January 2, 7448.

"Hey, are you taking Guine again? Me?"

As expected, Ralpha is wasting time.

"Hey Ralpha. It's hard without you. You know that, right?"

I can forgive Belle, but I don't see much effect.

"Ralpha, did you forget the lapse when you fought the dragon? I can't tell you about people, but they must have exposed themselves to ugliness because of their low strength (level)...... You should dive into the labyrinth every day with me."

Xenom had a drink, and Ralpha pulled back looking like a stiff.

Everyone is new to their memory about that time, and it is also recognized that the lack of force caused Engela's death.

The words of Xenom make everyone's expression hard and lean over.

But there are also a few guys with eyes that make you feel like some kind of heavy determination.

"... Tris. Don't make me rush you. There's never a safe place in the labyrinth, but still... but be safe."

Push a few thoughts on Tris with a slightly more contemplative look.

To be honest, I wonder if I really need to rush into gaining any more experience with the Redeemers (Sabres), many of whom are over twenty levels.

Instead, you even want me to dawn into training without diving into a labyrinth or something.

I won't say that because it involves income.

Generally speaking, with a double-digit level, they are regarded as quite powerful in the military and are mostly in their thirties or older. Not to mention twenty years old like us. I've never seen a twenty (like this) level guy there.

There's no such thing as a knight who went to war and raised his hand.

Even Baron Logan, who was head of the regiment in the First Knights, had that level of seventeen. That's what I heard. He belonged to the Knights of the Duke of Thurm when he was a young man who had just received his first Knight's reign, but at that time about 30% of the Knights of the Duke of Thurm were stationed in the Dart Plains. He belonged to that garrison unit. He's in a battle called battle. Let's see how he handles it. Well, most people who join the First Knights are like that, so that's the only exception in the case.

Conversely, we're all twenty years old, and that's where we get more experience than those people.

First, it's time to say goodbye to this Labyrinth of Balduk.

Huh? Hard to understand? Then I'll be a little out of line, okay?

… For example, more than a million experience points will be required to reach twenty levels.

In order to earn that much experience, it is necessary to kill more than three thousand people even if the opposing soldier converts it to a level of about five to six in his late teens.

Of course this is assuming you're dealing with someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with the Puppets, and even less if you're dealing with someone with special skills in magic, or special skills specific to subpeople, or someone with a high level of experience.

To give you an example, if the adventurer class I killed for the first time when I was in Barkud was the opponent, the number needed to get the same experience would be reduced to a few hundred.

Naturally, the number of people needs to be smaller if the other person's level is higher or if something is subhuman with special skills, starting with magic, but I don't think that's such a convenient story.

Except when there's a bunch of creatures with high levels and special skills like that dragon.

Especially when it is assumed that experience can be obtained only by killing a person, since experience can be obtained by other means such as training.

Still, killing creatures with magic (MP), not just people, is not the most efficient method.

... Now you know, twenty levels is like superman.

It's not that easy to reach.

I have as much magic power (MP) as my sister, and I would be able to do that if I wanted to.

That won't be possible with one or two fights.

We're going to need more massive meetings.

No matter how much magic (MP) you have, it's still inefficient if you have about six levels of skill like your sister.

Magic Special Mastery is less efficient in obtaining EXP for the Mastery as the level increases.

This is where experience for rising physical levels is different.

For example, it is assumed that there are orcs that gain 100 skill points of experience, apart from normal experience, by using attack magic to kill.

If the target elemental magic level is zero, you can gain 100 Mastery Experience points by dealing damage with attack magic, but as the level increases, the Mastery Experience gained by doing the same damage to the same opponent by the same means becomes lower.

Only 20% of the skill experience at the zero level is gained when it comes to the eight levels, one step ahead of the highest level.

Oh, just in case, I supplement, I need one level of unwitting to use attack magic. But in that case, very little damage can be done, so it is usually thought that the level of immaculate need to be at least three. Remember, like me and my sister, this is close to the fact unless you have extra magic (MP), so the current example only comes with the "theoretically” pillow.

That's right, and it's time to get back to it.

Lyle, it's me and Mizuchi and Guineh who are going to the kingdom.

And then I gave up because I was thinking about taking a combat slave but not enough horses.

This is a hasty journey, and I didn't feel the need to increase the number of people until I had a double ride, as I had done on my previous return home.

As a result, each of the slayer (Slaters) faces orders a horse for himself.

Horses are the head of time-consuming shopping if they don't have the right amount of money to buy if they want it.

Because there's not a lot of them anyway.

Originally operating a merchant in Wangdu, Guineh, a handyman because he owned a horse in the past, also delivered quickly.

You're not going to take it off because you need to remember geography more than anything, are you?

"Yeah, yeah, that's how... there you go"

I'll support your horse's leg and help you put on Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof.

Another purpose of this journey is to confirm the ability of this breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe.

I also wanted to make sure it was something that could actually cross rivers and swamps, that I really wouldn't be tired for half a day.

Though more than a month and a half is originally expected to be a round trip, if the ability of Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, is as appraised, the period can be considerably shortened.

It would also be a necessary journey to realize and understand to what extent it is actually possible to shorten it.

"Then I'm going. I think I'll be back by the end of the month. I asked for it."

We came out to drop off Zenom, Tris, Bell, Ralpha, Bastral, Kathy and a few partings, loaded with Balduckies. We followed the city of Balduckies.

Ah, the Mira masters.

After all, you can't abandon a comfortable fairy town.

n I've lived for a hundred years and I wouldn't be moving if I hadn't felt too inconvenient...

It seems to be one of the reasons that this is the land that Lils, the sub-god, has prepared for us.

But before that, there's no reason why I should have asked her out.

I can't help it because it wasn't something I could expect from you.

Of course, that doesn't mean I gave up completely.

8 Jan 7448

Hey, Yabe, this breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe.

You really don't get tired of letting a horse run for half a day without a break with loaded luggage.

Even rivers can cross without problems if they are fast flowing and the water is not very rough.

Swiss continue even in wetlands off the road.

Horses don't get tired, so I don't even need a break if that bothers me.

Thanks to this, I arrived in the Kingdom of Lyle only seven days, a week and a little while after leaving Balduk.

Still, I've tried a lot and wasted a lot of time, and I've even bothered to go far to avoid catching people, so I think it would be quicker if I honestly focused on moving around.

At any rate, according to Guineh, the daily travel distance is more than one hundred kilometers on average.

There were even days when we traveled nearly fifty kilometers in many cases.

You're going to need the same number of days because you're going to choose another path on your way home.

For this reason, if you don't take riders or water breaks and run horses, you'll be able to travel nearly two hundred kilometers in a day.

Because you can travel for twelve hours with about fifteen feet an hour.

I think I can travel for a few more hours with the intention of getting some fatigue in the longer season.

Of course it's faster, even at speeds close to the limit, but at that speed, I'm on it for a long time. This one doesn't hold.

Fifteen miles an hour is a long ride.

I don't think about the next step, and if it's used like an urgent preaching order, it's not my dream to have 400 kilometers in a day.

You can get 40 kilometers an hour with minimal baggage and one person on board and go all the way.

Even a good horse usually has that speed for a few minutes, but it's like riding a horse racing horse all the time if you're letting him wear this breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe.

According to Guineh, Balduk to the entrance to the capital of the Kingdom of Lyle called Errehaye is just over six hundred yards away in a straight line.

Mizuchi used to say that there are a thousand kilometers, but it would be a place where the senses are uneven due to the total extended distance of the road stopping by the cities and villages here and there.

Anyway, I'm more than happy with the performance I was expecting.

When we had lunch in the village at the foot of Mount Kinlu, Mizuchi suggested we "keep the hooves back".

The reason for this was that horses that climbed mountain roads did not show any fatigue were unnatural.

I honestly took off Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, because that's also a particular story, and replaced it with a regular hoof.

Sometimes I'm not very used to rebuilding hooves, so I thought it would be difficult to navigate.

But only the top of the line and Mizuchi was quite used to rebuilding the hooves, so it took him about an hour to rebuild the three hooves.

And I started climbing mountain roads for about two hours.

The sun is still high enough.

"Pace up a little bit."

Mizuchi called out.

Looks like we still have a long way to go.

Pace up just a little according to Mizuchi.

Then the orders of [troop formation (partisation)] echoed in my brain.

Wake up.

... Oh, the watch.

I had discussed and arranged this cipher with Mizuchi by the time I got here.

"As early as around half way from the foot of Mount Kinlu to the entrance, I think we'll get a lookout. Never mind if you notice. If it's possible, it might be better if you pretended not to notice, because it doesn't make the watch nervous."

But do you have a lookout?

I have no idea.

But if Mizuchi is here, I guess he is.

Hey, Guiney, don't be too keen on me.

Then about two hours.

It was almost dusk and I finally reached the entrance.

Horses dressed in regular hooves are also starting to get tired of boulders.

"I'll talk to you, just give me a minute."

Mizuchi walked down from his horse and toward the gatekeeping Dark Elf (Dark Elf) man as he pulled his reins.

Me and Guine were also getting off the horse and watching each other afterwards.

Mizuchi, who was talking to the gatekeeper, comes back to us once.

"I knew I couldn't let you in on your own. Sorry. Wait a little longer."

We decided to wait quietly and nod honestly because it was the story we had originally heard.

The entrance to Elle Hay is like a small fortress.

On the outside of that fence, Guine and I were doing it with a brush on the horse.

"What's it like to be an underground city?

Don't ask me...

I've never even seen it.

"I just listened to you, too. I don't know much. They say it's dark, but it's better than the labyrinth."

"That's exactly what Mizuchi said this morning."

You have no choice......

Dozens to keep talking nagging.

He's finally back. According to Mizuchi, he still can't have me inside.

However, permission was granted to stay in a room in this fort.

Sometimes merchants come and use it, so I heard there are a few rooms.

Mizuchi, who told someone who seemed to be the watch leader that he had obtained permission, sent his gaze to me for a moment and went back to the underground city.

I also felt kind of under the impression that it was closed and caged in the room, so Guine and I decided to spend some time watching the sunset.

Above midwinter, at an altitude of about a thousand meters.

I sip hot soup and see the bright red sun shaking in the cold around the fort gate.

The sun sets quickly and becomes shabby.

I had no choice, so I pulled into the fort.

Guine and I are divided into separate rooms, so we can't even talk.

Because they told me not to go through the fort except where it was decided, and I felt like wasting it in the hallway and in the dining room.

Of course, I refrained from going to either room and talking to the Warrior Chief or the Elder.

After about two hours of doing so, Mizuchi finally came back.

He brought your brother here.

I've been deluding myself by saying something particularly special about the purpose of my journey, but honestly, my primary purpose this time is to say hello to Mizuchi's brother.

Your brother was quite sick and weak, as he had been told.

I was slightly surprised that they were carried on the doorboard by my uncle and his cousin, who were introduced to Mizuchi with your brother.

I heard the story, but it was getting so bad...

They've made it hard to walk on their own in the past year or so.

Anyway, Mizuchi will ask me later, so [Appraisal], [Condition: Systemic autoimmune disease], it seemed like a troublesome name.

Rheumatism was a difficult disease that also required a fairly high cost of health care in Japan......

However, the consciousness is clear and the quiet voice can also speak.

I politely greet my brother, who says spicy, excuse me for lying down.

Mizuchi told me not to give him the medicine until he had finished talking to me.

Unless, of course, it was a matter of contending for a moment, but I didn't seem to need to worry about that.

"I'm sorry for the night. But it's good to see you."

"I don't care, Mr. Greed. I hear Mizzerit takes care of your brother every day, so thank you."

He talks in a weak, but still well-listened voice.

I know what it means because Durou (Duroulish) and Raghdarios (Common Language) have a lot in common.

When I heard it later, it wasn't Durou (Duroulish), it was Ragdarios (Common Language) I learned in the Kingdom of Lyle.


Uh... I'm nervous.

"I would like to go straight in because you will be physically handicapped. Mr. Chiztungroll, give me your sister, Mr. Mizzerit. I'll be sure to be happy. I'm here today with your permission, Mr. Chiztungrol."

Your brother looked like he hadn't been able to grasp the meaning for a while, but he immediately looked surprised.

I guess it was a surprise.

"Mizuchi."! '% $#') "?"

I'm talking to Mizuchi about something.

Mizuchi also answered something with a serious face.

My uncle and his wife, who were holding back on the side, are also participating.

... I felt this way the first time I went to say hello to Miki's parents in my life.

I'm not used to it the second time.

To tell the truth, I don't want to bother greeting you nervously like this.

It is of course considered important that even Aus obtain permission to marry the other family member.

Especially if noble heirs are involved.

This is true of civilians and free people living in the same cities and villages.

But there are a lot of people who don't want to.

Sometimes we don't even know where the bought slaves are instead of getting married.

If you leave home after the second son of a nobleman or a civilian, that's exactly it.

Until death, no, it's not uncommon to die and not see you.

Even if you knew where you were, physical distance away is the right-wing of the reason you can't say hello, not to mention that Mizuchi belongs to a dangerous warrior class.

This is going to be the break up of my life when I leave Elle Hay, what a joke it is they really think.

That's why Mizuchi said there was no problem with ex-post reporting.

It's not uncommon to report a marriage after the fact, especially if it's between adults.

But I think I need to.

I can't help it if it's impossible, but it's not impossible to come and say hello without Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof.

Then I just think we should.

Besides, it would be a sentiment to want to know who your family is married to.

This would be oath, but Earth, but I think it's a common thought.

That's a long story...

Hey, is it even the opposite?

"Mr. Gried. I hope you adore my sister."



"Thank you! Brother in law!

When I heard it later, they said they disagreed at first.

Hi Mizuchi had a growing reputation in Elle Hay and he seemed to have quite a few applications for marriage.

With Her Majesty's special mandate, the position is equal to that of an elder. And the guy from a pretty good house offered to marry me because I barely had to worry about money.

As a brother, my sister's marriage to a foreigner who may not be any horsebone is better off than some other race.

I also know they disagreed.

But I suppose I should say O'Rei as a result because I finally got permission.

11 Jan 7448

In the end, I was unable to obtain permission to enter Elle Hay, but I was able to have a meeting with the two elders, Fantoz and Zagroch. Again, I was able to get a chance to exchange words with Sergeant Zagerfol.

I think it also contributed to the fact that Tukerin was making a good report about me when he told me what I needed to do and successfully proceeded with the negotiations.

Of course, because it makes positive moves for the Kingdom of Lyle, such as the delivery of Balducki through Tukelin and the investigation of the Dart Plains, I suppose.

Also, the gift Balducky received a big welcome.

It seems to have been welcomed with surprise by assorted different flavors as well as the usual plain.

Mizuchi's cousins also came to thank Bardukki with a laugh with Nico.

It should also be noted that your brother-in-law's medicine is complete and you no longer have to worry about premature death because you started taking it.

Dropped off by dozens of people who were involved with Mizuchi, after Errehay earlier this morning.

"Nice, Mizuchi...... I, your father and mother are gone..."

On the way home, Guineh said he was pounding.

"It was ideal for my marriage to be let out by your father once. Still, I've asked you many times to forgive me. You've been dreaming about that..."

Or something like that.

That wouldn't suck for a man.

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