
My ears are ringing and I still feel dizzy.

Only the face that had been peeled out had managed to be covered with both arms... I was going to, but I couldn't make it.

A few fragments of the exploded Warrack Dragonian were eating in (probably scales or something) from cheek to jaw on the left.

Dizziness and tinnitus were terrible, and there was no mental room to use healing magic.

At best, he pulls through the foreign body he devoured on his left cheek while picking up Spear of Piercing, a piercing spear he was dropping on the ground.

... Apparently my neck is safe from under my chin, and that's the only thing I could do to relieve myself.

What happened to Birds Dragonian and the other Warrack Dragonian that I had just captured on ice corn?

In a hurry to review that one, Birds Dragonian was already stoned and Warrack Dragonian was dying from scratching all over his body.

I am desperate to use healing magic with my hands on something that seems to be big in the affected area.

You should kill him now.

But I still can't afford to use magic.

I was confident to use it no matter how big it was if it was just an injury, but I can't believe the tinnitus and dizziness disturbed my mental concentration so much...

I can't afford to worry about Engela for a while now, and I have to finish him off first anyway.

Look right up the mountain.

He said it hasn't been too long since he flew, but he's been here about half way!

It didn't seem to fly exactly towards this one, but I just turned my back on this one.

Then I realized another important thing.

It's an example lightning bolt cage.

A cage of lightning bolts had been completed to circle this layer near the outer circumference of the thirteen layers.

I don't have much of a problem with it from here, but it looks like I haven't been able to discover this one yet, as there are some wooden trees from the other side.

But you mean you recognized the existence of enemies in that big explosion...

Put up a spear as I shook my head.


Running towards the Warrack Dragonians desperate to use healing witchcraft while screaming!

But my legs are twisted, and I'm suspicious that I can run straight.

I screamed because I was going to lose my mind if I didn't.

I meant to scream full of strength, but I only had a pitifully small voice.

Naturally they thought they'd notice right away over there, but I guess they still can't afford to pay attention to anything else during their mental concentration on witchcraft.

The tip of the spear is the tip of his eyes and nose when he finds out.

With such a light response, the tip pierces the center of the chest.

Dragonian scales looked metallic, or maybe they have a defensive disregard effect.

Anyway, when you take your hands off the spear, you hide in the shadow of a nearby tortica to flank while sheltering your head.

There's going to be another big explosion.

Open your mouth and look down at the same time as you stick your finger through the gap in your helmet and into the hole in your ear.

Mm-hmm. I remember the elementary course I took in my time as a big guard.

It's natural to hide in a shield whenever possible beside an explosion, but it's about blocking your ears and telling you to open your mouth.

Blocking your ears means protecting your tympanic membrane, opening your mouth similarly adjusts pressure to protect your tympanic membrane... deaf!?

At the time of the earlier explosion, my ears were not blocked, and my mouth was not open.

Even though he was wearing a helmet for once, there's also a small hole in the side of the helmet, and that close range.

That explosion is nowhere near the time of the launching of the Nostalgic Type 75 self-propelled 155 mm howitzer.

I don't know, but wouldn't it be like that when it landed?

Isn't that enough because he's alive?

I think so. Soon, I feel the pressure that resonates in my belly.

You blew up.

I retrieved the spear.

Speaking of which... I suddenly worry and [appraise] the spear in my hand.

If only a magic weapon works, it could be caught in a dragonian explosion and broken!

[Pierced Spear "Spear of Piercing"]

[Oak and iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 23/11/7444]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 6652]

[Performance: 190-240]

[Effect: Ignore defensive performance by metal (non-metal defensive performance applies as usual, including magical objects)]

The endurance value is considerably reduced, but with this alone, it will be fine first.

It would be a problem if I ate that explosion another close shot.

What about Engela?

I see a flame-wrapped sword moving in the wood below the road.

Looks safe so far.

Excuse me, Engela, I just need a little more backup.

Something's tough if the five senses aren't normal.

Other than that, there will be damage.

We should still have a little more room until he gets here.

We need to heal by then......


All right!

Now we're fully recovered!

I don't have any pain left, and I can hear my ears without a "uh, uh" problem.

He's... hundreds more!

Elongated body like a snake.

Its body length would exceed 30 m.

Is the thickness of the body something like 2m?

Short but sturdy forelimbs and hindlimbs with vicious looking hook claws.

Two pairs of small bat-like wings in a position incompatible with the body.

And a black body color, as painted using even thin ink, that somehow makes the other one transparent.


[M/25/7/6444 · shadowdragon]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 1004]

[Level: 24]

[HP: 11446 (11446) MP: 335 (335)]

[Muscle Strength: 128]

[Jun Min: 75]

[Dexterity: 179]

[Endurance: 186]

[Special skill: Infrared vision (Infrastructure vision)]

[Special Skill: Magic Resistance (Magic Resistance) 100]

[Special Skill: Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Disabled (-Invarnerability)]

[Special Skill: Vigorous Attenuation Exhale (Energy Drain Brace)]

[Special Skill: Self-Hiding (Hiding in Shadow)]

[Special Skill: Roar (Howl) Type III]

[Special Skill: Fear Spirit (Fear Aura) Type II]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.8]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.8]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic Lv.Max]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.Max]

Holy crap... this... you can win...

I'm going to be dominated by despair, but if I get hit, they'll all just fit in his stomach.

Run away?

How did you do that?

There are a few things that bother me, but I don't have time to watch subwindows.

Yeah, someone kept calling me that, and I guess I got it sometime.

It's like "Pointed Rock."

My remaining MP is almost seven thousand.

What's good about it is that level and all-element magic can be used at a high level......

I don't depend on you.

But it's a must-win.

First, I'm going to cut off [magic resistance (magic resistance)] that seems to get in the way!

Stonelight Catapult Missile!

Aim with eight warheads.

Hit as you deserve!

The magic equivalent of Level Six was used with vigilance [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (-Invarnerability)].

As I thought [Magic Resistance (Magic Resistance)] decreased the number of times left.

Apparently, the speed of flight, anyway, is not that high of mobility in the air, just like dragonians.


The shadow dragon [growls] like a wrath.

Unlike before, I'm unintentionally frightened by too many horrible screams released at close range, but my voice was just too big to react.

Keep releasing stonelight catapult missiles.

I'm gonna stick you with this till it's critical!

My magic warhead that keeps hitting.

The [magic resistance (magic resistance)] of the guy who gets sharpened by it.

But is he twice as far away from him as he is now?

I am cutting a hundred meters significantly.

Both eyes and gaze interlaced with the glow of hatred in orange like a flame.

You just broke into your territory, or you deserve it because you're the one who defeated dragonians like your men.

The shadow dragon looked like it breathed in when it relaxed its body like an S-shape in the air at an altitude of about 30 m.

Exhale (brace) attack!?

Don't take this the wrong time!

The shadow dragon exhaled (braces)!

Wind magic on your back!

I'm asking Mizuchi.

Most braces are corned.

Even if not, it seems most linear, so when avoiding it, it is easy to escape diagonally or in front of the target.

But I don't know what the shadow dragon exhales (braces) look like, so it's the maximum speed possible.


My body flies forward so fast that the bones and joints in my body lift my blemishes.

Flying yet releasing stonelight catapult missiles.

I don't have time to check on the ground.


I slammed into the ground and rolled in a gobble.

In the sky, you lost me. Shadow dragons that stop exhaling (braces) and look around.

But all I did was make him look like he was about to fall!!

He's wearing armor, so he's protected from abrasions, but he must have hit his foot when he stuck it in the ground.

Severe pain from right leg.

Did you break your bones?

But the treatment releases the Stonelight catapult again while falling asleep behind.

Keeping the shot open, cure-all on his right leg.

One more time.

One more time.

All right. Totally painful, too.

There were no missiles, but Stonelight Catapult had all eight shots hit the belly.

"Gol Bügue Gaindel Bour Duct Day!"

Shadowdragons say words out loud that they don't understand very well.

My ears are going to crack.

Maybe if I could speak the language, I could communicate.

But it wouldn't make any more sense than being a hierarchical guardian.

I'm sure the dragon will take the information and end it.

His [Magic Resistance] should remain thirty-six more times.

Five more times like this... Can you stand it? Me.

But I can't. But I have to. I can't help it.

The Shadow Dragon has stopped flying and fallen!

Are you hungry to crush it?

Evacuate to flank for already kneeling!

A penetrating spear, Spear of Piercing, at the same time as falling!

Stab deeply.

When pulled out, bright red blood erupts.

[Appraisal] while running towards the tail, [HP: 11058 (11446) MP: 330 (335)]!

Whoa! The spear is still amazing.

Although a giant monster opponent is prone to increased damage, one shot of damage is huge.

It's not my sword or my long sword!

Even so, it's insignificant.

But if this... that's what I think and I fucking laugh.

The Shadow Dragon tries to hold me in like a wrap.

It would be the end of a roll if I were wound up.



He jumped to his full strength and jumped over his torso.

At the same time, it once again releases the Stonelight Catapult!

Hit it!

But I didn't realize the tip of my tail was coming out of my sight.


At the end of his tail, he flies into the tree.

The direction flown is down the hill.

I couldn't really use wind magic with a slapped impact.

I finally rolled to the ground as I broke the vacuum, the branches and the bones of my body.

"Ah... gu... boh"

A broken rib pierced his lungs or he threw blood out of his mouth.

Calm down!



Gunshots echo.

Looks like Engela got rid of the Dragonians safely without my backup.

All right, just buy me a little more time!

Continuous use of cure-all.

"Ugh, bubble"

Hit him in the chest, spit out the blood that was left in his trachea and the resurrection is complete!

A short distance away when I noticed, Engela stood to shelter me and turned the revolving magazine (cylinder) of the rifle gun to load the next bullet.

"It's all right now, keep shooting back!

Speak to Engela and dash beside her.

The shadow dragon was crawling down the hill and approaching.

"Gens balfa beauma bolle?"

I'm saying something.

But I don't care.

Stone Catapult Missile!

Shadow dragons crawling on the ground move so fast that they are not compared to the air.

But it's that giant on the boulder, and missile-mounted attack magic seems inevitable.

I made him hit everything beautifully!


The sound of Engela's backup shooting echoes from behind.

Looks like the bullet hit the side of the dragon's eye.

There's a hole in the scale...... the hole fills soon!?

This is the guy I'm talking about, "You can only get hurt with a magic weapon”!

"Engela! Replace it with a magic bullet!


We have to buy some time in between!

"Over here, you snake bastard!

Use wind magic on your back again to unleash attack magic while flying softly at super speed.

I used wind magic next to my body on the way to change course.

Attack magic hasn't added a missile, and it looks like it's been tampered with.

Especially if they were adding missiles, they wouldn't have been able to manipulate them.

"Koursaim Ciga! Omaeno Youna Gebok Hailan!

You're not mistaken! Snake bastard!

But big.

Think from the torso nearly two meters in diameter and the round large head attached to its tip, in case it swallows......

But your head isn't a snake.

Add the Wesen Phase by adding dragons like those that appear in Japanese old stories with crocodiles and iguanas, around the collar behind the head (?) shows several horny protrusions.

At the top of a snake-like body there are a bunch of big, triangular spines shaped like sharks.


It's getting dark in front of me!

I'm about to lose my strength from my body.

But I managed to move away from the scene using wind magic.

Damn, did you eat the exhale (braces)!

I'm sure the level has dropped.

But other than that, there doesn't seem to be much damage.

Would it be okay if I didn't eat continuously and fall below this guy's level?


Engela's golden scream got in my ear.

I'm not sure it's ever been understood, but now it's like I've totally told you this one's multiple.

Shadowdragon with me unleashing a magic warhead on my ass thrust me towards the area where Engela was.

Oh, shit!

Stick the spear into your body, and then...

Keep your eyes on me!

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