July 15, 7447.

I wanted to use Resist's magic, but I hung it on myself, so I did my best.

I'm sorry.

Automatic doors descend at very slow speeds of less than five centimeters per second.

It looks like it's old and has some kind of malfunction.

It's rattled.

The moment you appraise the top of your head, take your left hand away from the gunsword and quickly make the Delayed Blast Fireball ten times more powerful.

The delay timer is two seconds.

At the same time, signal everyone to lower their posture and crouch.

Though Bath and Jill also fell behind a beat, they seemed to crouch quickly.

"... at all, to say that it's troublesome that Ichino has to cut his guard..."

The voice of a man who is old enough to complain about bumps is overflowing (spilled) from across the door.

You still seem to be mistaken.

Based on the contents of the earlier announcement, do we know that the security system was activated internally?

I don't think there's a surveillance device or a camera in the aisle that Sentry Gunn set up, even if it's deteriorating over time and it's not already working.

Otherwise, we'll be exposed the moment the security system is activated.

Then, the activation switch of the security system must be on the side of this door, possibly the other side of the door.

I'm here to switch it off. I guess that means I'll open the door as well.

Your kindness towards your subordinates (?) has been avenged.

"Wazmun. Lord, do you have a bad taste or are you impatient... such a light... after you remove your prey gear, etc..."

He seems to feel the light of a weapon hung with a Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike).

Take it easy.

Especially since I don't know about hundreds or thousands of years, but no one but my men will ever come here.

There is no point in making mistakes or being less alert.

All I have to do is stick to it.

The magic concentrates in my hand and becomes a diamond-like crystal a little smaller than my fist.

Got it.

This guy turns into a giant fireball about fifty centimeters in diameter the moment it detonates.

Spread the burning debris around countless people.

Did he see this one fast or did I throw the grenade across the door? Don't forget to throw it in and also put an anti-magic field in front of me as a defensive wall.


The sound of amazement rises.

Sorama, I guess.

I didn't think you were expecting a raid.

Soon there was a roar, and the slightly burning debris bounced off the top half of the door, which came down to nearly half, onto the ceiling and flew into this aisle as well.

I was expecting this, but this door is sturdy, too.

As soon as the rubble is offset by my magic, I rise and hang my left hand on the top edge of the door, which is sinking silently in the floor, pulling my left hand over the door at the same time as the leap.

Of course, the anti-magic field remains intact.

Beyond the door continues a passage of less than thirty m, which seems to be a T-shaped road ahead.

This passage becomes the vertical line of the letter T.

In front of the wall per penetration of the T-shaped road.

I see a shadow of a person who would have been blown away.

Worn out, wrapped around what used to be clothes, but I think it was pretty worn out at the original point rather than saying I wore it out in a fireball.

There is quite a bit of grey hair growing from the leaning head, but even taking into account the exposure to the fireball, it looks like it has been quite a while since the last time I took care of it.

He has a defensive posture with the wall on his back and arms crossed in front of his face.

The debris was like a bullet all over his body, including his arm, raising a skunk and smoke.

He must have been blown up, but he didn't hit the wall.

I imagined the tall height would be twenty centimeters lower than me when I saw the top of my head over the door.

I'm not sure about my physique because of my boro clothes, but it doesn't look like a dead tree because of the feeling of my forearm that I see.

[HP: 0 +367 (498) MP: 508 +50 (558)]

But you're surprised.

You've eaten ten times as many Delayed Blast Fireballs as you can, and you're not dead!

It's very damaging, though.

I slowly put the arm I was crossing back into its original position and immediately raised my face here.

Beneath my hair is a shivering face like an old man, as I imagined from my voice, and those eyes emit an evil red light.

To be honest, there are a lot of things I'd like to talk to you about, but right now, there are a lot of things that need to be prioritized over conversation.

You'll have nothing but anger against someone who suddenly strikes at you for attacking magic where you're distracted in the first place.

I heard some people jump through the door behind me.

Shivering old man's face, Ni, distorts.

I understood everything. These guys are unexpected intruders.

But I reach this way with a look like I'm going to say.

"They're coming!

Issue a word warning and start the dash while maintaining the anti-magic field.

Come on, come on!

I'll take all the attack magic!

An old man who saw me rushing over with a slightly surprised look as he maintained his witchcraft, but soon an electric shock emanated from his hand. It's a narrow passage, and it would be chain lightning.

The electric shock is taken by the anti-magic field even as it makes the sound of bursting and tearing air apart, extinguishing only with a slight purple emission.

Even though his attack witchcraft was extinguished, the old man only gave a slightly impressive look.

He has unleashed attack magic again without panic.

A giant stone spear is struck out of the old man's hand.

Is this Stonecannon?

But to this extent, it's more acceptable than chain lightning!

The position of the anti-magic field tensioned at the tip of the left hand protruding forward was adjusted to receive.

The head of the stone spear is swallowed up by my anti-magic field as it emits violet electricity.

In the meantime, the distance between me and Vampire Road is shrinking.

Come on, what are you gonna do next?

Whatever magic, I'll take it all.

And, the vampire road suddenly scratched off to the sidelines.

Wind magic.

The wind killed the majority of them, but not even the anti-magic field until the air generated by wind magic and the air between them and me.

My running speed slowed slightly.

An old man's vampire road that flies softly to the left from me.

Behind the T-shaped road, the passageway extending from left to right appears to be at the end of the room with the left side intact and about 10 m to the right. Maybe it's a closed door, not a dead end.

Behind the aisle, around the entrance to the room, spread your legs, fold your hips, and a vampire with his left hand on the ground slaps part of the wall with his free right hand.

There's a door like the one I just saw moving behind me.

"Protect Non, you people! Buy some time!

An old man ordered someone to retreat into the back of the room using wind magic again.

I guess I'll tell you to re-divide it.


Cancel the anti-magic field without turning around.

Acid Cloud magic in twenty times before the door that immediately began to open.

Behind the aisle was filled with yellow gas over a depth of as much as five meters.

It's still unclear what was lurking beyond that door, but I hope this will hold you back a little...

Even if it's a vampire, it doesn't mean it's no damage over a powerful raggedy acid gas?

"I'll take care of the back! Just deal with all the guys that come out!

Come on, this is the real deal!

That eyeball, I booked it!

Is the room about 20m wide and 50m deep?

It was probably the living area of this Vampire Road.

A chair made of bone or skin.

They have light magic implants embedded all over the floor, which is pretty bright.

Even though the hallway was only bright with ceilings, this room seems to have magic implants embedded on the floor at regular intervals.

Vampires like just the lights from below don't have a good taste.

I was in a death fight in this room.

Unleash an attack magic that adds guidance (missiles) like a hand-backed sword while making instant fast moves with wind magic against each other.

But as far as I'm concerned, I can't do that forever.

It is now arguably a passive battle to deploy the anti-magic field to your left where there is nothing about five meters of furniture from the entrance to the room and wait for the Vampire Road MP to expire.

The Vampire Road flirts with me with motion and endurance beyond my imagination from the looks of it... do you think I keep going?

No, you're not.

The look on that face is a rush.

[HP: 0 +997 (498) MP: 164 +50 (558)]


A few minutes ago, when I followed a vampire road that retreated into the room and entered this room.

From behind, he said, "Bath and Marceau, Meck is a splitter! Forward! Don't let your husband go on defense! Henry and I will take this one! Ruby, Jess, calm down!?" I hear Zulu yelling. Looks like Zulu is in good command, apart from Bath and Jill. At the same time, he said, "Whoa!" or "Blunt your movements! Aim for your legs! I can't aim!" or something, but I can't afford to care.

Because my opponent is not the only vampire lord who has retreated into the room, there are three others.

The three vampires in the room (the red light emitting eyes and the turbulent pile teeth peeking through their mouths are proof of this) are no less than the four layers of vampires who killed them a few hours ago. Then they're all armed.

One looks like a middle-aged Pu (Hume) woman.

He wears a damaged, normally useless piece of leather armor and gets a round shield and a long sword.

The other is a tiger (Tigerman) -like guy in his late twenties or so.

Like the woman, she hardens herself into a damaged, almost peeled, formerly high-quality metal belt armor (banded mail) and wields a large, deformed sword like the ellipsoid shield and the wider one ahead.

And the last one. A middle-aged elite (elf) with a long sword (long sword) made by the Hoogs swordsmen on his right, stiffened in overlapping billboard armor (sprint mails) that can be described as an industry, dyed the surface in a vibrant bi-green just green and sequined, with two spikes stretching from both sides of the tip of the thin trapezoid on his left. That's the guy Mizuchi used to say "Likugan Shield” or something. Now your uncle has confirmed the double push of the bonus.

These three are standing avant-garde in a frightening collaboration, buying time for Vampire Road to heal wounds with some sorcery. Vampire Road is undead, so I guess he's healing wounds with another sorcery instead of the usual healing sorcery, but it seems to take quite some time to get used to it.

Practice the magic of recovery.

I don't think I've ever had a scratch before.

It was at first that I was able to ice the middle-aged woman and Vilheimer in good time.

It was a shame to hit Stonebolt once after stabbing the remaining Tigerman twice with his sword in the meantime, causing him considerable damage.

I also got a good shot and although I didn't get any direct scratches because of the armor, after being taken a few left ribs by impact, I was bounced off my back and struck by a wall near the entrance. Naturally, I recovered it immediately and the damage was eliminated.

Anyway, while I was playing with Tigerman, either the woman or Vilheimer turned off the ice on the anti-magic field. Vilheimer's use of the anti-magic field will require mental concentration for quite some time, and perhaps a woman. I don't have time for an appraisal.

When I saw it, I panicked for a moment (I used anti-magic fields in just about twenty seconds), but on the contrary, I was able to calm down and use magic because my head was cold.

Disintegrate where Tigerman came swinging his sword down against me.

Against the sword, of course.

These guys aren't vampire roads, so I could just use Disintegrate to turn them into dust, but to dust the volume of each person, the MP consumption on the boulder is too big.

Tigerman breaks down the sword he was holding, flashly empty-handed in front of me and disfigured.

Speaking of boulder vampires, I'm guessing none of them could reassemble themselves to something unexpected.

I'm going to show you the magic of a vacuum blade (vacuum blade).

Tigerman's neck rolled to the ground without bleeding out.

Can't the boulder undead also be decapitated?

What was that?

Mizuchi said.

Oh, was that Durahan?

If it wasn't for him, you'd die.

Release the flame crusade (Flame Strike) into tow when you turn back to Vilheimer with the woman who erased the ice.

It seemed like Wilheimer had slightly opened his eyes, but soon he put up a shield to play a small fireball like a baseball ball with a cold smile on his face.

But the woman came in more hastily and took all three shots with her shield and her body. I guess it's undead, so naturally the damage should be higher than normal.

You don't want your husband's bedroom burned?

Is it also a suicide wish?

"That's dangerous! Turn it off!"

A woman is commanding Vilheimer with a strong tone.

One nodded, Vilheimer stopped approaching me and started focusing again on the spot.

Can you offset my witchcraft with your witchcraft?

Then I'll shoot you again and again.

Flame Crusade (Flame Strike)!

Now the woman jumps over the fireball and comes at me suddenly without doing anything to prevent her from standing up.

Is it Vilheimer's turn to turn himself in?

Well, this woman, how do I cook for her?

He's not a naked vampire, so he's paralyzed. He can't show it as long as he's using his sword.

Swordsmanship is what Tigerman did earlier. He will be rewarded with the increased ability of vampires as well, but he has received two small fireballs and a slow-moving vampire...


Soon after the sorcery was fired, I set up my sword and moved forward toward the woman.

Continuous use of Iron Skin Defense (Iron Skin), Stone Skin Defense (Stone Skin) and Bark Defense (Barkskin) at the same time.

My body is surrounded by blue magic light.

Still, to reduce the damage, I twisted my body to take a long sword (long sword) blow with my left shoulder, and pierced it with eight firejavelin warheads from a close range that I couldn't avoid.

Is that it?

It doesn't hurt as much as I was prepared to.

And rather than say, it doesn't seem to have any damage at all.

Is this pretty good for you?

He slashes up with a sunlit gunsword from under the woman's jaw and looks behind the woman wondering as she turns her face in two straight.

Why didn't you hear the explosion of the Flame Crusade?

I was surprised at all the lumps, but Vilheimer was generating a brilliant force field in the light purple color he was used to seeing. What the hell is going on with this guy!? That old man, can he deploy the anti-magic field so fast? Was that the old man, too?

"Phew! Feeling good... Greed, you look like you could use it, come here!

That's what I say and laugh at Niyali, Vilheimer.

You've just beaten your senior. You can afford me.

Besides, I see you've lost even your human emotions.

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