Nell, who has returned alone, but she disposed of the weapons and other items she brought back from the labyrinth and replaced them with gold.

Some of my buddies' weapons were luxury goods, so they became fairly wrapped up in gold.

I tried to bury the demonic stones of Rabbius' members in their respective homelands, and I funded them.

Some of the members had not heard of the leader's place of origin, such as the battle slaves, but they were going to collect them and bury them in the soil of the leader's homeland.

It was a matter of hatred for Nell to become the feather of camping in the woods, giving you lost your way last night.

While taking care of the burning so as not to keep the fire going, I rowed the boat with utouts.

Especially since the cause was drained of health at walking distance for a day, but it's a long lost story nonetheless.

Nell noticed that he could accelerate for only three seconds.

There were also several demonic raids during the journey from the city of Benkerish, all of which were cut through using the unique skills of the [clock (time load)].

If pure white soldier combat moves triple as fast as the crowd can, that fighting power easily outweighs even the master of martial arts.

I'm fine with multiple opponents.

He's a first-rate adventurer.

The self-assessment itself is not so wrong either.

In fact, if it had been one-on-one or slightly disadvantageous, it would have covered it up without making a creation.

Besides, I had the confidence backed up by my experience of being a wizard (blast back) at a top party even in Benkelish's labyrinth.

Surely there is no such shortage when you name yourself a first-rate adventurer if you look only at combat power.

But that is also all due to the advantages of physical freedom.

I snuck up where I was uttering, and if I was attacked multiple times at once, I'd move three times faster, but that doesn't mean a lot.

At the same time as I was held down, I was broken many finger bones, and even my spirit focus on magic was turned into a big letter.

The man in the front blocked Nell's mouth with his big hand, either to keep him from speaking.

My little girlfriend blocks my nose and mouth, and I can't even breathe.

"Raise as many shouts as you want. Anyway, nobody's going anywhere."

The man who had a crush on Nell says, letting him paste a nigga and a lowly grin.

Nell nods again and again as he trembles with his tearful eyes.

How he took it, the man removed the dirty hand that was blocking his nose and mouth.

The fact that Nell's face was about to suffer in search of air was also a cause of this, but it is also certain that it was at a time when no one was likely to pass as the word suggests.

Apparently, the man covered in Nell is a Dwarf (Gnome), just like Nell.

The same goes for small bodies, but they tell us that it is Gnome to have four fingers in each of their hands.

And at once he tore apart the clothes that wrapped Nell's lower body.

Nell's lower body becomes evident, and the men who saw the skin from the gap in his torn clothes cheer.

We can't afford it anymore!

My broken finger hurts and I can't even use magic!

To outdo this scene with only unique skills......!

Think three times faster using [watch] skills in a row.

"Let go of me because it hurts. We can't use magic anymore... and we'll have fun anyway."

Nell says by creating a desperate and luscious look as he endures the pain.

"Hehe, you have to lose it..."

Norm's man nods toward the two of them holding Nell's arms to the ground on the left and right.

The strong mustache growing up to his cheeks was blonde, well colored, and brilliant, reflecting the remnants of the burning fire that was about to go out.

A man who begins to loosen his own belt of trousers while letting his lowly grin stick.

"Hey, I'll call you all names. STATUS OPEN...... STATUS OPEN......"

Nell checking the status of the elite (elves) and dog (dogwarts) holding both hands down.

"Hehe. You say something B... this lover... let him go. Whoa, check your weapons."

Norm man with his pants down and hands on Nell's jaw causing him to turn up.

The knife behind his hips is pulled out by the elves and thrown loosely.

"Heh heh, status open"

Nell to check the status of everyone.

No one is lucky enough to possess special skills in magic.

And instantly use unique skills.

Because of his unique skills, he really needed to check his opponent's status and know his real name.

First, a man showing off dirty things in front of you.

Johnson Lucas.

Use the unique skills of [Clock (Time Load)].

Set the alarm to Johnson Lucas in five seconds.

The duration is the maximum of five minutes.

The alarm sounds... the sound of the Godzilla I heard in a movie I used to see, and the loud footsteps that giant creatures like dinosaurs can make.

Of course, maximum volume!

Next up is right dogwer, Hamill Esther.

Set alarm in three seconds.

And the elf on the left, Kirklid Imisteron.

Set alarm in a second.

Three times faster at the end!

"" Wow!

The three men shouted like a huge surprise.

All of a sudden a monster's scream rang out loud like he'd never heard it by either ear.

At the same time, a sound similar to the sound of some giant creature rushing over.



Guys looking around pulling up their pants and hurrying to start lowering them.

Naturally Nell moves into action without missing that gap.

Roll off the spot with full force and grab the burning fire.

A broken finger to a zkin, and intense pain rushes all over your body.

I even felt like my eyes turned bright red for too much intense pain.

But now I can't afford to care about the pain in my fingers.

Keep rolling and get up in a hurry.

Use triple speed again.


Running into the men with a loud voice as if to shake off the pain coming from their fingers!

That speed is as bad as a lightning bolt!

I'll take down the Dogwart first, trying to figure this one out!


Poke a thoughtful burn into the right eye of the dogwar.


The shock made the pain run through Nell's entire body once in a while.



Nell and screaming dogwarts who inadvertently leak the voice of pain.

I pull through the burning.

At the end of the burn, it makes a lot of noise and turns up white smoke.

An elf that moves to avoid Nell's attack as he raises his arms and guards.

Then the burning stretches out of the gap between the arms raised by the elves in a snake-like motion.

The tip remains red-hot as it is applied to Dogwer's blood.

Nell's goal is the elf's characteristic almond-shaped eyes.


An elf that screams and rolls.

Once again, it extends triple speed.

"This guy!

Johnson pulls out his knife with instinctive fear to Nell, who quickly rolls his two companions to the ground at a terrible rate.

The rate of pulling out the knife at the waist showed mastery, but for Nell, it is not much different from the rate of pulling out a child unfamiliar with the knife.

But it was purely Johnson's moves that prevented Nell from bursting twice.

But there are limits to that, too.

I prevented the second poke the woman let go, and she goes around to the side at a horrible speed and gets a kick behind her knees.

Gakun and his knees fell out of strength, and he grazed.

"Oh no!"

A Norm woman who comes in a few steps higher than the voice she just spoke to and bursts into the burn with a short oddity.

Johnson, disfigured, turns desperate and tries to stamp off a special attack.

The burn hit Johnson's cheek.


The burn, which still accumulates enough heat, scorches Johnson's cheek with every mustache that grows there.

Johnson didn't miss the gap where the woman unleashed a poke and her defense diminished.

I'll stick you out of your back like I'm holding a woman with a knife I grabbed in your right hand!

But at supervelocity, which he doesn't understand, the burn is pulled back and plunged into its orbit.

A broken drug finger and pinky finger (no middle finger in the gnome) were popping out of his fist holding the burn.

Keeping the burn protruding into the man's orbit, Nell again triples his speed to jump on his own spear with a bumpy and painful hand.

Nell looked hatefully at the men rolling around holding down the bloody erupting face, pounding and killing them sequentially, even as they sheltered their painful fingers.

After confirming the men's deaths, they entered the scene.

My broken finger's hand complains of intense pain whenever my heart beats.

"Ouch... I need to heal..."

He desperately concentrates his spirit and begins to work out his magic to use Cure's magic.

However, in addition to the pain in my fingers, my tired body complains strongly about my resting.

This is always the case when triple speed is used in a row.

For a while, you'll have to rest patiently with the pain of the fracture.

When he whips on his sloppy body and manages to find and retrieve the knife that was thrown away earlier, Nell sighs when he sees his broken fingers and hands swelling up like a glove.

I want to fall asleep in order to escape the pain and fatigue.

But no matter how hard I try, I'm not going to sleep.

So is the pain, but the excitement that the thugs just attacked me and killed it didn't put her to sleep.

When the night dawns, he finally begins to focus on the spirit of healing magic.

It took me an hour to finally heal one fracture.

Keep your mind focused after filling your cheeks with portable food and hunger.

It should be noted that Nell himself was lucky that the thugs had no "nobody”, although he had not yet noticed.

When more than six months have passed.

Nell was twenty years old.

About a week ago, I finished around where all the members of Rabbius came from.

I am now on my way back home once.

I still have plenty of money.

A little short of five million Z in all, but this is enough to do a healer somewhere.

You can't even hope to go along the streets of the big city, but you'll be able to buy a used house on the back road somewhere.

Where shall we open?

I was walking down the street thinking of cities and villages that I had ever been through or stayed in.

This neighborhood is one of the smaller territories extending to the west of the Kingdom of Dabus, or the south of the Dart Plains.

The official name is the territory of the Earl of Karmlaush.

The village to which the streets extend is the village of Narmin, whose lord I hear is a Sir named Boffitt.

Its war scourge will not extend to the village of Namin, as it is quite south of the Lahere River, a convenience border, a conflict zone with the Kingdom of Lomberto.

That's about all Nell had heard, so he chose to go home.

Arriving in the village of Narmin before evening, Nell first made his way to what appeared to be a slightly flourishing place in the heart of the village.

The population of this village of Narmin is over a thousand people, and as a village, it is a fairly large category, so I thought there would be about a lodging house.

I asked the person on the road for an overnight lodging for the place.

"Um, excuse me. Which is the inn?


Nell asked me the way. The man stared at Nell's face with a shine, but he told me the location of the inn without saying anything special.

I stayed at the inn for about two hours.

When I was wiping my body with the water I bought and scrubbing the dried meat I brought in on a refreshing spot.


There's a knock on the door.

When I replied, I heard the owner of the inn I had just spoken to.

Looks like a visitor.

Nell, who I don't know or otherwise in this village, opens the door with his left hand hiding a knife of escape behind his waist for caution.

In the past, since the thugs attacked me, I stopped imitating carelessness.

You are right to say that you are scared and can no longer do it.

When I opened the door, two other armed lord-like men, besides the innkeeper, stood with a nasty face.

The two men nod at each other when they see Nell's face.

"Oh, you. I'm sorry I'm resting in the corner, but I need to ask you something right. When's your birthday?

"Huh? Why...?

Nell sounds unexpected when he suddenly comes to visit and doesn't expect to be asked about his birthday.

"Hmm. I can't help wondering, but I definitely want you to answer. Yeah, it's nothing I can't do. I don't mean to plug things up... sorry. This is for you, too."

"... go ahead"

Nell offers his right hand.

I thought it would be quicker for you to look at your status than to say it.

"Then excuse me, the status is open...... Mmm! Hey, it fits!

Checking Nell's status, the squire nodded at the other squire.

"Hey, just in case. Status open... hey, you're here."

The squire nodded at each other and started talking to Nell, who looked puffy.

They say everything has to do with the touch from His Royal Highness the King of the Nation.

dark hair black eyes, and those whose birthday is February 14, 7428.

Moreover, it seems that those who have been answered some questions without a hint will be collected as SS members of His Royal Highness Prince Wang.

Nell had no idea what the hell it was about.

But it's the same with the squire, and they don't seem to understand it very well.

"Anyway, if your birthday is in accord... your lord Sir Boffitt is here for you. I'm sorry, but could you come to the Lords' Hall?"

It doesn't seem to be harmful.

The nobles who rule this village want to meet, meet and ask some questions.

SS member of His Royal Highness Prince Wang if the question can be answered.

How nagging.

but I also don't have the courage to ignore noble calls.

I have no choice but to wait a little longer for my sake.

I just wanted to keep my wallet with cash in it just in case I didn't let myself go.

Until the servants took him to the Lords' Hall and arrived, Nell wondered what it was like, but he didn't think of anything.

But the moment I see the shapes presented to Sir Boffit in the Lords' Hall, I understand.

Something's wrong.


Why is the map of Japan...?

I struggle not to show my surprise on my face and keep my expression.

"Huh? Is this... such a simple question okay?

Nell answered the question with a question looking up at Sir Boffitt, who was a Puppet (Hume) and tall.

"Hmm? You know what this is!?"

Sir rides himself out like a little excited.

Nell answers, slightly pulling himself back, as he was pressured by the momentum.

"It's square, triangle, square, square.... um, two rectangles in a square and a right angle triangle."

When he hears Nell's answer, Sir looks openly dismayed.

"Why don't you go to the boulder for the second person... no... you, Knobfom. Don't you know how else to say that?

"The second? Other way of saying it?

Nell returned the question with a question, but Sir Boffitt answered without blaming Nell for his rude words.

"Mm-hmm. The other day, I just sent a young man from my village of Narmin as a qualified SS member of His Royal Highness Prince Wang. But if you can't answer me, I can't help it. I'm sorry I bothered to call you. You can step back now."

"Huh? Is that all?

"That's right. This is all I can do, but I can't answer the right question. It's none of your business. Oh, I can't tell you the right answer. It's not good to be answered in other cities and villages."

There's nothing you can do as Nell if you say so.

There was nothing else to pull back quietly.

But I was able to get one interesting piece of information.

Is there a Japanese in this world?

For some reason, I can still think of a long, long time ago, right after birth experience that I haven't forgotten.

Victims of accidents.


I believed in thin things, but I couldn't believe them from my head because I didn't have too much clapping.


Already sent one person out of this village of Narmin, under the right conditions?

With that said, I had never been to Landgries, which is still the king's capital.

Returning to your hometown is behind you.

That's right, Wang Du, let's go.

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