July 15, 7447.

"... there he is. Seventy, no, about sixty. Fifteen."

I found a bunch of goblin zombies ahead.

"Again? How do you know?

Andersen is amazed at how many times I've noticed monsters from afar by the time I get here. He seems to think this good prospect is the driving force behind the Killer (Slaters) leap. Of course, if you're not even me, there are some people who notice at this distance if you're a living monster up to three levels, and there are a few who feel the signs of a monster from a distance more by using the inherent skills of the species if you're a bunnyman or a werewolf (Wolfwer). But there are quite a few mistakes and mistakes.

But in my case, I've been so busy.

"Ruby and Jess go to Mizuchi. Come to me for the rest."

Put the surprised Andersen elsewhere, calm down and give the necessary instructions.

My slaves sometimes go into the labyrinth on holidays with me, Mizuchi, or some other savior (Sabres), and that's when they become a magic practice bench. And now, the magic that Mizuchi and I are using is a magic specializing in fighting against the undead: the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike). This magic is often taken care of in the four and five layers these days.

The slaves also quickly come out with weapons in their hands with what they are accustomed to.

witchcraft while touching it in turn.

The weapon hung by the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) dwells a glow like the light of the sun while the magic is active. One brightness at a time is no big deal, but still, when this number of people, six people, get together, the surroundings are just as confusing as daylight.

"It's a balance nine. Kick it out in thirty seconds."

When ordered to hound his prey against the six combat slaves, he immediately flied Zulu out slightly and Meck, Zulu, Engela and Henry sidelined him, a little behind which Ruby and Jess advanced with a long-held weapon (pole arm).

And me and Mizuchi, we go after the slaves by forming a gibberti-centric formation in Andersen.

Even the Goblin Zombies are corrupt, peeling off their skin, dripping off rotten juice, and so on, but by the time we arrive on the battlefield, they will have become more damaged and want to cover their eyes and roll around.

"How many sorceries can you use...?

Andersen groans in a frivolous manner.

Well, that's not impossible either. Ordinary adventurer wizards are sophisticated in using three types of magic, even a lot of guys, combined with healing and attack. Some guys can use yet another kind if they're about the top team, but I'm definitely the first to think they can only use healing magic to treat their buddies injuries and ranged attack magic to damage monsters and get them started quickly.

Anyone who uses other sorcery is rare, and can be described as a freak.

It's not uncommon for a guy to take more than a minute to use even the magic of lights.

And that's normal, rather than to say.

Aim straight at the destination without imitating like collecting demonic stones.

After a while, I went to the mon room and hit it.

"What about reconnaissance?

Here again Andersen asked, but his face was that he already knew the answer.

"It's a waste of time. Hey."

He did not imitate his expectations and also hung the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) on the weapons of the slaves, forcing them to penetrate the room. The lord of the four-layer room has more than 80% of some kind of zombie or ghoul, to the extent that there are rarely guys like Giant Centipede or a small version of the slime called Greywoods. It doesn't have to be undead. There's more to it than me or Mizuchi right behind you.

Then, in about an hour and a half, the Vilheimers arrived at a position of 100m to the mon room where they had been reported to have been attacked. We have confirmed that there are no traps, including hidden doors, between rooms.

"Is there someone you want to do something for?

No reply.

"Okay. He's in the room ahead, and the guy in motion is undead. I'm assuming it's probably a vampire from what's reported."


Andersen shouts surprises at things like that unexpectedly, but he's a veteran around not shouting at boulders. It should also be noted that my battle slaves look amazed. Zulu and Engela also know now that their goals are vampires, and of course.

"Va, a vampire... why is that...?

"I don't have time to elaborate. But I talked to him because I needed to say no in advance. They just think they're likely vampires."

When I said that, I turned to the battle slaves.

It has been confirmed that there are vampires in the oath, and it has generally become a famous monster that can be called synonymous with the undead. It seems that some rural village was also destroyed by just one vampire about thirty or forty years ago in the Kingdom of Lomberto. In particular, the vampire was reportedly exterminated in the nearest Knights' outing and was finally destroyed, albeit at great cost.

The dead that came out by the time of the exorcism were about five hundred people, which accounted for 80% of the population of the village, and from the Knights there were twenty-three righteous knights and forty-seven squires. Similar incidents have occurred everywhere before that.

There have been quite a few investigations into vampires in the process as well. It is said that even the precision of the victim may be absorbed by blood suction, and in some cases the family may be increased. Says he sometimes has special abilities for paralysis and petrification. Says, I am familiar with various magic skills. etc.

They say this, "Something" is for a reason, and it's not always common for all vampires. I don't remember the last case, and I can't even decide if the raiders are vampires to this case. But it's up to you to assume it's the worst case scenario.

"Giberti, give me an example."

I made Giberti prepare garlic. Tie some garlic bulbs together with strings to make them look like jewelry and hang them around everyone's neck. The blade of the weapon was further coated with garlic juice. And Andersen, naturally.

I finished applying plenty of garlic juice to all my weapons, including mine.

"Mr. Andersen. Consider that in some cases the Green Club (Verdegli Brotherhood) or Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) may also be turned into vampires. If you attack me, I will slaughter you relentlessly. This is not asking for permission. It's a declaration."

"... If so, of course..."

If you know what I mean.

If you know what I mean.

But I don't think it's going to be that easy in some cases.

"Sharp Arrow Number (Arrowhead Two). As soon as we arrive in the room, we will first find out what's going on, but if you want to attack us, we will move to assault you immediately. Keep your weapons out."

Split with Mizuchi and hang Resist Earth, Resist Water, Resist Fire and Resist Air magic on everyone. Andersen is peeling his eyes off again, but he doesn't have time to be okay. There is only a limited amount of time for sorcery.

Next, he touched his weapon and hung the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) on all his handheld weapons again. Andersen says, "I need backup support with a crossbow (crossbow) from the rear. Leave attacking magic to us," he said. It should be noted that Mizuchi has successfully slaughtered [Energy Drain] into Hobgoblin on three layers, and still has an increased HP per cap.

"Let's go!

Go to the desired room with a refrain gun (highport).

It's Mizuchi leading the way.

Meck and Henry solidify both sides of it with her in the lead, and Zulu and Engela solidify the outside.

Resistant to energy absorption (energy drain), Mizuchi, who is good at white soldier warfare moves, is a method of warfare that consolidates his surroundings with highly defensive guys.

Ruby and Jess are thoroughly attacked by long-lasting weapons (pole arms).

This time, I am also responsible for sorcery attacks, but in some cases I am prepared to move forward rapidly and put Mizuchi and I on top of each other. But first, watch out for unintentional blows from behind. It's at the rear.

I don't even intend to use disassembly (disintegrating) because I want eyeballs.

I turned the last bend and went into the room.

There was nothing particularly unusual in the room than a normal room.

Though it claps slightly just to predict the tragic sight of blood and guts splattering, it doesn't distract you, and the formation that led Mizuchi doesn't collapse.

Because a few adventurers had worn themselves into first-class gear all over the room and had fallen, and there was one man and one woman standing around the center of it, in an inhospitable manner.

They know both sides.

They look up at us at the same time they notice us.

The man is wearing a helmet (helmet) deep in his eyes and can barely see the bottom half of his face. He was dressed in metal belt armor (banded mails), with the reverse triangle shield (kite shield) in his left hand and the long sword (long sword) in his right hand. The man's name is Kirk Dunkel. He is a brave, resolute, honest and hard-won man who has been a subleader of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) for many years.

The woman wears bowl gold and holds overlay armor (sprint mails), round shields (round shields) and long swords (long swords). This one has a good look on his face. Sarah Pacheek is named for her ultra-veteran shield holder, who often takes the front row in the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

Their gear is as first-class as those around them who are falling, but they seem equally quite damaged. There are also signs of being slashed with a sword and poked with a spear.

"Kirk! You're safe!?"

Andersen, who admitted to Kirk's appearance, screams with joy.

But the two of them set up a combat posture without delivering their weapons to the sheath, and two or three words, when they had some conversation, came close.

"Kirk! It's me! Stop!"

Because he heard the scream, Kirk stopped moving like a rover and blocked Sarah's path with a shield. Sarah also stopped and turned to Kirk.

The below-mitzchi combat slaves who saw it also stopped marching and set up shields to stare at each other.

But you can't delude my [appraisal].

[Kirk Dunkel/18/7/7430 Kirk Dunkel/28/11/7413]

[M/24/8/7412 · Pu · Sir Dunkel's Second Son · Viscount Andersen Knight]

[Status: Vampire (first stage family member)]

[Age: 35 (0)]

[Level: 18]

[HP: 171 +0 (171) MP: 26 +3 (26)]

[Muscle Strength: 33 (22)]

[Jun Min: 33 (22)]

[Dexterity: 30 (20)]

[Endurance: 36 (24)]

[Special Skill: Blood Sucking (Drain)]

[Special skill: Paralysis (paralysis)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic LV4]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic LV4]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic LV0]

[Special Skill: No Magic LV5]

[Sarah Pacheek/8/12/7414]

[F/24/10/7413 · Pu · Duke of Lomberto Territory Registered Free Citizen]

[Status: Vampire (Stage II Family)]

[Age: 34 (0)]

[Level: 18]

[HP: 168 +0 (168) MP: 7 +4 (7)]

[Muscle Strength: 32 (20)]

[Jun Min: 40 (25)]

[Dexterity: 36 (23)]

[Endurance: 32 (20)]

[Special Skill: Blood Sucking (Drain)]

[Special skill: Paralysis (paralysis)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic LV0]

[Special Skill: Water Magic LV0]

[Special Skill: No Magic LV0]

"Don't worry, do it!!"

Say it quickly or immediately release the stone bolt as a missile.

Kirk's face peeking from the back of his helmet doesn't make him feel blue and white.

Sarah's blue-white face is just as exquisite.

Instruct Stonebolt to go around the shield they set up, but it was bounced off by Sarah's shield.

All those small turning bolts are so light!?

That speed of reaction, it's still not people's business......

Besides, Kirk is able to use elemental magic that he could not have used, and even Sarah acquires two types of elemental magic in addition to magic.

"Stop! That's Kirk!

"It's a vampire! Don't be alarmed!

Both Mizuchi and my combat slaves only listen to me.

Forward without breaking the formations (formations) you were maintaining and start the battle.

"Huh! I command you, Viscount Andersen, as Associate Duke of the House! Stop the attack immediately!

Still, my battle slaves won't let loose their hand in the attack on the two of them.

Andersen is noble, but I was noble again. Although the instructions of a highly qualified Andersen would normally have to be respected, my slaves have a good incense to interpret the law conveniently at times and in some cases. Can it be stopped to that extent?

Mizuchi dashes to Kirk.

He flirts in front of him, and soon Henry and Meck join him.

Henry and Meck deal primarily with Sarah.

Zulu and Engela move further from the outside to surround themselves, while not failing to alert the guys who are falling around to avoid getting in the way, and not loosening Feint's hand.

And as I aimed, Ruby's broad blade (Broadpoint) axe spear (Halvard) and Jess's ribboned triangle spear (Partisan) attack are unleashed.

All of these attacks have been carried out by shields and armor, but Kirk and Sarah will be on the defensive side of the rock in no time.

"Stop! Mr. Gried, make me stop! Kirk, say something!?"

In the meantime, the attack continues, and the attack finally slips through the gap between the two vampires' shields and armor, causing damage to Kirk and Sarah's body. Even so, it is still about a predatory wound, not so big, but there is a thin white smoke rising from the part where the attack hit, which seems to be firmly scratched.

However, the fact that only two half-way spear attackers have been hit is also proof that the two have already been transformed into non-human beings. I can't believe I endure this much against a group of six of my battle slaves... well, I'm not even playing. I have a series of Stonebolt missiles to cover.

This kind of superhuman imitation is impossible for me.

Maybe Andersen is sweet.

But I'm not even physically disturbed by just screaming.

This was in itself a prediction, but she was already ready for it.

It's just a story of not being able to make that last stop, and it would be mercy that we would cut you off.

"... you're a boulder, killer (Slaughters) duh!

Suddenly Kirk barked.

Screaming mouth has random pile teeth.

Red light shines in the back of the helmet.


Andersen's voice also returned with joy because Kirk, who had never spoken properly before, suddenly raised his voice.

"Greed! Stop it!

Sarah also says things that make sense. To be honest, I was surprised to hear from Mizuchi that many vampires maintained advanced intelligence at the time they were alive, so there was no rush.

Anyway, her eyes also emit red light, and from her lips there is an unmistakable peek of random pile teeth.

"Redwo! Make me stop. Yikes!

Kirk tells Andersen to stop the attack.

"Kirk, you..."

Andersen lifted the crossbow and stood.


Henry's thrust finally captured Sarah's leg.

Light white smoke rises from the wound as does Ruby and Jess's attack.

"... now ah! It's like this!

Kirk barked, sticking out his shield and poking Henry in the chest.

Henry falls ill, but Zulu and Mizchi successfully followed up and got nothing.


Sarah offends.

After all, the weapon hung by the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) seems to be quite unpleasant.

It shows considerable disgust.

Meck struck her with a shield and collapsed Sarah's posture. Good!

The use of shields, starting with Shield Bash, only from knights, is very diverse.

I release an air cutter missile down its throat.


Like me, Engela, who didn't miss the gap, stuck a flat (broadsword) in Sarah's armor gap beside her.

White smoke rose flashly from Sarah's flank.

Sarah is distorting her face and eating up her teeth.

Looks like the messy pile teeth peeking through your mouth are hurting your own lower lip as well.

Almost at the same time my magic slits Sarah's throat.

There was little blood.

Ruby's attack burst into a mole there... but it seemed a little slow.


Zulu continues to tow to attract Kirk's attention, and Mizuchi does not miss a gap and slashes him. Although he didn't make a clean hit, Kirk was already torn off a band of shields and his left arm was worn out by Mizuchi as he looked around.

"Georg, Gu, Go"

Soon Engela was turning on Kirk's back side, poking him with a right-hand staircase (broadsword) and alternating hitting him with a spiked cage hand on his left.

When Jess tried to release the thrust from the front, the red light almost disappeared from Kirk's eyes and he was dying.

And then a crossbow Quarrel stood in Kirk's mouth, and Kirk fell to the front.

[Status: Death; Vampire (first stage family member)]

[HP: -36 (171)]

Sarah's, too.

[Status: Death; Vampire (Stage II Family)]

[HP: -77 (168)]

This is the situation. But these guys are undead. I'm still completely dead, and no, I'm not doomed. The negative HP of the undead monster is massive, unlike normal.

We need to do more damage just because what's already moving corpses and what's been accomplished are temporarily immobile corpses. But it doesn't matter if you pick the Demon Stone, and even if you don't, you can be relieved for the moment that you stopped acting.

I [appraised] the guy nearest and falling from the beginning.

A man of the Lion Nation (Lios) belonging to the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz), Bartaines Zom. The condition is [paralysis] and there are no anomalies other than minor injuries and a slight decrease in HP. Other guys who see the scalp......

Birthright Keltein. An elite (elf) who serves as a subleader of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). He's also [paralyzed]. Other...... Julietta Kamsch. This guy is also a werewolf (Wolfwer) belonging to the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). This guy's condition was [petrified].

"Observe the bodies around you. Find the naked guy without moving on the spot. Never be alarmed."

When I commanded the slaves, I turned back to Andersen.

I was trying to stop that much at first, but it seemed to blow off on the way.

"Kirk... I can't believe you skipped“ Dear "..."

Right there.

But I certainly don't think a Gleed squire would skip the name of me or my sister.

I guess I wasn't dissatisfied with not being called with honor.

I guess you thought Kirk's personality had completely changed.

Previously, Kirk was a fine subleader who had been able to establish himself clearly.

Whatever happened, I guess I believed his will wasn't so weak that his personality changed so easily.

So I somehow understand that Andersen blew it off.

"Mr. Andersen. He's already a vampire."

I spoke to Andersen, who was doing it by returning the falling Kirk to the table.

Kirk distorted his face in pain, his turbulent pile teeth peeking from the edge of his mouth with Quarrel poking at him, a terrible shape.

I'm fine now, but if I let it go, I'll be resurrected sooner or later, like all the other ghouls and zombies.


Andersen was taking off his helmet as he pulled through the Quarrel he had unleashed himself.

"Status open…"

Andersen looks at his status with his hands on Kirk's face when he removes his left hand gloves.

Probably looks like this to her.

[Kirk Dunkel/18/7/7430 Kirk Dunkel/28/11/7413]


[Pu - Sir Dunkel's second son - Viscount Andersen's knight]

[Special Skill: Blood Sucking]

[Special Skill: Paralysis]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic]

[Special Skill: No Magic]

Meanwhile, I nodded at Mizuchi pointing to Sarah's body.

"Mizuchi, ask for Mr. Pacheek. Zulu be on your guard."

Not on a busy basis, but because Sarah is a second-stage family member and Kirk is a first-stage family member, I was stepping on that Sarah would be the superior. The degree of increase even for the talent value of the status (?) is higher for Sarah.

Kneeling beside her to hide Mizuchi's work from Andersen, she took the knife off her thigh and offered it to her.

"Blood sucking... paralysis... and wind magic?

It was a voice that I understood once again because of the increase in special skills.

For a short time, Andersen, who had been patrolling, hung the knife with the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) as he reached out to receive the knife.

"I think it's your job"

When I said that, Andersen nodded and poked the knife through Kirk's right clavicle gap, deciding over and over.

White smoke rose and the appraisal turned out to be [vampire's body].

Along the way, turning around for a moment, it caught my eye that Mizuchi would wear a rubber-covered vial on his porch.

I wonder if I can think of a way to secure my eyeballs.

When Mizuchi ordered Zulu to do something, Zulu deposited his shield with Mizuchi and swung down his two-handed sword (bastard sword) in Sarah's face thoughtfully.

In the end, there were no dead.

All the people who had fallen were paralyzed and petrified, and fortunately none of them had been turned into vampires except Kirk and Sarah.

And there's no naked guy (who was a man, according to the story) who should have been the lord of this room.

And then, there's no Vilheimer.

I let him recover from paralysis and petrification, and I listened.

A fierce battle unfolded after two Neurula squires fell by surprise and Neurula and two of her squires retreated, led by Lembar Colemain at the behest of Vilheimer.

Under the direction of Vilheimer, four men, Sarah Pacheek, Lizarra Redflair and Rockwell Malostalon, stood up to the naked man with all their spirits. But the naked man showed no amazing physical ability to send their offense.

And finally, Sarah fell with a man's blow, and the next thing I know, Lizarra got hit, too. Lizarra said she noticed that it was an attack by paralysis at this point that had survived. However, movement cannot be neglected or spoken, only blinking and breathing when it comes to what can be done. Then all she has is ground magic, fire magic, and no magic.

This also prevents recovery from paralysis. Especially if you could use paralysis magic where you had water magic and you hadn't even trained busily, it would take you dozens of minutes to get it to work.

Though Vilheimer jumped at the naked man for a gap that was attacking Lizarra, the naked man made an attack of Vilheimer's in an amazing move here too, using unspoiled witchcraft (which is probably paralyzed witchcraft) at super-speed, and fell on the spot. Rock was also starting to concentrate for attack magic, but he gets paralyzed too.

Naked men touch Vilheimer and Rock when they check their status one by one. Lizarra went mad with fear when she saw the two of them turning into stone as she looked at them without even showing the magical light. At this time, when Sarah and she were paralyzed, it occurred to me that there was no magic light, as there was when she finished Vilheimer's, and I realized that the naked man was a monster.

And the naked man bit Sarah's neck in the corner of Lizarra's sight, unable to move his face.

Apparently the bloodsucking took more than two hours to take place slowly.

In the meantime, Lizarra said she could only do what was trembling with fear.

Later on, when Sarah rose, Sarah's eyes glowed in a creepy red light, and her mouth peered into her ragged teeth. Sarah had completely turned into a living corpse following the instructions of a naked man. While being questioned by vampires, he talked about his fellow magic skills and all the information he knew.

And when the adventurers, led by Bath and Kirk, approached the room calling the names of Vilheimer and Lizarra, they felt a glimmer of hope, but soon again they were ruled by despair.

A naked vampire jumped up in the corner of the ceiling and, using some sort of magic, disappeared.

Sarah was standing in the room fully armed.

Kirk and Bath and the others who came in there were happy to rush over that Sarah was going to be alive, although they couldn't hide their surprises from the two Neurula squires and Lizarra, who were rolling like corpses, and the vilheimers and rocks that were turning into unspeakable stone statues.

And the tragedy was repeated.

A vampire who disappeared attacked from behind the rear-end member.

Vampires showed up at the time they were attacked by one of the first, but the ambush is already successful and even more so by Sarah, who thought she was one of them. He was quickly beaten down to half, and Kirk, who had resisted to the end, finally did his best.

Vampires who also saw the status of each individual petrified those who might be able to use paralysis, otherwise remaining paralyzed. Beyond this, more accurate testimony was obtained because there were large numbers of people who had just been paralyzed, such as Bath and Vix.

Vampires said this is what they were telling Sarah.

"Whoever paralyzes him will live for a few years if he does nothing. You have to take care of it."

The vampire told Sarah to pick one of his favorite guys from those who were paralyzing him to suck blood.

Sarah chose Kirk, and he seemed to have given some kind of polite guidance.

Sarah hung for hours when she bit Kirk's neck muscle and politely began to suck blood.

After a considerable amount of time, and confirming that Kirk was finished with the vampires, the vampires gently took charge of Vilheimer's stone statues without hesitation among the other victims, and told the two of them to wait until they returned to protect their prey and disappear somewhere.

Neither vampires nor Vilheimers have returned after all.

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