
Well, I hit it and did what I needed to do.

One more thing to do...

Fourteen layers, not to mention.

Between these thirteen layers of transition crystals, the walls are covered with sandstone-like rocks, and the floors are stacked with fine sand.

Don't remember when I spent some time with Mizuchi...

At the center of the room sits a metastatic crystal, and it is entirely with the rest of the hierarchy that a spell of metastasis emerges on its surface to the upper level of the yellowish and luminous "Return Us".

However, no spell has surfaced for a purple, luminous metastasis to the lower layers.

With that said, fourteen layers (?) I didn't even have a spell floating up the metastatic crystal.

... I tried to grip, stroke and tap, but it didn't make any sense.

Can't we go from here to the hierarchy where that Death-Tyrant Kin was?

The only way to get there is through the upper floors into the wall pits?

I only know one pitfall that I would be sure to get to.

Though the pitfalls in the walls themselves have so far found much more than a hundred.

Come on, nothing.

With all that treasure, I don't care what you think.

Death-Tyrant Kin is a more dangerous opponent than a dragon, as Mizuchi said before, as you think.

I don't even like going out of my way to cross any more dangerous bridges.

Take as much ore as you can hold and go home once.

You have a lot to do when you go home......

First the funeral of Engela.

The next thing I know, I'm borrowing a warehouse to store the ore I took home.

Stolen is not taken into account.

Because precious metal ore and magic ore are not meant to be taken home to the end.

No one will like and take heavy tungsten for a less valuable split because even if thieves go in, they will see the status.

Find time to make ingots out of these ore.

Pretty pure already, I suppose, just in case.

And... should I worry about it when I get home?

He calls out to everyone, "Let's go back once," and goes outside to carry the scales of the dragon into this room of metastatic crystals.

Also, Engela's body has to be turned down the ice so that the three of them can hold it in one hand somehow.

I can't hold a metastatic crystal until I leave one hand free.

When I went out of the cave, I noticed that the fog started to glow fairly far from the entrance and exit.

... Ah, I knew the dragon would come back too...

Forty hours have passed since then instead of an entire day.

In addition to my obsession with work and investigation and the fact that it was a place surrounded by wood, I guess I overlooked it because the magnitude of the fog was not so different from the fog of the monster resurrection so far.

It's not big enough to cover a monster that reaches 30m in length.

It's about the same size as a scavenge clowler, an orga, or a minotaur.

That being so, I don't think the dragon will come back soon either because it still won't revive a high level of minotaur or anything.

But it is also certain that it will not come back to life.

I don't want to fight him again.

Well, I've got hundreds of thousands of experience, and it's fascinating to be able to scale even more.

But as unintentionally, [magic resistance (magic resistance)] will be back together, so there's something pretty harsh about it.

It would be tough to use the [Dragonslayer (Dragon Slayer)] you just got.

If you'll be stuck in the nest as soon as you're back, there's also the hand of firing attack magic from inside the cave with the metastatic crystal, but there's too much of a problem with it than the extent to which the guardian doesn't know where it is.

If you can't reach the right side of the nest to recognize it, it seems fine, but if you're on your way, and you recognize this one, you can't even see it.

[Vigorously attenuated exhale (Energy Drain Brace)] if they throw up against the cave...... just think horrible.

... then we'll have to carry as much as we can right now.

At this minute, the Dragonians, the guardians of the twelve tiers of hierarchy, will also be starting to resurrect, and it is possible that for the lower levels, they are ending up to materialization.

Calculate in your head.

First, the ore obtained in the dragon's nest hole is about ten kilograms lighter and smaller.

If it is a heavy, large object, it will exceed 100 kg.

Slightly inclined between the nest hole and the metastatic crystal, lower between the metastatic crystals.

This would be right because Mizuchi and Carm said so.

If you make a rail out of ice in this aisle and roll it over, and it slips, the hassle will be minimal.

If we do it for thirty, it will take as long as four or five hours.

Next time it's time to carry the dragon scales, the ice-soaked head and Engela's body between the metastatic crystals, but I think this one just said six or seven hours round trip.

Can I take a break for half a day?

And the time needed to transfer all the prey between the twelve layers of metastatic crystals......

Is the maximum weight that can be carried alone with one hand free so that it is transferable, depending on the person, about fifty kg on average?

Ten seconds at most would suffice if I had to have my luggage, and I don't mind anticipating this much.

Even a large object of more than one hundred kilograms can be lifted by two or three people at the same time.

If we were to carry them all...... it would be sufficient to estimate roughly ten round-trips.

(i) The time it takes to get back and forth...... it seems that there are no monsters on the thirteenth floor, and if you are going to carry the twelve dragonians in disregard, you can expect about five hours.

Just carry it between the twelve layers of metastatic crystals for a total of fifty hours...... five days...... no, can you handle it in three days if you pack it?

It's going to be a tight schedule, but this is where everyone's going to do their best.

He just looked around and ordered Zulu to bring the gold ore he had stared at some time earlier.

This is a pure gold ore that weighs more than 20 kg.

It glows beautifully with a glittering reflection of the light's magical light.

I heard someone's throat gobbling when I saw it.

"Everybody. In a few more days, I need you to put up with the meat from the dragon. We need to carry this loot. Unlike the usual labyrinth exploration, this trophy carriage only offers a special bonus. Crack this guy's head off with all of us when we get home."

The cheer intrudes.

Well, thirty, no. Twenty-nine in all.

Pull me out. Twenty-eight, hey, my battle slaves, starting with Zulu, too. Twenty-three for a head crack.

Nearly a kilo of gold per capita will be divided, so naturally?

It would cost 40 or 5 million Z.

All right, let's move all the ore first.

We moved to the twelve layers, and just in case, we looked outside between the metastatic crystals.

Then, as expected, both Dragonians were resurrected.

But there's one thing that's different from the guardians of the hierarchy so far.

These guys are moving even though we're not doing anything.

I can only find fifteen if I count them as far as I can see.

There must have been more than twenty of them.

What shall we do......

Of course, I am in the process of going back and forth between the twelfth and thirteenth layers, so I have the hand to leave it alone at the moment.

But when you carry your prey to the eleventh layer, you have to walk the twelfth layer from end to center again.

In my previous experience of hierarchical guardian overthrow, Stock (?) It is predicted that if we continue to defeat them until they are gone, the resurrection will cease.

I think the Dragonians have been defeated by Shadow Dragons quite a few times since their gear has turned out to be unbroken.

Better keep the stock as low as possible.

... Hey, it's nice to know that magic can be used even before the guardian finds you.


Thus it took a total of seventy-five hours to successfully carry all the prey between twelve layers of metastatic crystals.

In the meantime, the Dragonians have defeated about fifty in total.

I had no expectations that the dragon would not be resurrected, but I think we were lucky that it did not.

Now for the future issue......

If we're going to take it up from the twelfth layer to the eleventh layer right now, will it be all right if we start transporting it at the next time we wipe out the Dragonians...

If you go back to the ground, you have to deal with twenty or more Dragonians from the front next.

I don't know what to do with the boulder... it won't be possible.

Given the defense, I think it will only be possible if there are a small number of people and I mix them up.

But that doesn't make much sense for luggage carriers because of the low number of heads.

Some dragonians are good at magic in case you think about it...

I want to use magic in hiding between the metastatic crystals to shoot them down, as I have done before.

No, the cycle of resurrection is longer than ever.

Speaking of polar theories, one of us or Mizuchi and I came to the twelfth floor and wiped out all the dragonians.

However, is there a hand that returns to the eleventh layer to report safety, and then steps through the twelve layers to go between the metastatic crystals?

It's just me. It's too much trouble, but I'll be fine with this.

Once you've lifted it to the eleventh level, you can carry the rest slowly.

Anyway, we should probably get back on the ground and take a break now.

They're all pretty tired because they worked in minimal sleep.

Return to eleven layers of metastatic crystals.

Of course, Engela's body and the magic of the loot (magic item), the head of the ice-soaked dragon, the scales and just enough ore were carried together.

Giberti seemed rather worried because he was much later than planned.

They initially seemed to have prepared meals and waited, but most of them were wasted because they never came back.

And he was pretty upset to see Engela's body.

Right... sorry about that.

"Um... your husband... what the hell is Marceau...?

Giberti has spoken out in a nasty manner.

"Oh... you didn't tell me... He's a dragon. He's got a nasty strength."

Speak to Giberti as he points to the head of the dragon with his thumb.

Giberti stares at Engela's face sleeping in the ice.

"That's why I defeated just me and Engela... I... I'll never forget the end of Engela... he was a fine combat slave"

Show Guiberti Engela's demon stone.

Giberti gently stroked the demon stone as she reached for the trembling hand.

My jaw is trembling.

"Excuse me. I'll keep Engela until the funeral is over."

"No, no! There is no annihilation."

"That's okay. When the funeral is over... you bury him."

I slapped one of Giberti's shoulders and started instructing everyone to take the ore back to earth this time.

As for the head of the dragon, it was left with a large eye of ice marinated in the corner of the room.

Leaving it alone won't melt for a month or so.

Wyvern had not yet come back to life, so he accidentally slaughtered the turn of the quail giant from behind for all the cost of going through the ten layers, and also slaughtered seven minotaurs as he passed through the nine layers.

Neither has Minotaur nor the two examples resurrected as usual.

It was close to evening when I returned to the ground.

Everyone was uniformly tired, but I only want to perform Engela's funeral early.

Let him borrow the O8 car, and put Engela's body on it and go to Kawahara.

The funeral home bounced the express rate and ordered.

I didn't know how much it was going to be originally, but I feel like I paid emotionally as I put it.

There was nothing to do until it was ready, so everyone was confused in Kawahara.

The funeral home and large quantities of firewood were transported in no time.

The ice was erased and Engela's body carefully placed on the platform.

I let him take off the rubber protector wreckage, and we all applied sotom oil to the body.

Because it's been a long time since I've had the habit of clapping hands, no one has ever held hands together as one.

"Bye Engela... you were a good combat slave"

That's how I squeal and light the fire.

The flame quickly spreads throughout the funeral home thanks also to sotom oil.

All you have to do is add firewood sequentially.

I was just staring at the flames sending Engela to heaven shaking.

Along the way, I noticed that my vision seeped in.

I don't know if there were other guys out there who were crying.

I had no intention of sending my gaze other than Engela until this was over.

Ultimately, the remnants of the burning were all flushed into the river as they were crushed with hammers in turn.

That's how Engela's flesh helps her return naturally.

After sending Engela, I finally squeezed her demon stone hard again and engraved that feeling into my memory.

And I'll give Giberti Engella.

The surroundings are already dark.

"Well, you're late. Shall we make it dinner? Anyone want to get dressed before then?

I got my hands up from a few people so I went back to the inn once and decided to get dressed and then eat again.

22 Dec 7447

The night dawns.

I woke up a little earlier than usual.

A good number of people were already in the tunnel when they geared up and went in front of the inn while it was still dark.

"" Good morning, master!

In response to my five combat slaves and two of their apprentices greeting me, I begin a preparatory movement.

In the meantime, the rest of the members have also assembled.

"All right! Shall we go? Bastral, we're gonna sing to the economy!

"Yes! Hmm, Hakone no Yamaha - Tenkano! ……

The reincarnated who know the lyrics sing together, and the stranger also sings a verse that he totally remembers as such.

Speaking of which, Engela was singing appropriately too...

I am off on this day and the next.

Because you have to rent a warehouse or something, and there's a lot to do.

It's packed with fewer holidays, but I wanted to bring the remaining ore up to eleven layers during the year alone.

Thus our seven, four, four, seven years went down.

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