April 8, 7448.

Now, what the hell was the value given?

"Estimated at 3,620 million Z for this set of armor"

Hmm. Well, I guess so.

When I returned to my former position, I knelt in gratitude to my subordinates.

With taxes, bonuses, and wages, my hand is three-quarters... five and a half billion dollars in two armor.

"Raise your face. … and the exact same amount of scales used for this armor, with the exception of one piece of armor, which leaves about 40% of the total amount of scales. This amount is estimated at 2.762 million Z.... This is before tailoring it as armor, so it is expected to be similarly uniquely named, but because the magical effects that come with it are unclear. Besides, I'm not going to armor you for this."

That means... don't exceed 7.5 billion.

But... no, okay. It could be a drop point.



I listened back rudely.

What will you say?

I can think of a few, but maybe that's all I have.

"... that's over ten billion"

Huh? That way.

Well, no.


Look me straight in the eye. The king opens his mouth with a faint laugh.

"I said spit is swallowing. What do we do?"

Hmm. Is that still your biggest interest?


Armor is a personal piece of equipment.

You know how good it was.

"Now let's dedicate this armor and the rest of the scales"

Am I going to be fooled?

I looked as simple as I could and said it.

Just in case.

"Hey, don't store it just because this is a little over 10 billion Z. You're not that Shilomon on a boulder."

The king says with a laugh at Nitanita.


I would not have had to pay a billion in luxury taxes if it had been done in storage......

I thought it was awkward, but couldn't it be a boulder? You licked too much of anything.

"Can't you..."

He looked up at the king with a depressed look on his face.

"Hey, this guy, you're not alarmed, are you? He tried to mislead the tax on luxury."

Is that a prospect?

Both the queen and His Highness Richard, who refrain from beside her, are grinning bitterly.

"No, no! I can't believe I'm deluding you! I just thought if I was worth 10 billion Z. It's a misunderstanding!"

I say it like I panicked, but in front of me, all three of them had broken that look.

"Look, Richard. You're just like me and Molene imagined, aren't you? I can't do this. I'm sure I'll try to store it."

The king sees His Highness Richard with a good face.

"Ha. Sure. I still have to feed my eyes to see people, too."

His Royal Highness Richard smiles and tells the King to turn to me.

"Mr. Gried. I also hear about what His Majesty promised you. But I think it's pretty hard."

Yeah, I know.

I looked up to His Royal Highness the Prince with a strange look on his face.

"Sure, the soil is good and the crops are easy to grow. Since there is little ups and downs, I think it is certain that the harvest will be higher than anywhere else in the kingdom as long as it can be opened. If you think about it, it would be a breakthrough to say 10 billion Z."


His Royal Highness carries on his expression and voice again.

"But there's always a fight around there every few years. Plus, there are many demons because it's only been about a hundred years since people settled in. No land is in the Dart Plains. Only the north is safe, but there are so many danger zones in the Dart Plains that you can't live in peace without an escort"

That's why the army's stationed, right?

"You understand there are situations like that on the back of a billion Zs, right?

"Ha. They're ready"

His Royal Highness looked me in the eye for a while, then nodded and pulled back.

"Hmm. You know this guy from a long time ago.... Many dark elves have been witnessed around the Dart Plains last year. Anyway, this guy was making me look into it. Huh? Am I right?

The king said with a look on his face as if to say that everything was an event on his palm.


Because dark elves do stand out.

The conversation for the investigation is unusual, and even the kind that disappears from memory immediately. That's impressive, isn't it?

"Was it already a prospect…"

Then it doesn't make sense to spare me.

"So? How many places do you want?

"Now, don't hesitate…. I will sit in the west, looking forward to the realm of the Earl of the League."

I said with a smile on my face in awe.

"Huh. I thought I was the second Earl of Dressler territory from the east... Can I ask you why?

The king has heard with a really unexpected look.

You're usually right about the king.

It's a little off the record, but why don't we have a quick word of farewell about Dart Plains here?

Northern part of the Dart Plains. In other words, there are four county territories lined up in large part, as I said before, in the south of the Lomberto side.

From the east it is Count Ellers' territory, Count Dressler's territory, Count Lancel's territory, and Count League's territory.

First, the easternmost Earl of Ellers territory. The area of the territory is said to be the narrowest. Then the area of the Dart Plains, which occupies the territory, is also the narrowest, but the non-Dart Plains part is quite pioneered. The number of cities is five. The village is eleven. Of which, Pioneering Village is III. The eastern part of the Dart Plains, which extends to the southern part of the territory, has thin forests compared to other territories, and land exploration seems to be the easiest. But its pioneering has not progressed the most. Reasons will be given later.

Next, the second Earl of Dressler territory from the east. It is the second most advanced territory in terms of land development. It is also said that the area is the widest of the four. But even if I say the land is pioneered, the Dart Plains are not progressing busily under the influence of demons that root there on top of the deep woods. Metals mined from the northern and mountainous parts of the explored Dart Plains are the main source of income. The number of cities is four. The village is 17. Of which, Pioneering Village is VII.

And Count Lancel territory, which extends second from the west. The land is most developed, naturally the largest area of agricultural land available, and in the north there is a small mountainous area stretching from the northern part of Count Dressler territory to the east, which also produces iron and copper. The number of cities is five. The village is eighteen. Of which, Pioneering Village is VII.

The end is my desired territory, the westernmost reagle county territory. The area of the territory is also third. The area of the Dart plain in the territory is also the third land. There are quite a few territories outside the Dart Plains here as well as Count Ellers territory. However, you account for about half of the strange shapes of mountains that lie flat from the neighboring Viscount Yorise territory. The number of cities is the smallest three. The village is thirteen. Of which, the pioneering village is four. Even though the city is the least, there are many large villages. To the southwest of the territory lies a mountain called Mount Velos, which serves as a border with Dabus, and is characterised by its slight north but only facing the sea in the four territories.

In this, the territory of the Earls of Leagues and Dressler has a relatively long terminus of conflict with the Kingdom of Dabus, and the territory of Earls of Ellers on the easternmost side and the territory of Count Lancel on the second from the west have a slightly shorter terminus of conflict than those.

Count Ellers territory has the narrowest area of the Dart Plains, but forests occupy most of the plains, which seems to be easy to explore, and the high ambition and belligerency of the Dabus side of the border to expand the territory seems to be the reason.

Count Lancel's land is the most expensive and abundant, so it's easy to see.

First, therefore, Earl Ellers' territory and Count Lancel's territory disappeared from the choice.

The Earl of Dressler territory has the widest area, and naturally the dart plains in the territory with it. On top of that, there are developed mines in the safe north.

I thought this was my best candidate at first, too.

However, I changed my mind with the findings of the Dark Elves and Claws.

Many mineral resources, such as lead, mercury and sulphur, were produced in small quantities from the mountains on Earl of the League territory. Of course, iron, copper and brass can be picked.

In short, what is more convenient to me in terms of mineral resources is Count Riegle territory than Count Dressler territory.

And for two more reasons.

One is the problem of the lords of each city and village. The earl realm of the league has the highest percentage of native lords. In other words, it is also said that there is the largest number of lower nobles that I can take over. A few of our current members are going to make us count, but suddenly it will be difficult to let them take possession of the village. The number of subordinate nobles in the neighborhood who will be seniors at that time is better.

Hmm? What if we run out of seats? There's plenty of land to the south but Lomberto. If it develops to the point where we run out of seats, all we have to do is share the land we have invaded and taken.

Another reason is that it's close to betting. but there's a good portion there. The realm of Earl of the League has not been the scene of conflict for the last seven years. Perhaps the next stage is here. It would be great if there was a conflict just before I inherited it and it ended properly in pain division as usual. After I inherit it, I don't intend to strike out of here for the moment, but if they attack me, they will use artillery and gunpowder to repel me.

Well, let's get back to it.

That was the reason you chose the realm of Earl of the League.

"As His Majesty knows, I was born in the Jindal Peninsula. The closest earl realm of the league is the most convenient way to trade rubber products. And again, this is a big reason why we have less frequent disputes with the Kingdom of Davis."

"I see.... well. It's going to take you a year or so, and the next battle will happen in the meantime."

The king looked just a little impressed, but immediately rose up again with his expression.

And then he got off the throne and came before me.

"Because it's just inside me here... Hey, Greed."


"This armor is a big deal. Besides having a magical effect that doesn't make you feel weighty, the defensive effect as an armor has a great object. Full-body sheet metal armor.


"So this time we lose big and forgive the storage"

"Ha ha, thanks happy!

Nice place like that. Doesn't suit my face.

"And... that was a promise. I'm sorry I made fun of your dreams one day. Looks like I misjudged you. I'm sorry, forgive me."

"... and there is no destruction."


When the king said so, Her Royal Highness Queen Maureen, who was listening to it, smiled slightly at the king's hindsight.


I desperately enjoyed the fact that my face was about to loosen while lying flat.

"There will also be the withdrawal or takeover of Romeos and his subordination, which is left to Uncle League. Next summer you will be the Earl of the League. Don't fail to prepare by then..."

Alein Gried, Earl of the League?

Not yet!

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