More than a year to try Benkerish's labyrinth.

Nell was having his nineteenth spring.

I'm already totally used to acting in the labyrinth.

Rabius, to whom she belonged, was also a fairly top-ranked adventurer party in Benkelish.

Although the unfamiliar Nell worked on one or two layers of the labyrinth at the beginning of his membership, his real strength is a first-and-a-half party that sometimes faces four layers, from three layers to the front line.

Today, the Lord of three layers of demons has just flattened the nesting room.

Since the side of the passage about 500 m from here is a good mining site for silver ore, I could not avoid passing through this room.

The flock of twelve Nor Silver Hairds and two Green Oulbears were also formidable enemies to Rabbius.

However, although it was only a few injured people who gave them away, they were able to defeat them without giving them a single victim.

A member who holds a weapon and takes out a knife in an attempt to pick a demon stone.

Members with water bags in their mouths trying to take a break.

And Nell begins to see his fellow injuries injured by the fierce battle now.

If you are seriously ill, you need to heal them with curative magic.

One broken femur.

One of them has three broken ribs.

One open fracture in his right arm.

There is one other person with a hand wound that is not very big on her hands and feet, but she is also a wizard, so she will need both magic and her treatment.

Others are not treated immediately and are ok later.

Let's start with the Spear Man (Attacker), who suffered an open fracture to his right arm.

"Please bear with me for a moment..."

Carefully remove the upper body leather armor and roll up the sleeves to expose the affected areas of the two arms.

The bone protruding from the skin must be returned to the correct position for easy connection.

When I checked for the wound, I pulled my arm back and boned it all at once.


A spearhead dog tribe (dogwart) woman with a face for pain.

Then it's a mental concentration for healing magic.


The blue magic light gushing into his palms spread across the affected area softly as soon as Nell touched the affected area of the dogwar.

At the same time I get the feeling that the bones are connected.

"Try to move it"

A dog warrior woman with a greasy sweat nodded at Nell's words, slowly bending her fingers and bending her wrist.

"There's no point in not moving your elbows."

When he saw it, Nell rang out a little frightened.

Was this the first time this dogwart had a broken bone?

"Ah, oh. I know...... Grr!

The elbow bent properly. Apparently, the fracture could be treated without any problems.

Dogwart takes a sigh of relief.

One more time.

Now it is skin and muscle tissue.


The wound, which was open in his arms, blocked as he looked around, and the bleeding stopped.

"I think this is going to be okay."

Nell smiles.

At that moment, a scowling arrow stood in the face of the dogwar in front of him.


Surprising voices, Nell.

But I can't stay blurry forever. I rolled right over to the sidelines.

Whatever happens in the labyrinth, no wonder.

I've been raided by other adventurer parties twice before.


But it was slightly quicker for another arrow to stand beside her shoulder blade.

"It's a raid!



A Lion (Lios) woman with a broken femur (shield holder) sets up a giant tower shield with one knee on the ground.

The man of the Battle Slave of the Pu (Hume), who had broken ribs, also sets up a round shield (Round Shield) and begins to deal with the arrows.


"You can't die!

Raiders have arrived at the members of Rabbius with a barbaric roar in their mouths.

Running ahead is a large Tigerman (Tigerman) who hides his body in a large reverse triangle shield (kite shield), pulls a long sword (long sword) in one hand, and wears black polished leather armor.


Rabbius' skilled leader, a woman of the Rabbi tribe (Bunny Man), unleashes a bow.

But the arrow only pierces the kite shield vainly.

When Nell thought, "Ah," the leader Bunny Man was pierced by a man's long sword.

"Dear Thurney!!"

"Well done!

The men of combat slavery, owned by Thurney Lamule, who was the leader, jump on Tigerman.

(Phew, get a flame javelin!

Nell begins to focus the spirit of attacking magic, albeit in pain to protect himself.

However, the pain received from the arrow stabbed in the back is severe and seems very unlikely to embody witchcraft.

(Oh! It's so impossible to use magic! If I had more, more time!

The moment Nell felt strong and strongly so.

The flow of time around her changed, no, the flow of time just for her!

Nell's unique skill, [Clock (Time Load)] level MAX, activated additional abilities.

It doubles the number of seconds of the square root at the physical level, the activity and behavior of the nell, only the square root at the physical level.

Nell's physical level is currently nine.

In other words, it allows action at triple speed for only three seconds.

Naturally, there is only one magic power (MP) to use.

As a result, there are penalties.

It is that physical age ages only when used and acted upon.

With the current Nell, the lifespan shrinks for nine seconds each time you use it.

Naturally, she doesn't know this.

(! This! [Clock] 's unique skills!?)

Her sight had the usual time display in the upper right corner, and a menu of schedulers and set alarms appeared below.

And in the upper left hand corner, there was a new indication that "2.87 seconds left, 3.00 times faster" was floating in yellow-green characters similar to the time display.

I quickly realized that both members of Rabbius and the Raiders were moving slowly around.

By acknowledging the display, I instantly said, "It's a unique skill!" Intuitive Nell hurries to get up.

One second left at that point.

Another raider, who noticed Nell had risen, stormed at her with a prolonged voice, "Uh-huh."

Spat the knife out from behind your hips and use your unique skills again, Nell.

The display of the remaining time returns to 3.00 seconds.

I dare to ignore the pain in my back and run to the raider with a hand axe (handax) on my little (buckler).

The man who shook up the handax in his right hand and raided with a buckler in his left hand insulted Nell as a skinny little girl.

Of course, I had just seen the use of magic, but I wasn't afraid of magic because I had also seen the moment when an arrow was hitting its back.

Instead, he licked and hung that he could not use magic and was an easy opponent to inflict a hand injury on.

What he did to stand up was so quick that he didn't think he was injured, and he smelled that the speed at which he pulled the knife out of the back of his hips was also quite skillful.

But Rabbius is a party close to top notch.

It is also possible to snort a certain degree of artistry if you are a member of it.

The man who slightly retightened his mind doubts my eyes.

My little girl jumped right into the man's pocket with such incredible speed steps!

Whatever it is, it's too sick!


Unexpectedly he roars and tries to slap his little girl in the head with a buckler he has left hand.

Pan, and the man's left arm was paid from the inside, almost simultaneously experiencing burning pain in his neck.


I remove the handax and reflexively do my hand to my throat.

It was the blade tip of a glittering knife that appeared in the eyes of a man who felt a little bent.

When I thought about it, the man was unconscious.

What, ha...

Nell's puking rough breath woods the labyrinth room.

Though Labius struggled, he had left Nell to be wiped out because of a sudden raid on the place shortly after the battle against a powerful demon.

In addition, all the separate adventurer parties, the raiders, exposed the bodies.

"Ugh... Ouch..."

Nell managed to pull out the arrow that was stabbing him in the back in pain, having severely abused his tired body over an arrow wound.

Then, using so much time and concentration as to distract me, I finally hang Cure's magic on myself.

The truth is that cure lights, on the contrary, can even use more powerful cure seriousness, but the pain prevented me from maintaining enough focus to use that much more complex sorcery.

For once, it was Nell making sure the Rabbius members had no survival at the time the wound was blocked, but in the end it ended up in jail.

I have no choice but to start concentrating again to heal my wounds.

"Ugh, gush..."

Nell picks the demon stone by sticking a knife up against the wreckage of a member of Rabbius who was squeaky but close.

Only the thought of them not going to leave them at the bottom of the ground where they can't even reach such sunlight moves Nell.

Of course, I understood that the demon stones of the raiders would also be gold, but I decided to leave these guys alone because I didn't want to do anything to get them out onto the sunlit ground.

After picking the demon stone, he stuffed his belly with as much portable food as he could eat, and also caught his nose for the raiders to scratch cash.

Round up the armaments that are likely to be sold with a rope and attach them to the handles.

The map case hanging on the leader's hips checked the contents and hung straight on his hips.

Naturally, I also borrowed the map that the Raiders had, compiled it and plunged it into the map case.

Even though the raiders are gone, they didn't make sure they were safe.

Also, the amount of magic remains only capable of natural healing, but perhaps a few percent at maximum healing, is on the verge of depletion.

I can't stay here much longer than I don't know when the demons will come.

… we need to move quickly.

Here, Nell rises, twisting down his desire to rest beside everyone.

It would be a harsh itinerary, with at least a few more hours to spare.

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