July 15, 7447.

While we were fishing for the golden-eyed stuff, Bath and Jill had their armor removed from Vilheimer's body.

I'm also sorry to keep you waiting too long.

This labyrinth row has its original purpose.

Rescue of Vilheimer's is one of them.

But this was impossible to achieve because he was undead.

I mean, it's a failure about the request.

In either case, the results should be reported to the client as soon as possible for the work undertaken.

We haven't checked the room yet, but should we go back for a report?

This is outrageous!

I don't think it's a problem to come to this layer again.

Room lighting is alive, so there will be no problem with the supply of energy.

The transfer of this layer and the four layers to that location will probably be okay as well.

But how's the door in this room?

Can we keep the automatic doors open?

If it's common sense, it's already closed.

Now that I'm on the inside, it would be possible to open it.

When I confirmed it, I found that there was still an opening/closing switch beside the door and that it was free to open/close from the inside.

However, the method of opening it from the outside is unknown.

I feel like I can't go in there again once I'm out unless I get the recognition slip and the dots.

You can't get out of this room unless you at least get it.

I'm sorry to hear about the berths losing their leader, but I've decided to keep searching for a home.

"Master, what about this?

Henry has been offering something like a tablet.

Strangely, [Appraisal] gives a proper model number as [Yi - Miu - Ku - 67 Do], but when the status is open, the name field becomes hyphenated.

He thought it was crap because his name didn't come up, but he thought it was worth it because something like glass is used.

But there are also many scratches on the surface of the display.

But I guess it's made of some kind of resin for the enclosure, but I could see how it was being used in, and it didn't look dusty.

Says the place I discovered it in the first place was on a couch that was on the wall.

This must be some kind of terminal.

Probably something generic.

That's an investigation.

"But what the hell is this room? I've never seen anything like it... but it's mostly crap and it doesn't seem to be worth much..."

Bath looking around the room is squeaking.

The Zulu's seem strange too, but they don't slap their mouths in vain.

Jess has been offering trash where Henry is messing around with something like a tablet he discovered.

"This... would be rubbish. Put it together over there."

After a short viewing, I make that decision.

"Do you understand?

Look at me like that. Jill sounds strange.

"No, I don't know. But on the boulder, that would be rubbish."

What Jess brought was some sort of bar-shaped thing filled with unexplained parts.

It seemed like it was made by collecting parts from a variety of objects.

There is also no uniformity in the design of the parts used.

Probably something that was accidental because that vampire load was dropping in and collecting parts and assembling them by hand and it failed or something.

It was dusty.

That's how I discovered the recognition slip.

There were a few small cards like the ID on my chest.

There seemed to be something written on the surface, but I can't read it busily because it feels like it's already rubbed off.

There are only a few parts left, but only about one or two characters can be discerned.

But I know the letters.

It's an oath alphabet.

Let Engela hold it for a try and let it out and close the door.

I told Engela to wander down the aisle with an ID.

After a while, the door opened even though nothing was operated on this side.

With this, it is possible to enter this room again.

At this point, I decided to cut off the investigation and go home.

I'll take the tablet.

There's only one button, but apparently this is the power button.

When I pressed and pressed, a cursor appeared in the center of the screen that prompted me to type.

Some holes look like microphones, so I guess audio input is possible.

Maybe he's a speaker.

Perhaps the login has a keyword around the name of the vampire load.

I don't think it would be voiceprint authentication because he was reincarnated, too.

I haven't tried audio input at this location.

I switched it off immediately because I don't know how to recharge it because I don't have anything like a connector.

It's possible it's not running on electricity, but it's not about investigating now.

"Time to go back"

Declare that the gold objects have been washed away and recovered.

"Is that enough?

Bath asks but nodded honestly.

But, "We're going to be here again."

I haven't forgotten to say that.

Finally, I'll say a word.

"Well, Mr. Bath, Mr. Jill. I need to talk to you before I go back."

"I know. I don't blame you for Roberto. [M] I don't think I had a choice."

Jill was also nodding next to Bath giving me a reply.

"I apologize for not making it. My condolences also go out to Mr Vilheimer."

It seems strange that the person who killed him would say it, but I can't help it.

"I have no choice. You guys were in such a hurry and still couldn't make it. We're not the only ones in the first place..."

"Right. I was sure I wouldn't make it, and if I could have gotten this far in the first place..."

There were few monsters in this layer.

I may have managed as much as the ghoul I met along the way.

But I don't know about Wight, Specter, or combat, and even if I'm lucky enough to get out of it, I wouldn't be able to get to the security system.

I think he was hit by a vampire lord or vampire over there, all aligned and absorbed his precision.

"And when it comes to moving here, right?

I went on with my face like Bath said I knew.

"Huh? That's nothing...... I recovered one thing about the golden-eyed stuff, and it's what that vampire road was accumulating in the first place... I think I have the right to fish first when I knock it down, but not after."

"... is that so too"

Bath looks around and answers.

Tablets are the only items where glass was used, and the paint peels off the consoles, making the metal's scalp look like a lump of gold, silver, platinum, or other golden-eyed metal.

Bring out all the magic items (magic items) even the ones that are out of charge, and then all the things that look like useless crap from my eyes.

But on my way home, walking at the rear, I didn't forget to fill the aisle with dirt just before turning around the corner of the aisle. It could only be filled within sight, and there was not so much magic left, but I think the passage could have filled quite a bit because there were so many long straight lines.

Even if someone comes crawling into this layer, they can only get to the aisle lined with the first small room they've transferred, unless anti-magic field magic can be used.

Even if I could use it, I wouldn't be able to go too far back.

I don't know if Bath or Jill had noticed that I was back filling the aisle with earth magic. Of course he was using magic carefully to avoid being noticed, but even if he had noticed, he seemed to ignore it.

As a result, it was also found that the plank-like garbage found in Spector's room was an ID card. Apparently Jess reported it as garbage without spotting it as an ID card. I can't blame you because I can't even do it. 'Cause it really just looked like garbage.

July 16, 7447.

I was able to safely return to the four-story room.

When I finally got back on the ground, the date had changed and it had been a few hours.

Tris and the other two were waiting for me at the entrance square.

It's Lizarra Redflair of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Vickens Balchemy of the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

They say the rest of us are in a liquor store called Merck, which is the stash of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

Lizarra Redflair seemed to calm her spirit by scratching her head a little bit when she saw Vilheimer, who was in charge of Bath. Except for saying "thank you" to me for just one word. She started walking somewhere with a firm foothold when she silently received the body from Bath without saying anything in particular. I think the destination is Melk.

Both Bath and Jill with Vilheimer's gear follow her in silence.

The slayer (Slaughters) is packing up in Melk, so we head to the store with the loot.

The time was already a good place in the middle of the night, but the lights were on and the shop was open.

The store also had all the surviving Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and all the black yellow balls (Black Topaz), and two Zenom and Rolic from us. Three people with Tris in it. Three other young men, mid twenties or so women, like some other old man I don't know and I saw somewhere, were also sitting on the edge. These three seem to be the guardian positions of each of the ladies in the example.

Also, the bodies of Kirk and Sarah, transformed into vampires, were wrapped around blankets.

Ice is placed around it.

It is not unusual in itself to be able to retrieve the bodies of members killed by monsters in the labyrinth.

One or two a month, this kind of party occurs.

We're not all going to be wiped out.

Normally, he often stays in an inn where he stayed.

I gave Andersen, my client, a report about the backdrop while moisturizing his throat with a warm beer.

We couldn't save Vilheimer's, so we can't multiply the cost of the request, so we need to report it as soon as possible.

"... ok. Good luck... Yes, this..."

Andersen, who lost Kirk, replied with a complexion that seeped mental fatigue.

At the same time, he sends me gold coins for rewards.

I got paid and decided to just leave the store when me and the battle slaves paid for the food and drink. And then there will be Kirk's funeral, because there's nothing special to talk about with the ladies.

But when everyone left the store with Zorozoro, they were stopped by their entourage.

"Please wait, Master Gried. I'd like to take a moment..."

He sure...... James. I thought you said James Knockfuri.

He's the eldest daughter of that second daughter, Baron Reface's family, Yorille's valet.

But I want to go back to the inn and wake up and talk to Mizuchi about the loot and the information I got. If that's possible, I'd like to gather the reincarnates and head back to that place after noon. Sometimes I just ate dinner and I feel like sleeping.


Is that why?

I had a surprisingly grumpy voice myself.

But in the first place, the ladies had to say I didn't bother to move Vilheimer's old men to four layers... now I don't know.

Besides, there's a chance he didn't have to move the base to that room.

That was a little cold. Sorry. I'm sorry.

Did you see Sir Knockfuri come by my side, and the other two, my unknown old man and sister, stop by late and start saying hello?

Andersen's sister just looks at that side by side, too.

I didn't say anything but exhale a small sigh.

... Is this the real reason they waited in that place until late at night?

To be honest, I don't like this with so many dead people out there in their escort and lead roles.

Haekan only looked up at his guts trying to help his husband. Ironic though.

"Yes. Nice to meet you. But please think of the location and time. I'm not willing to do anything but talk about this place right now. Besides, isn't there something you'd rather tell the adventurers who asked you to escort than talk to me?

Before he told me what to do, I couldn't seem to carry on two sentences with all three of them with a nosy face because of what I said so clearly.

Well, there would have been plenty of time, so I don't think it would have been enough to say sorry for what happened to the victim.

All I'm saying is, there's nothing in front of the Green Club or the Black Yellow Balls that I'm not going to do right now.

"Now if you'll excuse me."

Coldly I said away and headed to the Boyle Pavilion.

The battle slaves all returned to Schooney, including Giberti.

"It's going to be quite fruitful this time. First, [Invisibility Ring, a hidden ring]"

"" Ooh. "

"And three!

"" Ooh. ""

"And this guy. He's only got his right hand, but he's called Dextrus Working Gloves."

"" Ho ho ""

I also take out the charging and useless magic item (magic item), but I said, "It has a name, but I can't sense magic even with magic sensing (detect magic)... I don't know what that means, but I'll appraise it later".

I don't give out tablets or ID cards.

"I'm sorry, but let me sleep for once for today. I'll tell you more when I wake up. I've used quite a bit of magic this time, and I want it to heal. I'm sorry about that, but I don't think I'll be able to make the usual run today."

It was the first time I had ever said anything like this, so everyone honestly pulled me out.

Of course, I told you to go to the labyrinth again from noon.

If it was meant to be in the first place, it would be today and the day we enter the labyrinth again, so we should all be back at the inn.

The members, including me, are the four others back from Merck: Mizchi, Belle, Ralpha, Ghine, Bastral, and finally the gibbertie of the haulage.

As for women, menstrual leave is not allowed only this time.

Mizuchi will get rough on the second day, but there's no way he lacks a single reincarnator to investigate there.

I don't know who realizes what.

Oh, yeah.

It's late at night, and I think he's asleep, just in case...

I went to Mizuchi's room and as soon as I knocked lightly on the door it opened.


Mizuchi, who came out with a worried look on his face, smiled when he saw my face.

I wish you'd come right away.

"You weren't asleep?

"Yeah... Um... hurt, no?

You've been waiting for me to come home and look on my face.

"Well, I'm hurt a little bit, but I'm fine now that I'm cured."


"You have nothing to apologize for. It's what I liked and did... well... I had physical problems, but if it's true, you wanted to go, too, and I made it stop... and it turned out to be for my, my, my future, my family."

"Hehe. Thanks."

"You kept me waiting. This... confirms exactly what a Pu is."

Pass each bottle of eyeballs collected.

"Yes, thank you..."

He was smiling with tears zeroed holding a bottle filled with two eyeballs against his chest.

Well, the bottle itself is rubberized and coated to increase impact resistance, and I don't see the contents because it's wrapped around it with cloth.

"Now the rest..."

Dragon, huh?

"Yeah. One more thing"

"Stay on the big boat. Wherever you are, I will find you and bring you down."

I told you to dress up, but everyone sees where you are...... but.

"Yeah... but I can't." I can't. I'll do anything. "


"I can't. I'll do anything. When you say hello to your brother-in-law for the first time, you need a souvenir. Let me dress you up."

I grinned and said.

"Already, come in..."

Me, instead of taking a shower yet, I haven't even taken off my armor...

"Oh, you know, I just want to restore my magic, so just a little bit, muggle!

I got my hands around my neck and got my mouth blocked.

You, you're always strong during your period.

Well, it's not my room today, so I don't think I'm the one who can get the sheets dirty and be seen with a little kid's eyes.

I decided to camp between two layers of metastatic crystals.

I went into the labyrinth at noon, so I didn't think I would be forced to.

As far as the massacres (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) are concerned, Lorrick has successfully told Carm and Kim that they and Zulu are each in the labyrinth as leaders.

Lorrick says they know about our rebirth too, so they talked fast.

Consider my combat slaves tired, and never force me to act cautiously this time around the shallow hierarchy.

I was able to get a place in the corner of the room in good condition, so even though it is between two layers of metastatic crystals, it is comfortable there.

Mizuchi looks a little dahl too, but he came along hard without complaining one thing.

It just so happens that the timing is right. Guine seems to be menstruating, and this one was unhappy Taratara, though.

July 17, 7447.

Four layers were stepped and aimed at this previous room from among the metastatic crystals.

Transfer device behind concealed door (?) to transfer everyone to the example hierarchy.

The time is 13: 30.

I decided to go out in the hallway and have lunch.

There's no light in the room.

"Well, we can finally talk..."

Talk about things without even talking about them.

Far past reincarnators. Vampire Road.

That he was an alien, though only a prediction.

I don't know if it's Balduk's entire labyrinth, but at least part of this layer is that it looks like a spaceship.

Put out the tablet by presenting the ID card before everyone who stops.

I even turned it on.

The fact that I showed six hot line guns (blasters) that are extremely broken and unusable.

It should be noted that I had difficulty explaining the spacecraft to Xenom.

How advanced science and technology does that require?

I had to explain it from the universe and the stars more than that, but it seemed to be a good review for everyone else, including me, and it wasn't in vain.

I'm still lying down about the possibility that Lils was cheating on my wife and the existence of a guy who says Zugtomole or something.

Because I didn't think I could make a minor decision until I got some information from this investigation.

They took more than two hours in total, but if you think about the combination of breaks.

When I walked into the first room, I was wondering if Ghoul was back, but that didn't happen.

Last time I was on my way home, I was rolling into my room with the demon stone still removed.

Ahead, the passage was filled with dirt, but things went smoothly, and the room where Wight was and the room where Specter was could pass without any problems.

There was no such thing as an automatic security system being revived, and we arrived in front of the example room without seeing a single monster.

Let everyone put up their ID cards (when I put them up alone, they told me to "show them for the number of people") and open the automatic door and enter the room.

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