August 30, 7447

When I returned from the labyrinth at the end of last month, both Claw and Marie had risen two more levels to ten.

At this rate, reaching the fifteenth level before the dawn of the year would not be a dream either, but a reality at your leisure.

About the collection terminal and degenerative device that sleeps deep in the labyrinth, about the spaceship, about Miki (Lils).

I had a lot to think about slowly, but I told myself this was not the time to think about it, and I was focusing on mechanically getting Claw and Marie to gain experience.

He also had a strange look that seemed embarrassing and unspoken when he handed him 1% of the demon stone he earned after redemption as a bonus.

In total, they killed nearly 150 orgasms.

The combined Demon Stone gained from monsters on the road has a bonus of over 1,300,000 Z.

They also seemed very surprised and satisfied with this amount again.

Oh, I didn't go to Augamage's room.

'Cause even if you just put your head out and ice pickle it, you can use magic.

And I didn't even go to the eighth floor.

Experience Per Hour Efficiency (as well as Demon Stone) is certainly more efficient when you consider the possibility of encountering monsters.

But because it's a toilet wolf, or because it's pretty quick, it's hard to get ice pickled.

We have to do it, but we have to do it with the momentum to ice most of the impending passages.

It's so clever to imitate just a part of your body that you end up suffocating to death.

Anyway, I tell the two of you who are surprised to have gold coins in their hands, "Pay back every 20 million debts, one gold coin at a time," and I take up the two gold coins I just gave you.

Whatever you say, it's gold.

I glanced over my shoulder and was convinced, but with an uncompromising eye, I was following with my eyes where the gold coin would fit in my purse, and I said, "Still, I got over 300,000 this time, and it looks like I still have the money I lent you, why don't you go visit Wang Du for once or so?," he suggested.

They were both reluctant to take a break even though they hadn't worked satisfactorily yet, and if they weren't going to the labyrinth, they would do an audition, but they said, "This time I've been in the labyrinth for a long time, so I'm making it five holidays from tomorrow, and the last day of the holidays is the whole training, so you can come back by then. Besides, we're both pretty nervous and tired. Come on, stretch your wings. Me and Mizuchi are just going now, and we have horses, so you want to come with us?" and took the form of being almost forced to take him. But it felt like I didn't have to rest.

Auditorium is important, but now you should let go of the spirit that was nervous and rest your tired body.

Of course, Zenom, Ralpha, and Ghine have shopping to do, so the holidays go to the King's Capital. Rocco and Kevin are going to visit, and Vince said he rarely wants to buy one. I hear Tris and Bell are not going to King's Capital this time. They're going to spend some time in Balduk.

Lorrick said he was going to visit a city with a population of about 8,000 people named Lashoe, about forty kilometers south, opposite his two combat slaves and Sanno and Lutz, Ginger, Hiss and the Wang Capital. Anything. They've been cooking specialty dishes with sheep's meat since this year, and they're going to eat that.

Carm seems to spend some time asleep, and Kim was breathing as she played around with the cat. Meese says she's going to run in, and she's going to put a gel on that. Thanks for your hard work.

Bastral was worried about Marr and Limby when he left the labyrinth. Cathy was waiting, so the Tris likewise said he would not go to the King's Capital this time, but would spend time watching Jess coach Marr and Limby in Balduk.

My battle slave seems to want to say hello to Murowa's sister. Put down Zulu and go to the Wang Capital factory, mainly in Giberti.

The members who go to Wang Capital will have Claw and Marie stay at the Inn where they often stay because "I'll go first. Take care of him in Wang Du," I said, and the four of Mizuchi, Claw and Marie headed one foot to Wang Du.

He talked a lot on the road and seemed to break it down pretty well with Mizuchi.

I rammed the two of them into the inn and immediately headed to the dryer, where I bought some dried goods.

This time it's a dryer in Wangdu, but it's like it's stuck with Balduk, and the assortment isn't much different.

And as soon as I show my face to the store only once, I return to Balduk far away.

Thanks to you, the moon was changing before I went back to Balduk.

September 1, 7447.

Go to Fairy Town and meet Master Mira and Carl.

I told him I had something to talk about before I trained in magic when I fluttered the dried food as usual, so I quickly talked about what a spaceship is.

But I just found out that the fairies didn't have any information on the matter.

I also asked about how to revive the number of charges on magic items (magic items). "Most magic items (magic items) are said to be created using special skills and magic, and how to make them is negligible, and how to recharge magic is completely unknown."

I have no choice in this.

Then anything that is out of charge can only be used in a hazy way...... damn.

Then it might be better to sell it off after saying something you can't use.

Or pretend you didn't know and sell it as it is... they're going to find out in no time and buy it the other way around.

The only way to find out is to move from three levels to the fairy land area.

They didn't know how to sing your generation from Lils.

Previously, when we talked about the same topic, we only talked about what we knew, and we failed to confirm how they were taught by Lils.

I didn't even feel the need to know that on purpose.

From what I found out, it's the same thing that ends up having to go down to three levels, so hey......

The method they knew was to grab the crystal rod once, then tie a special mark with their hands, and now touch the ceiling of the crystal rod to tie another mark again. Grabbing the crystal rod again afterwards changes the spell that emerges on the surface. It meant that they would be transferred to this area by casting the spell within a minute.

Once upon a time, Lils taught me that when he lured the fairies into this labyrinth.

I questioned it. Me and Mizuchi tried it quickly, but I was able to carry out the metastasis without any problems in that way.

Damn. He thinks I can't remember this mark and your generation is the key...

Of course, that vampire road Talbot Faknor, originally, Marset Deioak said, Miki, no, Lils doesn't believe in Camilla Ellisner being reincarnated.

I don't believe one thing the guy who was possessed by the paranoia of going home and ending up undead. I think the record is true, but that undead only says it in words. There was also a list of names after the crew and reincarnation, but I'm sure it's some kind of mistake. That's how it's decided.

That's right. Mizuchi looked delicate when he saw me waving the hot valve, but he didn't say anything in silence about the matter.

Excuse me.

Whatever you think, I think Lils is Miki.

I thought you said Mizuchi.

Chopsticks were used in the Kingdom of Lyle, and the information board in the basement of Lils' palace was written in Japanese.

So Lils is Miki.

So I missed Japan and peeked into your memory.

So I kept peeking into my memories and looking for me.

... so he showed me around and gave me all kinds of advice and help me apologize to Mizuchi at all...

Until the magic runs out.

Mizuchi was firmly beginning to learn magic when I started sorting my head out as I said bumps.

Sounds like magic weaponization (Enchanted Weapon) magic.

I look at Karl blurry as he teaches Mizuchi greatly with his hands against his hips and his chest.


[Carl Millis/21/6/6811]

[M/21/6/6811 · Fairy Clan · Balduk]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 636]

[Level: 12]

[HP: 22 (22) MP: 241 (242)]

[Muscle Strength: 1]

[Jun Min: 31]

[Dexterity: 25]

[Endurance: 1]

[Special skill: naming]

[Special Skill: Fairy Eye]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (MAX)]

[Experience: 239994 (270000)]

Other than my age, I don't think I've changed my mind.

Well, I don't remember a thing about people's fine status.

………… Ah. Put it that way.

[Balduk: The Sixth Species]

Yeah...... I did watch Carl the first time I met him.

So, I didn't know, so I was just flushing it.

The collecting terminal and degenerative device sleeping deep inside this Balduk labyrinth was the sixth of the eight units on board the spacecraft. Correctly, it was called a "sixth collection terminal and degeneration device."

Somehow, but it seems to have some sort of relationship.

Unlike his grandfather's generation, Carl doesn't know the outside world.

Born and raised in this Labyrinth of Balduk from a generation of parents.

They also have clerics in fairies, so they're properly named.

People and monsters are born with information on their status. “ “ His family ” and “ his eldest son ” are the guys.

I know only once about naming rituals.

There are three separate rituals of naming, he said.

One is to give the creature its unique name.

This is mostly done for babies. There are exceptions, though.

The equivalent of the gratuity is fixed.

The other is to give an intrinsic name to the organism free.

The amount is uncertain, but in some cases the name of the item alone will change.

Sometimes it is named as a group in which the item is included.

And the other is not just a unique name, but adding new information about your affiliation or replacing it with something else.

It would be typical when you bought or sold slaves, or when your spouse or knight is in charge at the time of marriage.

Although these three things are referred to as rituals of naming in one bite, it is not difficult for anyone to imagine that the substance of each is different.

Well, that's right. "There's something a cleric can and can't do," and naturally I know it.

Thank you. [SPECIAL SKILL: NAME] is also said to have a level like magical SPECIAL SKILL.

They never tell me when I ask the clerics, so they say so, but there's no basis for it.

I'll [appraise] one fairy at a time flying around there.




"… Master. May I ask you something?


I don't think so.

"How many clerics are here?

"There's only a small shrine, and you're all alone."

Yeah. You know how many fairy towns there are, and you can imagine that.

"What's the naming ritual when you get married...?

I didn't see the fairies as one of the “ Ladies ” or “ Ladies ” or “ Ladies ” who is the result or evidence that they entered into a marriage.

"I won't. The clergy here can't get that far."


But I want to make sure of this.

"Why do you say the names of the masters' families are Balduk?

"Oh, of that. They say it's because you were born here."

Mmm... so what happens if a pregnant woman has a child in this labyrinth?

Wherever I know common sense, I'm born to be the eldest son or something.

Do they have any influence on the degenerative device?

I tried to shake the story around there, but the master just said, "As much as I don't even know... you do". But, well, that's right, too.

Get your mind back on it. I'll try to teach you magic, too.

The magic of the Devil's Blade Barrier.

This mastery of witchcraft took quite a while.

When I quit Fairyland, me and Mizuchi bow their heads carefully, as usual.

"Master. I'll be back in four months. Is there anything else I can get you for dried food?

"... no, nothing in particular"

"Really? And I need to ask you a favor."


"Perhaps the next time I come here will be the last time. I'm going to get territory next spring. Then I'll be busy, so I won't be able to disturb you here for the time being. So, I want you to decide by the next time you're coming, if you don't mind, why don't you all move into my territory?


"I think we can provide quite an area. If you're on the ground, you can eat all you want to dry food every day... yes! It is also possible to designate your land as a protected area to prohibit entry! I guarantee you peace of life."

Master Mira answered with her first seemingly tender eyes and face since we met.

"... thank you. But I won't take that personally. We like it here..."


"That's okay. It's enough to deal with those who get lost once in a while, like Al. I want to live quietly and go... Plus, my parents tell me. That this land is the last paradise we have ever been given... You can't afford Lils' generosity."

"... well... but if you change your mind, please tell me. In that case, I'll pick you up again next year at twilight."

That's what I said and exchanged temporary goodbyes with Master Mira and the others.

September 2, 7447.

I wake up in the inn where I was keeping the horse in the corner of Balduk.

Back on the ground this morning, when I entered the inn, I was tired, so Mizuchi and I slept together, trying to fall right into bed.

It's 20 o'clock now.

... I have to go to Wangdu again.

We need to look at the Chamber of Commerce and the factory.

The two of us enter the rather expensive inn of Wangdu, chewing on dry bread.

Anyway, luckily Claw and Marie both got to the level of Pompom.

It's been hard for a while, but if we go at this rate...

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