
I was lucky I wasn't getting the distance between the parties like the twelve layers because this time I was going through a woodland that was difficult as I could see.

I can hide it in the woods off the road before I find it.

It looks like the Lightning Bolt cage hasn't occurred yet, so I guess that doesn't mean it was an intimidation after I found this one.

Engela wasn't affected by the roar, but she doesn't seem to understand what the hell happened.

Well, if you don't know, it can't be impossible to do that, so I'll scold the panicking Engela and kick everyone out and hide them in the wood.

Of course, dull movers pull in as they kick up and make it a top priority to evacuate them in a hurry anyway.

I had originally tried to escape too much fear, but sometimes my hips were falling out and everyone couldn't move.

Was it a small salvation that didn't take long to complete the evacuation because of the brutality?

But that was the dragon (?) of [Roar], its power is not comparable to that of a horned bear or anything.

Mizuchi and Bell, which have a lot of MP, are also trembling with fear in one shot.

There are only four MPs that are down.

Especially since Jess, who is young in its shadow and has few MPs on top of him, presents a completely out of magic look, not even trying to evacuate him, just squatting on the spot, throwing out a spear, holding his head and sobbing, praying to the God of War (Onewas).

I also had a lot of fear incontinence, but maybe it's commendable that I didn't faint.

Though I think it would have been easier to carry me if you had fainted.

Only Engela hasn't even lost her MP and she hasn't seen any abnormalities at all.

Her level is twenty-four and she boasts my next highest level.

Next up is alongside Mizuchi, Zenom and Zulu's 23, but these three have only had their MPs reduced by four to tears in fear and are just making their faces strong.

All of the following were the same.

Damn. I can't pull everyone out of this place.

... then we'll have to fight.

Besides, we should take a little distance from here and draw our enemies there so that no harm is done to everyone.

"Okay, you hid them all, didn't you? Engela, you use this sword. I'll use Guineh's spear."

I gave Engela the sword of Tris, and I unloaded the sword and grabbed the magic spear of Guineh.

"Oh, no! This is cherished by Kalostaran..."

"Never mind. If the dragon is your opponent, a magic weapon is better. I've never been able to use magic magic, but I don't know if I'll have time to call you back if the battle prolongs..."

Mizuchi's sword would be more expensive because of his abilities, but neither me nor Engela are sure to use a single-edged song knife well. Besides, given the reach, the spear is better, but Engela has never used a spear, and a rifle gun is the main thing, so a sword that's hard to get out of the way is fine. I'm not very good at spears myself, but when I was a kid, I was planted in a street. Probably enough to that extent because you won't need any fine technique other than poking upwards.

"Give me the bullet."

Of the ammo box bullets Engela was wearing on her hips, she hung magical weaponization (Enchanted Weapon) magic on ten shots in a row.

I've never tried a monster with a live shot before, but I know it will be subject to magical weaponization (Enchanted Weapon) magic.

It will be to the point of rest.

I don't have time to hang more magic on a lot of bullets because I don't have time.

"Okay, I hung magic on the bullets in this row. If you decide the gun won't work, throw it away and refill with this, even if there's still ammo in the spinning magazine (cylinder)."

With that said, I also pulled out a few blind arrows, Arrow of Blindness, from Bell's arrow barrel (Quiver) and sandwiched it in the belt behind my hips.

Bastral used to demonstrate that it works without shooting with a bow if only pierced.

"Hang the magic of defense now. We'll fight as far away from everyone as we can when we're done."


When Engela and herself hung all the magic of the Resist system, the two of us ran to the top of the mountain with all our might.

Running out the mountain path, looking up the mountain, there was a change.

It's still far and it just looks like a sesame grain, but I noticed a bunch of flying creature-like things swirling around.

I'll do my best to drive up the mountain road for another five minutes.

Something cavernous is opening its mouth over the mountain.

The flying creature seems to be jumping out of there.

"Huh... is that...!?"

Engela says as she shorts her breath on the side.

But it's still far away, and I'm not sure.

The numbers are... nine, ten... no, more.


"Ha... hey, don't look like a person... is that a demon (imp)?

That's weird.

Looks a little bigger, and the shape...

At that time, there was a sound that ripped the air called Pern from far above.

The sound was light because it was too far away, and it just came into my ear small, but given the distance to the source, it would be originally a roar.

"This sound...!

Engela's right, this sound is from when the Lightning Bolt cage was formed!

I looked to the left and right in a hurry but I just see thirteen layers of outer walls in the distance and nothing......

No, I see something like continuous lightning coming from the gap in the eye of a net floating over it.

Twelve layer lightning bolt cage activated!?

By now?

... I guess that's right, but the cause was quickly found out.

They're like sesame grains that were swirling on the mountain, like rice grains.

You should see it as discovered.

I mean, those feathery guys were the twelve tier hierarchical guardians!?


The rice grains, which were like sesame grains, were increasing in size.

"Engela, draw him to a distance you're confident you can guess, and then cum him!

That being said, I will distance myself from Engela and climb more mountain paths using the magic of Audible Glamour.

Engela is practicing motion shooting with Bell every chance she has.

It slows down moderately and causes a short deformed attack magic warhead to be shot.

About half of it hits an arborest-class warhead on a boulder, but a light catapult is better than half of it, and a heavy catapult is enough to hit it first.

If it's a human size, even if it's 200 meters away, if it's a calm, aiming environment, it's a must-have with foresight shooting.

It's time to cut 500m...... [Appraisal] into range.

[F/16/11/7445 · Byrds Dragonian]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 2]

[Level: 17]

[HP: 155 (155) MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 33]

[Jun Min: 22]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Endurance: 30]

Anything will happen to this extent.

...... hmm?

Sounds like there are a couple of different kinds.

[M/14/7/7444 · Garbach Dragonian]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 3]

[Level: 17]

[HP: 149 (149) MP: 6 (6)]

[Muscle Strength: 30]

[Jun Min: 24]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Endurance: 31]

[Special skill: Poison]

What's the difference?

Ah, poison.

We need an end to this before we get close.

"Engela! If you fire one shot, reposition!

Anyway, it looks like I've already been discovered, and I'm not going to run away and hide now.

It's important because shouting can also be an element in attracting enemies.


Engela's rifle erupted around the dragonian formation approaching about 200 m.

Even though it is in the woods, the firing sounds are quite diffuse because nothing blocks the sound.

Slightly between, my audible glamour misleads the sound of the fire.

There was a guy who fell out of a group of about twenty.

I didn't even know which race it was, but if it hit, it would be a blow?

All right, me too!

First, he unleashes the magic of chain lightning on one of the seemingly weak Birds species who was flying the lead to reduce the number of heads and to do a little research.

Electric shock hit as the air shook at the Dragonian, which was approaching about a hundred and fifty meters!

Then, as usual, we split up, two, no, just one for the distance problem... but from there, we split up even further, two, three more, even more... can't we do it to boulders?

The dragonians who were dropped as many as seven in my sorcery were quickly scattered with caution.


Immediate Stone Javelin Missile!

Five warhead stone spears (stone javelin) are fired with induction (missiles).

Oh, the reaction itself is pretty quick.

However, mobility in the air was only once known.

Besides, the speed of flying is a little faster than that of adults, and it's about 30 to 40 knots an hour?

I guess it's faster than running on the ground for a long time, but Bundo birds are way up there then.

Eventually, the guy who was twisting himself in an attempt to snap also fell as he was pierced and screamed by the five stone spears who chased him after him.

I noticed yet another guy mixed up when the distance approached.

What the hell is that?

There were a few of them in the herd, but there was a mix of them.

They were located behind the herd, and they didn't notice it from afar.

Though I may have tailored a few in the chain lightning earlier.

[M/23/6/7443 · vozag dragonian]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 4]

[Level: 17]

[HP: 100 (100) MP: 22 (27)]

[Muscle Strength: 23]

[Jun Min: 22]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Endurance: 14]

[Special Skill: Magic Flight]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.2]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.2]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.3]

I don't have wings like bats!

[SPECIAL SKILL: Magic Flight] Are you flying with that one?

... the magic from above could be a little troublesome.

[M/11/4/7439 · Seybak Dragonian]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 8]

[Level: 18]

[HP: 143 (143) MP: 36 (36)]

[Muscle Strength: 33]

[Jun Min: 25]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Endurance: 24]

[Special Skill: Copy Body]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.5]

This guy has proper feathers.

This guy's the boss because he's the biggest, and he's got a high level of magic?

[Copy] What a special skill.

But this guy is fine......

[F/19/3/7435 · Warrack Dragonian]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 12]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 146 (146) MP: 53 (58)]

[Muscle Strength: 31]

[Jun Min: 27]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Endurance: 25]

[Special Skill: Magic Flight]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.5]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.5]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic Lv.5]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic Lv.5]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.6]

... Definitely!

This is the boss!

The levels are high, and the magic seems to manipulate at a fairly high level.

Finally, I say, the other guy has a pretty prominent tail, but this one doesn't have one, or it would be a discreet little one.

But you've gotten so close that I can finally figure out what that looks like.

And this guy always looks like an anthropomorphic lizard, no, a dragon.

I've never seen a dragon before, so I don't know.

But you look a lot more vicious and harsh than a lizard.

Birds Dragonian has his entire body covered in lustrous brass scales.

Garbach Dragonian has an old bronze scale, Vozag Dragonian has a green and blue bronze color, Seibak Dragonian has a blunt scale, and Warrack Dragonian scales have a dull golden color.

They also seem to have gear, but they have clothes and stick-like things in their hands, like borough clothes.

We were able to finish two more while the attack magic was unleashed from the group.

For a high level of magic, I have a longer range.

One is my attack magic, and one is a repositioned Engela sniper.

Engela didn't take her aim off. Great!


Some attack magic was unleashed against me from several Dragonians.

I'm surprised you can use magic in flight, but you're too far away.

It's offensive magic. We have to accelerate it. It's fast enough to throw the ball.

Just a slight repositioning took all the magic off.

Immediately unleash the magic of counterattack and keep another Dragonian shot down.

Is that a seven-sided bird shot?

And I thought, "Enemy too, the Warrack Dragonians have unleashed missile-mounted attack magic!"

I had to abandon my missile induction to deal with it in the anti-magic field.

You should have brought your shield, damn it.

But it's a big deal that we've been able to finish eleven dragonians by now.

The rest is half.

You'd better finish off the Warrack Dragonian who's been using that missile first.

"Do it from that golden guy! I'll be damned!

Run out to prominence while ordering Engela.


The dragon-like roar echoes again.

The voice made me feel like I had no heart or something caustic.

It came with the imagination that the Dragonians would not have the effect of a growl because they were flying up in the air after the first growl.

Therefore, I do not have strange expectations.

But the roaring sounds of the dragonians created something of a hurry.

Oh, there's something...

It is unclear what the hell kind of relationship there is between Dragon (?) and Dragonian, but there seems to be some kind of relationship.

Otherwise, there's no way the Dragonians, who seem to be the guardians of the twelve layers, are on the thirteenth.

The Dragonians have already reached a few dozen meters from me and have begun to drop altitude.

I don't think we're going to be able to manoeuvre quickly if we stay in the air, so I guess we're going to finish this one off in ground warfare.

Engela's sniping didn't seem to make it.

But if it's a ground war, it's where you want it.

Use earth magic before and after the road to make a few earthen mountains.

Look out for this earthly mountain in Torchica, it's a shootout first.

The only reason I didn't make it walled was to prevent it from getting enclosed and making it harder to escape.

That said, dragonians are about the same size as people, or to a lesser extent, depending on the individual.

It may have been a mistake to leave the sword behind.

A gunshot sounded.

It appears in the corner of his sight that one of the guys who began to descend fell as he raised a cloudy scream.

Excuse me, Engela.

Looks like he was insulting you too much.

Use a continuously audible glamour here as well to avoid being distracted by Engela's gunfire.

Turn around!

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