Upon arriving in the Wang capital, Nel was surprised by its immensity, its magnificence.

Groceries and clothing line the shelves of the shops that stand on the front streets like mountains.

If I go out to the outdoor street, I will stop and listen to the merchants' powerful selling voices.

The city of Benkerish was also a big deal, but compared to this king's capital, Landgries, it would fall a few steps into the boulder.

Somehow the population is more than 100,000 people, and some people even say it's close to 200,000.

He picked rare foods that were sold in the open air, such as fruits and confectionery, and took the inn.

The first night dawns, dripping the honey I optionally asked for in the porridge (polidge) at the rice restaurant, now, I begin to wonder what's going on.

As for Nell, I'm not particularly interested in the Japanese, and I don't want to take it up and talk to him.

Either way, I've been reborn for twenty years.

Because I've been spending time with the Japanese at all, I didn't care what my old hometown would do now.

More than that, I was curious about the move to gather former Japanese and tailor them to SS members.

Happy or unhappy, I also get enough money to be able to open my own healing home in rural areas.

It would be logical to be concerned that you have finally heard strange information about the arrowheads trying to run the new life you yearn for.

I decided to set up a shop where I could monitor the main street leading to the main entrance of Royal Castle Gamroy to see if any Japanese characters were passing through.

If he's here, I'll tail him on his way home and find out where he is.

After that... after that, it's decided.

Identify the target's standard of living.

If you look wealthy, you can go out here and listen to me.

If not, the SS will say that the treatment is not very good, so it would be better to relax as a healer for the lack of clutter.

We'll be open as far away from Landgries as we can then.

If possible, it might be a good idea to go to a foreign country that is unlikely to reach His Royal Highness the King.

Fortunately, Nell is a civilian class, so he is free to move around the country.

Since it is possible to travel without suspicion to the Dabus Kingdom and the critical point of foreign territory, it would also be ant to take off the road so that no one can see it only when crossing the border.

There's nothing like going down a roadless path for me for a few days, when I was a member of the leading adventurer Rabbius.

Now I'll be careful.

or may be misled as an escort by a large chamber of commerce caravan who makes a commercial journey outside the country.

That way it is possible to go through the streets in grandeur to other countries.

After that, if you disappear in the right city, you may be searched for with the expense and time of one of the escort's little daughters.

I'm only out with [the second daughter of the Knobfom family] on the status, so sometimes it's not good to expose her as a foreigner unless she's seriously investigated if she fakes her origins as an appropriate rural town in that country.

Worst of all, some hands say they marry the right man.

I can get a divorce because I'm not a nobleman.

It is also possible to erase the Knobfom notation from the status if we get married twice.

Nell started looking at the boulevard with this in mind.

And a few hours later, at sundown, I finally succeed in discovering the Japanese figure.

Two opponents.

It's a pair of pretty men with hair stretched halfway through and a light-hearted look behind their heads.

Nell confirms what the men look like and what they're wearing from behind the hood of the robe.

I bought a robe with a big hood right after that because I heard that black hair and black eyes were one of the search criteria.

"Hmm... the clothes feel pretty good..."

Nell, a self-proclaimed first-rate adventurer, started tailing the men at such a distance as not to be noticed.

"Damn... well, that would break up..."

Just a few minutes after starting the tail.

The two men split left and right with their hands up against each other where they plugged into a certain crossroads.

Now, which tail shall we continue...?

If you seem to be lightweight, I decided to leave you alone and simply attach a pretty boy to it because of my facial preferences.

Of course, but nothing seems to have been done, such as caution against tailing, and there is nothing at all to worry about Nell, who attaches the back about ten meters.

Continue tailing for about twenty minutes.

Beautiful man opening the gate of a house in a residential area.

Only the gate looks a little big compared to the size of the house.

It's not luxurious to build a house, but it's not as bad as a barn.

Looks similar to any other house lined up on this street.

The hedge covering the perimeter of the house is high, looks thick and bushy but not very well maintained, and seems to be left unplugged.

But there seems to be a small but also a garden, and to my surprise, signs of horses.

"Horses? Do you have horses? And two heads!?"

Horses are an understandable property of super luxury cars.

Maybe SS members are treated pretty well.

But maybe he simply originally owned it.

I spend a lot of time investigating the area.

A beautiful man who opens the gate and opens the door to the house right behind him.

The door doesn't seem to be locked.

So you don't live alone?

Until I heard from Sir Boffitt in the village of Narmin, Nel even forgot that all the reborn Japanese had dark hair and dark eyes on the same birthday, but now I remember.

The reincarnated will not forget about the information that was first poured into them (I can remember exactly if I want to), but then the information gained in conversation with God will be forgotten if not consciously remembered, just like normal memory.

"Twenty... Isn't it strange to be married and have kids,"

If you have a family, there is a lot of information available from the level of the meal and the content of the conversation.

In addition, if you can see family outfits, household dishes, etc., you can learn more about them.

Look for a gap in the hedge, but I can't find it.

Besides, it's not even low enough to get over it because it's not being taken care of.

It would be possible if it were impossible, but it would be easy for people to see, and it would make noise.

I don't know what to do, I passed by the gate while I was thinking.

Travel to the neighboring neighborhood to kill time.

And I went back after the sun completely went down.

I came close and found out, but the lights had already leaked out the window of the house.

I supposedly own even the magic props of the lights because I can't see any hiccups at all like the surrounding houses on the lights leaking out of the window clearance.

They thought it was a good living level there.

A few dozen metres from his house was a secluded building of an old house on the verge of collapse. Left behind over the years, it is surrounded by hedges that are like bushes. I thought even the vagabonds lived there, but there was no trace of someone living there because the roof was completely out.

No one seems to have stepped foot on the property here in a while.

It would be good for you to observe that house.

Confirmed so far and decided to shut down the investigation on this day.

Then for a few days.

I have found myself lurking unnoticeably in an example barn and observing his house.

There are at least three people living in that house.

Japanese, maybe twin men and Aussies. Maybe slaves or something.

No one else is going in or out, so I'm sure there's no one more.

I just didn't see the three of them at the same time...

Especially about the twins. I noticed one morning after dropping off a crack in the twins who seemed to be SS members who were going to work at the Royal Castle.

As usual, a few hours after a Japanese-looking man went to work, before he got home, he saw another man with the same face, no matter how he saw it, leave the house and head to the stables.

He must have been invited out of the house without a horse demanding bait, but because of it he realized that there were two people with the same face.

At first I thought the man who went out in the morning came back unaware, but the man who came home in the evening's outfit remained the same when he left the house in the morning.

More strangely than that, the horse seems to be being looked after by a slave and a twin crack alternating in one day.

On days when slaves take care of themselves, slaves often take horses out for walks, go shopping, etc., but on days when one of the twins takes care of them, it's completely hard to understand, but slaves don't even come out.

Also, even if one of the slaves and one of the twins ever goes out together, the three of them never go out together or just the twins.

Nell wondered if it was a mistake to be a twin to a boulder.

But one morning, just after one of them went to work, I magically left the water in a bucket to water the horse, and I saw the other.

It was a time when it was absolutely impossible to return unnoticed by Nell.

Apparently, one of the twins is a pull.

It is rare for people living in urban areas and rarely seems to go out to eat.

Occasionally, even when we go out to dinner, it seems that one of the twins remains at home.

Therefore, it seems difficult to peek inside the house through window clearances, etc. without being noticed, aiming to be away.

However, I generally understood the standard of living.

Life seems to be better than normal, and there are luxury items that are sometimes misplaced there, such as the ingredients that slaves and twins buy.

They also pay full salaries for slaves, and I can tell you that they are pretty good at enslaving themselves.

One night like that.

He kept his tedious stakeout, as usual, hiding himself inside a weedy barn from the rotten floor.

One of the twins who had been at work since morning came home.

If I think so, I'll be out in a minute.

It was accompanied by an example slave.

Will I go to dinner?

Then it might be a chance to listen to the conversation, so I floated around trying to tail him.

But she's seen it.

A slave locked the house.

Is that house deserted now?

If it was deserted, I was going to hide behind the stables until I didn't sneak inside and wait for my return.

When I get back, I'll light the lights, so I might have a chance to observe inside through the window clearance.

After that, you just have to wait until everyone's asleep and gently get out.

It's almost ten days since I started observing this house.

I'm tired and full of it.

Nell thought we should close this investigation today and move on to another seemingly thin man.

If you seem to be able to live to this extent, a SS member is likely to be a little better than doing a treatment center in a rural area.

You should be careful to determine whether it is interchangeable with the labor of your palace service, but it is better to have more samples.

At the end of the day, I thought I'd just take a little peek inside the house and check the condiments and stuff.

I'm bored to death, but let's just say I wait for the twins to crack and slave home, apparently out for dinner.

I looked around and then gently stopped by the house.

It has already been found that the gate is not locked.

If you're a drawer, are you already asleep, or the lights aren't on the house?

I lurked gently behind the stables.

After about two hours of fulfillment.

One of the twins cracked and the slaves came back.

The lantern that the slave would have stopped in front of the gate.

Including Nell, there is no one who uses the magic of lights because magic can be used.

I'm sure it's convenient, but the magic of lights that require a lot of mental concentration every five minutes of the effect time is usually because no one likes it and uses it.

"Phew - Swallow"

"You swallowed quite a bit, brother."

I've never heard that before, but it's Japanese!

I've been following him around for dinner so far, trying to hear the conversation, but the distance was so far away that I couldn't hear him.

I knew it, but I'm still Japanese...... but brother?

I'm going to cry over so much nostalgia.

But an unnatural word drove Nell all the way to this place where the twins weren't aligned.

And listen even more.

'Cause you're gonna start with Lane and Benkerish tomorrow, right? If you don't drink today, you won't be able to drink for a while.'

"That's for sure......"

Looks like he unlocked the door to the house.

The door opens and there is the sound of a baton closing.

Gacon, and there was a noise from inside.

Unlike simple keys that hang from the outside, if there are people on the inside, a large one is often substituted for the key.

Nell gently pressed his ear against the thin, seemingly clammy part of the wall that had been clammed in advance to see if he could hear the inside sound.

I hear footsteps where people step on the floor.

As always, I know we're having some kind of conversation, but I don't know what it is.

Shit, I smack my tongue small and close my eyes to the gap under the top open window.

The lights light up the room.

It was a thin gap but it looks pretty good in the room.

The conditioning items in the room were not so luxurious, they were all extremely common.


'Mmm... that would be nice, but I'm sober. I don't like it, but I'll be back in the morning. "

What are you talking about?

"Ogu! Gu Gu... Gu Gu..."

Slaves suddenly suffered.

I had suffered for about a minute, but one crack of the twins glanced at that well-dressed brow just a little and then began to sit back and relax in the chair in the absence of the wind I cared about.

And Nell is about to speak up unexpectedly.

I saw the face raised softly by a slave who was suffering to hold himself with both arms.

The face belonged to a man never seen before in this House.

I noticed that my height and body appeared to have changed slightly.

What the fuck?

What the hell is that, man?

Makeup, disguise... never on that level!

Nell listens to a word while being quite distressed to curb excitement, concentrating his whole nerve on his eyes and ears while being careful not to miss it and his surroundings.

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