"You (Nell) still have excellent magical qualities. Normally, you won't be level two in such a short period of time."

A healer of the elite (elf) said, in a frivolous tone but perhaps including emotions of emotion.

Level two.

It means a lot that the level of elemental magic will be two in this world (Aus).

Because it's synonymous with being able to use healing magic in any way.

I don't have any trouble doing anything with this.

Nell nods with a slightly satisfied face.

Her official name is Naylene Knobfom.

She is the girl who received her new life as the second daughter to the Knobfom family, a squire in this village of Hatleys.

Today I came to report to my master, the healer, because I began to learn magic shortly after adulthood, of which the level of elemental magic became two.

As a matter of fact, her level of elemental magic has reached three houses, and her magic is four.

On the first day of his magic training, he learned no magic, and just a week later, he learned two elemental magics, plus another elemental magic the following week.

And less than a month later, the level of immorality became one, and in the following month, the level of all elemental magic was rising to one.

Nell the boulder was also surprised about this pace and didn't tell anyone about the magic special skill level to avoid buying unwanted jealousy.

At any rate, the two elemental magic levels that the healer who taught me magic has already mastered in his fifties, which plunges into maturity, have just finally reached five.

Well, once you have mastered your skills about magic training, you can do it without a problem for one person as long as you have even learned how to use magic.

It's not very important in the early days, such as advanced moves that combine many kinds of magic called magic.

Hold on, Nell was blessed with magic power.

I would be able to use magic that only uses the lowest magic, that simply gives out a few elements, or quite a few times if I were to care about that if it was light (light) magic.

Many magic powers have been used effectively, and less than a year after learning magic, they have earned a skill level of one magician.

Many times as many magic powers as people could fail, but even attack magic could be used.

Nell hated farming for a long time.

I really wanted to avoid the future of plain, dirty, applying it to mud from morning to evening and torturing my body.

For that reason, he was working with fever to train his squire in the Battle of the White Soldiers, which is his duty.

If possible, he wanted to join the Knights and open up the future.

But being a dwarf (Gnome) less fortunate than the size of his body, he managed to be people-like about his strength, using bows or spears, and using swords and shields was a strength considerably lower in the village.

I immediately gave up that I had no choice about this.

In any case, the training of White Soldiers' warfare moves must continue to be no less muddy and plain than agricultural work.

Such a hassle, Nell quickly got tired of it and nearly threw it out again and again.

However, if you throw it out here, all you can hope for is a good future and a future where you become the daughter-in-law of some squire to farm.

In the worst case scenario, we can even think of entering into slavery and becoming a slave class ourselves.

That's all I didn't like, I just kept going with one thought.

Sometimes when I started training for the White Soldiers, it was long before I learned magic, and I wanted to gain the power to fight directly to do anything in the future.

Because the financial situation of the Knobfom family at the time did not seem likely to allow the boulders to share that much wealth, even if they were to do business in the future.

Anyway, to my surprise, she was blessed with magic power, so suddenly she raised her magic arm and quickly grew in strength.

As for Nell, it is a relief.

With this level of magical skill, you can work as a healer wherever you go.

It will not be possible to live in this village because there are already two healers in this village of Hatleys, but there are numerous larger cities with more or fewer populations and villages without healers.

It's not bad to go around looking for a place to calm your back in the future while you're young.

For the time being, I wanted to be an adventurer and encourage the accumulation of wealth while doing things like escorts and healers, and look around at places that seemed easy to live in.

"Well, I'll go"

I'm coming, not. This is unlikely to be a lifetime's farewell.

Nell said goodbye by hugging his parents, grandparents and brothers tightly.

It seems that her uncle and aunt have left the village in this way.

His father slapped him on the shoulder "firmly," and his mother kissed both cheeks by saying "come back whenever it gets hard".

My grandparents and brothers also gave me their own words on Nell's doorstep.

Her departure also saw off the village lords, who hung warm words.

It was a bright atmosphere, a good village, but I'm pretty sure Nell had a lot of complaints about living here.

It was Nell's first job to talk to the merchants of the caravans who regularly patrol the villages of the region and hire him as one of the escorts.

The property allocated to Nell as he leaves the house is a piece of sturdy leather armor and spears, a well-built bow, and one backpack (rucksack) that stores objects around him. And sturdy boots with heavy, pork leather on them. It is all the one and a half million Z of cash that I managed to make by mixing gold and silver coins, etc.

For the next twenty days or so, the escort fee for the itinerary to Hemdoz, the capital of this territory, is a cheap 100,000 Z. They'll go through five villages by Hemdoze. The number of days of stay in each village has not been determined, but it was two or three days according to the digestion of the itinerary.

Thus Nell basically fluttered over there while escorting the caravan, and spent more than two years fluttering over here to celebrate the eighteenth spring.

On the way to the escort, demonic raids were also received nearly ten times in the past two years.

Only once, but I've also been attacked by bandits.

In it, Nell has been fortunate enough to retreat from all the raids without ever getting hurt.

Of course, there is no such thing as a single escort for her, so it is difficult to say that she is the only one in charge, but there is not a small amount of her magic that has led her to take off her predicament.

This track record gave her confidence.

"Huh. Even I'm not the kid you can do it with!

The merchant who hired the adventurer to escort him turns around quite flashly after completing the request, such as when he was raided on the road.

It's not a duty, it's nothing, but it's a habit of tacit understanding.

Who escorted an adventurer named it, but he got rid of the oak brilliantly.

Who I hired last time? That's just four of us getting rid of a bunch of over twenty goblins.

No, no, whoever hired you last year. That just two of us made it through the Harpy raid. That's top notch.

Sometimes they advertise things like that.

However, only if successful.

Because escort failures are often unreturned by the merchants themselves, and it's almost certain that the escort adventurer has fallen into the demonic stomach, even if he can escape with his life.

Adventurers with escorts as their main livelihood also want to be hired by merchants who choose safe courses without being forced to pay good money (i.e. merchants who have been steadily in business for years can put their credit on that alone).

Information is also exchanged on other adventurers who work together.

The fact that magic can be used in public still gave Nell great advantages.

Show them your status to make sure you have multiple elemental magic skills, and on top of that, show them some flashy attack magic - such as ice bolts - and they may even be able to raise escort fees.

At least we can confirm that the water and fire magic levels are two and the magic is three, so it could take some time, but it would be proof left that Cure Light magic can be used with water magic.

Her ability to succeed increases by one step with just her participation.

Nell was pulling from the adventurers no matter what city he went to.

Actually, that's not all about Nell's assessment.

I've never been late for an exact time and a rally time.

Even at the start of the request in a few weeks, it comes right on the right date and time.

At first glance it seems natural, but this is also surprising.

Portable clock demon props are worth a lot there, there are no adventurers or anything like that first, and of course Nell doesn't have that.

So the average adventurer often gathers at his leisure.

In some cases, it is a routine tea meal such as waiting for hours or forgetting the meeting day.

But only Nell was always accurate in time.

"Schedulers are pretty handy."

It was also multiplied by the rating that it was solid.

There will be no need for words that I hear from time to time to begin to capture her heart.

"If you go to the labyrinth, you can earn dangerous minutes. Wouldn't Nell make more money?

It has been more than a year since I began to work mainly in the coastal area of the Duke of Dantes and in the region of Myoyte, also flowing as a nell, and I have also come somewhat confident in the power of my adventurers.

He's a reincarnator, so if he does, he can do it.

When I was lucky enough to see the work of a caravan escort going west on the Benkerish side, I decided to try it out.

A month later, Nell's appearance was in the city of Benkerish.

The city was famous as a labyrinth city, and she had heard its name many times since childhood.

Talk about an adventurer who tried the labyrinth of this city and was fortunate enough to have great success.

The founder of the neighboring kingdom of Lomberto, the first king, also said he had founded the country based on the wealth he had gained in the labyrinth.

There are many other stories about the labyrinth, including a tiger (Tigerman) woman who was able to become a big merchant based on the wealth gained in the labyrinth, a hero who emerged from a single adventurer to the White Phoenix Knights Commander, and the legend of Kai Riser.

In particular, there are many stories of noble princesses wandering the labyrinth after hundreds of years, having swelled their breasts and tried to get out of their homeland, but having disappeared without ever going back to earth, boasting of the power of some noble territory, or of the deceased (undead) who lives in the demons that nest in the labyrinth.

Either that or I avoided it until now because all Nell held in the labyrinth was the scary image of the latter.

However, it would be better to take a peek at the famous labyrinth of Benkerish once or so for the after-school, as he has served as one of the leading adventurers in his teens.

Well, if that's how much you can earn...

If you can't seem to do it, just give up right away and let it go another way.

A few days after I started my stay in the city of Benkerish.

Nell had a woman named Rabbius on the team joining a group of central adventurers.

Rabbius is the name of the city, the birthplace of the central member.

I was recruiting for the position of Wizard (Blast Back).

Although I was disappointed to be confirmed with my magical arm and surprised to hear that I managed to pass, I should be satisfied here because they say it's an adventurer party of considerable strength.

One of the reasons I chose this party was because there were only two male members.

I was relieved to say those two are also leaders' combat slaves.

Not that I'm afraid of men, but I just wanted to reduce the anxiety element as much as I could until I got used to Benkerish's labyrinth.

And the first day I challenged the labyrinth after a few days of training.

In a big labyrinth.

It is common to come back during exploration.

I can't help but think of it as the day of my first challenge, which also raises tensions.

I crouched down my pants and underwear to say no to the party and add something to it.

The party members have two men's combat slaves in the direction they have come so far, mainly Nell.

The other seven were waiting for us on our way.

That's exactly what I'm starting to do with the arrow tip.

The party was ambushed from the front.

The two combat slaves, who were in charge of vigilance in the rear, also put up their weapons and dash forward.

"Yikes! Hey, don't come now! Don't look!

It was Nell who accidentally raises his voice, but the battle slaves are not even oriented toward Nell or anything else to be ashamed of.

He rushed through in desperate shape to help his own husband.

"Ah! Hih! I can't hook it up and put it on well..."

The roar of battle sounds and demons that soon echo in the aisle.

I don't know if it's an ally or a demon, but the scream is also rising without pain if the weapon has been hit.

Somehow, by the time Nell was finished, the demon had also been repelled.

"Nell, you're in a good position."

"You're under attack, but you're not nervous enough to relax."

"Well, for more demons, yes, it's good because I won't take the back."

Nell thinks as he turns so red that he wonders if there will be a fire coming out of his face by accident.

(Oh, you know, me. is, if you're wearing it, if you're even wearing it, you're a beautiful kid! True!)


On this day, Nell's strength ended without being shown.

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