An unusual event that happened in the house.

Brothers suffering that far in front of you (?) One crack of a twin that doesn't make it slight even when you look at it.

No, aren't they twins?

Nell had no idea what the hell was going on.

One of the causes of all of a sudden, I felt agitated when I saw such a shocking scene.

But I was fortunate that I didn't even have time to recall my inherent skills because of it.

"Ooh, Ichichi... This is all hard...... '

"How about tomorrow, brother?

"You're better than that..."

"You said you were used to doing it like every day."

'That's right, but getting used to it hurts... I told you? Besides, I knew I was better off. It's very uncomfortable.'

Are we done for tomorrow than that? If it's not over, I'll start now... '

'That's perfect. I've taken care of the armor and bought the food. I brushed the horses from corner to corner, and I rechecked everything.'

That being said, he said he was going to Benkerish with someone tomorrow morning or something.

I guess it's about that preparation.

'Then no. And then, look at this. "

"Am I? Sandals? What's wrong with that?

One crack of the twins took a pair of sandals out of a cluttered sac hanging on his hip to show them.

No, you should simply call me brother because I don't seem to be a twin.

I also see Nell......

'Don't you think something's wrong?

My brother gives my brother one of the sandals he took out.

'... this! Rubber!? Isn't that a nice sandal!? Where were they selling it?

"I found it when I went shopping in Damur Street with Mr. Navascus on my day trip now. It's from Lomberto. That's all I had left. I did 220,000 Z's, don't you think that's awesome?

"Tall! But this is good. I want it too."

Speaking of 220,000 Z, I stayed at the inn there, ate three meals there and lived there for a month, but I still have more.

Monthly salaries of artisans who have worked for several years.

It's also about a year's worth of slavery for a family of four if you're from Nell.

A lot of money.

Nell can't give that kind of money for a pair of sandals.

'All right? Tomorrow Benkerish will go with this. "

'... you said it was from Lomberto... can Lomberto pick rubber...'

Sounds like it.

"Rubber can be made even if you just let the sap dry. But that shouldn't be such a good quality. Besides, this color... '

"Am I?"

"It's a processed product, this. It's close to candy, isn't it? Sulphur is mixed. And it's pretty accurate. There are also two soles...... no, there are three types of rubber on it. You can't make this without a machine... '

"Huh? Machinery?

"Oh, the manufacture of rubber has to mix sulfur and carbon in the rubber sap (latex)... charcoal and stuff. That can be manpower as long as you have guts, but look at this side. Smooth, isn't it? And the cutting surface is close to even. I think this needs a big, unmolded cutter or something. '

"... brother..."


"My brother will soon forget. Isn't that magic? You showed it to Lane last time, didn't you? An air cutter would cut it smoothly, and if you make a mold in the first place and flush it there and push it, you could make something of the same shape. '

"Ah... well... magic... but it's strange to have rubber from processed products nonetheless"

Is that weird?

'Oh, that's odd. I made this. You'll be reborn like us...'

'Oh, you mean that. But you expected that. Not now. "

'So is that, but you've never had a case like this before'

What's the first time?

"We, no, unless we're senior nobles like Alec or Cell.

"Mr. Futami, you said you made eyeball balloons."

"Azuma, you can't go with that."

'Well, we could have made black powder too. Even the cannons are firecrackers, but they made a prototype. "

'Close to it. But think about it. Black gunpowder and artillery are the result of wisdom gathered together. It's taking a lot of time, and most importantly, I'm spending a good amount of money. Without Alec and Cell, make gunpowder and that's it. "

"That's right, isn't it"

'This rubber is an industrial product in a way. I know you're using magic like you said... but the fact that it's flowing this way, which is a foreign country, means it's been successful in mass production. You'd be making a lot of money. "

'That's what I'm talking about. But it's not weird to have a guy like that, is it?

'Right. It's not weird, and it's not surprising. That's okay. I'm talking about a pretty successful man in Lomberto, or else there's likely to be a senior nobleman like Alec. This is a problem, okay?

"What is it?

'You use your head a little more. You don't think that guy that far is gathering Japanese?

'Ah... right. That's right. Naturally to that extent...'

'Oh, it means that the collection of Japanese also has limits. I don't know how many more of them. We may never get together again. "

"Mmm... me, my brother, Alec, Cell, Mule, Zed, Lane, Arco, Chris, and Mr. Futami. Ten... many or few... '

'It's a world like this, and it's no surprise there's someone already dead, so I think there's a lot of them there. But when Lomberto has a guy like this... he can't feel safe without this double.'

Does that mean that there are other forces that are gathering Japanese?

Nell gently releases the face he was hitting on the window and leaves his back on the wall to think.

This force is well placed among the top nobles in the Kingdom of Dabus.

I am a member of His Royal Highness Prince Wang's SS.

And another force (?) seems to be in the Kingdom of Lomberto.

There seems to be a lot of people here, but it's not out of speculation.

But I found out they make rubber and sell it widely with it.

It's hard to say which is better at all.

When Nell exhales a small sigh, he wakes up again and puts his face closer to the window.

"Hmm... If you say so, the example invasion operation is about autumn. It's been decided today."

'Yeah, have you decided? Looks like you're feeling pretty good. Baron Denville of (...) is the Admiral, right? Regardless of Zed's deputy commander, he seems to have worked hard to screw that dumb Denville old man into command...'

'Oh, they struggled pretty hard not to find out what we recommended. I guess Cell feat around there. Whatever you do, you have to succeed. It also leads to our scaffolding... They say the mule is ten men long. What are we gonna do, brother? You two want to go? If you're with Lane, you'll be fine first...'

'Mm-hmm, it's unnatural to follow the battlefield with the faces of slaves when it comes to Lane escorts... you can go with the faces of the right guys, but when it's war, there's a timeout adjustment... I want to reduce the likelihood that more people know my face... we're the ones, anyway, is that NASCUS, well, no, Mr. Futami? He'll have to level up at least...'

"It's not Nascus. It's Navascus... well no. Mr. Futami, I'm not a bad person. I've only been better in the past."

'Don't think I'm a bad person, either. Anyway, you need to do the magic so that you can level up. Do it for yourself. "

It was starting to smell like an invasion operation or a personnel operation.

Still, is SS a job that has to do with the center of the state so far?

Nell had never thought deeply about what was behind the war in politics since his last life, so he just thought, "That sounds like a heavy responsibility job."

But I only understood that we were talking about something serious.

Anyway, we're talking about the next invasion.

What a national secret a war plan is.

"Steady... Mr. Futami's unique skill, Lotten and Drain Tolerance... I can't use it... I was delighted. About a mule."

"That's not Mr. Futami's fault, and you have no choice."

"But hey..."

'I know how you feel, but don't tie it together even though everything is a combat maneuver. It is certainly convenient and understandable to be useful in that respect. But you can use people for that. You can't use them. But don't rate them. Mostly Mr. Futami was your senior, wasn't he? You took care of him, didn't you? Is that not enough reason to take care of him for the moment?

'Mm-hmm, that being said, it was decades ago...'

'That might be true. But keep the kindness you can. Mercy is not for people. That's something you won't forget. You can think of it as something you'll come around someday. "

'Eh, you're still a teacher, aren't you? Sermons are about boards. "

'Huh... I feel like this is a sermon. You're crazy. Grow up a little, even though you're starting over with the kid again...'

I don't know what it is.

Looks like we're going to take care of someone.

However, because the word "unique skill" appeared, Nell was able to understand the change in appearance.

I'm sure that's that guy's inherent skill.

I mean, he's called my brother, but he's definitely not a twin.

But from the look on his face, he seemed likely to be a true brother.

"Fall war, by the way, but have we got a date?

"Oh, by the end of August three months later... how dare you... yes, we assemble invading troops in the city of Bondi. A month for organization and deployment training. Invasion as it is during September. So, within two weeks at the latest, we approach the village of Comin. So, at that time, we'll work to make sure the example reaches the troops.

"Humph, is that a letter of discharge from Alec?"

"And then there's the Baron's execution order and the subordinate commander's promotion order."

"I don't know about the food runoff for the White Phoenix Knights...... the White Phoenix Knights would be the first to pass for the other Knights anyway"

'Yeah. So, we, or it's Lane's turn. That's why we have to endure crude food until then. "

"Does Lane say nasty?

'That's it, isn't it? Well, if you got an execution order after Alec fired you, well, if you told me to execute you flashly by name, Lane would have to do it too. Whatever it is, it's corruption she hates, and the meals she's eaten until then are just porridges of oatmeal (oatmeal) that she hates. Most importantly, it would be her appeal, and if there were so many good wizards, it would boost the morale of the troops. It's my job to persuade Mule around here. "

"You want me to let you know how magical it works and attract students from the National School of Magic or something?

"I think I'll have to think about it then."

"So is that."

"Anyway, Zed takes over command shortly after Baron Denville is executed. So, Lane will use his magic to the fullest and let Comin Village just fall. It would be great if we could finally drop the place behind it called Wakka Village.

Somehow it means murdering someone from the White Phoenix Knights and letting someone I know do something about it.

"So, is Zed and Mule promoted?"


Do you think that's gonna work?

I said, "Even my brother agreed to this, right? That's why I've been letting Baron Denville sideline me for years."

'It's not that way. You don't have a problem with that. What I'm trying to say is war. It's good that Zed takes over command. He seems to be studying well, and I hear he has a lot of popularity in the Knights. But as commander of the entire unit, it's a first line. "

"My brother was worried about that from the beginning."

'That's right... it's stranger to me that everyone's not worried, including you'

'Mule will be there to assist you, and I think my brother will be fine with me and Lane anyway. That's impossible to lose with Lane. Lomberto's "Black Witch” sounds like a big deal, but hey, there's no such thing as a wizard beyond Lane, is there?

'Mmm... sure. If Lane were here, would you be okay?

'That's right. Besides, “The Black Witch" didn't show up in the fall because she was on the battlefield before this. "

'... well, I was even aiming for a gap without a “black witch"... sounds like I should go too'

'Come if you think so. Whatever. Me and Lane have never been in a war before. "


This means tailoring a nobleman who has grasped corruption to a general as a commander and making his companion a deputy commander.

Arrest and execute the commander based on corruption near the start of the battle and raise the deputy commander to the temporary commander.

And it looks like an operation to promote a breathtaking companion with a massive victory in the immediate aftermath of the battle.

"Anyway, it's early tomorrow. Time to get some sleep. '

"It's still the mouth of the night. My brother is the kid."

'... fine. Let's go to sleep now.'

"All right, all right."

They seem to be about to rest.

Even so, it would be a good time.

Now (...), (...) What time (...) is it (...) or (...)? (...)

I answered 23/4/7448 20: 12: 59 in the upper right corner of Nell's vision.


My brother, who tried to get out of the living room first, looked amazingly serious and turned around.

"What's up?

You were barely pressured by the way it was, my brother raises his voice in confusion.

Nell wondered too.


My brother whispers something to my brother.


A brother who raises his voice of surprise.


The earshot brother commanded his brother to do something, and he reached out to the sword hanging on the wall.

Inspired by instinct, Nell uses an instant triple speed to try to leave the scene.

Look back, Dash!

Try to get over the hedge forcefully.

I finally realized here.

There is no indication of [clock (time load)] in view!

I mean, it's not tripling fast!


Triple speed again!

... double speed values and time remaining in the upper left corner of your vision instantly as usual. A date and time display appears in the top right corner and a menu of schedulers floats below.

Just a moment ago, when I checked the time, no problem...?


A rambling noise opens the window and a man makes a face.

"There he is! There!"

I don't know why, but they noticed you were peeking!

And I don't know why this one is either, but I can't use three times as fast as the [clock (time load)]!

Nell desperately overcomes the hedge and runs towards the boulevard.

I don't look back.

On the way, I run to the zigzag several times knowing that the speed will drop somewhat.

Of course, be wary of magic and bow attacks.

The other side seems to be a long time living in this land-greeze, and there will be land surveys.

I didn't imitate going straight to the inn.

The only luggage I keep is bows and arrows, spears, changing clothes and other items around me.

It's not a luxury item, it's a very ordinary item, but weapons cost hundreds of thousands of Zs on both sides.

It's a shame to say it's a shame, but I can't replace it with my own safety.

I carry all the cash.

I don't care what you think when you hear that story.

Nell thought so and was driven by fear.

I ran and ran so much that I thought my heart might be torn apart, I ran.

I wasn't relieved to get out of Landgries.

And when I thought I was pretty far away already, I look back in horror.

The only streets she has run are illuminated by Carthali and Natali, and the tracker is invisible.

Gently use [time (time load)].

out at 23/4/7448 22: 16: 32 in the upper right corner of my vision.

"You're not a Zed, are you?

'Oh, it looked much more luxurious. Maybe a woman......'

"Are you a tall woman and Japanese..."

"I felt that I used my unique skills. True. '

'Don't panic because I don't doubt it. Hmm... if it's not these guys over here, it's still better'

"How far did they ask you?

'You should think of everything we've talked about since we got home today. than that......'

"Oh, have you noticed anything about my brother?

"If you're Japanese, you'll understand the conversation, so you should think you've been noticed"

"How about [Transformation]?

'I don't know that far. They might have seen it. "

"Was someone hiding it like my brother?

'... what do you think?

'Wouldn't that bother you?

"Mm-hmm, it's gonna be a hassle, but in our case, we can make excuses..."

"Oh, he said he could be Alec or Cell's shadow fighter in the worst case scenario."

'That's right. In that case, it is difficult to replace it unknowingly…'

"Who would it have been if I hadn't kept it?

'I don't know about that either... but if you're thinking about the possibilities, you probably can't do anything but Alec'

"Is he going to do that much?

'I don't think it's possible first. But more than I saw once...'

"Shit! Trouble...... '

"Anyway, looks like you should talk to Lane tomorrow."




Maybe you should tell Mr. Futami about me, too.

"Oh, I need you on my side."


"We'll talk to Lane tomorrow as soon as we rendezvous. If Alec and the others seem to hear from you on your way to Benkerish, his identity will be clear."

'If not...?

'I can think of a few. First of all, he's letting me swim despite finding out about me. But I'm trying so hard to gather Japanese on the boulder, and this is too unnatural.'


"Then the possibility emerges that he had nothing to do with us before."

'Hmm. How about that?


"Don't you think it's impossible that you're in Landgries and you don't know how to touch me? Then why didn't you come out?

"You may not be interested in or distrustful of a gathering of Japanese people"

"Sure... Mr. Futami also said he would never cooperate if he didn't bring his wife and children, because he said he couldn't."

'Oh, that touch, you're not mentioning your family that you're only missing one spot. I was out, too. Married from such a young age and having kids was completely out of the question... I'm still young too'

"Let's get back to it, because that would simply mean that he wasn't in contact with anyone..."

'Oh, that would be the most optimistic and reassuring way to look at it. In that case, the chances of being able to have one of the worst Japanese are diminished.

Doesn't that mean it's no longer possible?

'You're not totally hostile. This one just noticed the eavesdropping. Chasing a suspicious person who broke into the premises would not be a problem either. That explains why you won't be so angry over there, you won't be able to do it. "

'So what can you do so far?

'Nothing. Especially if we should act cautiously tomorrow... even if Alec was hiding it, we weren't talking hostile to him. I just found out that you kept me hidden. And all of a sudden, you don't imitate killing Japanese people. "


'... worrying won't start. Let's get some sleep.'

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