July 15, 7447.

Forty now...

Of course, the number of small warehouse-like rooms connected to the left side of the aisle.

There was a small room about every five or sixty meters.

The floor and walls in front of the entrance to the small room that came out are obviously marked with ink, so it's impossible to overlook them when you go back.

Looks like the little room ends here as far as the front is concerned.

Enter that last little room.

As always, there is only dust and dust in the killing landscape.

Footprints have not been discovered from outside the first room as clearly as we can be sure that they are recent.

"There doesn't seem to be any more rooms ahead. It would be 300 meters to the area where that light is getting stronger. I'm going to get that far. Do you have any opinions?

Neither Bath nor Jill seem to have an opinion.

"Sounds like you haven't been around much..."

Henry groans when he sees the footprint that leads to the right aisle.

"Right. But the footprints themselves are quite a few. I don't go as far as every week as I saw it, but it looks like it was going back and forth about once a month..."

They were observing footprints in the aisle so far, Bath replied.

He's certainly right.

There are several new footprints on top of the old footprints, and it looks like new footprints are being made again.

The history of this footprint is not a hundred years or so from the way dust is deposited on the ground.

It seems to me that this passage has been around for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

Then the birth of that vampire (?) It has been going back and forth from time to time.

No problem.

Aim at the end of the aisle.

The end of the aisle had once turned right at a right angle, and a few meters away it had turned left again at a right angle.

And beyond that it was followed by a small room again at about a few meters.

It is a circular room with a slight distortion of about seven or eight meters in diameter.

Will the ceiling also rise when the room is confirmed? I thought so, but that didn't happen.

The height of the ceiling remains unchanged at about three and a half meters, similar to the small rooms that have been transferred and the passages that have been passed.

On the other side of the entrance and exit where we came in, there is an entrance and exit that leads to another passage as well, and on the right hand side there is a similar entrance and exit.

And there were monsters in the room.

It's a ghoul like being the lord of a room on four or five levels.

The number is eight.

All levels are above ten, and considering that, there are not four or five layers.

It seems pretty strong.

Furthermore, when I looked at it in [Appraisal], it didn't seem to be based on the fact that it was a goblin or an oak. Miscellaneous races appear to be ghouling, such as the Pu (Hume), the Elves (Elves), the Mountains (Dwarves) and the Dwarves (Gnomes).

However, unlike the four layers, the humidity is not very high, or it seems that most people with relatively beautiful skin have a broken face.

I don't know if that's why, but they all have their own names left.

Well, but this is one ice-soaked shot.

Usually, the whole lower body is ice pickled so that Ghoul doesn't move around chopping his own legs, but molding to climb that ice is cumbersome, and it takes some time to chop his own legs a thousand times in the first place.

If we're all going to assault each other, level five water and some ice to the knee by fire magic will suffice.

I let the slaves assault me and put an end to it all at once.

There seems to be no greater surprise for Bath or Jill.

"Later, Devil Stone. Let's hurry."

Go for the right-hand aisle only to make sure Ghoul is completely dead and no longer resurrected.

The front aisle was followed by a passage like the one I had come through when I had it scouted, along with the left and right turns as I left the room. Should I say that it feels like it's being targeted by a line around the room? They also found a different old footprint from the one we followed, but all the footprints appeared to be more in the right-hand aisle.

The right-hand passage continues straight.

However, it seems to be like a T-shaped road that breaks up left and right at about 100m.

You know which one if you go that far because you have footprints left.

You resent your troublesome self for not letting you clean the dust. Lord.

As we proceeded to the T-shaped road, all the footprints that were going back and forth in the aisle as we had hoped were bent to the left.

There are no tracks leading to the right aisle.

Oh, I forgot the magic of sensing about the trap from the room earlier to this point.

There were no traps up to this point, but I don't know where to go, so don't forget to use them.

... Well, it doesn't seem to be within sight.

Lead Henry and Meck and follow in the footsteps again towards the end of the aisle.

I just remembered when I was looking at the meck sticking to the wall on the right as the aisle I was going to bend to the right and peek ahead, and with that said, Henry and Ruby were on the verge of leveling up.

Engela has been playing quite a bit of a role on her opponents these days, so she should be leveling up.

Should I just check?

Use the vision of [Appraisal].

but I noticed it when I shifted my gaze to align myself with the back of Henry's head.

There was a plank-shaped object about ten meters ahead of me now, like a door with a rising luminosity on the front wall bent to the right.

Does the door have a floor to ceiling height and a width of about 2 m?

Unexpectedly creeps me out.

If you keep searching the perimeter, the front left wall that spotted the door has a similarly appraisable wall.

Not good.

Looking back, I noticed that there were several similar doors when I looked at the aisle I had been coming through.

And then right beside me standing.

But the door doesn't open as if it were a surprise.

In the first place, it only seems to be integrated with the surrounding walls, making it difficult to distinguish itself, rather than impossible.

Other than [appraisal].

He sent a gentle signal and ordered a standby on the spot so that everyone would not move forward.

Carefully observe the door beside me as I pretend to think about it.

It's like putting your right forearm on a wall and putting your forehead on that hand.

I even roared a little.

I still can't tell from the surrounding walls if I use an appraisal.

Most importantly, the naked eye could not even spot a gap.

I dare not appraise it as it is.

[Drawer (slide door)]


[Condition: Degradation (over time)]

[Processing Date: -/-/-]

[Value: -]

[Endurance: 854692435]

[Performance: -]

[Effect: It is possible to arbitrarily block or open the entrance or exit of one space and another by sliding the entire space]

Well, it doesn't describe anything other than a satisfactory [condition] and an abnormally high [endurance], naturally [effect]. This endurance value makes it difficult to break even with my attack magic. It's not that you can't theoretically break it, it's just that, in short, you're playing with the wall, this.

That's right, it wasn't an open door, it was a drawer.

Because of this, the opening of the door only changes the position of the slide to [by rotating around one side…].

However, it is unnatural to put things on the shelf that are not listed everywhere.

Before that, if it's a sliding door, we'll need space to slide it. I can't have a structure that integrates with the wall like this. It is not possible to open or close the entire door unless it is deflected once behind or in front of it. Unless it's a two-dimensional existence.

There are no weird marks on the dust deposited on the side of the aisle when you look at the floor, so pull it in the back, then left or right or up or down...... oh is it possible to slide up or down?


No matter how much I stare at it, I have no discernment whatsoever as to the border between the door part and the wall.

Even if I tried to touch it, I wouldn't be able to find as much muscle as hair.

I won't go that far because it's too unnatural to take my gloves off.

This is an investigation.

Later, though.

Some of them have been up against the wall for a very long time, so I decide to go first.

Thus I walked for quite some time.

Jill draws a general map, but they are all just as aware.

This is not a four-layer place.

There's not enough free space on all four levels.

Everybody shut up, but I'm pretty sure (maybe Zulu and Engela, too).

This is the twelfth or thirteenth floor.

Along the way, there were two halls like the room where Ghoul was.

One was Wight, a ghoul or a zombie, but there were three monsters that looked yellow and wrapped light around them, but they looked pretty far away in [appraisal]. He had [Energy Drain] as one of his special abilities and he seemed to be in danger, so he shot about ten shots into the room from where he appraised a fireball that made him powerful.

My experience gained over 200,000 to level up. I kinda regretted that if it was going to be so much more, I should have hardened it with ice and let the battle slaves finish it. They can't hurt you if it's not a magic weapon, but I think it would have worked if it was a Necromancer crusade (Grave Strike) because it was like an undead monster.

There was only one monster in the other hall named Spector, like the runaway of previous years. But he was a translucent, ghost-like guy, so I figured ice pickling wouldn't work. This guy tried to kill me with a series of magic, too, but you're pretty quick. I rushed over and roasted it with a super oversized flames rower that poured all 500 MP.

I also had [Energy Drain] and it's dangerous, right? Surprisingly, this guy had 180,000 experience on his own. I also felt like I was saying something, but my voice was small and I didn't hear it very well, and I guess he was like a gatekeeper to the place where the Lord (Lord) and I were pulling because it was starting to feel like "what you are".

Because of this ghost, he seemed to be able to use magic against my Flames Lower in the first place against the anti-magic field. But there was only about 400 MP, so in the end, I had to lose my magic - and he died calling out. It was pretty loud just at the end of the day.

Only this one dropped three demon stones, so I picked them up for the cost of going. Yeah, the demons who drop multiple demon stones are known. This is my first time, but something mighty like a dragon is an example of that. I've told you before, and you know it. The size was no big deal, but the colors were beautiful, close to being completely transparent through the white. [Appraisal] The value was a little over one million. Ugh, that's more than 20 million?

Bath and Jill are making their eyes black and white, but I don't care anymore.

Finally there was a pile of dirty garbage or dust in the corner of this room. While appraising the demon stone, I ordered Jess to investigate it, but it turns out it was garbage just because something like a dirty little board was deposited that I didn't quite understand.

We don't have time to fish for garbage, so we're behind on the investigation.

I had discovered doors everywhere, but decided not to worry about them for the moment and hurried ahead.

No traps have been found so far.

And I regretted my haste.

It was when I turned around a corner and went a little further.



It's old Ragdarios.

An interrupted announcement that was forcing the speaker to break was suddenly flowing, and it took me a long time to interpret the meaning.

I stop at the same time and I see no suspicion in paying attention to my surroundings as to where the current announcement was heard from.

But it kind of made sense to me.


Maybe this is it.


"Go back!

Turn around. Right.


They all followed my warnings like they panicked.


"None (Rem)"

But Henry, who was walking the lead, fell under an invisible attack!

Meck, who approached me to help, fell on the spot similarly damaged.

Probably because we had more distance to the bend than we did walking behind us.

Zulu and Engela rushed back to the corner of the aisle.

And the announcement stopped at the corner of the aisle.

"Where did you get hit!?"

Ask Henry and Meck, whom Zulu and Engela have drawn.

"Gu. Ah, my legs."

"Wow, I'm on my feet too"

[Henry O'Connell/23/9/7445 Henry O'Connell/27/8/7445]

[M/19/4/7422 · Pu · Sir Gried Family Owned Slave]

[Age: 25]

[Condition: Burn]

[Level: 16]

[HP: 89 (119) MP: 5 (5)]

[Muscle Strength: 19]

[Jun Min: 20]

[Dexterity: 19]

[Endurance: 18]

[Special Skill: Little Magic]

[Experience: 562269 (680000)]

[Masun Garhash/23/9/7445 Masun Garhash/27/8/7445]

[M/14/3/7424 · Lion Nation · Sir Gried Family Owned Slave]

[Age: 23]

[Condition: Burn]

[Level: 15]

[HP: 90 (120) MP: 15 (15)]

[Muscle Strength: 20]

[Jun Min: 20]

[Dexterity: 13]

[Endurance: 18]

[Special skill: Instant]

[Special Skill: Night Vision]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.3]

[Experience: 524256 (560000)]

Neither Henry nor Meck seem to have anything to say about their lives. I was a little upset.

"I'm curing you now! I wonder what hit you!?"

The two thighs showed signs like they were shot through with a gun.

Sturdy leather trousers with burnt holes a few mm in diameter, with slight bleeding.

The wound penetrates from behind to forward, and the front exit is just as small as the entrance.

The wound is like burned, which at the same time acts as a hemostatic.

This... is not a gun.

Probably magic?

But I don't know any magic like this.

Anyway, healing is first.

I hung the cure all in a row.

They both had one wound to their right leg.

"Wow, I don't know. I looked back and suddenly..."

"I don't know either. I'm sorry, sir."

When I finished treating the two of them and looked around, they were all in a killer and alert position.

Other than that, there is no particular abnormality.

There is no attack.

"Meck, lend me your sword. No, just the sheath."

Meck took the long sword (long sword) sheath off his hips and offered it.

I received it, and I only give the tip of the sheath a little softly to the aisle I just returned from.

Nothing happens.

I even gave it more and shook it up and down.

Nothing happens.


Thoughtfully left hand...... scary.

This place is for combat slaves...... no, you should do it yourself.

Even if they blow my fingers off, I can treat them.

Oh, not if they break the cage hand.

That's when I took off my left hand cage hand and tried to pull through my gloves.

"Master, it's dangerous! Please don't!

Zulu stops it.

"If it's me!

Engela advances.

... Is it Ali who leaves it to these guys too?

No, you can't.

I could use the anti-magic field in an instant.

I was just going to put up an anti-magic field in the first place and get my left hand out.

Or so I think, but I actually don't think that even if I exposed my hands, feet, and entire body, I wouldn't be attacked right away.

I was attacked earlier after a warning-like announcement, and I just went about 10m through that bend.

The content of the announcement was also close to a certain distance, so it was meant to get rid of it.

Finally, when I say it, the attack was aimed at my legs, no wound itself, no major bleeding, nothing like letting it go like that would kill me right away.

I mean, I'm not willing to kill you if you're that close.

"No. I'll go. The rope."

Tie a rope to your hips and have it pulled and retrieved as soon as something happens.

If they snipe the rope, that's it, but it's better than nothing.

First, put an anti-magic field on your left hand, and I'll just get it out for a second.

I waited a few dozen seconds moving my hands up and down, but nothing happened.

I'll try to reach out a little more and do the same thing.

Still nothing happens.

Thoughtfully expose your body too.

Nothing happens.

As expected?

Return once and re-fit the gloves and cage hands.

Expose yourself to the aisle that turns right again. No anti-magic fields this time.

And the magic of "trap discovery" and "rope trap and fall (detect snare) and hole sensing (z-and-pitz)".

Got it!

About a hundred and fifty meters away, I feel a trap mounted on either side of the floor around the aisle bending to the left!

It's far away and I don't know much about it... but that shape...!


No, guns!?

[Uh... so... la-ku-3 type]


[Condition: Degradation (over time)]

[Processing Date: -/-/-]

[Value: -]

[Endurance: 1269]

[Performance: Mode I/30: Mode II/90]

[Effect: Automatic security system for counter-invasors (Sentry Gun). Interpersonal hotline gun (blaster) made by Hauser & Recon, automated by connecting the E-ru43 with the sensor]


Unexpectedly, my voice goes out.

Yeah, "uh... so... raku" is just a line of four Ragdarios letters, maybe a model number or something.

I opened my eyes and solidified for a moment, but I didn't forget to just tap into attack magic instantly.


One more!

Ice Cannon!

Instruction (missiles) were only considered for quick sequencing without attachment.

Also, in response to the noisy description of a hotline gun (blaster), I divided it into two types of warheads.

Sentry Gunn was wrecked without a chance to intercept my magic warhead.

Apparently, sensors and dogs don't respond to witchcraft.

"Buzz... fuck you, who's there? Wasmun again? I always told you not to forget the recognition slip when you bring your prey... I could have done it earlier... so this is why the primitive... I'm going to cut you now, so wait... btw"

There was an announcement.

But it sounded fleshy, not like recording or synthetic audio.

But what the hell is going on here!?

To my right, in the shadow of the aisle, they all look pompous.

Bath and Jill also seemed pompous in many ways.

You must have never seen such flashy attack magic before in your life.

"We eliminated the trap. Let's go! Hurry up!

When I say that, I get the gunsword offered to me by Zulu, who recovered as soon as possible, and I run.

Speak to the slaves as they run and hang the magic of the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) on their weapons.

I also hung it on the sword of Bath and Jill.

I don't know if the Lord of that voice is the Lord, but we should be moving somewhere from where we were talking.

Pass by the wreckage of the destroyed Sentry Gun.

I was going to run to see if there were any sensor-like items so far, but unfortunately I couldn't find any of them.

Quite cleverly hidden or behind the aisle walls, I suppose.

Just ahead of the wreckage, the aisle was again bent ninety degrees to the left.

Those few meters away... are the end!

But my [appraisal] eyesight discerns that there is a door on that end-of-life wall.

There must be a switch for opening and closing somewhere. No, it's weird without it.

As he stepped out to investigate closer, the door began to sink downstairs making a poorly built sound of "pshooting, gagging, gagging".

Is that an automatic door?

And behind the automatic door stood a stranger who would probably be the lord of earlier announcements.

[Appraise] the moment you see something that looks like the top of your opponent's head.

[Marset Day Oak/13/3/5912]

[M/1/1/5911 · Pu (Immortal) · Second son of the Deoak family]

[Status: Vampire (True Ancestor (Road))]

[Age: 268 (1536)]

[Level: 28]

[HP: 498 +1269 (498) MP: 508 +50 (558)]

[Muscle Strength: 90 (30)]

[Jun Min: 90 (30)]

[Dexterity: 90 (30)]

[Endurance: 90 (30)]

[Inherent Mastery: Resistance (Conditional Abnormality) (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Blood Sucking (Drain)]

[Special skill: Paralysis (paralysis)]

[Special Skill: Strong Poison (Venom)]

[Special skill: Petrification (Petrification)]

[Special Skill: Absorbs Energy Drain]

[Special Skill: Fogging (Mist Form)]

[Special Skill: Batting (Bat/Form)]

[Special Skill: Homogeneization (Condinar Creator)]

[Special Skill: Immortality (Immortal)]

[Special Skill: Physical Fixation (Grouse Fix)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (MAX)]

Across the door slowly descending annoyingly, the shocking status that popped into my eyes [appraised] just at the top of my head.

The word "true ancestor" draws my attention more than that.

And immortal.

Red lettering like blood in it.

Above all, the EXP column is disappearing like Kirk and Sarah.

I'm not gonna let you do one! Leading Must Win!

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