15 Dec 7447

He came as he towed Claw and Marie to the room of the eight-layer transition crystal.

These two are also in a realistic range of fifteen levels, and most importantly, all basic combat techniques have been knocked over by the Knights.

There is no shortage even if you think you have enough strength to attend a second-rate party.

Well, people like the one in the Knight's reign have some fighting power from the start, and if you're quite used to fighting and acting in the labyrinth, you won't hit a bee expecting it to be this soon.

This time, however, their level increase was not the main objective.

The Massacre (Butchers) had already taken a break with Zenom in command, and the Eradicators (Exterminators) had Mizuchi and Kim pulling this far to bring them here.

Of course, all the Redeemers (Sabres) have arrived some time ago and all have finished showering.

"This is what happened when there was a transfer crystal over there from the eight layers..."

"It's nine layers tomorrow, and that's coming out, right?

"Is that it?"

"Crab, crab"

"Looking forward to it. I've only eaten enough to count."

"By the way, what's the value of a Light Sword?

"Well, that's all a fancy sword. It's gonna be amazing, isn't it?

From what I've heard, it looks like all the eradicators (Exterminators) can still afford it.

Especially since they also usually make the five layers their main place of activity, it would be fair to say that they are on par with first-rate parties a while ago in terms of their warfare.

It should be noted that now that the Light Sword (Light Sabre) has been talked about, I will talk about it at last, but I have been told that I want a temporary respite until the quote for the luxurious lumbar roll of the Loin Cross of Darling, so I will keep it.

Aside from that, I'm in the labyrinth one day yesterday, December 13th, in this labyrinth row.

On the first day, they all rendezvoused on three levels.

And yesterday, they were all merging again between the six layers of metastatic crystals.

Today it crosses seven and eight layers.

Tomorrow, in addition to the nine and ten layers, there will be no battle, and we plan to merge between the eleven layers of transferring crystals that can go from the transferring location to the transferring crystal in a straight line.

"Tomorrow, though. Keep Mizuchi and Kim back to the Saviors. The exterminator (Exterminators) needs you in, Carm. We need a guard. And then Sanno and Zulu take turns. Then, Vince, gel. Accompany the Redeemer (Sabres) tomorrow. Instead, the slaughterers (Butchers) have Xenom and Tris... and then Ghine goes"

I have no problem with maps.

The Rooters (Exterminators) also have Mizuchi, so their fighting power is fully secured.

She's as good at ice pickling magic as I am, so if she had a map, she'd be fine.

A massacrer (Butchers) who took the form of having a Ghine would have no problem first if he had a Zenom as well.

Make Zenom and Rocco two tops to make Kevin and Henry assistant.

Ginger, Guine, Ruby do a lot of damage with the spear and Meath provides cover with magic and a bow.

Tris usually solidifies his avant-garde, but if he has to, he magically provides cover.

Zenom can command the avant-garde group, and Ginger can command the spear unit.

Tris will, of course, take command of the whole thing, but he can also move fluidly forward or backward if he has to.

The Redeemer (Sabres) will be in a rather fragile form: Bell, Ralpha, Bastral, Kim, Vince, Gel, Sanno, Engella and Giberti, and even if the avant-garde is Ralpha and Sanno, and Tris similar semiavant-garde is Vince, and the spear unit is put in, the actual combat personnel will be in the form of eight, but the two Bell and Engella will be equipped with screening and rifle guns, so there is no problem in terms of combat power.

Naturally, they all rendezvous before engaging the seven Minotaurs, guardians of the Nine Layers.

I also made up my mind about the meeting place for that.


"Have you checked your gear? Then it starts with the Eradicators (Exterminators). Go."

"All right, let's go. Zentmoff!"

Zenome, the leader of the Eradicator (Exterminators), transferred with the nascent Eradicator (Exterminators), who was formed into ten men with the addition of Claw and Marie.

Decades after they turned into grains of light and headed toward the twelve layers, the spell of transition floating in the crystal recovered.

"Then we'll be next. Stay tuned, Rob Koniha!

The massacrer (Butchers), commanded by Mizchi, who confirmed the spell, also made the transfer and scratched it off.

"... let's go. Meketelho!"

And leave the gibberties on the eleventh floor and we, the Saviors, will carry out the transfer as well.


"Oh, you're over there!

It was Ralpha who noticed as soon as possible. I accidentally look in the direction she points, but I couldn't see too far away. It appears to be more than seven kilometers away at a straight distance. If you look at the outer wall in a circle, it means that there's about a third of the circumference between us and them.

According to [Troop Formation (Partization)], Ralpha's fingertips can sense the reaction of the Zenoms, so that's the Eradicator (Exterminators).

Beyond that, Mizuchi's reaction can also be felt.

The distance between them and Mizchi is close, and it feels like around a mile.

"Mr. Mizuchi is a little further... the other two seem pretty close. Looks like we had a bit of bad luck."

Bell says.

Sure, we're the only ones who seem to have moved quite far away.

Actions regarding the transfer to the twelfth layer are predetermined.

If the distance between the three parties is about equal intervals to as little as five kilometers, leave the eradicator (Exterminators) intact and redo the transfer for the rest.

If there is a party with a distance of less than or equal to five kilometers, the two will rendezvous close to each other, and the remaining one decides to redo the transfer.

Because it's more efficient to pack the distance.

We're the only ones here to try the metastasis again.

Last week, the Redeemer (Sabres), excluding me, repeatedly made the transition to the Twelve Layers, confirming that no traps were found, at least along the outer walls.

And the twelve layers are as bright as the seven layers, and the ground is so close to flat that it is possible to walk at normal speeds.

Forty minutes later, all of the killers (Slaters) successfully completed their rendezvous.

The twelfth metastasis finally allowed them to move from one place to another.

Well, we made the rendezvous safely.

The next step is to march to the pillar, thinking that it has a built-in metastatic crystal room that stands in the center.

Party organization does not reorganize.

(iii) Even though it is a party joint, it is because of the decision that it is dangerous for everyone to act together.

You should recognize each other's positions by [troop formation (partisation)].

Of course, if the three parties use magic and flying gear, they will set off at a distance of about 100 meters that can cover each other in a matter of seconds.

The first to take the lead is the Redeemer (Sabres).

Because if hierarchical guardians come out, they will be the first to encounter them.

Even if a lightning bolt cage is created, you won't be left with a very aggressive party.

Especially if a flying monster was a hierarchical guardian, like a dragon or Wyvern, who was the guardian of eleven levels, the Lightning Bolt cage could bind the guardian's range of action.

In that case it would still occur near the outer wall, as in the case of the eleven layers, and that would be hundreds of meters behind the party going ahead.

So this time I was wondering if I was less worried about breaking up.

An aerial corridor stretched like a mesh fat with a very huge mesh.

I can only tell that the bottom of the thirteen layers that you can see below must be luscious and forest even if you stare at them.

If you look down gently, you won't feel afraid of heights.

However, the width of the corridor, however thin, is plenty of 10m, and if it is thick, it is possible to proceed without looking down at all.

There are no strong winds or snow storms like mountains on the ground.

To the extent that the slight breeze caresses the skin comfortably, and the temperature is a little chilly, as is the case with other strata of the labyrinth.

It's a killer landscape that would normally never taste, but the spectacular sights go hand in hand, even making us forget that this is the great depths of a dangerous labyrinth.

Two hours as I proceeded on alert to the raid of monsters, starting with guardians, inside that.

Nothing happened at all, from the bottom of the thirteenth layer to the pillar that penetrated the center of the twelve layers.

The columns that have been in the layers so far are shaped like squares with one side about 50m, and if it feels like I saw it, is it a little thicker than that sunshine 60?

But if you look at this column nearby, the shape is close to a circle, and its diameter appears to be about 100 meters.

I figured I'd blow it.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is so thick that it's not my eye.

"The entrance... is it on the other side?

When I waited for everyone to join me and turn to the back of the column, I still discovered that caves about two to three meters high and wide were still opening their mouths, just as ever.

Just in case, go inside and make sure it's between the metastatic crystals.

It's not even 10: 00 in the morning yet.

"Why wasn't there a guardian?

Mizuchi raises questions, but there is no answer.

"I wonder why...? I don't think it's because that vampire road has knocked me down many times..."

All I could do was reply like a blur.

"Hey, hey - it's been too long since none of this came, didn't it?

As always, Ralpha says a little off.

"You don't. The hierarchical guardian stands still unless he finds someone. I've seen it before..."

Answer as if Tris was frightened.

I've spent a lot of time observing and imagining Minotaur when I'm dealing with eight or nine layers.

It was thought that unless he recognized the intruder or received a little from among the metastatic crystals, he would be closer to a cryptobiotic state as if it were hibernation or dry sleep.

Well, before that, how could a monster in the labyrinth die of longevity?

Not to mention the hierarchical guardian. Come on......

"Maybe you're lucky you weren't there..."

Since Ginger, who had been listening to the two of them, had said nothing else, the discussion of the cause of the absence of the twelve tier hierarchical guardians was cut off.

"But hey, I don't know if I can get magic items..."

Everyone nodded at what Jer said.

About half of the reason I came all the way to the twelve layers is to get valuable magic items (magic items).

Most of the other half has a reputation for exorcising dragons and giving them names.

It also seemed to be calculated that it could be defeated.

Says this many leading adventurers can be defeated if hung jointly.

Says, speaking of newcomers, Claw and Marie have just been in the reign of the Orthodox Knight, or have been blindfolded by Al for the past few months to work out on a special menu.

... and most importantly, he says he's a reincarnator like me (Al) and Mizuchi (this is just someone who knows about reincarnators), and I guess he's an important person for me (Al).

In addition, there are all former killers (Slaters) manipulating powerful sorcery.

Everyone thought of it this way, and when we talked about the dragon's (likely) exorcism, they said nothing.

In addition, members of the Old Killer (Slaters) have heard me and Mizuchi defeat Death-Tyrant Kin, who was on the 14th floor alone. It's also big that Mizuchi said that that monster is stronger than the dragon, depending on what you think.

I think you're treading on such a powerful monster that if only two of us could defeat Mizuchi and me, we could win.

Besides, Tris and Bell, like me, also believe that the title "Dragon Slayer" will be a very effective weapon in the future.

As far as I'm concerned, I want everyone to name that title.

For even when dealing with hard-headed old men and aunts who will always be in the future, I think they will be respected without being licked "by the habit of a filthy adventurer who is not even of aristocratic origin".

But such an idea is futile in the end... do you have thirteen layers?

But there were times when clapping was a good place, and of course, there was a lot of merit and money involved greed.

Naturally, it doesn't suit me to go home with my bare hands without even getting a chance to overthrow the hierarchical guardian even though I've come all the way here, and it's a good surface skin.

Anyway, I'd like to take a look at that device.

Eventually, after a break, it was decided to move towards the thirteenth layer.

Thirteen layers were depressed and lush forests as eleven layers.

This time the Saviors (Sabres), with the exception of Zulu and Engela, carried out the transfer first.

I just took safety precautions to not know what monsters were lurking beside the metastatic crystal.

I scattered right after the transfer and flew my gaze around, but I couldn't find the monster.

A careful examination of the perimeter revealed that metastases appeared to have taken place near the outer perimeter of the labyrinth, as did the eleventh and twelfth layers.

However, it is forbidden to be cautious because we have not determined that after many metastases.

Return to the twelfth level where everyone waits and report what they have seen.

Then about ten times, he went on to make the metastasis with only the Redeemer (Sabres).

Since all the destinations were at the exterior walls, and no monsters could be found beside them, perhaps the thirteen layers can be applied in the same way as the upper two hierarchies.

Less than two hours before lunch, the metastases were repeated and confirmed one after the other at three re-organized parties, similar to in the morning, but not out of range of expectations.

However, from the time of the outer wall of the destination, we investigated the surroundings slightly, and in most cases discovered the same path that seems to surround the circumference of the hierarchy by making sure to stick to the outer wall of the destination for a hiking trail about 2 m wide to places within 20 to 30 m of the destination.

With this path it seems quite easy to rendezvous.

After picking up lunch, we made the transfer at the three parties, and after rendezvous, we climbed the mountains and went through the woods to reach an agreement for the center.

The time is about 16: 30.

Thirty of us are halfway between the outer perimeter and the center.

It's like two or five miles from the outer perimeter.

At any rate, we decided to go as far as possible through the device, and we were gathering around the front so that we could capture the device.

Thinking of the lowest lowlands at the time of the exterior wall as altitude zero, would the mountains, which can be placed in the center of the thirteenth layer, be about a thousand meters altitude, judging by the feeling of seeing them?

Then the steep slope averages about 20% gradient.

If the road is aimed at a straight line, though.

Well, it seems that it's like ninety-ninth fold because it's found at the stage of the investigation, so it's not so much a steep gradient that it's saved, but the total extended distance increases for that matter, right?

I finished rendezvous to get here and it took me nearly four hours since I started climbing, but not just because I was cautious about going through the woods.

After all, the biggest enemy was the slopes and their increasing distances.

The road had started like a ninety-ninth fold, but after that I was pretty tired because I was slowly stretching to take altitude with a whirlpool feeling.

And then, for the first time since I started climbing, I noticed something.

Sometimes it took some time to investigate.

On rare occasions there were places off the road where no trees seemed to grow.

I've done some research on those places, but it didn't mean anything happened.

However, all places, like coppa vultures dotted throughout the forest, had been somewhat dug back.

It is unclear whether the monster dug it.

That quack giant, the Great Underground Vojanoi, could be that guy because he seems to be good at digging tunnels.

But it wasn't as good as a tunnel.

Baldness is often a big hole, but the diameter of the hole is still a big one, so give it 10 meters at best.

Its depth also seemed to be about thirty m max.

I also begin to have the opinion that it would be better to say it from time to time and go back to the boulder and put it back out.

That opinion is also of particular importance, so we decided to go back after we all took a small pause.

Float your hips as you begin to return.

... and now.

We Killers (Slaters) were in danger of annihilation.

There is not a single person who is still injured, but most members have come to panic about their spirit out of fear and have lost their hips.

The guy who has panicked is vertigo crawling on the ground trying to hide himself in the shade of a nearby tree.

But it's either due to fear or it's just close to scratching the algae without letting your body move like you think it's strong.

I can't tell you for sure, but I think it was just after Godzilla roared so loudly that it came from those on the mountain.

... I know!

I am experiencing it when I am a horned bear.

However, when I checked the [status] in [appraisal], almost all members were [status: panic].

(Small) but (Medium) suddenly I'm in complete panic after flipping out the (large) one.

Only two people have not come to panic.

Just me and the other one.

By the way, I don't know how to get out of a state of panic other than time solves it.

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