29 Apr 7448

After explaining to Lorrick, Al, who summoned Vince, also gave him an explanation.

"... thank you. Mr. Al. No, Countess."

Vince meditates on his eyes, takes a deep breath once, and then responds.

"Oh, Vince. I thought you would do well with the neighboring nobles. As I was saying, let Hiss work with you. Hold on. Whatever it is, it's out of the Associate Baron's house, and I'm counting on it."

There are four pioneering villages that Al intends to give him: the village of Midora, which is the northernmost.

The village of Midora was pioneered nearly forty years ago by the Kingdom of Lomberto and then once occupied by the Kingdom of Dabus.

It was about fifteen years ago that I took it back.

Since then, two pioneering villages continued to stand in the southern direction of the village of Midora, and in the territory of the Earl of Riegle, the village of Beige, located in the easternmost part, was cut and pioneered, and the village of Garhe, also in the southernmost part, was reoccupied, so that these two new villages have not been exposed to a single battle fire since then because they have become like shields.

In other words, it is situated in the safest of the relatively new pioneering villages in the territory, essentially growth stocks that take off the pioneering villages and are overlaid with openings to ordinary villages.

In addition, the village of Burri and the village of Kudomna to the northwest, further north and between Weed, seem to be flourishing due to their location.

"I mean, like you, I'm worried that I'll get along well with Ser Mees, who rules Barri, and Ser LaHute, who rules Kudomna, who grew up obsessed with martial arts archaeology and had little interest in social matters..."

Al says flatly without showing one slightly worrying complexion.

"Huh. Fine. Never mind. Enough for me..."

Vince says, gripping a small bag lowered from his neck.

"Thank you for giving me a place to bury Liliere."

"Hmm... that would be good too. But this case has nothing to do with your sister. I just thought you were fit because of your personality and abilities. And..."

Vince turns a strange eye to Al for saying something and stopping him.


"... no, you're on your own to bury your sister in Midora, but maybe you should see how it goes a little more before you make a decision too"

Al seems a little hard to say.

"And say?

Vince, who didn't quite understand what Al meant, accidentally urges him to continue.

"... if you're going to end up only possessing the village of Midora for the rest of your life, that's fine too"

Vince finally understood what it meant.

In the future, you might want to say that there is a better place in the land to increase as a new territory.

"Oh, is that so? It's okay. We'll dig it up again and bury it in a new place."

Nicole laughed and Vince answered.

"Huh? He said he would re-bury it... is that the kind of ant..."

Al's words did not sound to Vince because they were uttered only in his mouth.

For this reason, it is not usually the first thing to move the tomb of a demon stone that was buried once.

Calm is what Al called next for Vince.

"Phew, it's called Beige Village... but I thought you were a civilian squire. Sir to fly away... I heard originally, but I really don't expect to be a senior aristocrat..."

Carm looks emotional and zero.

Al was talking about saving money in the first place and "buying" senior aristocracy with it.

The King's words were also attached, and all he needed was gold.

Rarely did I know that I was meeting with the King, and since what was necessary about what was spoken there was reported every time after the meeting, no one questioned Al's grand language these days.

It is a more difficult city to find a legendary adventurer, Viscount Grimson, who got a "Short Cane (Wand) for Anyone Can Use Fireball" from the Labyrinth more than twenty years ago and was listed by the Viscount for his dedication to become the patron of the big city.

Inside the Killers (Slaters), the idea that "Al would be able to become a senior nobleman like Viscount Grimson if the price of armor were determined" dominated the majority because it was expected that a hell of a value would be attached shortly after that for the Wyvern scales obtained last summer.

Al didn't deny it either.

"Are you dissatisfied with Sir?

Al says with a nigga and a laugh.

"No way! But to be honest, at first, I was wondering if you could be a squire. The serfs are booked to buy five young, well-lived ones, too. Of course, that won't go to waste, so there's no problem at all. But... if we're going to be lords, there's not enough for five of us. We need to buy more."

Kam's face, waving in front of his face, is in a perfectly good mood.

"With that said, did Kim book a serf with you?

"That's right. Isn't that about Rocco you haven't bought a slave yet? Even that Kevin came to me to say," I'm buying a slave, so go out with me. "He told me to go alone about booking a serf. Not at all."

I think most of the members of the Killers (Slaughters) are objects that can become civilians and become interested in their homes and serve their lords directly, and a significant number of them place orders for slaves.

When I found out about it, Al didn't stop just saying "pick a good one" either, so almost every member had booked the purchase. Also, there are even people who have already educated them by letting them deliver instead of booking.

In the meantime, I don't even have an appointment with just one Rocco.

He said, "It's okay just before you're a serf, just before you. More than that, the newbie in Luxor is the best," he scattered in vain, ending up being praised by his frightened companions.

Al opens his mouth as he watches Carm slap lightly in a good mood.

"Carm. I'll put Kim on you as a squire. You'd do well with her, wouldn't you?

"Huh? Kim!? Yeah, Kim has nothing to say. Yeah, I can see it. It's solid. I'm not wasting it."

Carm is perfectly happy.

"... and Beige Village, though. Close to the border with neighboring Count Lancel territory. There was a dispute between you last year and this year, and I don't think it's going to get attacked from Dabus for a while because it's north of the village to Gal."

Hearing Al's words, Carm changed the look that was slightly dazzling to something serious.

In the past, I went to the battle on the Dart Plains, and I had participated in it. Lorrick didn't have to explain it very much, or rather, only a few confirmations were made because I had learned the outline from him, and I was convinced that I had only talked about the various numbers.

"Still, the Knights of the Kingdom will garrison because it is a village designated as the front line with the villages of Rad and Ghar. Now there are about three hundred infantry on ten horsemen. Heavy forces are stationed in the northern village of Midora and the northwest village of Kudomna, so you don't have to worry about their food first."

Al explains with his left hand on the desk and with his right hand pointing to each point on the map.

Carm snorts and listens firmly to that explanation.

"The cavalry is all Knights of the Kingdom and is under the rank of Orthodox Knights. But we're sending out a couple of regular patrols on top of the small numbers in the first place. He better assume there aren't even half these knights in the village at all times. There will always be people out there who do evil when there are few who keep the soldiers in check. We have to keep an eye on the area."

Calm exhales when he hears that.

"So. It would take a lot of talent to contain all those bouncing soldiers. Of course, even Carm will be able to contain it without a problem, but people judge by their appearance first. Because Carm is not tall..."

"Can you lick it?

"Maybe. Besides, I'm not a born nobleman. An adventurer who was working with me as a builder. It's gonna be the hardest thing to do to keep the soldiers together."

Hearing Al's words, Carm bites his lower lip.

"Maybe... I'm starting to worry about me and Kim alone on the boulder..."

Al looked just a little harder looking at it.

"I guess so. So I'll have another squire."

It had a slightly caring tone to it.

"Huh? Your squire will be reduced. Are you sure? Thanks. Who could it be?"

Calm seemed slightly relieved when he found out he could put another squire on him.

"Fine. Never mind. Put Rocco on."


Carm thought at the same time as he was surprised.

She admits the sword arm about Rocco.

Very dependable avant-garde.

But I honestly hated the income I earned about my sloppy personality, which I would use up instantly.

To the extent that I occasionally new my arsenal, its golden look rough.

As much as I actually belonged to that sunlight (Sun Ray), it's not that rough from an adventurer average, and I'm saving quite a bit, but it's a guy named Rocco who doesn't make me smell that.

However, I am also convinced that if it is indeed Rocco, it is ideal for keeping the rough soldiers and the remaining squire in the village under control.

"... is there a problem?

Al asked worried about Carm, who had been pushed to shut up.

That face was like "failing" all the time.

"No. I don't."

"... I thought you hated it, but that's not what you're saying? Anyway, I'm glad you're convinced."

Al spoke like a ho.

"Don't worry, it's not Ralpha or Guine, and I'm not that much of a child. Because if Rocco is there, I can count on him. But I still have big worries."


"What happens to people in the village, including us, in case of an attack?

"It is incorporated under the command of the captain of the garrisoned Knights. So the first thing we have to do is report to the captain who becomes a warrior from the servants and slaves Carm took, apart from the servants and other residents who were originally in the village."

Al said to Carm as he put his arms together when he let go of the hand that was on his desk.

"... Looks like a new slave needs a combat slave."

I told Carm to whine with a slightly darker face.

"Ma, you don't have to force me into a combat slave there. That's why the Knights are here. I'll lead the Knights of the Earl's Lands and rush if the news comes in that Davis will attack me. Maybe half."

"That's comforting."

Calm seemed slightly relieved to hear Al's response, but his expression remained superb.

"If you still seem worried, lend Meck and Henry with a five-year deadline. They are originally knights, and they are capable of riding battles. They'll have a lot of education, so they'll give you advice on how to run your territory."

"Are you sure?

"There's no good or bad. Even I leave it to Carm to avoid the fall of Beige Village."

Al responds with a shoulder clasp.

I asked him to call Tris and Bell to exit if he was already back at Convinced Carm.

I knocked and told Tris and Bell who came into the room to sit in front of the desk where I spread the map.

I only have two chairs, so I stay standing.

"Well, you guys are the last. I'm sorry to hear that. There's nothing left."

Tris and Bell laughed as they looked at the map and heard the words.

"What are you talking about? It's the most dangerous part, isn't it? Leave it to me!

I want you to regret it a little, but if you know what I mean, it's quick.

"... this is the villages of Midora, Beige and Rad. So, this will be the position of the village I want to leave to you, the village of Garhe. As you can see, it protrudes the southernmost. Be prepared."

After he has told Sir Tris that he will entrust Meath and Jer as his squire, he will give an overview of the names of those who will entrust the position of each village as lords and of the Knights who will garrison them.

"It seems that the village of Garhe was created about ten years ago, but since then, the village master has been replaced three times. Every time, every inhabitant of the village is killed or captured and enslaved. Plus, they said there was a five-thousand-man battle around here long before the village could. That's when the position on the Dabus side was based in Garhe village."

Hard to say land with very good connections.

"Whatever it is, it's only been about seven years since it belonged to the current Lomberto side. Since it is a pioneering village on the front line, it is exempt from taxes for twelve years, so agricultural income will not be taxed for four years, counting from next spring, when we will be in office. If you want to buy slaves for that matter, you need to have all the farm equipment you need."

Make sure they all snorted and keep going.

"In short, it was seven years ago that a battle took place in the Earl of the League territory. It is also expected that this year it will be a battle either in the village of Garhe or in the pioneering village of Dabus, which is about fifteen kilometers south of it. Don't look like that, both of you."

I don't seem to mind hearing about the possibility that a village that is going to be my territory will be a battlefield.

What else? Even I worry about them.

"I'll take it back in case Dabus takes it. That's all. In that case, I'm going to take the lead, too. Well, yeah, I just want you to keep it to yourself, 'cause it looks like we're gonna hit it out of here next. At the end of the year."

I wanted to know what my sister's situation was. I've been asking people from the First Knights around since my sister went on tour last summer when I finished Wyvern. He also heard a story in it about "Let's hit it out here next". This "next" is naturally the "next" of the battle my sister, who is already at the end of the conflict, has marched out.

The battle your sister was marching for is a defense of Count Lancel territory east of Count League territory. So they're going to attack you from here on out.

In other words, it is unlikely that the village of Garhe, which we intend to give to Tris and Bell, will become a battlefield. I can't predict whether the invasion will succeed or fail at all, but isn't it the mountain of Sekiyama where supplies are amassed by heavy units to back up the troops invading Dabus's pioneering village?

If you succeed, there's one territory that looks a little troublesome, and I'll get it. If it fails, the village will be safe in Gull unless the Dabus side comes in pursuit of Lomberto's invading troops. The Kingdom of Lomberto will think about it to that extent, so the village will still have quite a few defensive units, and the nearby villages of Beige and Ladd will have defensive units, so if it rushes, it will be possible to do so to the extent that it will defend itself.

In short, there is no significant impact on the current Earl of the League territory. Either way, it doesn't seem like the Earl of the League realm will be the stage of battle for the moment, and we're just talking about making it possible to pioneer at leisure.

Looks like they both convinced me to scratch things around here and explain them.

Bell opens his mouth, listening silently, staring at the map.

"But this position...... Al said he couldn't strike out of here for the time being, but when are you going to do that?

You're in such a hurry.

"Hmm... basically until the tax revenues stabilize in Garhe Village that we deposit with Tris and Bell. Even if we're going to strike out, we're going to have to use the village as a forward base to Gal, and it's going to be a hassle to carry all the food that far. Because we can't talk about Garhe Village not being able to make quite enough reserves on its own...... But you don't really have to worry about it there. There are magic hooves, and I think we're better at transporting supplies and people than Dabus."

Take a sip of bean tea and continue.

"To be honest, one or two of the villages, if we could all hang up, we could drop them right away. But even if you occupy it, you can't keep it. The Knights of the Earls of the League have twenty-six knights, and no, the captain returns to the king's capital, so there are twenty-five. They say there are about two hundred squire places, so we also need to increase this. Until now, the Knights of the Kingdom have been garrisoned as a defensive force, so the numbers of the Knights of the Earls of the League themselves are not much different from the rest of the territory."

When I told them to blur, they both looked difficult.

"Even the Knights of the Kingdom defense is not free. They eat a lot of money. But until I'm independent, if I keep paying my dues, the garrison will. I want everyone to do everything in their power in the meantime."

"Considering that, it's helpful to be tax free for four years."


I'm not going to be thankful for that.

For that matter, it's risky.

"But to the highest-risk, newest gal. The village chief's job is tough. Increase as many people as you can without taxes. You should also increase the number of squires. You guys are also fighting slaves, aren't you ordering?

They have bought about twenty slaves from the Ron Slyle store, four of whom they have heard are combat slaves. But even though he said battle slaves in one bite, he really wanted to order slaves from former knights, like Henry and Meck. That's why I took the order to the slave trader, but I gave up because I didn't initially have a prospect of arrival. But from the end of this month on next month's head, they say the slave city captured in the conflict that my sister was marching for this time will be held under the auspices of the Bainish Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu. At the end of last month, the two of them asked Madam Ronslyle to purchase the former knight's slave if he was around. He said he has great expectations for it now.

Talking to Tris and Bell took the most time.

Somehow, when you're here, you're going to ask me the details of where you're going to strike down the south one day, if you're going to.

That depends on the circumstances and circumstances at that time, and it didn't really release me when I said I wouldn't start worrying right now.

I sat midway for dinner, and when I got back, we both stormed my room again for cancer.

Simply put, he wanted to see how much of a handle he gave would be equivalent to the village as a reward, and how much a city like Weed would need.

I don't know, I don't even have a detailed map of the Dabus side. You know what?

But I know how you feel.

I said I'd seal the Xenom in the baron and leave the city of Weed to me, so I'm in a hurry.

I'm so worried...

I'm not going to do anything wrong.

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