
I was able to carry all my luggage up to nine levels in this labyrinth row.

In addition, some of the ore is transported to the eight layers where the trent material is located on the way home.

This will make it possible to return to the usual activities starting next year.

All you have to do is carry it slightly to the ground when you return from the labyrinth around the Redeemer (Sabres).

It's about 3pm now.

Shortly after he left the labyrinth and redeemed the monster's demon stone, which he defeated on the outbound route, at the usual demon prop shop Dunhill.

"Thank you all for your hard work. Next year we will enter the labyrinth from January 6th. Everyone wants you to follow Tris' policy while I'm gone. Until then, get some rest."

Declare New Year's holiday by taking control of the Ralphas trying to take Balducky in the stalls.

Tonight we rent a fancy restaurant, Dollar Leon, for our annual meeting at the Killer (Slaters).

It is unclear whether the caravan from Barkud has arrived because he has not yet returned to the Boyle Pavilion, but if he has arrived, you can exchange them with him.

Oh, the only reason Mizuchi and I aren't here is because we're both going to the Kingdom of Lyle.

Mizuchi's brother's medicine is ready.

Apart from that, there are times when I wanted to go to the Kingdom of Lyle.

There is a magical hoof that I acquired when I defeated the quail giant before, so the move itself is expected to save a lot of speed.

For this reason, it is only necessary to anticipate round-trip time to and from the Kingdom of Lyle for about a month.

And then we had to do a team split that assumed activity on the seven levels while we were gone, but we decided to leave this to Tris' discretion.

When I returned to the Boyle Pavilion, the caravan from my parents had not yet arrived.

But there was an unexpected message.

"Hey, does anybody know a guy named Logwood?

Apart from the common sell-in from the elephants, there was a message that if it was Tuesday to Saturday when they returned from the labyrinth, they would want a restaurant called Barranks in the evening, and if it was Monday, they would come to a room with a shooney (the biggest inn in Balduk).

That's the only thing that was written, and the requirements and so on are filled in nothing.

It's Friday, so I guess that means I'm in Barranks.

I don't know why, but I'm somewhat concerned.

Asking the head of the messenger, he said a young man in his twenties came this Monday night (the 24th) to message him.

As a result, no one knew about a guy named Logwood.

I thought I'd ignore it because I thought it was a new sell-in to the killer (Slaughters), but the caravan hasn't come, and I don't have any particular plans today except for magic training until night.

Something bothered me somehow, and I decided to skip the magic training.

"Mr. Al, I think you should stop going alone"

Says Tris, who looked suspicious when he heard from me.

Yeah, I was going to go with Zulu and about two other combat slaves if I was going because I thought so too.

"Then you'll be fine," he reassured me.

I don't imitate buying someone's grudge, but in case you don't remember my name, I might be one of the common son of the king.

I don't think that's more likely than not.

But don't you think someone like that would call you if they didn't tell you what to do?

Here, for the first time, I looked at the people who had been watching the timing to talk to me since I entered the inn.

In the polished lobby until it was properly glossy, Lady Neurula, Baron Sievekt's maid, was waiting for me to return with her knight.

Noirula, lady took a seat and approached me, so everyone shrugged off and vanished into each room.

"I took the knight's reign at the end of the year."


"It's... congratulations"

Well, he's the oldest of the three, and he must have been mean.

"So that's it. I'd like to introduce Master Gried to my adoptive father..."

Why not?

You see, Mizuchi started making swordswallowing eyes in the middle of the stairs.

"... what does that mean?

I don't think so.

"Hehe. Dear Gried, I don't like it. Let's just say hello."

Miss Neurula smiled elegantly with a fluffy look.

Seems like the most laid back of the three, but how come they've come in most aggressive contact these days?

It seems to me that you are making strange money for saving the lives of your men, men and women in an example rescue play.

"I'm sorry if that's the case, but I would have declined it before... plus I have business. I'm busy at the end of the year, so if that's all you need, excuse me."

I forcefully broke off the conversation and tried to return to my room.

"Please don't tell me that's not true. I came here because I wanted to see Master Gried's face."

I guess I'm here to make an appeal that I've become a usable talent for taking the reign of the Horseman, but if it's a face, I've seen it, and I guess I'll be back already...

"Besides, I heard you lost a trusted combat slave who took care of you over the years. I was worried that Master Gried might have been disappointed..."

Gu, mu...

I just read a message from the other two about Engela that said something similar.

But did this Miss Neurola come all the way out here to worry about it?

I don't know if I meant it, but at least I have to admit that it gives me a lot of credit for Engela.

I had no choice but to go out with the conversation for a while.

At the end of the day, I asked him about logwood and other students, but he didn't seem to know.

Then who the hell is it?

I took a shower, got dressed, then took a nap, and a caravan from my parents arrived while I was a little slow.

Looks like my brother has led this time.

"Whoa, Al! Long time no see. He said he knocked out the big Wyvern before he even looked at it!? Too bad he couldn't see his head, but I have a high nose too! Or are you going to take it somewhere? If we go to Wang Du, can we still see it now?

The boy at the Boyle Pavilion informed me of my brothers' arrival. When I pick them up, I get a quick call.

Nfu. Wyvern, it wasn't a big deal. It's true, huh?

Somehow it doesn't seem comparable to that...... oops.

"Yeah. Long time no see"

I told him that I was taking the store for the annual party about tonight's meal, and made him acknowledge that he would be rested in Balduk today, as he scolded his brother, who was excited to praise me for defeating Wyvern.

I'll happily take my brother to my room to talk about defeating Wyvern.

And I told my brother I stepped through the labyrinth while sipping bean tea with Mizuchi, who was preparing tea for me in my room.

"Even the dragon!? Awesome, you!

My brother is unbelievable, but as I said, he listens to me in a blatant manner.

I'll snort because Mizuchi is looking at me.

Keep your sword and ring out.

"This is the dragon's magic stone."

I put out the demon stone of the shadow dragon to show it.

[Longarzamruzolfalen's Demonic Crystal Stone (Shadow Dragon)]

And you can see it.

"Status open... big deal..."

My nostrils swell.


"And these are the swords and rings we took down the dragon and got"

Mizuchi presented the Dragonslayer (Dragon Slayer) and the versatile ring Utility Ring.

"What... you think it's a dragon slayer?... Awesome!!"

My brother who sees the status is stunned.

"Well, I'm still laying low that I stepped through the labyrinth and defeated the dragon that was in the deepest depths. I'm sorry, but I don't want you to tell anyone yet."

"Why? You're a hero for defeating a dragon!

My brother is shaking his head to say he doesn't understand.

"Yeah, that's it. The head of the dragon, it's still ice pickled in the back of the labyrinth. So I'm going to keep my mouth shut until I take it home. I'm trying not to tell anyone until then."

"Hmm... well, I'm pretty sure you should have something easy to understand."

Nearly evening, my brother's opponent leaves the inn in the hands of Mizuchi.

Just in case, I geared up only Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) and headed to Schooney.

All the slaves except Zulu were present at the Schooney.

... Is Zulu at the woman's?

Well, no.

"Henry, Meck. I'm sorry, but I need you to hang out with me for a second."

Take out two former knights for the Barranks.

While heading to Barranx, there was a strange call to tell the two of you that it bothered you.

"So, you guys, you know a guy named Logwood?

"Is it Logwood... I have an idea... I'm sorry"

Henry answers.

"... logwood... like I've heard, like I haven't... but I know the store by barranking. Not a very hobby shop."

Meck says.

Speaking of which, I didn't question the location or anything, even though I didn't go to the Barranks store myself.

I also know the general location.

Where did you hear that...

I arrived in Burranx after losing it.

"Master, I'll go in first to see if there's anyone suspicious."

Henry walked into the store before I could answer.

"You don't have to worry about that much"

I smile bitterly and look at Meck, but he says, "No, I take it for granted because I don't know who the other person is," refraining beside me and putting his hand on the sword pattern, sending a sharp gaze around him.

... Um, come on.

There's no one else in Balduk who doesn't know me.

There's no way anyone in this city is going to do this to me by violence.

I am confident that I will be able to cut through most things unless I eat it by accident.

"Ah, Mr. Gried. Cocksucker!

Look, the epitome of violence and irrationality, the one with the back street as its root castle, also bows its head.

"Hey, it's Mr. Gried! He defeated the big, stupid Wyvern."

"Whoa, I know. I went to the King's Landing to see his head."

"Did it take as long as you were told?

"Come on, what happened!

"Ugh! Big! How big is your whole body if it's just your head..."

I don't know your face or your name, a guy like us five years ago talking about me walking across the road.

But it doesn't matter what you think about this bar ranks and the store, it doesn't seem like there's anything on top of it that looks cheap.

Where did you hear that...

I guess it used to be flashly decorated with toxic colors. The shop signs are already old.

As I looked up at it and was trying to remember where I heard it, I was called from across the street.

"Greed? I'm really here...?

The man who's been speaking to me is a mid twenties dog tribe (dogwart).

She was also very normal and healthy fleshy, but she had a pale complexion and a pathological loss of weight on her cheeks, and she also had a dark neighborhood under her eyes that looked unhealthy.

It's just that the sight of me is giddy.

"Hey, what can I do for you, your husband?

Meck entered and blocked between the man and me.

"I don't need you."

The voice of a man staring at Meck is low and plundering, but it doesn't look good on his unhealthy face and is easy to hear.

I don't know about this guy, but is this him?

"Are you logf (...) h (...) t (...)? Sure, I'm Alain Gried."

I deliberately misnamed him, and he moved forward with his hand on Meck's shoulder and holding him aside.

"... kufu..."

The man looked at my face and smiled eerily.

I accidentally [appraised] him, but he was a slave in the name of Bessirise Logwood.

Slaves are rare or irrelevant enough to hit if you throw a stone at them, so I don't care about anything there, but he really doesn't have any idea.

The moment I thought so!

"Marceau's Vengeance! Die!"

He quickly slipped the knife out of his cuff and poked it at me!

The poking without preliminary motion is brilliant, but even I am cautious at the time of being called without understanding the reason.

He tilted his body obliquely and slapped the knife down in his hand.

Almost at the same time Meck is putting a kick in the man's belly as he pulls out his sword.

It was not an orthodox move to learn in the Knights, but an adventurer's move against a monster.

Oh, just in case, if the level doesn't change that much, most of the time, knights and squires using orthodox swordsmanship are more overwhelming than adventurers.

There's no way I can stand on the same mound as an adventurer like the guy who trained technology that was systematic in the military and hairy in those convenience stores there.

Especially if they're what even adventurers call first-rate. That's another thing.

Yeah, well, with that being said, I was about to get attacked.

Logwood, who took the knife off, folds it into a writing and scatters the diarrhea.

I stopped Meck from trying to chase him there and waited for the damage to fall out of the logwood.

"Hey, you. What did you just say?

Earlier words contained a word that could not be heard.

"You shouldn't have shut up! You just said" Marceau's revenge, "didn't you?

You spit out all the stomach contents, and Logwood is staring at me off the ground as I drip yellow stomach fluid out of my mouth.

"Yeah, I told you. What's wrong with that, inhuman! I heard Marceau died in the labyrinth last week! You shielded her! Otherwise she'll die!

... Does this guy know Engela?

But he said something he couldn't hear again.

"You, what's with Engela? I'm his owner. Who the hell are you?

You think I shielded Engela?

I don't know if I'm missing something to say, but I can't really listen to all this guy.

In the first place, there is no reason for anyone to accuse me of using Engela as a shield.

It's on my own whether I boil it or not, and I'm the owner of it.

"I... I'm the man who swore a future with Marceau! I'll take your revenge!


My mouth opens unexpectedly.

Meck and I meet each other face-to-face because too unexpected words popped up.

Did you know that?

No, I didn't know.


I went right back to sanity.

"You've got to be kidding me, Octopus. What makes you swear to the future?!? Even if it is, I don't have a grudge against you!

I say it back unexpectedly.

Did you make a scene by making a statement on the table, Henry appeared out of the door of the store?

I'm gonna see how we are and I'm gonna fly in.

"Your husband! What's wrong!?"

"Oh, Henry. Apparently, this guy called me... but I don't know what he's talking about."

"He seems to claim to be a man of Marceau..."

I heard what Meck and I said. Henry doesn't know much either, but he's already pulled out his sword and poked it into the logwood.

One old man was following me after Henry, and he's groaning and complaining, "Beshew, you... what the hell..."

Is he the owner of this shop?

Witnesses are wary of what happened in the evening, which has become more popular.

Logwood also had his sword poked at him, and he couldn't even attack me because he didn't show as much alarm as this one or a strand of hair.

Because of the noise in front of the store, the man who came out with Henry returns to me and directs us into the store.

But as someone who just called me to this store attacked me, I felt resistant to obeying honestly.

Refuse to enter the store on that grounds.

The old man said he was the owner of this store and that he was the owner of the logwood, named himself Berg.

And make Logwood tie up like a scroll, telling another slave from Logwood that he's still crawling and suffering.

Now they want me to feel safe because I can't move logwood, but I decided to listen outside the store, beyond denying the possibility that it was glued across the store.

Of course, there is no need to listen if it is because it is likely to cause harm.

On the contrary, it is an unmistakable felony, because even the lowest associate dukes were attacked by me, a nobleman of history.

You can stick Logwood out to the Knights, it's self-defense, so you can't blame me me for slashing him back.

But being named Engela, and even being Engela's man, it would be humane to want to hear more about it than being publicly declared hostile.

Shall I briefly explain what I heard there?

It seems certain that Engela had quite a relationship with this man named Logwood.

During the holidays, Engela apparently visited this store frequently to play with Logwood.

That was testified by Berg, the owner of the store, and other people besides Logwood, the owner.

No one even knew if they had pledged each other a future.

So, I didn't hide anything about Engela dying last week, and it soon becomes rumoured that a battle slave who came on the line at the killer (Slaters) is dead.

That naturally came to the knowledge of Logwood.

Logwood assumed he was shielded to death, as was the general combat slave, about Engela's death.

The cause of death for most combat slaves is so, so it's impossible to suppose so...

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's true or false because that's what Logwood assumed and what he assumed is important.

Well, so Logwood, who lost her future companion, despaired of the future, and just prosecuted my murder for being her hatred.

Until then, it was good.

If you leave a message like that, don't be too careful when you leave.

I guess I had limited time to be free because I'm a slave used in the store, and I guess I couldn't keep watching until I was alone.

There was also a day of the week designation, but Monday seemed to be a morning rise day once a week.

Holidays don't exist in ordinary slaves.

The slaves used in the store work from opening to closing every day.

I can't believe you're getting a holiday. That's about as much as a combat slave, and I guess there was only enough way to message and call.

There is no such thing as a reason.

You're just talking about the revenge that drove your future family to a dead place, right?

Logwood is the only one claiming to be a future family, so I don't know where it really is.

Anyway, I left Barranks behind because the motive turns out.

Finally, Logwood says, "My combat slaves aren't cheap enough to make them a disposable shield. You are tantamount to insulting Engela," he said, staring closer at her face.

You could have killed him, but I just kind of didn't like killing him or sticking him out to the Knights if, as Logwood claims, he was really swearing Engela and the future.

Berg, the owner of Logwood and the owner of the store, is just staring at my complexion, and I feel bad.

Because I was wondering if Engela was in good company with Giberti, so I checked with Giberti later and I said, "Huh? I heard about a guy named Logwood. I don't know if we were that close..."

And he said, "That's not how Marceau and I get along. As your husband knows, I've had something to do with it, but she didn't seem to like me that much..." she laughed lonely.

... no.

Logwood, don't kill me. Maybe I was right.

December 30, 7447

I'm busy today.

In the morning, my brothers and I climbed to the royal castle to deliver rubber protectors, and then we break up there because there are also meetings with Tukelin and suppliers.

In the middle of the night, I have to go back to Balduk and go with Mizuchi to Master Mira.

So, then tomorrow or the day after, we leave for the Kingdom of Lyle with Mizuchi.

I also need shopping to start delivering dry goods between trips and meetings.

He talks to Tukelin about going to the kingdom of Lyle when he gives him his old age, which is too late during his holidays last week.

Mizuchi also said that the entrance to the underground city of Errehay, the capital, would be fine.

The goal is to greet Mr. Gozeagle as he delivers the medicine and to talk to the warrior chief who says he is Mizuchi's boss. Besides, there is also the colour of wanting to sell faces and gain knowledge to those who are in the senior-level position.

"Well, Al, we're off to the store once. I'm going straight back to the village after a night at the right inn today. Let me see the head of the dragon."

"Oh, of course. In spring, then."

I also greeted Tukelin as planned and bought ahead of schedule.

It's almost New Year's now.

Mizuchi and I had just dived the entrance to the labyrinth after lunch when we grabbed a large quantity of dried food that we had bought in Wangdu.

You took quite a while.

We have to hurry and step through two layers first.

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