July 15, 7447.


A large array of powerful delay blast fireballs burst.

It should be noted that the Vampire Road appears to have used ground magic that remains vegan for defense purposes with a super-reaction almost at the same time as my deployment of the anti-magic field.

Also laying on the floor at the same time.

The soil falls worn out and deposits on the floor from a place considerably lower than the ceiling of the room.

But dirt walls don't complete in such a short time as a second or two.

I haven't finished depositing. Can it be completely prevented by a halfway dirt wall?

Numerous flamebullets penetrate the soil that continues to descend on the evidence.


Offset the flame bullet from the explosion of the fireball with the anti-magic field in front of you while advancing!

Jump to jump over the dirt wall!

Beyond the dirt wall, he received several flame bullets and saw a vampire load of dying and scratching algae.


Face hits something, stars fly in front of you.


If you're not wearing a helmet, you're seriously injured.

He fell right in front of the dirt wall dressed in a disgusting manner.

It was just better if it didn't fall off the back of my head, but I'm letting go of maintaining the anti-magic field due to shock and pain I'm not expecting at all.

Damn, there was an anti-magic field left without dressing up, so I should have poked it in while erasing the dirt...

But what the hell did you hit!?

It makes me feel like I'm lying.

I don't see anything.

But a spark like a small spark from all over the (...) ku (...) near the ceiling of the room......

Hit me...?

But that's behind us.

You should only be thankful for something that didn't result in a catastrophic breakdown in your neck, although you were shocked by a collision on your forehead and head thanks to the helmet's shelter.

I had no choice but to use a minimal anti-magic field (because I thought it was about level five ground magic that I saw) to erase an already finished earthen mountain.

Beyond Tsuchiyama, a half-burned, dying vampire road manages to crawl and escape further into the back of the room.

My left arm, which has been subjected to flame bullets, seems to be carbide from elbow to tip, and is not in use.

The left foot is also connected from the knee to the bottom by a piece of skin, and there appear to be several holes in the left flank.

There is nothing out of that hole, but some of the guts are visible like burnt from a tear in the skin.

[HP: 0 +8 (498) MP: 0 +5 (558)]

Then you won't be able to cure it, and you'll only be able to crawl.

If he chooses out his eyeballs, HP will go negative and die.

If you let it go, it may come back to life, but it is unclear whether it will come back to life with you to the eyeballs, and if you think about it in common sense, I don't think it will go back to the eyeballs that were chosen out.

Even the magic of regeneration (regeneration) would revive it, but undead. Then the formula is high that the remaining eyeballs will be useless.

Oh, is that a reverse magic defect (difficit) okay?

My remaining MP is... five hundred and fifty six.

I can use it without any problems.

Is that negotiating material?

"Heh, heh, heh..."

I don't know if I needed to breathe, but I was pretty rough on my breath and running away like a scalpel.

Place the sword tip high and slowly step out and stand about 3m back.


I have a lot to ask.

The vampire Lord, who called me, trembled victoriously, slowly leaning back.

"You, Grid Kawasa..." you said. Did I just say that boulders are reincarnated? Instead of knocking him down, this is what I am inside... What do you say?

Vampire Road has asked with a cramped face.


At first, it's too late.

But like I said, there's a lot I'd like to ask you.

"Get the guard dog down"

When I say that, I get a cheer from behind.

I guess I ended it well.

"... you didn't even have to back it down..."

Jijii said with a little shame. And they'll ask right away.

"Who the hell are you?

"Did I just say that?...... Alain Gried. It's an eyeball heist."

"Would you be a reincarnator?

"Don't say that."

When I answer, Vampire Lord looks at me hatefully and squeals.

"'Japan'... 'Christ'... well, I remember... the three natives of Doovan 4... sorry to say..."


"I should have sucked it up after it went quite a bit... Hmm, do you have a lot of knowledge... That's it... Hey, Greed and I'll do it"


Vampire Road slightly opens his right hand, which he was holding when he grinned.

Its hands are gripped with a black box about a small match box, with a green lamp on the edge.

No way!?

"Whoa, don't move. That face makes sense somehow, doesn't it? Are you lucky or unhappy that those who know so much about you after a long time... hehe, it's already working. The impact falling from this height is enough."

Hit me...

Suicide bomber!?


Look at me with a changed expression. Vampire Lord gives me a satisfying grin.

Damn, it's equal to being held to the lead in the negotiations over this period.

"Your husband!

Somehow Zulu and the others come closer.

"Get him back."

Vampire Road demands it.

Damn it!

But you can also negotiate with the guy who undead Vilheimer in front of Bath and Jill.

Just right, it can be called a boat on the crossing.

"Don't come! Go back!"

I yelled at the Zulu people without looking at them.

There will be Bath and Jill, but with my battle slaves, I'll be sure to bring them back.

You'll be as likely to use it on them as you are on dangerous sorcery.

But not good.

No, no, no, no!

This is a bad situation!

I've never heard of anything other than suicide bombers or comic book stories.

Oh, do you have any missiles I use in the militia...

This is not the way to use it though.

His face is distorted and he stares at the vampire load.

It would feel good if I could kill this guy with my gaze, but no matter what I do with magic, it won't be possible to take that box faster than the vampire lord opened his gripped hand and without shock.

If it's true that it works with a slight impact, but I guess it's true...

"Jizzy, if you give me the eyeballs, I'll fix them with magic, and you won't miss them, will you?

That said, he just seems as vain as he wants.

But I think it's quite an attractive proposition.

Isn't there?

"Hmm? You still have that much magic while you use all that magic? You think you can honestly believe that?

"You're on your own, but..."

When I said that much, it got to my ear that Jijii was whining about something bumpy.

"More than the original flesh has been lost, the Ikes gene (Gorn) (?) The information could not be helped...... I ended up undead and even after all this time, this is still the limit...... the main (burn) contact (vain) body was also lost...... already... tired......"

Primary (Byrne) Liaison (Vain)?

The main device?

The mainframe?


"Can we at least entrust it to..."

Do you want it?

"Camilla...... stop lils"


"That's right. He's wrong. Until you bend the dishes...... no, no. Kill Lils, please."


"Can you do that, or something like that? He was my wife."

"... what...?

Jijii only looked pompous for a moment, but immediately returns her expression and carries on the words.

"Hmm, I'm just being deceived. His real name is Camilla. Camilla Ellisner was my old name... before I was reincarnated."

What the fuck are you talking about?

Camilla Ellisner?

That's not a fucking name!

Miki. Miki Kawasaki is his name!

Otherwise, why would you say you looked like Miki!

How do you say you found out!

You're kidding me!

"After reincarnation, Lils Ginselean. Gain, no, I changed my name to Lils Zgtmole after I married Rusuk Zgtmole"

My thoughts about Miki must have made me look like an erupting face.

The vampire lord who saw my face began to speak in a low voice when he exhaled a small sigh.

"Whoever has defeated CharizeDan and Naeral on a rape meter and has become divine himself is possessed by crazy paranoia... and that's... better to tell you this. We were originally... well, what about the earliest... kill me, do you need my eyes?


"You don't have to worry. Just immobilize. Here."


Vampire Road slammed him on the floor holding the match box.

The lamp that was green changed color red and the announcement sounded like it had broken again.


Is this...?

"You just defeated me, you can come here and hunt me down... you said it was worth sticking around until you were undead..."

"Jitsu (Coom)"

"Hey, what is this' countdown '!? Stop it!

"I'll figure out what you're talking about, by the way. Is that the native language of Doovan 4?

It's like you said "3 of 4 Doovan" earlier...?

"... I won't let you bury me. But let me hide what I hide. I'm not even gonna show you everything."

Damn it!



"Why don't you kill him? You want eyes, don't you? I'd be dead easy now, wouldn't I?

"Lacquer (Nurm)"


"What? Huh, I thought I'd tell you, but is it something you talk about? On second thought, I had captured the primitives of Lug 3 and had only gained the finesse. That's a small number too..."

"Land (Roam)"

"A little!?"

Don't be ridiculous. I killed three of them (that's all) just today, and to the habit of even being a vampire, how dare you, well, get out of it!

"All I need is a whole month at best. A little more than you guys who eat Lug's native animals every day, isn't it? Barbarians."

"Wood (eem)"

"Just kidding......"

"Oops, even plants don't make a difference to the native organisms of Lug 3 (oath?)? You'd be eating a huge number of lives more than I do, wouldn't you?

That's not the problem!


"Stop this' countdown 'than that!

"... what again... oh, I'm not stopping. There's nothing I can do."

"Why not!?"

"Ginseng (Meme)"

"Don't panic so much. There is nothing you can do about it. I just gave up."


- Start retaining the (some) environment. Done. Self-destruct process of the operating table (console) in ten seconds. X……………

So you're saying?


"You'd better not be standing there, huh?


"Crouch! Keep low and defend yourself!

I don't know, but for now, I also warn the Zulu's.

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine"


"You! You'll throw up all of it!?"

"I'm not going to. He breaks into my home on his own, hurts me, even tries to take my eyes off me... its power is a big deal, but how can you favor a guy like that?

Grr... you're right when you say that.

"It's about finding out for yourself if you want to know. Especially since we don't have much material left."

"None (Rem)"

From everywhere near the ceiling (...) ku (...) "Bread!" or "Pari!," he said, sounding like the circuit was short.

Several monitors floated in the air just for a moment like holography and disappeared.


Magic of illusion sensing (detect illusion)......

It turns out that some illusion was hung about the top half of this room, including the ceiling.

Of course, there are some illusions on the floor.

For example, a desk where the Vampire Road first took out a broken hotline gun.

Magic of Phantom (Dispel/) Breaking (Illusion)......

More than half of the back was filled with a boneless console, like an escort's battle command post (CIC) or something.

I mean, what I've always thought was the floor was actually the ceiling, and what I thought was the ceiling was the floor...

Instead of burying things like automatic doors on the floor, it was right to pull them up to the ceiling, and the floor in the room was glowing because of the lighting on the ceiling. I guess the aisle had the floor glowing originally.

Sentry Gunn was also originally set in the ceiling, not on the floor.

I can also snort that the woman's vampire ordered Vilheimer to put out the flame crusade (Flame Strike) because it was dangerous, and she went in and shielded herself.

Only when you turned your back in the back of the room during the battle did you see a gap that would make me fire attack magic.

That means Vilheimer was new or pre-educated.

What I could see at my desk was like a big box with some more hotline guns inside, but it was all broken.

Hmm? A frigate?

Balduk is a crater-like basin city......

Damn, I think too much.

"Are you done... come on, kill me. Take whatever you want with your eyes."

"That's not true. I want you to tell me what you know."

When I hang the Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike) back on my gunsword, I stick it close to my big crotch.

"I'm not going to talk any more.... if you stick it in there, you're going to die..."

Magic with a huge increase in damage to the undead, but to that extent, instant death with one shot is difficult.

Especially if it's a vampire road, there's going to be a lot of negative HP.

"I don't mind if that happens. Heal any number of fatal (blues all) or severe (blues critical) injuries."

The pain seems to remain, so torture would also be effective.

Oh, yeah, I guess the reason I was taking the time to heal was because I couldn't completely ignore the pain.

Still, it's a big deal to have been able to use magic at that rate.

Not to me, but I've never seen anything but me.

"That's scary. I'm going to talk about everything after washing up."

I'm sure you are.

"Let me heal you"

Vampire Lord tells me to beg for a powerless grin.

It's harder to think rationally with less magic.

But you seem to have used healing magic (though reverse magic) faster than I would have responded.

And I stuck my right hand into my own chest with a knife that I had left without getting my hair in!


If they decide on the Demon Stone, it's over!

I immediately tried to slash my right hand off with a gunsword but didn't make it......

Two eyeballs were selected together just in case, and carefully placed in a bottle for preservation.

I looked at the console nearby before calling Zulu and the others, but I don't know how to operate it completely.

How did you get the power supply (?) I'm not even sure if I would put it in, and whether it was the effect of the short, the enclosure itself had quite a bit of heat.

The matchbox used by the Vampire Road also has one sliding small switch and lamp, so I don't have any joints or anything as much as I think it's molded in the end.

I tried to move the switch thoughtfully, but it never changed from the red light.

I have no choice but to call Zulu and the others in solidarity.

"Master, you're safe..."

I'll take a sequential appraisal of the awe-inspiring combat slaves before me.

Including Bath and Jill, who are suddenly speaking to Vilheimer, there were those who were injured, but not those whose levels were falling.

Jill and Meck seem to have been exercising their magic to the limit critical, and their magic power is cutting six.

Bath and Jill's voice as they were treating the injured.

"… status open"

The two of them are looking at Vilheimer's status.

"You think it's Vampric Death Night?

Maybe this is what it looks like.

[Roberto Vilheimer's Corpse (Semitic (Vampric Death Night))]

If it's my [appraisal], I can see it added.

[Fine People (Vampric Death Night)]

[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 15/7/7447]

[Value: 1715398]

[Durable value: 21]

I always think that when you do a lot of damage and become a corpse, [condition] becomes [good] only seems like a bad hobby joke.

In particular, in the sense that there is no prospect of resurrection, there are parts of the [state] that can nod because it is just a chunk of meat.

... Is it too much to say that there is no chance of a resurrection? I don't care how hard you try after [state] is [death] on the boulder, there is no prospect of a resurrection... are you a little bit?

Mizuchi said, "That's what I said. There could be magic," but in a situation where even a mild illness cannot be satisfactorily cured, it would be another dream of a dream.

Still, [value] is amazing.

I know you haven't picked the Demon Stone, but it's a big deal that you have high levels and special skills.

I ordered Zulu and the others to look all over the room for something gold.

I could only discover a few pieces of clothing that were old and worn out around the Vampire Road's living quarters, and some parts that seemed like crap.

Is it possible to repair the hotline gun?

The structure is unclear, and the principle is obvious.

Other than a small button like a trigger (trigger) on the front of the gun handle (grip) at the bottom of the dungeon, it seems to be united and I can't find a joint.

But just in case, I recovered a total of six hotline guns.

Also, I get many different types of lupes from the shelves on the wall.

Then, I also get all the handmade tools (like testers).

Not many items are likely to be gold, but some magic items (magic items) were found.

There are two [Invisibility Rings, a hidden ring] with four hundred and fifty-first and two hundred and twenty-six charges left from the little box that was on the shelf at the back of the room. The right-hand part of the [clever glove "Dextrus Working Glove"] from the same shelf where the tools were further arranged.

One by one [Invisibility Ring, a hidden ring] and [Chain Electric Ring (Chain Lightning Ring)] have been charged out of the box like another garbage was jammed. One other charge has expired [Fireball Wand] and one [Lightning Wand]. Likewise, there are two [Bruce Stuff] whose charges have expired. Well, these are more than just garbage you can recharge.


[Fireball Short Cane "Fireball Wand"]?


When I realized it, I couldn't help but notice.

If you charge less for the [Hidden Ring Invisibility Ring], nothing is spared.

Oh, with that said, I still put it on.

I can only use it about forty more times though.

Can we do something about this?

I guess I can't because I need to be naked?

And then there are the demon stones of Vampire Road (four worth about four million) and two demon stones of Vampire per person for a total of four (about half a million worth each), and two zombie dog demon stones (about 10,000 worth each) that the Zulu and the others have finished. Likewise, there is one big, double-headed dog demon stone named Ortros (worth about 600,000). I haven't put it in my account about Vilheimer.

The Demon Stone alone totals over 130 million.

Does Vilheimer also have more than one demonic stone?

I'll hand him over to the boulder.

Something is about to get busy...

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