23 Nov 7447

I'm getting warm on boulders.

What? It's the cultivation of claws and maries.

Still, after only about three months, I have already seen fourteen levels, so I am certain that I have gained experience at an incredible rate.

If we can maintain this pace, it would be hard to dream that at the end of the year we will have fifteen levels.

Running also immediately after defeating the Auga on seven levels every day, checking safety and going back and forth for about fifty courses of 200 m each way, twenty runs. At first it took about three hours to wear armor only to be vigilant.

Now it's shrinking to nearly two and a half hours.

Oh, of course, I'm not imposing on you about running.

The two are running voluntarily.

I run beside them with a dying look on my face. I run with them too, but I also have a hard time keeping up with a fairly slow pace.

I also wonder if I can't move around without a break of nearly half an hour after the run.

You still don't have enough basic health.

... Better than the original bastral?

I didn't put any armor on the bastral.

I'm the only one wearing armor even when we're all running on holidays.

Leaving aside the running, let's talk about all the killers (Slaters) over the last three months.

Don't be surprised. What a magic item for each party!

The Eradicator (Exterminators) had obtained from a group of leaderlike individuals in Hobgoblin who were wandering around the three layers a watch magic item that was not super fancy and could be considered the finest, such as more than 10 million Z for the end price. And I was getting this stuff from a five-tier altar.

Eight Rollicks with Ralpha as their leader came to me with joy and courage for appraisal magic.

Possible Cursed Items (Cursed Items), so I only checked the name with the status without gear and brought it as is.

Of course I was excited to do the appraisal.

[Light Sword (Light Sabre)]

[Bashto Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 18/10/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 4096]

[Performance: 89-159]

[Effect: A sword that houses powerful light magic. When you grip the pattern properly and pull it out of the sheath, white light emits from the entire body. This intensity of light is brighter than ten large bonfires]

I didn't know anything about basht steel. If you look at the subwindows, they seem to be steel to a degree that is considerably better than common cast iron but does not extend to stainless steel. Looks like something rare there. Well, it looks like we can expect the extent of the medieval sword that was used on Earth.

By the way...... magic of light? The magic of light, not the magic of light?

Is it to the extent that the magic of lights with a little ineffective time hung?

There is no explanation that it has a magical effect other than emitting light.

But the Devil's Sword is the Devil's Sword.

"I feel magic, too, and it would certainly be a magic sword because it seems to contain magic of light. What do we do?"

What are we going to do? Of course we're going to sell it or someone's going to use it.

If you want to sell, except for two of my battle slaves, a headcount for the seven who added me is the reward.

"Shouldn't you take it?

Lutz in tune with Ralpha, who says.

"No, it doesn't seem like a big deal as a magical weapon, so you should sell it, okay?

Lorrick and his battle slaves Dender and Karim in tune with said Sanno.

Even if I were in favor of Ralpha, I would sell it by majority vote.

I don't know, I can't help but take it like this, and it looks fancy, so it could come with a good value.

"If you want to sell, I'll broker you?

I ended up going to the Sundark Chamber of Commerce with my watch.

And the delicacies obtained by the massacrers (Butchers) come from six layers of altars.

[Poison Dagger]

[Mithrill Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 2/11/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 25000]

[Performance: 28-52]

[Effect: A powerful poison is secreted when the equipper successfully attacks (if more than two-thirds of his body is stuck in the opponent's body). However, in order for the poison to be effective, the level of the target being attacked and the level of the equipper are relevant. At the same level as the equipper, the poison has a 50% chance of being effective. The likelihood that the poison will be effective is reduced by 2% each time the target level exceeds the level of the equipper, and the likelihood that the poison will be effective every time it falls below is increased by 2%. If the subject is poisoned, he/she is hit by strong tiredness, chills and fever, the effect of which reduces HP one by one with its maximum value every ten hours. The subject then becomes confused and incapacitated when less than half of the original maximum HP remains without effective treatment.

The cure needs to be based on a magic trick that eliminates the effects of poison, or a magic trick that removes poison]

He asked me to appraise him pretty freaked out because his name is his name.

"The curse isn't hanging...... yeah, sounds like you have about half a chance of poisoning the person you stabbed. But for that, he needs to poke around here. You can't have a loot wound. And the poison seems to do a little bit of damage. Sounds like you've been alive for quite some time. Even normal people will be alive for nearly a month, but if you don't treat them because that's about it, you'll starve to death before poison. The cure seems to be fine with the magic of poisoning (neutralizing poison) or detoxifying (removing poison)"

It was Zulu who was the leader at this time.

But after Rocco muttered, "Looks like you could use it for torture when you take a prisoner or something," the other members said they didn't want to sell it unanimously.

When I heard that, I thought it was torture... and I didn't even have a voice.

Everyone seems to have plenty of room there, so if you're convinced, that's fine.

It's an offer, Rocco, and you told me to keep it and push it against Rocco.

Rocco seemed happy.

Don't even joke about licking the blade, okay?

Probably fine though.

So, he's the savior (Sabres).

They had ended basing between ten layers of metastatic crystals during September and eleven layers of metastatic crystals during October. For the first time during the eleventh level of basement, I incorporated Claw and Marie into the Eradicators (Exterminators) to put Tris in command, and I was also back to the Redeemers (Sabres) for a long time.

I had my period just that time of year the night before Ginger entered the labyrinth, so it is also significant that the slaughterer (Butchers) had a vacancy for two. Bastral and Engella were sent as leaders to the massacrers (Butchers).

The eleven layers of Wyvern were not resurrected, as always, and the fog remained swirling.

The lightning bolts could not be caged, the seven-colored columns did not rise, and they had arrived between the transition crystals without seeing one of the monsters.

So, he was just peeking about the twelve layers as well.

As for the twelve layers, we talked later, and in the meantime we had three 10 million class magic props, one 30 million class magic prop, and one over 100 million demon props. He also acquired one magical weapon (magical arm).

[Rapid Aimed Sword: Sword of Aming]

[Mithrill Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 3/11/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 65000]

[Performance: 90-160 (+10)]

[Effect: Even though it looks like a normal long sword, it is very well balanced and makes it easier to make it hit where it is intended. It is more likely to do more powerful damage than usual by making it easier to hit the target location accurately]

I can say this is also a valuable delicacy.

However, it was unlikely that it could be stored in my wooden gun once again because of the construction of the tungsten.

Mizuchi's already using the Devil's Sword. Yeah, I'm sure it's more powerful than this.

Zenom and Ralpha both use magic axes.

Besides, Xenom is bad at using swords anyway.

Bell also uses an infantry sword (short sword), not a long sword (long sword), and that's a magic sword too.

The Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) used by Tris would also be more powerful than this.

Zulu usually uses a two-handed sword (bastard sword), so it seems to be compatible at a lower level, but it will be hard when the reach changes in ten centimeters, and I don't know if I can do a two-handed attack when I have to...

Engela is flat (broadsword) so can it be replaced as it is......

Rather, the right hand cage hand can be changed to something better for missing the knuckle guard...... will the weight change considerably?

Guine and Bastral are the main weapons (main arms) and have never held a sword in their heels.

Carm uses a small knife, and Kim is a spear.

That's a subtle thing to use in the Redeemer (Sabres).

If so, is it used in slaughterers (Butchers) or eradicators (Exterminators)?

Who would be better?

Rocco, Vince, Lorrick and Sanno are the ones using the long sword. And Henry and Meck, my battle slaves.

Given his strength, Rocco has two or three heads popping out.

And, more so, as an adventurer who stands avant-garde in the labyrinth, he is close to Xenom.

If it's against monsters, it's about to be mutual with me, not using a gunsword, but just using a long sword.

Rocco is the only member standing in the avant-garde who can afford to wave his sword for an attack.

Of course, other members may attack, but the avant-garde often uses only defenses and swords in a defensive manner.

By contrast, for a high strength, Rocco attacks with a good and significant percentage of his ability to create room.

I don't care what you think of this. That's Rocco.

Rocco, who had deposited his long sword with me, had received it with a trembling hand if he hadn't thought of it.

"It's a magical sword!? Are you sure I can use it?"

I said, "So protect everyone." Most members, including combat slaves, said the same thing and slapped Rocco on the shoulder. But Zulu and Engela looked unhappy.

I was going to have something to say to you, so I asked you later.

"I think this demon sword should be used by your husband."

"I can't believe you let those mindless elves use you... even though the five Troll Kins were powerful opponents"

He said something like that.

No, I wanted to use it, too, didn't I?

But I need to use a gun sword to power down.

You don't have a choice.



I was persistent.

I appreciate you guys saying that and trying to get me up, and you're worried about me, but come on.

You've said that before.

Am I weak enough from you guys to have to use that demon sword or something?

"But it's the Devil's Sword!

"Yes! Didn't your wife say it too! If it wasn't for the Devil's Sword, some demons wouldn't attack!

If someone like that comes out, I'll use magic...

I didn't think it would be obvious for long.

"What is it? Are you complaining about my decision?

So I finally shut him up.

... you both have a negative point.

I don't know what the point is.

... But it's still sweet of me to allow my opinion to be a slave so many times, isn't it?

29 Nov 7447

This time again, he leaves Claw and Marie to the Eradicators (Exterminators) to fight a muddy battle on five levels. The leader of the Eradicator (Exterminators) is Bell. Kim is going to the slaughterer (Butchers). So, I'm back to the Saviors. Since eleven layers of basing have already been completed, Giberti is going to the factory this time.

Last month, I was peering through the twelve layers during eleven layers of basement, but I wanted to do some research.

Well, it feels like I saw... that, what? To the point of saying eleven layers...

Yeah. We're together with no walls.

Then, as bright as day, the outlook is as good as seven layers.

Clouds can also be seen over the sky, and in the far centre stands columns that look thinner than the claw branches.

Also, it seems like we always move when we're on the outer wall.

But there are bigger problems.

Perhaps the twelve and thirteen layers are stuck together.

No, being stuck was a bad expression... connected, should I say?

The ground is like a giant mesh grease spread midway between the inner walls of a cylindrical labyrinth….

Something like a promenade or pier about ten to hundred meters wide is left in the air (?) Only the majority were giant holes.

The hole has a distorted circular indeterminate shape, and its size is inconsistent.

In addition, even if the diameter is small, the delivery is preferably two hundred meters, and if it is large, it seems to be in units.

The promenade is on dry ground, with some mountains and valleys depending on the location, but there seems to be little steep slope of gradient, etc.

There are places on the sidewalk where rocks as large as the previous hierarchy are left about five meters in diameter.

As a result, plant-like objects do not even grow a single bottle of peppergrass.

Naturally, the bottom of the thirteen layers, which are the lower layers, can be seen from the hole.

As soon as I look down at the lower hierarchy, I can tell, horribly enough, that the thickness of this ground is only about 10 m. When the width (crease) is about 100m that is stuck to the outer wall, it seems to be like an overhang, so I can still feel at ease because it also feels like I'm treading on the ground. However, there is a problem around a floating island that is slightly larger than the promenade due to multiple hole gaps and so on, as if connected by a pier. Behind the floating island the ground is thicker and saggier than elsewhere, like an inch-packed stalactite asparagus.

If a promenade like a hole with a narrow width and no thickness and a halfway point between the holes collapses due to some factor, the island is also under the impression that it is likely to fall due to weight.

So, the extremes, when you look down from the hole, are piercing the lower hierarchy (?) I see artificial structures. It's hundreds of meters in diameter and seems to be many times as tall.

Perhaps that is the collection terminal and denaturing device.

After all, they're not spacecraft, and there's nothing like engine nozzles at the bottom of the rocket.

Maybe it's downstairs.

In addition, there are places that are distant and difficult to understand, but the surface is like metal, with some irregularities and structures sticking out.

Then, the thirteen layers of ground appear to be mountains with raised centers.

The collection terminal and denaturing device is piercing the mountain.

Either it's due to a pierced impact, or its perimeter collapses dramatically, and it also looks like it's wearing a big hole in the mountain.

In the center of the circular labyrinth, columns grow to penetrate the center of the mountain.

The majority of the ground, including the surface of the mountains, seems to be covered in deep woods, which also seem to have laid a green carpet on one side.

Because the lower layer has mountains, or the holes don't seem to be open like these twelve layers, but the difference between the high and low layers... even by the heavenly edge of the mountain is too high to tell.


That's higher than Everest.

But what if the diameter of the labyrinth is ten kilometers?

About ten kilometers at the foot of the mountain?

And then the mountain is about two inches tall?

But then, if the clouds aren't under my eyes... it's not on the ground, and what the hell do you care in the labyrinth, I...

Well, this is what the twelve layers look like.

The vision is good, and I've tried the rendezvous when transferring from the eleventh layer.

I can see it if it's close.

Nothing seems to happen for a walk between the exterior walls, so the rendezvous itself would be easier than the eleven layers.

Even if we are aiming for the center, the pier seems to be about 10 meters thin, so my legs will snap and I won't be able to move. Something is wrong.

... Should this also bring in the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators)?

It doesn't look like there are any monsters, but it doesn't necessarily mean there aren't like Wyvern in the eleventh layer.

I suppose you'd be smarter to hit it by a large number, assuming you're there?

"Eleven layers or the thirteen layers you see below? Then I guess so. But don't think about it here."

I said what Mizuchi cares about.


"Somehow, somehow? I have no basis..."

"Don't wear it."

"The dragon seems to be here."

Oh, dragons.

That sounds like a heartbeat, so you're welcome!

And, oh, my God, yeah, you could call it "Dragon Slayer," right?

No more foiling.

... so leave the uncatched raccoon for calculation, what about dragons and all that?

Like eleven columns, there are no tumours in the sky.

I can't find a similar stickout as far as I can see down there.

Maybe it's on the other side of the column from where I'm standing right now, but I've repeatedly made scattered transitions and haven't found it in the end.

There's no place for a dragon?

All the saviors (Sabres) who overheard our conversation surrounded me and Mizuchi at some point.

"Normally, dragons can fly just like Wyvern."

I've heard that.

"And then I throw up my braces"

You heard that, too. But like Frost Lizard or Lesser Yo Wee, the valid range is good. Isn't it about 20-30m?

If we open any further distances, we diffuse and we weaken acceleratively, right?

"Yeah, maybe so. But I don't think I can say anything more than I don't know how big the dragon is. Given the size of Wyvern, it doesn't seem strange to have several times that size..."

So it's twice as long and about thirty meters long? Given the size of the enemies that have thrown up the braces so far, I can say that about five times the total length is in the effective range.

That means one hundred and fifty...?

Is it true that rendezvous is a thought?

If I can throw up my braces where they are solidified, I'm going to suffer irrevocable damage.

"This layer is unlikely to be hidden from flying opponents..."


"I understand what Mizuchi says."

I say as I untie the arm that Xenom was putting together, listening to me still.

"But if it's going to fight in a place like this net, right? I think if we fight in the next hierarchy I can see below, the trees will get in the way, so I think we should rendezvous and get the numbers together..."

Certainly Zenom is right.

If you are going to fight in the layer you see below, not in this layer......

I noticed.

How did the vampire lord, who was a reincarnator, get to that device in the first place?

You stumbled across a plate of four-layer metastases?

No way!? Astronomical odds, right?

Perhaps, but it is likely that Balduk knew in advance that there was a device at the location of the labyrinth.

Somehow they hit it with their own hands from the spaceship they were on.

It's no surprise that I remember about the general position.

I wonder if it came to my mind when I heard that there was a crater when I got to that neighborhood and at the same time there was an underground labyrinth.

It is also possible that he was already a vampire lord when he entered Balduk's labyrinth.

He was also highly direct in combat. Besides, with that magic arm and tons of MP, wouldn't it have been possible to dive from the ground to get here?

But what happened to the hierarchical guardian...?

Only the undead were not seen as external intruders in the labyrinth......?

Then there could be no fighting with the hierarchical guardians.

I just think...

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