July 15, 7447.

What the hell are Mizuchi and Engela doing talking about something?

Declare them sideways like that.

"Well, it's time for you all to return to the ground."

"It was ten million, wasn't it? You just have to pay for it, right?

I say it in the face as if Bath were going to make a fool of me.

You have it!? Damn.

"... I healed again just now for Mr. Bath and Mr. Hulney, plus Mr. Flameshaft's three. The price is going up, right?"

It's good to remember before I replied.

"Don't dress too well."

It was completely obvious. But if I admit it here, I'll go, but I won't go.

"... Huh? What are you talking about? You figured that out earlier, didn't you? This vampire, he knocked down our party, didn't he? You didn't even work hard, did you? Didn't Mr. Bath just sleep paralyzed again?"

It stinks of trouble not to go out lousy anymore.

I don't care if you guys go ahead and get killed... it's okay.

It's annoying if you guys come with me.

You can't get ice pickled when you're paralyzed and you can fall, and if someone takes you hostage, you're not gonna abandon them anyway, are you?

If you suck, you just get sucked in blood, become a family member and have more enemies.

Me and Mizuchi and the battle slaves are enough.

It's so relaxing you can fight.

... right!

"Besides, I thought you said that even if you did, you'd still have vampires."

"Am I? Did I say that? Is that right?"

"I was paralyzed and panicked, and I was nowhere near it."

"Me too."

"I couldn't hear because I was a little away"

"Were you saying something?

"I know you're talking about magic arms."

... I see.

It seemed like an important story, so listen to me!

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's still here. Do you want to be paralyzed again and look after me?

I say it like I made a fool of myself with a deliberately high and chronic look on my face.

"That's enough. I'm pretty sure we're gonna end up together."

Andersen told me to take it for granted.

Well, you weren't paralyzed, and yes, I'm sure it's going to be a foot job.

But I don't want to go back to the ground with Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) or my squire in the lead.

"You guys are going to be fine, but we've been captured by Roberto after Sarah was killed. Can you pull in so easily?"

Bunny Man's Colemain, the spear (attacker) of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), complains.

Sora well, I know how you feel.

There will be a will, and we can nod to say that we want to save our leader with our own hands, or at least to help.

"Am I selling you a fight to Black Yellow Balls? Kirk's been killed, too. You lick my mouth too much, I'll beat you to death. Aah!?"

Andersen, who spoke in an almost yakuza tone, says back.

"Oh? To whom are you saying things? Don't be such a coward to run away without taking revenge for your subleader's murder!

"Yes, these ballless people! You all have no guts when the leader has no balls!

"Oh, Cora!

"Ah, Mr. Tsubaki! These guys, they're missing something to say!

Oh, already. It's just silly to talk to each other while massaging.

"Ugh! Shut up, Mikasa! The second-class adventurer charm you've been doing for so long in about seven layers is quiet. Listen to your husband!

Zulu barked. You have to say it. I was close to saying it.

"This, Zulu. It's not much of an abusive mouth.... I really want you all to understand that, too. What can you do with a body like that? I can't wait till you're feeling better."

He worried about his waist as soft as Huangmen, who praised Mr. Suke. Mr. Ge... is it Shizuku Engela? But you don't seem to like stating your mouth that way.

As far as I'm concerned, "My Lord" and "Kest Lord" are hidden beyond that door, or even the metastatic crystal that moves to somewhere in the four layers, like the eight layers, is seated. It would be troublesome if four layers of vampires were increased to include more than just one other adventurer as a family member. Well, I'd rather not let Vilheimer eat his time and let him be a vampire fighter than being taken away.

When I found out, Mizuchi, who was a little far away, said something, and I knew he was looking at me. At the same time, orders come in my head to "beware," "don't make a scene," and "talk to me." Does that mean there's a consultation that nobody wants to hear about?

"Excuse me for a second"

I just put that aside and headed towards the one where Mizuchi and Engella stood.

Going to the side, Mizuchi comes up with a slightly harder look and speaks in a small voice.

"Sorry, it's begun"


What? What?

"Me, I don't think I can go a bit today"

What's the matter with you? I guess I even made a decent face. Mizuchi says with his mouth in my ear as if he were blunt.

"So, alle. It's happening. Marceau seems to have noticed it since he used his abilities."

Oh, menstruation... to a vampire opponent. That's... what do you think?

Is there something specific and sensitive about the smell of blood just to breathe blood? Like a shark.

If that's the case, accidental strikes will always fail.

It's not whether or not there's an opportunity in itself to strike, it's an eye that completely crushes that possibility.

'And this. I hear Marceau just noticed. At the end of the day, he lost it and recovered it. Take a look.'

Mizuchi handed me what he held in his hand with him when he took the recovery medicine out of the pack for emergency use.

It's some kind of stone ring that's very thin and machined like a wire. It is quite damaged and it is certain that you will overlook it if you wear it with extra care, even if it is worn with its fineness.

"Don't rush, as usual. Take your medicine slowly."

He [appraised] the recovering drug stopper open and slowly took it as he approached his mouth what was given to him with the bottle.

[Hidden Ring]

[Hyacinth (Zircon)]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 2/5/6631]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 4]

[Same effect as Invisibility's magic (but also this ring): Charge Count (47/999)]

[The wearer can be transparent with this ring only the number of times it has been charged. Transparency is possible for up to one hour for each charge consumed. Immediate effect is cancelled even during the Effective Time when taking an Attack]

... Hmm, magic item?

Is this why Engela targeted her left arm?

It is huge that nobody noticed you get a valuable magic item (magic item).

I guess I even noticed when I first put a blow in it.

Is that half acting after that?

It wasn't unnatural to carve when picking demon stones.

Everyone will be distracted.


The vampire I saw before...... did you dust the ring with me?

Well, now.

Anyway, one seat of mind for Engela.

After all, they decided to go home with the bodies.

It's annoying to be around because it's a cluttered leg (it didn't help me much earlier), so that's fine.

But I'm not going home.

It's the mountains that want to go back out once and with Guine and everyone else, but the more time goes by, the more likely Vilheimer's vampirization will be (but from the time it's gone...), and if the vampires that just perished are in regular contact, there's a good chance they'll be a lot of trouble because they haven't heard from us.

If I say, "My Lord," my men who are out of touch suspect death first. It's all about the adventurer wandering in the labyrinth. And if that's all a handkerchief, he'll immediately consolidate his defense as leaking his information as well. You'll think about increasing me. [M] Vampires seem capable.

Then the only way to get eyeballs is to rush and assault here as quickly as you can.

Somehow it was confirmed that there was a "Lord" for him. And what you say is likely lacking in his eyeballs.

... but it hurts that Mizuchi is menstruating...

After me, the danger increases without a highly combative Mizuchi. But clearly, it's not a good idea to have more enemies with the strength of the vampire class just now. Even Kirk and Sarah, who should also be called the new American vampire, were very empowered.

My MP still has nearly 7,000 left. There are all six battle slaves and they are strong enough for battle. Besides, there are gibberties, so there's no problem with no replenishment for about two more days.

"Mizuchi, follow the corridor they used and get back to the ground."


"Enough for Engela to notice. Vampires will notice that too. Don't worry, we'll come back with the Lord and his eyes."

I received a bottle for storage from Mizuchi and it became polite.

I wasn't sure whether to keep the ring, but I decided to take it eventually.

I don't know if I'll use it because I'm scared to be naked on a vampire opponent, but it's huge that I can disappear for an hour without consuming MP at any cost.

At worst, it could be used to escape.

But I probably won't have a chance to use it.

Go in front of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) with all the disgruntled faces.

"I'm going to investigate that door now, and if there seems to be no problem, I'm going in. You can accompany me if you're alone or two. But..."

"I know. There is no guarantee of the safety of the companions. From us, me and Jill will go."

Bath said, pointing to Julietta Kamsch, a Wolfwer bowman.

She is also a mage who covered me in Fire Javelin at quite a time during the earlier battle.

"Don't worry. If I'm not on the ground, I'll pay you well."

I don't care about the money, but if you convince me, it's easy.

Of course, I never mind that there were more than ten people, but it's not necessarily four layers ahead.

"Okay. How's the commune going?

"No more problems"

"Me too."

They've both answered instantly. Well, they're superb adventurers, too. If the anomaly remains, you won't be volunteering.

"I will now direct this party. Please follow me, sir?


"I don't mind."

The two nodded strangely.

"Now, first of all, one of you, go in that door and check the back. Once confirmed, please return to the report as soon as possible."

I'll say that just in case.

"Goddamn it, Greed... you have the most dangerous role ahead of you..."

Renvar complains of dissatisfaction.

"Come on, Len. I obey, so no problem."

Bath suppressed the members of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) who said so and tried to erupt, then stood in front of the door.

"... Hmm, right here"

When I say that, I don't hesitate to put my hands on the door, and I can put my strength into my arms.

The door opens up like a warm curtain.

Everyone, including me, keeps an eye on what happens when they pull a knife.

Of course, it's for alert if a monster was lurking across the door.

Beyond the door, however, there was only a passage stretched out anywhere on the four layers.

The only difference is the narrowness of that width, which is one m, and the height, which is only about three m.

The passage is bent to the left at about a few meters.

I knew it wasn't a pit.

I'm talking about how you got back if it was a pit.

Just in case, he tied a rope to his hip and Bath stepped into the aisle.

In case, pull the rope to safely retrieve the berth.

"... something!?"

Bath, peering into the back from the corner, says excitedly.

"What is it?

Jill asked Bath. Indeed.

"I need to get a closer look... something glowing... and it says something. Oh, no, I'm floating... waiting (Hanumin)? What the hell?

What the hell is this line over here?

I didn't have any problems that might affect my body, so I looked at them.

The back of the bend is a little further down the road, and on that floor something like a pink glowing plate appears to float slightly.

It also seems holographic.

Letters are written in Ragdarios so that they are medium out on that plate.

- Standing by.

Would this be the case if we were forced to interpret the Ragdarios written on this plate in the Japanese style of the twenty-first century?

Think as you stare at the plate.

First of all, what is this?

Probably how the metastasis works.

We don't know where we're going.

But there must be a way back.

Next, what do we do with Mizuchi?

Mizuchi and other reincarnators should be accompanied in the investigation of such a suspicious place.

But now the investigation is not the purpose.

Nor, of course, the rescue of Vilheimer.

The main purpose is to go and whisk the eye balls of the Vampire Road.

I can still do the investigation later.

I don't know if there's a singular or multiple opponents that I think are ahead of me, but it's almost 100% likely to contain vampires.

I don't think I can do it if I say it's negotiable with the other person.

There's no way he's here when he tells me to give him eyes.

And, when it does, it's definitely a battle first.

You can do the investigation slowly afterwards.

Force the deviant mind to twist down.

He returned to the aisle and opened his mouth as he stood in front of everyone waiting.

"We're going to go in the back. I intend to return once in five minutes, but if you wait five minutes and nobody seems to return, please take Mr. Andersen to the leader and all set out for a four-layer centric metastatic crystal. We'll put her on guard, just in case."

And immediately ordered Zulu.

"Zulu. Stand on that glowing floor. I think I'll probably move somewhere. If it doesn't seem to shift and become a battle, just look around and come back as soon as possible. Probably take one step off the floor and step back again and I'll be back. If it's going to be a fight, just stay as far away from it as you can for a minute. If you transfer and don't seem to return for more than thirty seconds, we'll all go after you."

Zulu immediately disappeared behind the aisle to execute my life. I don't know where it would transfer if it were the same as the metastatic crystal, but I have an intuition that this would come and go with a specific location. Otherwise, what vampires use is too unnatural in itself.

Watching from behind, the figure disappeared into a powder of light as Zulu stepped into the glowing plate. Exactly the same as metastatic crystals.

The glowing plates never lost their luminosity like the metastatic crystals immediately after use.

And after ten seconds Zulu came back reconstituted from the grain of light.

"Master, this is still somewhere in the labyrinth. It was a stone building place I had never seen before. I think that's different from all three layers. Also, the lights seemed to be just ceilings, but I think they were brighter than normal."

It seems that the destination of Zulu's metastasis was like a cancerous little room about five meters square. There was something like an entrance or exit that remained open, and he said the floor regained its similarly pink glow and glowed plate-like as he stepped out shortly after the transfer. At the end of the entrance and exit left open, he saw a stone wall similar to the room, which felt like a passageway, spreading left and right.

"All right, let's go in order. First Jess, then Henry, Ruby, Meck, Engela, Zulu. When you transfer, don't leave the room and be quiet. Me next. Then Mr. Bath and Mr. Jill. If there's no problem to the end, it's gibbertie. If Giberti completes the metastasis and there seems to be no abnormality, we'll return someone once."

The destination of the transfer was like an empty warehouse made of stone, as reported by Zulu. Even when it comes to stone building, it does differ from the three layers, and it also feels like a concrete beating. I'm not sure about the dust or something sticking to the wall. And the lights seem to only shine on the ceiling, but it does feel pretty bright. It's inferior to the magic of lights, but still much brighter than the rest of the labyrinth. Mm-hmm. It's a hospital hallway lit by a weak fluorescent lamp, or something like a basement.

Wait for Giberti's metastasis to return Jess once. The message reads: "No abnormalities. We'll start exploring, so let's all just go back."

I waited for Jess to come back and tried to get out of the room into the aisle. The width of the aisle is about four meters. I stepped into the aisle and noticed, but the floor in the aisle feels smooth as if it's concrete too. It also looks exactly ninety degrees about floors and walls, floors and ceiling borders. I just think people's hands are in it.

There were barefoot footprints on the floor, like a round trip, leading out of the room and to the left.

Look around the left and right, but I don't see any other footprints.

But if you look at the left hand side, you seem to be slowly curving to the right.

The one on the right hand seems to curve to the left as well.

It turns out the lights are stronger than elsewhere in the labyrinth.

This passage is supposedly a pretty big arc.

I think it's arc big enough to be along or close to the outer perimeter of the labyrinth for a moment.

"What do you say?

Bath asked Jill. I guess he's checking to see if he feels anything in [super olfactory]. Oh, with that said, did Jill notice Mizuchi's period? He probably ignored me even if he was aware of it.

"... that's hard to understand... I don't think it smells particularly weird..."

Hmm, even though Vilheimer should have gone through it, it must have been stoned, and it wouldn't leave a stink on the boulder......

Anyway, there was no other clue, and I decided to follow in the footsteps first.

If it's true, you should proceed cautiously while alerting to the trap, but you can't see in the barefoot footprints how he was particularly disturbing his gait. Just tell Zulu and Henry to "watch out only for traps" to get ahead of me. I kept them for just exploring traps using magic on a regular basis.

I would have just said the speed of travel is 20-30m per minute.

It should be noted that there are many empty warehouse-like rooms on the left hand side of this aisle that have been transferred, but none of the rooms found a glowing plate on the floor.

Was it around the time it went far enough?

I got to a place where they said there was something like a plate on the wall on my right hand side.

How did you know that there were only square, dusty walls on some of the walls on the right hand side compared to the surroundings?

There was nothing underneath it.

"Sounds like a place to come back from the top."

Bath squeaks bossly.

If you ask me, I might.

There's only a room on the left side of the aisle, but if there's a room on either side, I'm pretty sure it looks like the place I went down the entrance to the labyrinth.

The lights aren't pine, though.

Gently signal and enter the appropriate room.

"Don't talk too much. The hallway might sound pretty far away."

If I complain, my slaves will also look at blaming Bath for slapping me in the mouth for nothing.

But I can understand what makes you want to talk about something.

I was about to talk, too.

"Oh, right. Sorry."

Bath must have been conscious, too.

He honestly admitted to not being.

You just have to understand.

The aisle is as nothing as ever.

Without a trap, no monsters will come out.

More than an hour... No, I'd have walked nearly an hour and a half.

The passage looks the same.

But finally, a change emerged.

The lights around the critical area that curve to the right and you can't see ahead seem a little stronger.

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