
The dragonian who had turned into Engela had returned to the dragonian's body sometime after the day had passed. You mean the skin peeled off?

Everyone works vigorously.

He continues to pull scales from the body of the dragon by working together as a group of a few.

Seems like it takes a lot of strength to pull through the scales.

I know it's a difficult business just to watch.

Everyone seems to think Engela is dead because of her inability to participate in the battle and because of her lack of combat power.

I don't know if that idea fits, or if it's different now.

Either way, we cannot reclaim the time that has passed.

Maybe he felt pressure because I sat silently on the stone and watched everyone with my dark eyes.

I keep working without a word.

I'm not sure exactly how many hours have passed since I sat here, but a couple of hours?

Look at the ice by the stone.

Engela has her eyes closed to sleep in a clear cold coffin.

I guess this is why we all have a dark atmosphere.

You can't do this.

Even the early guy had not eaten a whole day or anything since his last meal when he recovered from a rattled tremor.

I just let everyone eat dry bread then.

Everyone must feel fairly hungry because they only eat the minimum necessary meals.

"Hey, it's time for dinner. You're hungry, aren't you?

He made a conscious and bright voice when he rose from the stone.

The fact that I speak brings everyone together and mouths dry bread.

Xenom brightly talked to me about whether my atmosphere had changed or whether it had distracted me.

"Hey, Al. You broke a pretty good bone to tail this guy, didn't you? Let me hear it."

I've been waiting.

"Oh, listen to me. Engela was amazing. Wave your sword even when dragons tease you..."

He talked a little about dragon exorcism and appealed to Engela about her work.

Being inhibited by Dragon's special skill, attack magic that can knock out heavy damage did not work.

Though I also put a spear in it, Engela hit many rifle guns to inhibit the dragon's mental concentration each time, interfering with magic activation.

That's how you missed the dragon consciousness from me and attracted me to it.

... and that he died right in front of me.

I wanted to tell everyone how bravely she fought.

By the end of my story, everyone was staring at Engela like she was asleep in the ice.

Jess, who was incontinent with one dragon roar that rang from afar, even sends a look of respect.

That's fine. Do that.

After the meal, it took an entire day to strip away all the scales of the dragon, frightened by the resurrection of the dragons and dragonians.

Mizuchi is also able to harvest cardiac muscles from the tail.

As far as I'm concerned, it's like I've achieved most of my purpose, but there's still work to be done.

There are two things you have to do before you go back.

Needless to say, an investigation into a collection terminal and degenerative device.

Another is a survey of dragon nesting holes (Mizuchi says dragons are mostly spent sleeping in nesting holes and storing glow-centered treasures).

I apologize for the immediacy, but I decided to start by investigating the nest hole.

Oh, I keep the scales beside the dragon, which I put together by size to keep from stepping on the last one and ice marinated another time.

The only non-dragon monster I've seen in this layer so far is a dragonian who seems to have been the guardian of the twelve tiers of hierarchy.

However, there is no guarantee that there will be no one else, so we cannot be alarmed.

That's when everyone tried to stand up to walk out towards the summit of the mountain as if they were looking to recover their loss.

Ralpha spoke to Mizuchi.

Until now, the atmosphere was heavy and the private language must have been spoken.

"Hey, Mizuchi. Can't you eat a dragon?

"I hear about dragon steak and stuff..."

Heh. Well, it's like a reptile, so if you want to eat it, you're going to be able to eat it.

"Oh! Steak. Cook it up a little."

Rocco, who had already stood up, rushed out toward the body of the dragon.

I guess I say cut the meat properly and let Mizuchi cook it.

"Hey, stop it. I figured out if it's safe to have dragon meat..."

Carm embarrassed, but Rocco cut out the meat without worrying.

Mizuchi looks at me, so I snort one at him, and he draws Flames Lower's flame closer to the chunk of meat that remains stabbed by a long sword.

Of course, [Appraisal] was completed when I cut it out and brought it to you, confirming that it was free of poison.

"Well, let's let Rocco eat first. I'm sure the food won't allow it."

"Right. After about half a day, you're gonna be okay with nothing."

"Hey Rocco. Just one bite."

Kevin, Jer, and Kim just say what they want.

Especially what they say.

It is natural that the investigation should take a considerable amount of time.

I'll have to go back under the gibberties waiting in eleven layers in half a day, thinking about the food residue.

If you can eat dragon meat, you won't have to worry about food for a while.

I think I made the meat smaller if I only took one bite anyway.

It burned right away.


As everyone watches with intrigue, Rocco is moving his mouth muggly.

"Hmm. It's not a good idea. But it doesn't taste too good."

... you have to use salt and pepper. That's what it is.

When I climbed the mountain path for about two hours, I found a large cave opening its mouth in front of the summit.

As a result, a collection terminal and degeneration device are pierced across the summit and on the other side.

Just in case, Zulu and Jess were sent in as reconnaissance.

They rushed back as they waited for a while hiding in the shade of a tree.


"There's a huge chunk of gold!!"


That's a big harvest.

They've never had a monster lurking in a nest hole, so let's see.

I was led by the two of them and moved to the nest hole.

The section of the nest hole is circular and its diameter is likely to be 10m.

It was a nest hole about the aisle of the labyrinth.

And there is a space in the back about 100m with a relaxed diameter of about 30-40m.

There, starting with a huge gold mass that seemed like a handful, there was also a massive roll of shiny other pieces of metal.

If you [appraise] it, there are not many precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum.

However, silver mineral crystals that you were already familiar with, such as those that seemed precious no matter what you thought when you said misrill, blue misrill, orihalcon, gemo orihalcon, adamantite, or tungsten, titanium, gallium, aluminum, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, rolled on one side.


Someone muttered naturally.

In the next moment the voice of joy woods the spirit.

But after a while, it also became quieter.

There are two reasons.

One was when my battle slaves held their mouths together and said, "All these treasures belong to your husband, who was exorcised of the dragon. You won't have the right to claim a share for those who aren't in the fight," because the Redeemers (Sabres), starting with the Carms and Kims, also began to say, "Yes, they are," whilst I was wondering what the reaction was.

"But take out a lot of demons up to the eleventh level... and because I'm not even going to say that there's so much, half the price. Come on, why don't you at least split about 20% of the arrangement?

Marie was the one who was grumbling, saying to Kevin, Gel, Meath and the others, "Stop it, you piece of shit! If Zulu and the others tell you, that's certainly the point. It was the end of being persuaded that the guy who was just trembling and did nothing has no right to claim one thing".

"Give up on that this time. Look, if we work properly, we can still make a lot of money."

When I say that in the form of riding Marie's act in the corner, everyone agrees with me.

"You're all right, Marie. We just came this far together in the first place. You didn't do one thing to help defeat the dragon."

Marie reluctantly pulled back on what Claw also told her.

How many of you would have noticed that Marie had gone out of her way to make a fool out of me?

I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure they've all given up their shameless claims, at least on the surface, thanks to Marie. A heartfelt thank you to her.

Another reason is because everyone saw the status of mineral crystals that beautifully reflect the light of Light's magic.

Most of the metal crystals that glow in silver and silver, thought to be silver or platinum, said tungsten, chromium, or nickel. All of them are much less than gold, accounting for nearly 90% of the total, and precious metals that are highly redeemable, such as gold and silver and platinum, account for about 5%.

The other five percent is worth more, but it's going to take a lot of work and time to redeem.

"Tris, what the hell is chromium?

"It's a kind of iron."

"What about Molybdenum?

"It's also a kind of iron."

"So... status open... ugh, Gali... what about Um?

"Is there mercury that's just a little hard to melt?

Tris was appropriately present. But he seems to have gained the status of being trusted to know quite a bit.

"Hey, Lorrick. Can you sell this aluminum?

"Not as good as lead, but it's a pretty soft metal. Is it characterized by a relatively light? It's not worth much."

"Oh no... Whoa!? Status open... Shit, it's Molybdenum"

"Status open...... oh, this is platinum!

"Oh!! That's big!

Lorrick was also appropriately present. But it also feels a little more friendly than Tris.

Mizuchi now focuses on creating those lists.

While doing so, a magic object (magic item) was discovered.

It's a boneless long sword.

[Dragon Slayer]

[Gemo orihalcon steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 15/6/6445]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 278241]

[Performance: 130-200]

[Effect: Octaple damage when used to attack Dragons. It can also be used by using the ability of the sword by selecting one of the following abilities up to three times per month: 1. Dismiss the effect of any brace weapon if it is within three m of the sword's circumference (duration 1 minute). 2. Invalidation of witchcraft avenging the user (duration 1 minute) .3. Attract the attention of hostile organisms present within the user's radius of five kilometers (duration 1 hour). 4. Heals the user's wounds (but only trauma. Any number of scratches, but only once)]

The pattern was engraved with the pattern of Balduk's hierarchical guardian.

My body is wearing emerald green for some reason.

Mizuchi, who saw it, was whining about "Dollar......" or something.

I must have misstated it trying to say dragon.

Because the sheath was rolling in a completely different place, and the sheath had the same pattern engraved on it, I guess this was originally the set.

... this is the thirteenth layer... when I thought so.

"Whoa! This guy... status open... whoa!?"

Looks like Henry found something.

I grabbed what I had been offering with respect.

[Utility Ring, a multi-purpose ring]

[Ruby Kim]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 19/6/6445]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 30]

[Effect: Recover 1% HP per hour. Any physical attack on the wearer is also sharpened by 20% penetration by deploying a magical protective film across the wearer's skin. Furthermore, the wearer is not adversely affected by external temperatures. And the Ring of Liberation (Freedom Ring) likewise makes it very difficult to bind the wearer]

Hmm. This is a big ring.

... Oh, this is the treasure of the Thirteenth Hierarchy Guardian, and the Long Sword is the treasure of the Twelve Hierarchies, damn it.

I don't know if the Dragonian took the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) in his hand and hung a raid on this layer on June 19, 6445, but I guess that Dragon killed the Dragonian equipped with the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) on that day anyway.

I don't know if it's this place.

Is it true from the date that the Dragonians left the twelve layers behind a few days before that?

I guess he flew in because he wouldn't be able to get in between the metastatic crystals anyway......

Ma, no.


Is that...?

It's buried in a half-metal ore that I hadn't noticed before, but it must be a temple.

And the big guy that was on the eighth floor.

I wonder what's in it.

Naturally I'll stop by.

I don't know if the temple door is open.

Metal ore is very heavy, so sometimes it breaks even when riding.

I'll climb all the way up to the place where the temple door will be.

The temple door was not open with metal ore in the way.

Zulu, call the battle slaves and make them clean up the metal ore that gets in the way.

Inside the temple is one thing like a jewel.

It looks sloppy from the shape.

The size is no big deal.

Is it about the kid's head at best?

Reach out gently.


[Onion (Agate)]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 16/12/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 10]


No [Performance] or [Effect] column means no magic item (magic item), then?

Even the magic sensing (detect magic) that I tried to use just in case doesn't feel any magic.

"What's that? Let me see."

Ralpha asked me to, so I'll give it to you.

"Sounds like a hook ball."

Mizuchi, Bell, Lorrick, and Tris also criticized the status as they knew it.

Because of this, the Orth people seemed to lose interest at first glance.

Agate can be expensive depending on its pattern, but the price difference is large.

But generally the value as a gem is down there.

to the extent that a better value is attached than the base metal of the same weight.

But, well, you have something to think about.

Many of the objects leaving the temple are thought to be hazy at first sight.

I guess that's what they thought of this, too.

But I got out of this special big shrine.

George Lomberto I is told that he founded the country based on treasures gained in the labyrinth.

You can't suddenly build a country with gold and silver treasures that can be brought home by about ten people.

The precious metal is known to have defeated the dragon.

Sounds like a lot, but I think it's a good place to sell the whole lot of gold and silver platinum here.

Then hey......

Until the Kingdom of Romberto is ready, the autonomy of the small nobles will be disturbed around here.

I'm gonna put it together. Something must have happened.


He then continued his investigation and discovered a passage behind the hall.

Discovery was also delayed because this passage was buried in metal ore.

The size of the aisle is about two or three meters vertical and horizontal.

The back is crooked.

I had a combat slave with a stone of lights that extended the effect time conduct an internal investigation.

Again, it unfolded as expected, but the back was about 100 meters away in the room, and the metastatic crystal was seated.

Looks like you don't have to struggle so hard to take home a metal ore.

Still, no matter what you think, it's not the amount you can carry at once.

When it comes to bringing everything out here, it will preferably take more than a month to summon the Killers (Slaters).

Thirteen layers of lord, it's a secret for a while about defeating the dragon.

Carry out a little bit of metal ore around the humble metal, and take home precious metal, and finally even the head of a dragon?

... and then we'll investigate the collection terminal and denaturing device.

But, uh, are you gonna let me in from the outside?

If I were that vampire road, I'd devise a way not to let you in.

There were a lot of doors inside that I couldn't help but keep closed.

Airlock or hatch? I guess so, but you're done rocking from the inside.

Still, you'll need to investigate just in case.

When I came, I pushed through the woods and went to the side.

Looks like a giant building from the outside.

Because of this, [Appraisal] is not possible either.

As expected, I could spot something like a hatch.

But I couldn't open this one either, as I expected.

Oh, I didn't see any anomalies in Rocco who ate the dragon, so it's not very tasty, but everyone eats the dragon steak.

Mizuchi said he might have some effect if he ate it, but nothing good or bad has happened to him by himself.

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