13 Jan 7448

"Huh? It's gone?

On the way back to Balduk, Mizci said on the bed of the inn where he stopped.


I packed before I left the inn this morning.

You opened a new guy last night.

You tied the mouth of the bag properly so the seaweed lotion wouldn't be zero, right?

"I don't know."

I should have put it in a rucksack.

"But you don't, do you? So, didn't you drop it somewhere?

I was wondering if it was when we took a break at noon?

"Aren't you? But if you don't, why don't you stop today?


Isn't this a safe day around here?

I said, "I don't know if you're with a human being."


Yeah, but you're not human. You're a dark elf.

I'm not human, either.

The reincarnators seem to be somewhat better with each other, but they're still heterogeneous, so it's hard to do...

"That may be true, but you don't get it, do you? Pregnancy is the first thing I said until the foundation of the territory."

... Indeed.

I don't cut it with my words.

Can you stand it?

I can do it.

... I only did it once.

But I was careful, so I was fine.

Even after [appraising] Mizuchi was [in good condition].

I have [appraised] my pregnant sister-in-law Shani.

I was relieved.

But I remembered later.

It's a bad time to [appraise] my sister-in-law Shani...

Evil obstruction should start about a month after pregnancy.

How could I not have [appraised] my sister-in-law who was training with the village squire for a month at the time?

I completely forgot about that.

Yeah, well, after all, I wasn't pregnant at this time.

At this time, the imprint "If the appraisal and the condition is not pregnant, I am not pregnant" became available.

January 18, 7448.

We made quite a detour back home, but I knew it was quick.

After all, it hasn't taken three weeks to go back and forth.

Everyone who doesn't know the exact distance to the kingdom of Lyle says, "Isn't it much faster than planned? I just said," I didn't see how surprised I was.

But I was uniformly surprised when Guine talked about speed and distance at dinner.

Tris also took Bell because it was too early, and Lorrick also said he wanted to make a comeback once.

And, you know, two guys, Meath and Jer, said, "I'm not used to these two horses, so I won't just let Guine. You could put Ralpha on him. He wanted to go.

Naturally they are all OK in two replies.

First, Bell was to go first to say hello to Tris and his parents.

Tris and Bell are quite used to using me and Mizuchi's horses for horseback riding.

The two are highly combative, and it's enough to accompany Guineh alone.

After they returned, Guine accompanied Lorrick to his home...... Huh? Is it in Robamorus that we went by when we left?

Then you say you should try another path if you don't want Guiney to have to accompany you, so in the end Guiney sticks with the Rollicks as well.

Dender and Karim, his battle slaves, are also learning riding skills in his military horses under Lorrick's guidance, so as a Gyne, he can focus on grasping the terrain.

Later, when going to Meath's parents' house, Meath and Jer will have Ralpha to guide them on horseback riding, so this will also have to be less burdensome for Guine.

In the meantime, everyone who remains in Balduk continues to dive into the labyrinth.

To make money, of course.

There is nothing to say if you can earn useful magic items and magic items.

In addition, the Inn was contacted by various parties, beginning with the Sandark Chamber of Commerce.

I asked for [Invisibility Ring, a hidden ring] and [Loin Cross of Darling, a magnificent waistroll].

[Hidden Ring "Invisibility Ring"] is likely to come with a value of more than 1.5 billion if you hang it on the auction if it stays on the charge.

Even those with no charge left are expected to have a value of about a million.

In addition, [Light Sabre] will be able to afford more than two billion, so long as it is superimposed.

Because of this, if you buy watches for 8 million, you buy them at the Sandark Chamber of Commerce.

However, it is written that it is likely to be a value of about twenty or thirty million because its effect is unknown for [the luxurious waistroll "Loin Cross of Darling"].


I guess you asked Marquis Darthline, a leading court magician for the most part, to do this with what he called "special sorcery"......

Given the price, it would be more obvious than to see the fire that it would be better to let Zulu use it.

The next day, he went to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu to tell them that he would sell his watch, [Light Sword (Light Sabre)]. Oh, and two more [Invisibility Rings, a hidden ring]. Regardless of who is out of charge, the number of charges was reduced to sixteen for those who remain.

I went back to Balduk when I heard the prediction that it would sell in the summer.

I have a lot to do, too.

Some of the minerals we carry on the ground have to be sorted out and made using them.

I also want to create guns in the labyrinth.

We must also decide what to do about the future of the Green Chamber of Commerce.

Although it is largely based on the results of collating the information gathered from the dark elves and claws, it is also necessary to consider whether that is really the case for future territories and the immediate measures in that case.

And a slave order.

This isn't just me. The guy who wants Tris as a start is there.

If you put it together and order it, Madame Ron Slyle will be delighted.

Then, we can't help but think about recruiting people who want to migrate more than civilians before the territory is also decided.

I don't really care about this one, actually.

I'm not even going to make a strange guy a squire in the first place, so even if I did, it would only be in form.

I don't think I have time off for the next few months.

It's like this was my last vacation in a way.

14 Feb 7448

It's our reincarnated twentieth birthday.

It is a day to be remembered from the common sense of previous life.

But for those of us who followed the town (Aus) a long time ago, it was just a day when we got one age.

Still had a pretty fancy birthday party.

Naturally, other members keep it with their companions.

Rocco was making a scene when he said, "It's easy to remember that you reincarnators are all on the same birthday."

Sure, there are ten of us here, including me, and nearly a third of the whole thing, including Kathy and Marr, solidifying with the same birthday guys.

We look at each other and we laugh bitterly, but now it is.

Yeah, I already told all the killers about our rebirth.

He was surprised at first, like Carm and Kim, but soon seemed less interested.

Looks like some of them think it's a joke.

Neither do we really want you to believe me, so I'm just saying it's over.

Of course, there were some of them who were quite interested, like Meath, Hiss, and Ginger, and I answered the questions as best I could.

But when we go into the labyrinth a few days later, we all die.

It doesn't seem to be the other way around so it quickly became less conscious.

Well, assuming I'm a raw oath guy, I'm only going to be the first to show interest in hearing this, and I think sooner or later I'm going to be like, "So what?"

April 1, 7448.

The royal palace contacted me.

Of the Wyvern scaled armor in the example, there was an indication of completion for His Highness Richard.

I don't wonder how many billions it will be.

Climbing the castle is next Tuesday. It's scheduled for April 8th.

You should publish it around here.

I give you everything you pay for precious metals from dragons.

The rest are seated inside the shrine vault.

All other loot items that are not used in the labyrinth are thrown into warehouses on the ground.

It's finally time for the dragon's head and scales, Demon Stone.

Enter the labyrinth with Mizuchi and my slaves and go as far as the eight-layer metastatic crystal room.

Unlike them, I'm the first labyrinth in a month.

I have no problems because I maintained my strength because I did not lack about twenty hours of running and training every day.

April 8, 7448.

"Master, please"

Zulu knelt respectfully in front of the head of the dragon that was being ice pickled.


Expand the anti-magic field and erase the majority of the ice that thickly covers the head of the dragon.

Now a few of us together will be able to carry it.

It's a short time when we're transferring, so we're both going to figure it out.

Triumphed to the ground by joining all those who had met on the seventh and fifth floors in advance.

Apart from when I brought Wyvern back, early morning adventurers and open-air merchants returned and chose a crowded time zone to take it home.

Naturally, we don't imitate it like we hide it, so the entrance square becomes a fuss like poking a hive as soon as we show up.

"Hey, that!


"What the hell...!?"

"Dra... gon...?


"You knocked him down?

"That would be so."


Munchkin. It feels good to be exposed to a lot of amazement, admiration, respect, and envy.

"The Slaughters defeated the Dragon."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you know, how did you take him down?

"That size with your head means that your body..."

"That must be huge"

"How much of a dragon's demon stone will it be?

"Don't you know? But I guess it's pretty good."

I feel like everyone who's seen the head of the dragon is praising me and Engela for their feat.

"... Dragon Slayer"

"Oh, that's a dragon slayer."

Nature and the word "dragon slayer" sprang out of the crowd surrounding us.

The words are instantly propagated around and spoken by everyone in the entrance square.

"Congratulations, Mr. Greed! Big deal!

Mr. Church, who was still in charge of guarding me at the entrance square today, complimented me.

"Can you shake my hand?

"Hey, Mr. Church. Thank you."

Gratefully hold the hand he offered.

The strong, big hand covered with a swordfish held my hand firmly.

But the palm was warm.

"Whoa, there's a dragon slayer out of Balduk!

"He's the slayer (Slaters) who set up the big Wyvern before this!

"The boulder is Master Gried! Balduk's best adventurer!

'Cause even the top team's losing one head.'

"Dear Gried! Now is the time to bring our Bowton brothers under our umbrella!

"I'll accompany you to the bottom of hell (Abyss)!

"Master Gekdo! Marry me!

I waved at him in response to a cheer.

Half of this voice belongs to Engela.

I have to be proud of her accomplishments.

"Kah! Master Karostaran! Turn around!

"Rocco! Come tonight!

"Hey Yan, nominate me!

"What are you talking about!? Rocco's making fun of me!

"Kim! I knew you were a good woman!

"Did Mr. Firefrid tailor you at the end, after all?

"You're right! I knew it was sinister! I admire it!

After dozens of minutes, the hedge finally cracked in the direction we were going, and a flower path was built.

"But wow, that!

"Oops, you're a big dragon."

"Guiney! Beard grooming set, it's here!

"Karim! The pride of the village of Belos!

"Dear Falergers! Please hold me!

"No, take me! Give me Viscount Yorise Knights 2nd Squadron Commander!

"Mr. Ginger! It contains good shochu!

Walk out in the lead.

I waved around and waved my love.

"Carm! I knew you were top notch, no, super top notch!

"But I still can't defeat a dragon like this without this number..."

"I wonder how they joined us?

"It's Lutz. Whoa! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

"He made Balducky, didn't he? You said surge, you're a genius!

"Whoa, whoa, Ralph! That's awesome!

"It's the Dragon Slayer triumph. Ah!

Zulu is holding back behind me.

"Oh! Zulu! The star of the lios!

"Sanno! Pay your ass!

"That dark elf, right? An amazing wizard."

"On the contrary, the arms of the bow and sword seem to be considerable."

"She's a beautiful woman, but a dark elf..."

"You don't look like an elf."

"Even the Gried woman."

Behind it comes the head of the dragon slowly, headed by Henry, Meck, Ruby, Jess, Dender and Karim.

"Ransoon! You're still crazy today!

"Dude, you, you want Gel to kill you!? You don't know!?"

"Gee, gel! I knew you were there."

"Don't worry, they won't even deal with you."

"Hiss! The boulder is the archer of the demon bullet! Is it true you don't have a man? With me, then."

"No, with me!

"No, no, with me!

The head of the dragon, headed by six large men, is like a god, with scales reflecting the light of the bonfire that illuminates the entrance square.

"Dender! Remember me!? It's me! Me!"

"Kevin! You're celebrating tonight! Let's have a drink!

"Bernadette! Still today, yes, yes!

"That battle slave, you're Henry, right? Is it true he was a knight?

"On the other hand, Lios on the other side, a guy named Meck, he was a knight, too."

"You're an awesome slave. I heard Ruby does a pretty good job too."

"Jessoo! You're here today!

what? now...... jess bastard, at the time of slavery......

Behind it, other members come loose with bags filled with scales.

"I've been staring at you since the beginning, and the killers are gonna do something big one day!

You used to say, "You're just a kid and you can't do it, right?"

"What? That's about what I'm gonna say when I'm a veteran watcher like me."

"That woman slave died and said she was down in battle. Which one?

"I don't know, talk like that"

"You, aren't you ashamed to say...?

"Nothing? Just complain and have fun then. That's fine."

Hmm? Marl and Limby, and Cathy's picking you up.

So Kathy was over here last night?

At first glance, he waves heavily as he is caught up in a crowd gathered to see the dragon.

It took quite a while to rendezvous and arrive at the Boyle Pavilion.

After noon we arrived at the royal castle.

Naturally, [Dragon Slayer of the Slaughter Dragon] is wrapped around his waist, and [Utility Ring, a multi-purpose ring] is also fitted.

Of course, I chartered the carriage, so the dragon's head is with me.

The cloth was worn to make it less noticeable when transporting it, but naturally the luggage is checked when diving through the gates of the Royal Castle.

It was just what I expected to make a fuss here as well.

It's more noisy than it was in Wyvern.

Still, I was put through two circles when I communicated the requirements.

They waited a little while in front of the Mitsuru room, but were allowed to enter for a while.

"Greed, raise your face."

Her Royal Highness Queen Moline gave me permission, so I raise my face.

In addition to Her Royal Highness the Queen, there were kings and Prince Richard, as well as several guardian knights.

And beside the throne stands an armor hanging, stunning armor hanging.

"Greed. Take a look. This armor is amazing."

[Black Sky Scale]

[Primary Wyvern Scale/Cow Leather]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 29/3/7448]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 1625147]

[Performance: Physical restraint rate: 7%]

[Performance: Average penetration: minus 38%]

[Performance: Armor and Protection Average Damage Reduction Rate: 69%]

[Effect: Half-Beating (Half-Damage From Brajoning)]

[Effect: Half Exhale Effect (Half Effect From Breath Weapon)]

[Effect: Weight Loss of Attachment (Weight Alleviation)]

[Effect: Low Magic Attenuation (Impediment Minor Magic)]

... This is quite a big deal.

Overlay Armor (Sprint Mail) like penetration and above Sheet Metal Armor (Full Plate Mail) defense.

So the physical restraint rate is similar to leather armor.

Great special effects too.

Finally, with a unique name as expected by the craftsman?

"Do, this armor. Price..."

I got permission, so the king opened his mouth like he didn't put it on me standing up and doing a status-opening impersonation.

Yeah, I saw it coming.

... Gokuri.

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