


A magical long sword is roaring around me.

At first, several swords hooked up in the esophagus, and there was a glitch about whether the rotation would stop.

But it is continuously slashed by dozens of long swords, and the wounds are gradually slashed and torn apart.

The long sword, which was inhibited from rotating, also moved on to another attack, as it regained its power again.

Shadow Dragon's esophagus quickly wears off with a magical long sword attack.

The Shadow Dragon is complaining of suffering with such loud voices that he wants to block his ears.

Of course my hands are disappearing from the tip of my elbow, so I can't block them.

And soon, the muscles and nerve bundles in the back of the esophagus, or trachea and whatnot, were quickly slashed and torn apart.

The roar of the Shadow Dragon dwindled with it, and finally silenced.


I slashed off the worn neck or torso with momentum.

I wanted to do an instant appraisal to confirm my death, but in case I'm not dead, it's not good, so I'm going to attack the blade barrier more on the cross section of the wound until it runs out of effect time... Is that it?

The magical long sword has stopped the attack on the dragon.

This sorcery automatically makes an attack...

Oh, you're dead!

There was still some effect time left, but the blade barrier was cancelled and [appraised] confirmed dead.

Look around.

Looks like he was moving a little from where he was just swallowed up.


Shout out the name of a loud and loyal combat slave.


At that time I couldn't even afford to look around and see if the lightning bolt cage was missing.

Well, it was gone.

The lightning bolt cages on both the twelve and thirteen layers had disappeared at some point.

I don't know how much I looked for it.

I guess it wasn't a big time because I was immediately pulled back into reality by arm pain.

I sat on the ground, calmed down and used the magic of regeneration.

Right hand first.

Instead of a sharp blade, a red and black mass pops all the way out of the bite-slashed cross section so that every ebony plate is crushed.

The length of the slashed hand went a long way back.

But not yet.

Use more regeneration.

It was like a meat stick. My right hand makes me want to flatten my tip.

And every time I hang magic on its creases, it grows like a little meat bud.

Confirm that all fingers eventually grew.

I had already used a lot of concentration when I tried to move to my left hand.

If you're in battle, you're desperate, and your consciousness tag is loose, so you can handle about dozens of consecutive uses.

But how can a bone break so hard to concentrate continuously when there is no longer a threat around?

When I was a kid, I tried this all at once to use a lot of MP, but there was a reason for that.

... still gave birth to five fingers on his left hand as well.

The right hand was finished until skin regeneration, and the surface began to grow slightly hairy and recover to such an extent that it could not be distinguished from the previous one.

Standing up without waiting for his left hand to recover, he searches around for Engela again.

Engela was found in no time.


I don't care what you think. She's dead.

There is no bottom from the chest.

His right arm is also chewed off on his elbow, halfway between his arms.

But there was no scratch on his face.

I fell from that high...

I wonder if it was because I was lighter by a fraction......

Or thanks to a helmet?

I knelt beside her, closed her lid that was open, and let her take off her helmet as well.

There was still some body temperature left, but it's more obvious than seeing the fire that there's nothing you can do about it already.

"Engela...... well done. Well fought. About you..."


The chest wound is left slightly larger on the left, and I see something like a demon stone.

Even if I carry it carefully like this, it could fall along the way. Looking around, she also found her lower body, and a knife remained on her thigh.

My knife had gone somewhere at some point, so when I pulled out her knife, I carefully picked the demon stone.

There were no wonders and no tears.

When I finish working that far and realize what I look like, I get a bitter laugh.

The rundown is just a good place to dress up, too, with dragon blood and saliva all over it.

It's really troublesome, but I'll put some water on it.

Wear water while wearing armor and rinse off just saliva.

Although his mental vitality has been lost and his arms revived, he continues to have so much eaten and cut pain that he is blinded every time his heart beats one.

Oh, do you want me to hang you up with healing magic...

MP still feels pretty good, but how about HP?

... seventy-eight left? You've been cornered so long.

Oh, you're on a level.

Hmm? I ate energy-degraded exhalation (energy drain brace), so it's going to be two levels up in the end...

HP was a pile, and the level was high. There were a lot of special skills, and most importantly, the magic level was MAX.

I don't care.

Firstly, treatment.

Then I need to get back to everyone......

Billionaire but I want to do something about the pain.

He hung the healing magic continuously and completely eliminated it to the pain that remained.

And stand up by storing Engela's demon stone in the survival kit she was wearing behind her waist.

Oh, yeah.

What about the dragonian that was the body of Engela I saw for a while?

When I searched around and went out on the original hiking trail, I found the first false Engela falling naked.

You must have been a Seybak Dragonian.

... is it still true?

[SPECIAL SKILL: Copy (Deadbody)] says he can take the look of either the person who killed him or the last person he killed. The effect time is the same time as the level.

We also found that dragonians become stoned when they die, melt and emit poison gas, and worst of all, explode.

What a pain in the ass they are......

Oh, yeah.

We need to get back to the dragon again...

I hope it's also a tip on how to get it off the panic......

Plus, I need to retrieve the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) and the piercing spear Spear of Piercing...

"Hih, hih..."

When I returned to everyone, Mizuchi wore out his tears as he panicked, whimpering and pulling out his sword.

Even if you find out I'm the one approaching you, you won't let go of that hand holding the song knife tight.

When I held him tight and hung up, he seemed to calm down just a little bit, and he finally sat down.

The other guys were alike or stopping by, and couldn't apply their hands.

It helps that you hardly recognize me as an enemy.

I can tell you Mizuchi is still better off just laying his sword.

For this reason, from what I read from the status of the dragon, [Special Skill: Roar (Howl) Type III] was unleashed with [Special Skill: Fear Spirit (Fear Aura) Type II] on it.

According to that, even the guy who is quick to recover from this state (a high level guy) has a whole day. The slow guy (low level guy) seems to have to leave him like this for almost a day and a half.

Huh? Of course, I've done everything I can.

But all the magic I knew didn't work.

The [appraisal] in my eyes seems to have all been listed in the [status] column as [panic] for Japanese.

If it was English or Lagdarios (Common Language), it would have been written differently.

[State] is [Fear] because it's strange as Japanese...

I guess both Fear and Panic were cleaned up with the same [panic].

When I ascertained the time with the clock Zenom had, it had only been about an hour since I first heard the [roar] of the dragon.

I feel like I've been fighting for longer, but you know what?

I couldn't help it, so I climbed the mountain a little again and ice marinated the dragon's head with big ice, unlikely to melt so easily.

Next, explore the torso and look for Engela's abdomen.

The rifle gun, shaken and broken from half, was shot off with a stone cannon, broken to pieces and thrown away.

The dragonian's body was also recovered and collected for what could be collected, and it was also ice marinated so that it did not rot.

Something like an explosion, a stone, melting and releasing poison gas even left the search for demon stones troublesome.

Then, I discovered my right hand too, but I wouldn't go to do anything about it if I recovered it, so I burned it with Flames Lower's magic.

Engela wanted to bury her on the ground, so she recovered all of her bodies and ice marinated them.

I also thought about going back to Giberti's waiting upstairs, but I need a few hours back and forth, and in the unlikely event of another monster raid in the meantime, these guys, even one of the goblins, will lightly wipe me out.

I kept waiting beside everyone because I had no choice.


Near evening, Mizchi, Zulu, Zenom, Ralpha, Tris and Bell retrieve themselves in turn.

Each one of them comes to appreciate their indiscretion.

But there's nothing I can do about it, and I don't care if you get sick.

"I have no choice, and even if I care now, I won't take it back. And I want you to work on your level so that this doesn't happen."

I look sorry when I say that.

I just said I'm sorry, but this won't be here.

"What about Marceau?

Mizuchi asks.

I look down with Walrus in my arms and exhale one, and I take Engela's demon stone out of the survival kit and put it on my palm to show it, and I just say, "I'm here".

Everyone was silent on this.

When Mizuchi and Ralpha reached out to tremble and touch the demon stone, they confirmed their status.

"You... whose hand...?

Mizuchi is surprised to notice that my hands looked unnatural.

Everyone seems to have noticed.

"Oh, the dragon cut me a thousand. Soon afterwards, there was no problem because I played it in regenerative magic. I don't use cage hands anymore..."

Answer the demon stones of Engela as they befall, and give new orders to everyone who would be in shock.

"Engela's body is ice marinated next to the dragon's body on top. Whatever the dragon is, there are a couple of guys like Dragon and Man's Son, so start by picking the Demon Stone from them."

You don't have to be boring, so you need to push the job in front of you and immerse yourself in it.

Mizuchi, who was poking his knees in front of me and taking my hand, stood up and shouted to the Zenoms, "Everybody, let's go".

... Yeah, please.

A short time after the six of them went up, Carm, Rocco, Ghine and Bastral also took off, in turn, from the state of cardiac loss caused by fear.

I apologize for being equally useless, but I just told him to go upstairs and help me pick the demon stone and get rid of it.

... That's right, how many hours does it take to pick demon stones from dragonians?

I've never left it so conspicuous that I couldn't figure out where it was.

There is also a mistletoe about the ice, so it can be eliminated without much effort.

Even though it was slightly shredded in [Roaring], Mizuchi's MP is getting much faster.

Claw and Marie got themselves back.

Time is close to midnight already.

The surroundings are as bright as ever.

"Al...... sorry"


I'm ashamed that it's over without the two of us conjugating, and I'm going to say my apologies.

Like everyone else before, I guess it makes sense about that because I also know I lost Engela.

But if there is, it's no use to him.

Nothing but my responsibility.

Now that I think about it, it's good to also keep the luxurious waistroll, Loin Cross of Darling.

There's a good chance I'd have lost it all the way to Zulu if that had happened.

In that sense, we can also say that we were able to defeat the dragon with minimal sacrifice.

... The title of Dragon Slayer at the expense of one battle slave would be great.

Hey Engela......

... bastard.

Encourage Claw and Marie to start climbing the road for a dozen minutes.

I met everyone who was working immediately.

Everyone praised the dragon for its immensity and its bright white and silly demon stone in their mouths.

The Demon Stone wasn't as big as I thought.

[Appraisal] The value at is also one hundred and twenty-three thousand four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven, even if it sells less than ten million?

It jumps through as the value of just one demonic stone, but it can't even wipe some of the clapping out feeling.

But from the line of numbers, it seems certain that it is the demon stone of the hierarchical guardian.

... These guys, were you scaling off the dragon and it took you a while?

Engela's body remains frozen.

He sat down on that side, staring at the way he was scaling off.

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