

The Shadowdragon, which penetrated the ground to bite Engela to death, was killed by the surface for the majority of its momentum.

And with Engela in his pocket, he quickly changed direction, dressed to face me.

My vision narrowed so much that I wondered if I had narrowed my field of view, and all I see in my eyes is Engela pecked by the shadow dragon.

Shadow dragon holding his head up loosely.

Engela is lying on her back with her head to her right, and there is no shoulder on her left shoulder (Spaulder) visible on this side.

I guess that's the guy stuck in that nail.

He was scrambling the dragon with a piece of paper.

Engela is moving from the ground to scratch the algae at heights as high as six or seven meters.

He's still alive!

Wrap wind magic around your back and accelerate sharply to Engela.

Firstly, healing witchcraft while you're alive, which will also require cure-all and regeneration, than attack witchcraft.

I don't have time to remove my left glove, so I burn it using fire magic just before I use wind magic and peel out my palms.

Does that burn your left hand?

It's a short time, so it's no big deal, and I don't care.

This level of burn, if it hangs on my mental strength, it won't hinder my mental concentration!

Activate [Appraisal] to check her condition...... Huh!?

Engela pulled out the flaming sword (Flame Tan) on her left hip with her free hand!


Engela screaming for command words.

The sword's full body is engulfed in flames.

Poke at the nose tip of the shadow dragon at the same time!

But what brings the sword out in the first place?

He looked like he was being grumpy.

No, I'm being annoyed.

Hips? No, your fangs are sticking in your stomach, and you're bleeding flashly!

The Shadowdragon does not look frightened by the blow of the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan), and appears to have put more effort into the bite muscle.

But I can't seem to keep my mouth shut any longer than I'm sure what's going on.

Twenty meters in a straight line to Engela.

Ah... are you holding on to your rifle gun and turning it into a stick!?

You can't use your right hand because you're holding onto it and holding onto it?

If you try it as a dragon, it's close to having a metal claw branch stung in your mouth...

But it's not lethal in itself.

The Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) wielded by the prey in his mouth is far more lethal.

Then it seems like it would be good if you spit it out... my unsolicited desire.

10 meters to go.


Engela is smiling and waving her sword for some reason while spitting blood.

But I don't have the strength to be busy, and I'm just close to punching him in the face.

Oh, are you about to tap the flaming sword you pierced (Flame Tan) and go deeper into it?


The Shadow Dragon, who watched me fly away, did not imitate the silliness of waiting for me, but put his neck around me on the verge of reaching Engela and making me bare.

While I was flying, I was starting to concentrate on regenerating magic (which takes time because I'm not used to it), and I try to reuse wind magic as soon as possible to touch Engela.

But it's late.

Passing the side two meters away from her......!?

"... you called me by name for the first time!

Engela is slapping her sword as she screams.

Damn it!

Still try to reuse the wind magic again and touch Engela.

Engela seems to have noticed me too, stopping her from tapping the blazing sword (Flame Tan) and reaching for me.

He is grinning with tears as he devours his teeth.

I have a hand in Engela too...


Finally, the shadow dragons succeeded in keeping their mouths shut.

Engela's upper body in front of me, her upper side chewed off from her chest a thousand times.

To support the rifle, his right hand, which was stuck in the back of his mouth, was also chewed a thousand times together.

Probably lower body too......

Reach for the falling Engela and use wind magic to chase her again.

I read about it in something a long time ago.

He said people seem to be conscious even if they are beheaded for a few seconds or so.

Then we should still be able to make it!

Immediately use regenerate to regenerate below the heart, vital organs, continuously use cure-all or…!

Of course, I can't afford to use wind magic. I'd be beaten to the ground too, but I wouldn't be an instant death if I hadn't sheltered Engela well and I wouldn't even fall off my head.

If you don't die instantly, you can do anything!



I reopened my mouth, and the shadow dragon caught me shifting direction from the air to the ground.

He captured me with that big, vicious fang-lined jaw that had just divided Engela between her upper and lower body and the abdomen that was in her mouth.

Turning my head down, it was the shape of chasing Engela. I was eaten off my toes.

Engela falls to the ground with her blood and guts scattered.

Fucking wow!!

My jaw closes in front of me.

Unexpectedly reaches for the blazing sword (Flame Tan) she was poking at the tip of her nose.

I wanted to use both hands to secure the sword as well as the left hand I was stretching.

The Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) is still caught in flames.

The left hand I was stretching touched somewhere on the sword and felt the heat of the flames.

but his jaw closed and his left arm was bitten off.

No, my right hand, too.

Now I hear Ebonite armor cracking like I chewed off Engela's torso, and my arms are chewed off from the middle of the cage.

I was literally cut from the middle of my forearm with both hands.

Barely any longer than elbow.

The severe pain runs and at the same time the shadow dragon's jaw closes making it dark in front of him.

That's why I couldn't see Engela getting slapped to the ground.

I just didn't get my neck chewed off. Better, but I'm absolutely dead.

... Isn't it?

It hurts as much as it should, but adrenaline and endorphins already seem to have been released puffy, even to me as a child practicing healing magic on top of my own wounds...

... I knew it hurts.

I've never had a physical defect before.

It is a place where we want to regenerate, but escaping from here is now a prerequisite.

I felt an unpleasant feeling on my face, simultaneously with the feeling of being lukewarm.

Shadow Dragon's [Magic Resistance] is either missing or at best one or two.

I felt my whole body lift.

The dragon that totally put me in your mouth turned up?

At the same time that the tongue-like thing peristallizes strongly in an attempt to swallow me, the meat in the back of my throat becomes soaked and swallowing exercises are performed.

Hooked to the right side by the end of a rifle gun stuck in my mouth is, of course, my reflex nerve-wracking move, but I think the majority of that feat belongs in the realm of luck and miracles.

But it made little sense.

The swallowing momentum was strong and it fell out quickly......

But if you don't open your mouth, I'll force you to open it!

Of course, I'm ready for the first shot or two to get wasted.


Activate magic consciously to get it out of the frown area because you don't have any hands...... can't work out magic?

Calm down.

I'm upset that Engela's been like that in front of me, and I'm just temporarily lacking focus!

Besides, there is severe pain with both hands missing.


By and large, the pain Engela was experiencing is not my ratio!

I can't believe they even ate me trying to save a devoured Engela. They're doing mummification on the ground.

... but if they eat me like this, too.

I'm not going.

All right, I'll reconstruct the magic from the start.

Let's go!

Calm down and try again.


I canceled the moment I thought...

Even if [magic resistance] remained, it would be possible to sharpen it.

But the [Magic Resistance] is gone. What's next?

Naturally I use another shot.

Magic warheads expressed from the forehead are weak in their first momentum.

Even so, it's quite powerful, so let me open my mouth at worst...... no, now my throat (?) It would be possible to break.

But what happens to my head then?

Sandwiched by a magic warhead and esophagus......

The helmet stays on, but I can't even rest.

Then how about direct use of elemental magic?

Worst of all, I don't think it's a hand to use earthly magic, water magic, or, according to this, fire magic or wind magic as it is.

The elements that occur are massive.

It's a dragon, I don't know what it is, but if that happens all of a sudden in your body, it's gonna burst!

So, my head will crumble, too, caught between the elements and the dragon's inner wall.

... I don't see anything in the first place.

Even if I could use it, I would end up with a small amount.

You can hang the light on it and then use it, but if the amount you can get out is more or less enough to burst it from the inside, it will eventually crumble.

There is also a hand called wind magic, but my eardrum will also tear before it bursts, and my body will crumble before the gut of the dragon...

[Appraisal] Give me a weakness...!

All I can think of is a suffocating future while I'm reading it.

Wait! Wind magic, air...... I may not be able to rupture my mouth if it opens, but it will be pretty damaging even if it doesn't rupture, and I can secure my breathing...... Oh, on top of that......!

Do what floats in your brain instantly.

First [appraisal], so the lights on the helmet's sight I saw.

Wind magic when you secure your sight!

Even level six is good enough.

I don't feel like there's too much, but it doesn't make sense if [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (-Invarnerability)] holds me back.

The tympanic membrane is ready to throw away.

Make sure to bend the arm stretched up and take a little bit of space in front of your face.

All right.

Use wind magic.

Bye! The sound made my ears twinkle.

I don't think my eyes have been heavily damaged by closing the moment I used magic.

But no major damage.

I guess [magic resistance (magic resistance)] still existed.

When I make sure, this brings me to zero the remaining times.

All right, let's go!

Wind magic again this time.

But elemental magic can also be used slowly.

You know, I used to gobble up ice in front of Claw and Marie, and I used water magic slowly to flush chocolate and water down the aisle when I was searching for a pit in the labyrinth, right?

The entire esophagus swells.

It produces air at a constant rate while breathing dry air.

My esophagus keeps expanding and I even need to spread my legs and stick it out.

And that time came right up.

Oh, and the shadow dragon took a gep.

The air pressure decreases instantly.

I look up and I feel a little light other than my lights.

But I can't loosen my hands there either.

I think I'll even use a chillari and an air blade, but I remind you that if you don't use that many times, you won't die, and I'll get more air out of it as I initially did.

The size of the esophagus is not likely to spread any further due to the fact that the mouth would be open.

Inhale slowly and heavily.

Still not stopping the wind magic, pushing my legs almost horizontally.

The entire body of the dragon is large and feels like it has moved down.

It must have been too painful.

I felt I landed right away.


I stopped maintaining wind magic and re-worked my magic for another sorcery.


I practiced quite a bit but it still takes nearly five seconds to complete.

Besides, the pain and heart shock of both arm amputations overlap, and time has passed to the point where the completion of complex sorcery can seem eternal...


Dozens of magic swords have been expressed around my head!

Blade Barrier, who just learned from Master Mira a few months ago, starts roaring and spinning, tearing through the pink meat walls of the little inverse thorn that can hang in front of him.


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