said, were active members of the Third and Fourth Knights of the Kingdom as well. Perhaps it's a good choice among my parents' squire.

That said, the purpose for which they had come all the way to Balduk was common. It is to be accompanied by the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) connected to the King, to gain experience fighting monster opponents in the Labyrinth, and to empower them as Adventurers.

Andersen's sister says it's because she has to be someone who can help me, an adventurer. Well, in the future, hunting monsters for territorial security is necessary, so I don't know what to say. The new lord will need to take the popularity of the inhabitants, and everyone will be welcome if the army of a country that doesn't need a commission to get rid of them hunts monsters.

The point is, instead of taking money with me, I also put in place a ready-to-use subordinate. I guess it's to appeal to you that you can also take the lead in eliminating monsters. It's not uncommon for a lord's spouse to be on the battlefield, that would also be necessary in a world like this. Well, it can also be said that it is mandatory in Dart Plains, where fighting with Dabus occurs at least once every four or five years or so.

Anyway, the fourteen, who wanted to get used to fighting against monsters but came all the way to Balduk, first approached Vilheimer and Andersen and asked them to train themselves as adventurers along with a good reward for it. Simply put, he was hired as a guide.

Andersen as well as Vilheimer were aware of the circumstances of the commoner. Speaking of which, I met Vilheimer when I was invited by Lady Yorile, who was staying at the wooden pavilion of the Village, but that wasn't a coincidence? I wonder what it was because I was getting paid for it. Before that, I guess I couldn't have said no to them who also worked as kings among themselves in Balduk.

In addition, apart from the others, the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) was also forced to suspend its activities for a while because of the treatment and rehabilitation of seriously injured members, so it may have been caught in a fairly expensive reward. We need to get to the fifth floor. It'll be just fine for rehab. If you're black yellow balls (Black Topaz), Andersen seems to have been pretty cordial with Michaels at the bottom of his three common daughters for a long time, so I guess he was gladly hired to throw out a combat slave that he'd just bought them in a few weeks or so.

Neurula and her four squires were taken by five or fewer Vilheimers for a total of ten parties, and Yorile and her four squires were taken by four or fewer Green League (Berdegli Brotherhood) subleaders Bath. This was a total of nine parties. Andersen said he was at a party of ten with Michaels and three of her squires and went into the labyrinth the following Thursday.

It was naturally confirmed that he would stand on his arm rather well to take him. He's an active Knights member, so you don't have to go with a first-rate adventurer to expect a second-rate degree. I don't think there is any doubt about the fact that the three bastards themselves have quite a few arms because they are trained in the Knights.

Of course, it would be inferior to the members of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), but under their command, who worked out as adventurers, they could manage to fight for about four layers because they also have the support of first-rate adventurers.

To be clear, the four layers the undead cross are the best way to brush your arms in a monster opponent's battle. The undead seem to be particularly vulnerable to fire magic on top of the fact that attack magic works quite easily. It is also important to have a disgusting appearance and have unconscionable means of attack such as paralysis and poison, but the movement is often quite dull. It will be easy to get brains and guts.

Besides, there are more types of traps than one or two layers, and unlike three layers, passageways and rooms are damp natural caves, so scaffolding can be bad, so you can gain combat experience under such circumstances. It's just right to watch out for unintentional blows. There are many places to whisk back the walls. Naturally, the danger increases, but in four layers, everything from the foundations of the adventurer to the application can be practiced. What we have learned here is easy to translate into outdoor behavior.

Anyway, the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) is headed by five Vilheimers. Breaking up into two pairs of four with Bath as the leader of a separate squad, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) entered the labyrinth in addition to six headed by Andersen, taking the common son in charge to each squad.

And on the 11th of this month, Friday night, we arrive at three layers of metastatic crystals. As for the first and second layers, they had already obtained a map of Guineh. They had stepped up to the second layer of metastatic crystal in the first day. And from the following Saturday, we will finally make the transition to the fourth tier.

According to Andersen, at least Mimile and her three squire listened very honestly to Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) and were trying hard to learn know-how. Well, Mimile seems to have had an edge with Andersen, and that's not what I get, such as the opportunity to be coached directly by a superior adventurer in the first place. Even the Orthodox Knights of the First Knights would try hard to absorb it. Even I learned quite a bit from sunlight (Sun Ray).

They said Saturday and Monday, the first two days they started trying four levels, went well with no particular problems. At a set time, both parties were back between three layers of properly transferred crystals and well rested. Although there were naturally minor failures and such, they were all followed before they developed into deadly problems because they were labyrinthine rows pulled off by superior adventurers. The problem begins Monday night, that is, last night.

There's no way to break a rule that can be called indiscriminate more than camping on three levels. In other words, somewhat cozy corners and walls are quick winners, and respect for other party areas.

Of course, the lady and her men were patient at first without complaining. However, a group wearing high-end metal armor on boulders stands out. Both second-class and third-class adventurers are quite often uncomfortable. It's not like anyone skips an unproductive field when wearing or removing armor or or changing clothes.

And Vilheimer and Andersen can understand that it would be hard for young women of aristocratic origin to wipe their bodies while numerous adventurers stare, even if hidden with cloth. Above all, he is a common son, but also a noble blood muscle. I want to reduce the likelihood that I will make a mistake and show my balls skin with both adventurers. That's the same with Andersen's sister, but now it's about her, and I don't care if she gets older at this time.

I'd like to tell you to be patient, but under those circumstances, I can be stuck in a boulder. I didn't tell the adventurers not to see it, but there's no way anyone would fit that. There is no reason to impose on adventurers who have no edge or itch to say that the Vilheimers are superior adventurers. If they noticed, they would turn that way or look down, but most of them would soon be hiding and watching.

There's a limit that the subordinates built people's walls, and in the end, it's a situation where you just have to separate a piece of cloth and wipe your body. This is how my subordinates are dissatisfied and demand that they do something about it. Finally, the three ladies who were disgusted by the continuous camping of unclean adventurers among the shifting crystals have spoken out about improving the camp.

Because they had no choice, Vilheimer and Andersen talked about transferring the camp to a four-layer transfer crystal.

Well, it's troublesome, but it's not all bad talk. The knights acted more carefully than expected and had nothing to be proud of. And it was true that I used to follow the instruction. He also fought quite cautiously but sometimes boldly during the battle, even feeling quite well trained. It is also significant that enough was likely to be done to get through the four layers.

Even if the five layers of boulder cannot be moved to the four layers of transferring crystal, the camp can be instructed without transferring. It would also be more efficient to teach a four-layer depth that is rarely vandalized by second-rate to first-and-a-half parties. Most importantly, if you use a base camp between four layers of metastatic crystals, you can also organize a large party for a total of about thirty people. The safety factor also jumps dramatically.

Also, the original aim is natural. Only they usually use four layers of metastatic crystals: Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair) and Slaughters (Slaughters). To the extent that both sides can get through, there is also less camping over the long term on four levels. Very rarely, a first-and-a-half party can show its face, but it can be ignored as a possibility.

The Eradicators (Exterminators) are also now home to five layers and repeating the battle around five. I knew it was because there was a shower and there were decent kitchen facilities and a sleeping area. So there is likely no Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) or Killer (Slaters). Even if I was there, I'd be gone overnight.

After discussing those reasons, the two decided to move the camp to the fourth floor, and decided to spend the whole day today traveling to the room of the fourth layer of the transfer crystal.

In the morning, as usual, the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) each moved to four layers. And the Andersens arrived in a four-layer, metastatic crystal room by 4 p.m. as expected. They said the party led by Bath had already arrived. But the party led by Vilheimer didn't arrive for more than an hour.

That said, strength has brought in as many as five labyrinth beginners of something high. The Vilheimers are unlikely to be lucky with their metastases and are also somewhat far-fetched for safety. Besides, she wasn't too worried about the four layers. But while Andersen and the others were preparing for the camp, only Neurora and her two squire, led by a bunnyman spearman named Lembar Colemain (an attacker), arrived at four layers of metastatic crystals. Everyone but Lembar was quite small and suffered some kind of injury.

In a hurry to ask the circumstances, led by Vilheimer, they reached the Mon Room before noon in a place where there were no more than two kilometers to the four-layer metastatic crystal. He said the room had also passed the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) about a year ago, and Ghoul was nesting at the time. There are maps, and because things were going pretty well that way, it was expected that at this rate we would be able to arrive at about two o'clock between the four layers of metastatic crystals.

Though I carefully scouted what was going on in the room, the Lord could not discover it.

He was struck wondering if it was just after the Great Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) or the Killer (Slaters) had passed. Then there is the possibility that either of these parties will be among the transition crystals, but today it was expected that they will be able to rest slowly without much concern for the eyes in a spacious place.

And there was a tragedy as we walked through the room.

He says he had enemies in his room at some point.

Unaware of the appearance, he was utterly surprised, and one of Neurula's squire, who was walking at the rear, was hit.

I noticed the attack because of the sound of his fall as a warning.

He said the opponent didn't look like a monster, although he instantly consolidated his combat posture.

Lembar and Neurula and their squire reported that they thought they were another adventurer.

Although Vilheimer and Shield Holder Sarah Pacheek and the other squire pointed their swords at each other as they questioned them, the squire was lightly defeated in the wake of the adventurer's magic attack. The magic was released fast enough to blink from close range. He lost his temper to a tremendous degree of practice.

At this point, Vilheimer threw a spare map at Lembar and immediately ordered him to either aim to rendezvous or retreat with the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) or the rest of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), he said.

Renbar chose to rendezvous without hesitation because it was more than halfway across the room and the distance to the room of the metastatic crystal was overwhelmingly closer.

All that remains are four: Vilheimer and Sarah Pacheek, Dwarf's Tsuruga (Grave) Lizara Redflare, and Elf's Bowman (Blast Back) Rockwell Malostalon.

If Vilheimer's old man thought the boulder was too unscrupulous for a group of adventurers, he said there was only one adventurer. And for the first time there I was convinced to hear the adventurer's appearance.

He said he was naked.

Naked, amazingly fast to unleash magic, people-like...

I have only one idea.

The hierarchy that emerged is also the same fourth layer.

I used to dust it with one shot.

"To rescue?

"Put Bath on the leader. The rest of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and all but me (Black Topaz) are on their way. The knights had me back on the ground with them. I'm here with those legs..."

And then the story goes back to the beginning.

He changes the atmosphere as he sighs with me and only speaks "hey" to Mizuchi, who almost opens his mouth to say something. Mizuchi immediately took a seat as if he had drawn on what I wanted to say. Switching around here is faster than me. I think it's a boulder.

In the meantime, I'm a time-consuming public tale.

"But they're alone, aren't they? Even though it was the first time they poked me into surprise, there are four of them, and you can do anything about it, right?

Mizuchi left the room without a sound. I also stand up and head to the corner of the room, speaking to Andersen, while switching to the battle mode of the spirit, just like Mizuchi. Andersen looks at me with an annoyed face and responds.

"... are you serious? Bare in the labyrinth is abnormal enough, and it's odd that he suddenly showed up in the room. Besides, as far as I can tell, magic moves are pretty good, like you. Maybe there's some other crew lurking in the aisle or something, raiding all at once."

Well, I know you have a pretty good sense of crisis from sending an immediate rescue team and just pulling them out. But you don't seem to realize it's a monster on a boulder. I haven't actually seen it, and I can't help it. Normally, it would be natural to take a bare raid to induce alarm and assume that the main unit would be attacked from another direction.

"... Shit, I've been licked a lot too... but I can't help it"

I'm not licking anything. I just checked to see what kind of perception you have, and I have no other intention.

"So, it's a reward. How much can I expect?

I took off my spa shirt, and when I sat back on the bed, I also took off my shoes and socks.

"... I promise a minimum of ten million. However, the recovery of the body of Neurora's squire or the demonic stone is conditional. And if we can rescue Vilheimer alive, our reward will be doubled."

Considering the hierarchy of four tiers, I can say that it is quite expensive and good for the price.


I'm sure... you won't get that reward.

Perhaps by now that old man has four friendly murders with his Dwarf aunt, bunnyman, and elves.

I also feel that if the naked generals are vampires, the demon stones are also perverted about the followers of Neurula.

No, there's a chance the old men are winning.

"What's the advance?

I also say pompous socks off in the laundry locker where I threw my shirt in.

Andersen stared at me as he sat down in his chair.

When I shoved the shoes I'd been wearing under my bed, I stood up to pick up my new underwear.

"You want an advance?

"I wish I could. Well, that's true."

Me, Mizuchi, I don't care if you include any upfront payments.

Honestly, the rescue itself is like a joke because time is running out and it seems impossible.

I'm just tapping my mouth lightly to cool my hot heart.

Number one, I'm putting up number one in Balduk.

You have to do what you deserve.

"Oh yeah...... I mean, let's just..."

Andersen says something bumpy.

I don't think it stinks like an asshole to refuse to pay in advance.

I put on my new socks with my upper body naked and also took off my pants.

Take this previously newly tailored guy from the hanger from under the armor hanging on the wall by the bed.

"Well... I'm in a hurry... and the time will take..."

I checked under the armor all the time to see if there were any abnormalities in the belt holes or anything like that passing through the protector's band. No abnormalities.

When I took the washed shirt out of the tans I keep at the foot of the bed and wore it, I wore pants under my armor, and went on to weave feathers on the top as well.

Keep your feelings rolling hot and cool your consciousness.

"And besides... me, me, that... not really..."

Take the bands hanging with you on the hanger you left hanging under your armor and tie your hips together.

Put your foot through the braided combat shoes and the hem of your trousers under your armor tie tight in the shoes.

I wore a torso part and fastened my belt when I went as far as hanging my armor.

It comes tight when you start wearing protectors all the time.

"Wow, younger kids are better... of, you want me to call Neurola?

Wear arm parts and also chest and back parts.

Thread your legs through your hips and connect them to parts around your torso.

Fasten your thighs, knees, and shins.

My head is getting cold, too.

"Oh, or... Yorile or something? Mi, michaels? I know, you better be young."

I'm still saying something bumpy.

It's a joke that you want the advance just now.

The goal is to defeat the vampires.

I'll make sure you twitch your eyes!

Maybe it's not Lord, but I want to grab straw here too.

"Oh, never mind that"

I responded appropriately while fixing a plank-shaped grass fold around my waist.

Secure shoulder parts. Wear a helmet and tie the jaw string securely.

Place your elbows in place, put your hands through the long bag, and let your fingers open and close all the way.

All right, while it's expensive, it feels good and cool.

Plus, I call myself the Saviors.

You have to prove it in your own words and actions that you deserve it.

"Huh? Yes, surprisingly...... and older is this, preferred?

Finally, attach the cage hand and attach the personal emergency pack to the D-ring at the back of your hips.

Pull the knife out of the sheath to confirm the blade. No abnormalities.

Return to the sheath and attach with a rubber belt to the right leg.

I can go today. We can go!

"Sa, it's over thirty, and... hi... it's been a long time... is embarrassing..."

A thousand of the caged hands of both hands are fine.

Also check the gunsword on the wall.

This is no abnormality either.



What the fuck are you doing? This sister.

Andersen looked down and untied the leather tie of the studded leather armor.

I've been wearing it before, so you don't have a problem with that, okay?

Was the string loose?

"Sorry to keep you waiting, but you're ready..."

Mizuchi came into the room, just like me, stuck to a rubber protector.

Bearing a bow and an arrow barrel (Quiver), with a crooked knife (spotter) on his hips, he solidifies his gear and his expression is completely in combat mode, just like mine.

"Oh, and then we'll check the location of the room."

Because he left it on his cheek while I was wearing my armor, Andersen was in a panic and retightening the leather string. He's totally geared up, and he's shy and bright red at us.

"You know where the room is, don't you?

He asked Andersen to bring up a four-layer map and spread it out.

"Heya? Oh, the room... yeah, the room. Of course."

She also showed me a four-layer map of herself spreading with gutter.

Don't panic.

"... in this room."

Around there...... Me and Mizuchi checked again on the map of Guineh, which we also spread out on the table. To say that there are entries is where we've been in the past.

"Mizuchi, are you all there?

"There was no one there. It's a little early for dinner... I'm looking for some time..."

"Right. Well, there's a map, and that's not good. Just the guy in the shooney is good enough. You have to leave a message for everyone, and I'll get you some food and some garlic, so you can gather the Shooney slaves and go ahead."


Made Mizchi get ahead of the inn where the slaves were staying.

Me, Mizuchi and six battle slaves have loaded (porter) gibberties, plus Andersen. Note that according to Mizuchi, crucifixes, birdhouses, etc. will probably not work, so I haven't thought about it since the beginning. I almost wanted to try the silver bullets, but all the raw hate and guns are between the eight layers of metastatic crystals. I can't get my hands on it.

"So shall we go this way?

He said he was in a hurry. The arrival will take until tomorrow morning. We should go around buying food.

It should be noted that I didn't feel the need to see my three daughters anymore.

July 15, 7447.

The time now is...... 2: 56 AM?

You're almost out of a break.

I should have been in yesterday around 18: 00, so nine hours until I finished my little pause between the three layers of metastatic crystals.

Andersen, Henry, Meck, Ruby and Jess are here, so it's a little late.

Well, that's why I can afford to see a map in the aisle without Guineh.

"Ma'am... or..."

Andersen groaned in a potpourri as he stared at my battle slaves as they went to add something in turn.

Yesterday, when Andersen and I bought food and arrived at the entrance square, Mizuchi was draining a lesson from the battle slaves.

"... Mr. Andersen is more senior than we are. Treat me with respect."

"" "Yes, ma'am!

Or so he said.

Since then, every time I've had to, I've had to call her ma'am.

Mizuchi, you're going to be releasing a tow ball even though you're the three daughters of a bastard who's a king through Andersen.

Tearful, tearful effort and understanding of her feelings, but I can't help feeling a little pitiful and painful.

It's time.

"I'm coming."

It's a signal to everyone to leave.

I'm talking a little politely because Andersen is mixed up.

I haven't shown this much ice pickling, but both Mizuchi and I use quite a bit of attack magic in Mon Room. I met a monster in the aisle, and Mizuchi and Andersen's bow were covered, and they kicked me like a pair of armor sleeves.

I'm not going to hide that our party is treading the labyrinth at an unusual rate anymore, or that we have a detailed map.

We're going to say goodbye to the labyrinth next spring, no matter how long.

Even the map will eventually make you want it, you can't do that to a boulder, yeah.

Anyway, there is no shortage as the legendary narrative of the Killer (Slaters) if Andersen, who has led Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), both unofficially and as the first-born son of the King and a super-class group of adventurers.

Grab the metastatic crystal.


... It smells slightly rotten. After a few dozen minutes, I get used to it and feel nothing, but whenever I come, I feel bad. I opened the map.

"It's ninety-four, sir."

Meck confirms the destination number and tells me.

... here.

It doesn't seem necessary to redo the metastasis.

Six kilometers from here?

If you dash assuming there are no traps and no enemies, you can go without taking twenty minutes, but that's too dangerous for a boulder for me.

"This way. Let's go."

If you can keep up the pace you've been at, you're two hours away from your destination...

The adventurers who were camping on two or three levels said they had not seen either the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) or the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

I guess that's why.

Andersen also has a diminishing mouth count these days.

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