April 8, 7448.

I was asked about the next meeting and the date of the Count before I left the Tabernacle Room. They say it's next Wednesday, April 14th. Me and His Highness Richard hold their mouths together that day when they tell us to "back off" when they tell us to leave it free for the day.

Sire, I have another report for you.

There's got to be more to it.


The King and Her Majesty the Queen with a slightly strange face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Greed. Your Majesty and His Highness have had another look until just before this. I haven't heard it yet. I just heard about the chills earlier too... Come on, let me hear it, your feat!

"Ha. Well, I'm afraid I do,"

It's bad that you're happy with Wyvern's armor.

"We defeated the twelfth and thirteenth tier hierarchical protectors of the Labyrinth of Balduk on a late date. At that time, it was found that the labyrinth is supposedly the lowest of the thirteenth. Transfer to subsequent layers was not achieved"


The king rides himself out of the throne as impressed.

"The twelve tier hierarchical guardians have given us swords. We also get rings from thirteen tier hierarchical guardians. Oh, we keep the sword at the entrance to the royal castle for the guards."

"Well, anyway, that would be a good sword, and that's fine. But you've never been like a ring before."

"Ha. I'm putting it in place now. Can you take a look?

I removed the ring and gave it away.

This [multi-purpose ring "Utility Ring"] naturally responds to Magic Sensing (Direct Magic). But there's just a thin reaction between ground magic, wind magic, and no magic.

I don't think there is any easy way to find out about its effects.

Maybe that leading court sorcerer, the "special sorcery" of the right minister Marquis Darthline, would know a little more.

However, I had a general imagination about the effect of that "special sorcery" in the case of the example [Luxurious Hip Roll "Roin Cross of Darling"].

"Special witchcraft," they say, is a wave of witchcraft magic powers hanging on objects (?) I think it detects something like that.

If you know a magic trick that has similar effects to the magic hanging on an item, you can probably feel a magic wave close to that magic trick.

So, I guess claws can be attached when you get a similar effect to the witchcraft you know.

For example, I think that's why I quickly became certain that [the guardian's ring, Ring of Protection] was real and was able to try it.

Somehow His Excellency the Marquis already possessed the ring of the same name.

I guess it's not exactly the same, but I guess I could feel a very similar magic wave.

Or maybe "special sorcery" isn't very precise.

I guess I have no idea that the effect on status is the main effect on a ring that already knew the effect and its magic waves [the luxurious lumbar wrap "Roincloth of Darling"] because I don't know similar sorcery.

Even if the effect is clammy, I only know that it has a very low ability to protect the effect (even if the effect is too low to sense, I think even if I could sense it, I could only know that it has a lower effect than bark defense (barkskin))?

Magic like that, like healing HP or reducing damage, is pretty normally known.

Regardless of HP healing, magic that reduces damage is clearly useless. It's better than not having a bark defense (barkskin), so I didn't feel like using it either.

Well, still, if you think the magic effect “seems to have it," it's only 30 million Z.

"Status open... Hmm... I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like a magic item at first..."

The King says in the face that thoughtless expectations fall off.

"Ha. You're right. I'm not sure how it works, and the magic response is faint, but we're looking to make it our family heirloom to commemorate reaching the bottom."

"That's fine."

He put it in his finger just in case, and the king who was looking at it returned it when he removed the ring.

"So that's it. I'm the guardian of the thirteenth tier of hierarchy..."


"It was a dragon. Shadow Dragon, to be exact. Oh, I also had the name Longarzamruzolphalene in my business."


The King and Her Royal Highness are all eyes open.

His Highness Richard looked forward to it.

"What? Dragon!?"

"is found in the demonic stone of Shadow Dragon, the guardian of the twelve layers, and the guardian of the thirteen layers. And we also have a chopped head today"

Plus, he says to give me a cool look as if it was nothing.

"With the dragon! I want to see it! Where is it?"

The queen has been excited to pinch her mouth.

Are you not interested in the Demon Stone or have you brought it around the corner?

"Ha. In the carriage at Sanomaru's horse..."

"Richard! Bring it to me!

His Royal Highness Richard, who was commanded by the Queen, nodded and left the lookout room on his large crotch, saying something to the guards in the hallway.

The king said, "Guh... you think it's a dragon?... is it true... damn," he muttered in his mouth with some bumps.

As always, he's not even interested in the Demon Stone I have.

After a while, I was contacted that a carriage carrying an ice-soaked dragon with its front on had been transported to the side of a garden in two circles.

Quickly on the table, the carriage was surrounded by a large number of people wrapped around it.

You'll want to see the revelations when you hear rumors that the dragon's head is on it.

However, the King and Her Majesty the Queen showed up to thank His Majesty in unison.


When I went to the side of the carriage, I slowly untied the string while not wearing it and removed the front.

"" Oh...!! "

Exclamation leaks from around there.

Ice is sparkling in the spring sun.

Inside it was the head of a dragon as black as a shadow staring around.


The king stops right by and watches as he roars.

"The boulder is a dragon. It's big."

The queen also looked around with her eyes round, blocking her mouth with a fan.

"So far..."

His Royal Highness Richard is also joining the men of the First Knights who seem to be his men in armbanding and nodding.

"Hmm? Is this...? Hey, Greed. What are these marks?

Looks like the king noticed something.

You were intrigued. His Royal Highness Richard also dropped by with his men.

The king pointed to a small round hole around the eyes and forehead of the dragon.

It was a gunshot wound fired by Engela.

Puncture wounds caused by the flaming sword on the tip of his nose (Flame Tan) had been ignored.

Ma, they think the penetrating wound would be offensive witchcraft or something for a flashy minute.

The scales around the holes through which the bullets penetrated have also cracked or peeled off because the scales themselves were worn out.

Oh, naturally, the bullet warhead that was blinded has been removed.

"Oh, it's an arrow wound. That's by a crossbow (crossbow) released by my combat slave, isn't it? This battle with Longarzamruzolfalen has spared her its life...... With her backup, it's like we could take her down."

"Well, the crossbow..."

The King and His Royal Highness, who heard my reply,

"Richard, you said Wyvern's scales played a crossbow (crossbow) tai arrow (Quarrel) even in untreated condition"

"Yes, indeed. I'm checking with these eyes, too."

"... I thought it was sooner but I was horrified..."

"The scale itself seems to be higher in Wyvern than in the dragon."

"Sounds like it."

Or whispered to each other small.

Are you relieved?

I can't give up all this.

After that, I erased some of the ice so that it touched my head directly, and let him change his status fully.

Not only the King, but also those who watched far-flung around him. He sees the status and raises his voice of admiration when touching a substitute dragon.

"But... certainly a dragon... um, brilliant"

"Your Majesty, the horns are splendid."

The king and queen are having a conversation in front of the dragon's head.

By this time, the rest of the queens had gathered to admire each other.

"I didn't expect Grid to be a Dragon Slayer..."

"I thought I was just a rubber artisan at first... but only Gried's brother seems to have one."

"Was my brother with you? Hey, Greed............... Huh? Just the slaves and the two of us!?... Chip, he..."

"Well, well. But I didn't expect a dragon slayer in my country."

"Greed, you've defeated such a giant monster."

"What!? Did you get swallowed up once? … it is"

"Gried seems to be the best adventurer in Balduk."

"I see, then be reasonable..."

Speak up to the King in anticipation of when the conversation settled.

"Your Majesty, I have one favor to ask you"

"Hmm? What? Tell me."

"This is the head of this dragon, but why not leave it ice-soaked for a while?

"I don't mind, why? I'd like to see some bones too, maybe I should peel them off?

"In fact, around the end of this month my family will come to Royal Castle for the delivery of armor and sheaths. I want to show you the raw dragon."

"There's something cute about that, too, Grid. Isn't that good, Your Majesty?"

There was also a follow-up by Her Royal Highness Queen Moleen, who for the time being was to be exhibited beside the gates of the Royal Castle, remaining icy.

By the way, there was also this dragon commotion, or today there was no mention of the three common sons in the example.

If you gave up, it would be superimposed.

Whatever it takes, the Count has decided, so let's do what we do.

As a result, the Count is a variation of the ritual of naming at the shrine (?) as one of the

However, this is like submitting a marriage notice to the bureau at the time of marriage, which is called in Japan, and is only a necessary ritual or formality for the academy.

The ceremony will be held in Royal Castle on another day.

In the last twenty years or so, no senior nobleman has been born other than a raider as a successor.

Well, that's not so rare that a good number of aristocrats attend the recital ceremony.

Because of their convenience, they say the recital that will hit the reception they say in marriage will be about this fall.

Back in Balduk this evening, I checked my wallet balance and went to do what Mizuchi and I would do.

I can't do it alone.

14 Apr 7448

The gatekeeper who saw me climbing the royal castle only put me through one physical examination on the street.

Anyway, my reputation is now at its peak.

So much so that an application for an affair has come with it from a fairly high nobleman.

Though it is excessive to merely a single adventurer, even though it is a noble end, and I say no to everything that can't be matched.

At the side of the gate is still exhibited with dragon heads strapped around them with ice marinated.

A gatekeeper's knight or a squire was pouring a long-awaited gaze on me.

In the morning it's a lecture on what the King knows about the Earl of the League.

Of course, speaking of lectures is not a big deal.

Tax revenues over the last few years, the staffing of the Knights of the Township, how many lower nobles are going to pull off with the change of lords, and when that's going to be. Oh, my God.

Then, since I became lord, it's a security arrangement.

We tried hard to negotiate to make it a little cheaper, but there was nothing we could do to say that if we were to bring it below 30% of the tax revenues, which is the current security cost, we would proportionately reduce the number of troops stationed.

Anyway, we have to do something on our own, but until then, we have no choice but to have the Second Knights troops garrison us and leave it to us to maintain law and order and defend us from external enemies.

We'll be talking about the details around here soon anyway, so that's good, right?

And ten in the morning.

Finally, it's the naming ritual the Count needs.

Weaving a robe of good quality but plain and discreet, he went out to the shrine beside the royal castle with the king, who was visibly hooded, and several knights of the Second Knights of the Guard.

He has already spoken to the shrine, and the ritual will be performed with zero waiting time.

"Status Open"

[Alain Greed/14/4/7448 Alain Greed/8/4/7448]


[Principal of the House of the Pu Nation and Count of Riegle]

[Unique Skill: Appraisal (MAX)]

[Unique Skill: Amazing Talent (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (MAX)]

I did make sure my affiliation was changing.

It should be noted that those with the last name can change their name at will later to match their new family name, and there is no problem with staying in the grid as it is.

Because the title is inherently one that comes to the land it possesses.

It's definitely not because some nobles don't have territory.

Returning to the royal castle, the Secretary of the Seal, now under the umbrella of the Ministry of the Interior, was waiting with his hands drawn.

Let's talk about family crests.

The family crest of the current Earl of the League family is commonly referred to as "arrow feathers in circles".

Is it good as it is or is it going to be a different design?

The family crest of Gried's house is "three in a circle".

Because of this, the family crest of the Kawasaki family in the previous life is a vine flower house called "Flower Vine Car" spread in all directions.

Nothing. It's not something I have to decide in a hurry, but I can't help worrying about something like this.

That said, it's something that will be my flag, so I can also feel free to decide cheaply.

They also asked if it would be a good idea to take the dragon down and take the dragon into the design proud to have become a dragon slayer.

I thought so too, but it reminded me of my origin.


So Rubber Noki, I also turned that into a paragon Noki flower.

Paragomnoki blooms a lot of little yellow flowers with a little bit of a fishing bell shape.

There are five petals.

In fact, it is shaped like a three-colored bread with three eggs stuck together.

I designed it together.

Does it feel good to put the three circular shapes connected in the center on the edge with the paragomic noki flowers seen from the front in the middle?

Well, it's a quiet design, but I'm content.

I thought I'd stop by the finger store and order the flag as soon as I could before I left.

Oh, can I go now?

You're keeping Mizuchi waiting, aren't you?

Just fine and let's go now.

He backed me down when I said to the Secretary of the Seal, "I'll order more flag fingers, so I'll present one when I can".

I left my order and said I was coming for lunch and went out.

However, a meeting with another official will be forthcoming in the afternoon.

They asked me to come back soon.

I expect to be quite busy in the coming months.

Fly a horse from the royal castle to rendezvous with Mizuchi, who was waiting at the Chamber of Commerce factory, and easily finish his lunch with a hot dog.

And we do what we do fast.

Returning to the royal castle, he was lectured by officials of the Palace Introspection on the realm of the Earl of the League, and it was evening when he finally finished his share of the day.

When I was about to leave the royal castle, His Highness Richard called out to me saying he was expecting me.

Thank you. I hear the king is calling.

When I went to the Tabernacle Room, the king threw a bomb at me.

If I hadn't been prepared in advance, I would have done my best to avoid instant answers.

"I was thinking about going around next month, but this stuff is better early. Hey, Greed. I'll ask for hope for once. Of the three, who's better?

Are you here at last?

These “three” would be those three bastards.

"... what? Of the three? What does that mean?

"Don't blur. She's the daughter of Jeevekt, Reface and Forcain. I'm listening. You're face-to-face, aren't you?

"... Zyvect... refaithful?... forcaine? Oh, um..."

Reply with a look that seems difficult.

"His Majesty has always had the courtesy to say about the three of you."

I guess it was unexpected about my face and the content of my response. The king rides himself out of the throne with a little intrigue.

"Hmm? What? Say it."

"I don't know what you think, but it looks like those three were in Balduk for a little while. Last year and so on, you asked an adventurer who had been close to me to guide you into the labyrinth."

"I guess so. It was originally my idea. I advised him to try it because he would crusade demons in the future."

Beside the king of good faces, His Royal Highness Richard is also nodding yeah.

"… you don't seem to have reported it accurately."


The king answers as surprised.

"In Balduk, we did the adventurer's imitation. Therefore, please spin it around a lot. As a result, many people have died (in one stroke) after pulling the adventurers' legs. Originally, you were dissatisfied with the living environment in the labyrinth."

The uncleanness in the labyrinth and the inability to withstand the gaze from other adventurers.

That I had to move the base camp in its shadow.

And that a large number of dead came out, starting with the leader of the adventurer's party.

That even they became undead, that with my hands I went to rescue them, I had to kill them again.

"... Hey, Richard. Did you know what you were talking about?

"No, I didn't know..."

His Royal Highness Richard replied with a face like he chewed up about a hundred bitters at once.

"... right"

Vilheimer's dead, and I'm guessing Andersen didn't report any more details right now.

The king seems to have restored calm already.

"But what do you say about that? Isn't it natural that there will be victims in the labyrinth?"

"Ruri. It is only natural that there will be victims. But what I would like to say is that there have been no victims in themselves. It's that there have been good casualties that I didn't have to let out. And the reason for this lies in the fact that the three of you are on the edge."

"You... fool my daughter?

The king is coming up with an angry look.

"No way! There is no such thing. I would fool you to say that the problem here is in their raised environment, what do you think? Your Highness?"

I ask Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen, who has never participated in the conversation with a face like Nobu, for her opinion.

Moleen, who told me the story, laughed nimmari as soon as she gave a hazy look.

"Your Majesty, do you understand what Greed means? You're telling me that you're not being duped properly, and that you have the harm of being raised in a cup of tea because you're your child?

In Aus, no, at least in the Kingdom of Romberto, men and women are almost equal.

Women can be housekeepers, and there are many women in the military.

Besides, I can't be allowed to do all I want because I'm noble.

In fact, to some extent, yes, it's acceptable to say the extent of those three.

However, it is also true that noble children are often thrown into the army at a young age because it makes sense to make them understand what is going on around them.

In that sense, I'm pretty sure those three were later than the nobleman's younger brother joined the Knights (though not just the youngest one), not to mention the environment where my parents' squire is already...

That's too sweet.

Anyway, those three are disqualified as those who keep a large number of their men on the front line.

I don't know if you have the talent to be involved in politics within the Royal Palace.

"Besides, I was an adventurer this time, but suppose that was the knight of the kingdom. What if the battlefield makes the situation unfavourable? What if a competent knight or squire loses his life? That's what Grid points out."

Her Royal Highness said politely and gently to teach a naughty little child.

"Gu... Mm..."

"Ha, Mother, it's..."

"Neither did I... nor did they... yes, if they were wise and thoughtful, attractive and wonderful women like His Highness Biaguitte, they would have been willing to rise to heaven when they were proposed."

Yeah, well, you, the royalty, didn't even give birth to and raise a bastard, like being able to fill a shackle unless you're extraordinary and competent. I can't thank you enough for wearing a collar.

"Right. Biaguitte is said to be too quiet, but if you see what you see, you can spot it... But Biaguitte has been married to Bergwell for nine years now. Because nobles can get a divorce. Grid, I'm sorry to hear how much you've been worried about."

Praised for her firstborn daughter, Her Majesty the Queen is in heaven.

But His Royal Highness Biaguitte - not His Royal Highness anymore - has too many tows standing on the boulder, and not as wise as I say. She sounds like a beauty, but I've never even seen her face.

"And, Your Majesty. Most importantly... I was wondering if the Second Lady would like to hear a few words to welcome your majesty's daughter..."

The three people who heard what I said were surprised to see the look on their faces.

"What? Second...... you say?

"Oh, my God, you're married, huh?

"Yes, when...?

Awkward speed beats skill.

I married Mizchi at the shrine in Balduk the night the Count decided, and I, not the housekeeper, became a civilian as [head of the Greed family].

And today, after he was acquainted as Earl of the League, he also made Mizuchi rewrite his status at lunch.

So, as Her Royal Highness the Queen put it, noble divorce is not allowed in the Kingdom of Lomberto.

If Alain Gried, the head of the Earl of the League family, comes along with a woman with the status of [First Lady of the Gried family] and says, "I'm an Earl, so name me a new status for my wife," there's no word to say no even to the cleric.

Well, I just officially became Earl this morning, and it's new to my memory.

There is nothing wrong with the Second Lady or the Third Lady.

However, in general, younger numbers have more power as sequences in the home, and that is often taken for granted.

This can also be said to the male side, which tends to make it easier for the second husband to take precedence over the second husband's opinion.

There's no particular reason, it's just that it's happening as a culture.

That being the case, I was able to say no to marrying those three bastards.


Well, after that...


One night long after entering the second half of the twenty-first century.

I haven't heard from Al at the usual time.

I've never done anything like this before, but I didn't panic. It's too early to panic.

Even he must be busy.

I decided to clean up the job I took home first with my mobile device connected to the charging cable by my desk. There will be days like this.

- But after that day, his contact remains uninterrupted after more than a week.

I was already in quite a hurry.

I didn't think I could keep track of this.

Come on, it'll be a good time to panic.

He said the contact was due to Al's sorcery and it was almost a coincidence.

We talked about the gap between time and space and the twist, but we still don't know why.

Nothing abnormal can be seen on my device.

Even family, friends, and company contacts don't interfere with calls.

It can be transmitted and received without any problems at all. Of course, I don't see anything strange about browsing emails or the web either. I tried to bring it to the shop of the telecommunications carrier under contract, but there was still no abnormality.

Would something have happened to him (Al)?

I was worried, but I had to try everything I thought I could do.

With the thought of grasping the straw, I even tried to re-purchase the device of the exact same model and re-verify it.

But as always, I didn't hear from him.

And only time passed.

I was chased into my own life too, and I only remembered him less often.

It's been over a decade, and one night I had something to look for and I was fishing for a desk drawer at home.

The mobile device I used to use rolled out.

Is that it? Oh, this...

It's an old device before I bought it again.

Staring at a mobile device that discharges so much and doesn't turn on, it reminds me of a strange event that happened before.

With that said, how many years ago was that......

I was trying to assume it was a dream for a while.

However, he said that the data engraved in the OLC Octaple Level Cell flash memory by the mobile device's conversation recording function was not a dream.

I even did something to retrieve my inbox at the time with so much wonder...

After all, you didn't have any suspicious reception records...

I want to hear his voice for a while.

Shall we play the recording data?

Where did you do the charging cable for this connector at the time?

I should never have thrown it away.

Is it in the drawer?

When I tried to fish for more drawers with my mobile device grabbed in one hand...,

A mobile device in my hand......,



There should be no power...,

Display includes……,


just the display.

The person's registration name, phone number, and the availability of public lines do not show any information, just an "incoming" indication.

I was shocked like I was struck by lightning, just staring at the display.

Then tap the "Call" button with your trembling fingertips.

- Hey, sorry about yesterday.

A nostalgic voice that I was used to hearing for a time leaked from the speaker.


- Whoa, it's me. Have you forgotten your voice in just one day?

There's no way you can forget!

"Oh man, you!! Al!! You're safe!?"

- Huh? Are you okay? What are you talking about? I'm pimping.

"What the hell is going on so far... I'm going to think how many years have passed! It's been over ten years since then!

- I just couldn't reach you overnight?

"One night? What's this all about?

- Do I know? But, yeah. I didn't know it had been that long...

Apparently Al just missed the call for one night.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. There's a lot going on over here.

"Still not bad."

- So you're apologizing. But right. Ten years...

What happened after the first night of incoming calls from him runs through his brain in a glaring fashion.

From the address he remembered at the time, his wife, who should have been left alone, had returned to her parents' home after retiring from work at the time and had completed her ninety-seven years of age.

I regret that it would have been possible to get him to talk to me somehow if I had contacted him sooner in a few months. Al seemed sorry, too.

His exhalation and deep sigh, which unfortunately clogs his voice and silences, leaks from the speaker on the terminal when he reports it, will never be forgotten.

I started listening to him talk about his second life, something I initially thought was incredible to Russia, but at some point I started to expect it to continue.

Since when have you recorded and started recording it with acknowledgement?

It was always my pleasure to keep track of his story.

When it was cut off, it was quite a rush, but that continued again...

- Hey, what's up? Shut up. Are you listening to me?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just remembering."

- What are you doing? Yeah, you said it's been ten years over there... I don't know why...

"I don't know about that! I'm guessing Al has more of a reason for using magic!

- I don't care what you say... we don't even know what to look at.

"You did... but you did, ten years. I was worried about you."

There's no point in thinking about the other night being empty for ten years here anymore, so I just have to shelf it and leave it alone.

- I'm sorry about that. But it's been ten years... what about you? Anything unusual?

"Oh, we got married and had kids."

- Well, congratulations on that.

"Oh, thank you. And next time, I decided to be independent. I'm getting ready for that now. You might lose, though. Still, I was able to work my way to starting my own business because I was listening to you. I've already got a few promises to order a large order. I'll be in Nikkei 225 any day."

- I haven't had a Nikkei 225 or anything in decades...... but is it? That's amazing...

"You don't like it. But, well, that's it. If you're a man... yes, if you're a man, you have to go for the Lord of a castle all over the country!

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