

Relying on the pierced spear, he manages to climb onto the thrusting shadow dragon.

Paste it and I'll shoot you some attack magic!

That's what I thought.

The right hand hooked the spear, the left hand hooked to the spine and tightened the torso with both legs, but the torso was too thick to help.

'Cause the torso is nearly two meters in diameter, and my feet aren't long enough to be tightened like that.

I couldn't help it, so I scratched the algae to hook one leg on my spine as well, but the vibration and movement were so intense that I couldn't.

In the end, it's the best I can do because my arm alone keeps me from getting hung up like a goldfish hun.

There is naturally nothing you can do about the blind arrow "Arrow of Blindness" inserted behind your hips.

If you let one of your hands go, they'll shake you off, this.

The vibrations are huge because I'm crawling on the ground, and I can't even concentrate on working out my magic when I'm in this state to use some kind of attack magic.

As it is the position behind the wings, it is only better to save that the wings are sweeping away about the tree branches.

The shadow dragon, which advanced somewhat, stopped forward and showed a glimpse into the area with the kyorokyo.

Have you lost sight of Engela?

Here's your chance!

Now that we are in such astonishing contact and not moving in a busy...!

Because [magic resistance (magic resistance)] is still there, normal attack magic to fire warheads. Then no.

Start practicing magic for special attack magic.

But at that moment, the shadow dragon seemed to recall me clinging around the middle of my torso, not Engela.

I can see Shadowdragon's body drawing a big curve.

You're gonna tell me to snap me off with my tail.

No, you're not!

He jumped up!

I cling desperately not to be let go again.

The magic was naturally cancelled.

You can endure pain and practice magic or practice magic during combat actions because you are moving your body consciously.

It doesn't translate to a situation where you get stuck with someone you don't know how to move next and they shake you off, and you're forced to deal with your whole body, such as weight movement that goes with that movement.

There's something about magic that can be used. There will be enough elemental magic that can be used with vegetables.

But you know what?

Some spells I desperately remembered that might happen.

"Gaft mosrazk gevanik mil hakzatrimi mil gol kilm inlemotun garkendali zarkendelli hanzemekoko gahedung gimkoh heiropol kertoninsch gagmanmur kailut buzzeen damavanz!"

Five warheads of ice javelin magic!

... No...

Apparently, he was inhibited by the [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (-Invarnerability)].

I knew I couldn't do it at level three...

A higher level also makes the spell quite long.

Still, there's nothing I can't remember, and I actually do, but in this situation, I definitely fail on my way.

Even the current spell was chanting in a hiatus whether it would fail.

I'm not even going to say it's miraculous, but if it's success and failure, the odds would be half good.

I need to cast this three-fold longer spell within precisely a certain rhythm when it's a higher-level offensive magic.

You can't.


Up and down flipped!

For one thing, let go of your hand from the spear. You may want to use attack magic immediately and try a soft landing using wind magic before it falls to the ground......

I can't!

Absolutely not!

First of all, I can't afford altitude.

20-30m at most now.

He'll let you go about attacking magic while you're falling, but then he'll crash to death soon after he uses wind magic or something.

Something to help you get slapped to the ground from such a height!

You'll be lucky if you're lucky enough to have a tree branch cushioned with a major injury.

I may be able to cut off [Magic Resistance], but they ate me while I was working on my magic to heal my injuries.

Withdraw using wind magic first, don't even think about the hands that attack immediately after, but there is no way the Shadow Dragon will be watching silently until they use attack magic.

They'll eat you up, or else you'll eat your exhale (braces) and attack magic fails.

It is the mountain of Sekiyama that says if we can use wind magic again for good and if we can manage to target the landing.


Something tangled between the forefoot nails of the shadow dragon into my eyes.

... that one!

It's part of the rubber protector!

Shoulder (Spaulder)?

Or a torso?

My rubber protector is safe, so I inevitably understand whose it belongs to.

Unless it's mine, it can't be anything other than Engela's.

I looked up overhead (on the ground) and saw people falling through her.

I'm not a dragonian.

They busted the rubber protector, Engela!

Has my helmet been skipped too, my face is completely dewy.

I hid in a tree and could only see about above my chest.

But there's no way I see my slaves wrong!

I feel like time has stopped.

Engela closed her eyes and wasn't moving.

Ears like retriever dogs quickly caught my eye.

- Congratulations, master! -

While the two of us were running through the labyrinth, when we discovered the magical weapon (Magical Weapon), we shook our tails patterned and looked as happy as we were...

Engela closed her eyes and wasn't moving.

It comes instantaneously cool.

This guy, get Engela!

Engela just looks dead.

But I might still be able to help.

Hurry up! If it's not instant death, I can help you if you're still alive!

Even if I stick to the shadow dragon like this in the first place, I get slapped to the ground.

My aim was to escape to the side using wind magic at an altitude of five to six meters.

Get your hands off the spear thoughtfully......!

"Whoa, whoa!!"

Attempt a soft landing using wind magic.

I managed to land even though I was hooked on a branch.

To those who had Engela fallen in a fierce dash......

"Enge...... laaaa!!"

Run her name out loud.

Don't die on me yet!


The shots echo in the back (...) a little further away almost at the same time as I screamed.

Huh? Gunshots?

He's alive!?



Engela's reply comes from behind...... what?


The shadow dragon threw itself out onto the ground, sounding the ground.

If I'd stuck with it like that, I'd be peppered by now.

I don't know why...?

Hiding in the trunk of a tree, but falling over there is Engela.

I can see the sides.

"Are you calling, my lord!

It was Engela who rushed to my side from behind.

There are two Engellas......?

"Oh, huh? Over there......?

Pointing to the falling Engela, the Engela who arrived beside me is breathtaking to see it too.

"Ah...... such a thing, it should be the monster that's falling over there! I just finished it! It's not me!

Oh, [appraisal] I forgot about Sang.

Engela in front of me was the usual content.

And the falling Engela...

[F/19/6/7440 · Seybak Dragonian]

[Status: Death]

[Age: 7]

[Level: 18]

[HP: -23 (139) MP: 24 (36)]

[Muscle Strength: 32]

[Jun Min: 25]

[Dexterity: 21]

[Endurance: 23]

[Special Skill: Copy Body]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: Water Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic Lv.3]

[Special Skill: No Magic Lv.5]

Was it a dragonian?

Is it a special skill in [photocopy]?

"... I hope you're okay. Keep shooting as you hide and move, go."


But I didn't know you forgot much [appraisal] of the movement.

What the hell are you doing like a combat slave who should be a consumable...

Engela began to distance herself.

Already the Shadow Dragon has noticed that I've left and I'm looking around with my head up high.

It was discovered immediately.

Exhale (brace) flies right after... no, it's attack magic!

The wind magically dashes in the direction it was hitting beforehand... with a missile or fuck!

Stone Trevachette Released in Anti-Magic Field (?) It was the best because it offsets the missiles.

On the verge of the Shadow Dragon unleashing its offensive magic, it was seen as a tile, but the piercing spear Spear of Piercing still remains stabbed.

Oh, I forgot to put a flaming sword (Flame Tan) on Engela.

The only weapon I have now is a knife... and a blind arrow, Arrow of Blindness.

Anyway, I'm gonna stick this guy out!

One magical arrow inserted behind your hips.

Hold tight in your right hand and aim for the Shadow Dragon.

The Shadow Dragon has unleashed a series of offensive magic tricks.

Because of that, I can't get too close to being busy offsetting in the anti-magic field.

Besides, I'm quite used to this dragon, magic, and the time for mental concentration would be better if I had a second.

I am quite familiar with the use of attack magic among them.

There's not a single shot at a way without the art of simply targeting at the shortest distance.

It makes full use of the fact that it is adding missiles.

A large stone spear was released from the eyebrow of the dragon.

I don't know if it comes with a missile, so I have to deal with it.

But it wasn't missiled.

Shift your body from the rays and now it's time to fight back...... can't you?

The dragon crawls around in favor of the giant while unleashing attack magic, and the scaffolding is considerably worse with the trees being snubbed down.

The trees are folding in the direction where I'm prone to escape.

I had no choice but to dash in the opposite direction, cancel the anti-magic field to make the tail blow, and the wind magic will be used at the end.

Of course I'm beating in some attack magic while I'm at it.

His [magic resistance] should be four more times left.

If you're familiar with multiple warheads, you've got one more time, cut them off and change them.

Engela is also covering me with a rifle gun.

Every few seconds a gunshot sounds and the dragon's face is steadily getting more scratches.

Damage, of course.

[HP: 10622 (11446) MP: 142 (335)]

Less than a hundred damage in one shot.

Even though magic is added, the intrusion is a small bullet.

Bean cannon.

You can't sharpen your focus on magic without doing more damage.

Does it feel like a needle is being stabbed in the face because of the damage?

He seems to be causing it.

And he's been quite successful in getting MP consumed in the war situations so far.

Oh, come on, use more!

Gunshots sound.

Good thing I was in the middle of concentrating on magic.

Nice one, Engela!

Besides, Engela seems to be quite a distance away already.

All right!

Now I can use magic without worries.

Until now, Engela was there, so I didn't even think about it.

Earth Magic, Level IX (MAX)!

Anyway, expression speed is the top priority, so I can't even specify the effect range or shape.

Of course, I didn't specify a magnification, or even spare a little time.

Simply soil out around my palm of consciousness.

That, too, can only be put out to fall apart from the celestial sphere section of a large sphere centered around the palm.

But there's plenty of it, right?

Even if [magic resistance (magic resistance)]...!

Soon I wonder if the soil appeared like a hemispherical carpet over it, falling apart.

Level IX (MAX) earth magic is amazing.

The radius of appearance of the soil reaches just over sixty meters!

I don't think you're busy on my back.

But no matter how fast you crawl around the ground with this amount, you can get away with it... what?

The moment the first picking of the shaking soil touched the shadow dragon... all the soil disappeared!

This, [Magic Resistance]?

You're not [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalid (-Invarnerability)], are you?

It's level nine (MAX) magic.

In a hurry [appraisal], it was [special skill: magic resistance (magic resistance) 3].

Oh, it's only a matter of time before I can sharpen it over here, and no, bury it and kill it.

Then one more shot!

Without getting my hair in, now it's ice pickled with water and fire magic!

If you're crawling down the ground, it's quicker to gush out of contact... shit, I jumped.

But you made contact with the water. No ice was expressed.

Success in sharpening [Magic Resistance]?

There's no choice but to fly.

Now earth magic again...... WOW!?

The Shadow Dragon quickly escaped its range of effects by demonstrating its ability to fly at super-speed before it could.

Instead of burying it, it was at best the last time I let it sweep to my tail.

I'm not even sure I plundered it.

Oh, were you plundering because the soil that gushed out of the air disappeared?

Can't you even bury a good one...

The sighting only boasts the speed with which you can get here without taking just a minute from nearly three miles away, burying it would be dirt, but ice, but it seems impossible first.

Honestly, I thought you needed more time to accelerate. I guess I was sweet.

Of course, I don't mean to call it top speed all at once, but I'm afraid it's a sudden acceleration in the bike-like of a twist.

I was going to kill you.

Shadowdragons change direction with more disease than you can imagine when you twist yourself while flying.

Slight stiffness.

Attack magic!


A gunshot sounded.

Hey, Engela, it's really nice timing!

Eight Stonelight Catapult Missiles toward the Cancelled Dragon of Sorcery...... damn it, exhale (braces)!

It's better to use wind magic to fly away first.

Cancel attack magic...... eh?

I wondered if the shadow dragon had shrunk for a moment to release the exhale (brace), but apparently it was different.

When you get your body back, you're going as fast as a spring!

That goes in a different direction than me, too!

Shit, the aim is Engella!?


Shadowdragon held Engela at the tip of his mouth.

My torso and legs are sticking out from both sides of my mouth!

- Um, your husband. This is boring stuff... no, it just so happens to be profitable... and, uh, a little gratitude -

Engela's face, smiling at me, runs around the back of her brain.

You're gonna let me kill my people right in front of you!


I don't know!


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