May 1, 7448

"... is that right, too bad"

Al who says sorry from the bottom of his heart.

"No matter how many times you say it, it doesn't change the conclusion... I'm sorry..."

Mira answers looking a little sorry while aerial suspension (hovering) in front of it.

"No, please don't apologize. I can't help it if it's your general thrust. And even though I was asking for your conclusion, I'd appreciate it if you could just discuss it again."

Al with a slightly weak smile.

"As for myself turning down the corner offer, it makes me feel easier to say that... well, is it about one more time or two that Al can come here?

"Right. I think we can come at least two more times."

While answering that, Al expects there will probably be no problem about this fall and next New Year's.

But it is not hard to imagine that we will already be traveling to the South by this time next year, or even if we are not, we will be quite busy.

"... twice. Then this time it's this sorcery... because it's difficult, I don't think it would be lucky if either of you could master it."

Only slightly troubled, Mira begins her mental concentration in front of Al and Mizchi.

But even if Mira had used magic, the two of them couldn't understand what effect magic was.

They both stare seriously at Mira when they hear it's hard, but that face has a puzzling look on it.

"Oh, this magic! This is hard! You can only use it in here because there's only enough else in Mira to count!

Carl flies around Al's head looking fun for some reason.

While annoying about it, Al takes a serious look at Mira, who keeps her mental concentration going without doing anything she can pay off.

Because magic activates and you don't go missing out on moments that show off its effects.

Al and Mizchi continued their observation so focused that they also forgot to breathe.

... a few minutes later.

Neither Al nor Mizchi could fully understand the magic Mira had performed for me.

"I can't seem to understand that properly."

Mira says as she seeps through just a little tiredness.

"Master, what is the name of the sorcery now...? There seemed to be some lights (lights)......?

"Um... what the hell is magic like right now...?

I ask her a question even though they're sorry about that.

"Either Al or Mizuchi, touch me... calm down."

Mira says with a grin like a prank kid.

Al and Mizuchi face to face, but Al gently reaches out and touches Mira's feet.

Mira and Carl are little fairies (fairies) like dolls, so they don't seem to be going to touch them with very strong force.


The black sphere spread around the area around the chest armor (breast plate) of the armor that Al wore, and Al shouted surprised when he suddenly couldn't see anything.

Darkness magic.

"Huh? This, darkness (Darkness)?

There is also a sound of surprise from Mizuchi, who hastily escaped the range of effects of darkness (darkness).

"I'm pretty sure the last time I used it was in the dark (Darkness). But it's better to use it before then. say its name induces (triggers)"

According to Mira's explanation, induced (triggered) witchcraft was one that delayed activation of the witchcraft used shortly afterwards.

There are not many conditions that can be set, although it is necessary to satisfy the conditions set when inducing (triggering) use in order to activate the sorcery used immediately afterwards.

One is if you find an anomaly in your sight. This “anomaly” can mean "demons and enemies have appeared" or "I have discovered parts that are clearly different even though they are places I usually know well". Or "I found someone specific," or "I discovered a bird" more broadly. It usually seems to set the appearance of demons and creatures that come to harm themselves. However, if you activate a magic trick that targets something, it must be within the range of the magic trick that the subject delayed.

The other is if you admit an anomaly to your body. An "anomaly” in this case can be "contacted by something" as in this case, or of course "attacked and hit without warning". It is also possible to set the conditions of "belly down", "blindness" and "loss of mind", although these are extreme examples. However, it is impossible to configure content that can occur even in normal life-support activities that are not abnormal, such as "feeling hungry" or "wanting to sleep".

It should be noted that if magic is activated to target something as well as the previous conditions, it must be present within the range of the magic that the subject delayed. In this case, the setting "When something touches me, activates darkness (darkness) on Al's chest."

It is a sorcery that in some ways resembles small magic (cantrip) or unwitting bookings (schedule), but boasts a high degree of freedom where the activation conditions are not time.

"Convenience is convenient. You can't change the condition after using the trigger, and if the duration of the trigger expires without activating it by setting weird conditions, the magic power used will be completely wasted, so you won't be aware of that."

It's where Mira is firm to not forget to point out cautions for the two people who are impressed by the explanation.

"What is the duration of the effect of this induction (trigger)?

To Mizuchi's question, "I don't really understand that there. It is said that it depends on the level of magic, but it is normal to see that it depends on the difficulty of the magic that activates it. You can also use attack magic, but in that case it tends to be quite short, and the more powerful that attack magic is, the shorter it seems," answers Mira.

"After understanding those things, it's like taking them a little more seriously next time..."

In the end, on this day, Mira used inducements (triggers) three times in total, but they both failed to master.

Al had considerable confidence in magic in general and in the mastery of witchcraft in particular (in fact, all the witchcraft he had ever learned was ready to be used during the day), but that confidence also seemed to have had to bend his knees before this induction (trigger).

"Al. Mizchi. We're both not going to lose our minds. Inducing (triggering) is such a tricky trick that I can't even use it. You still have two more chances, don't you? You just have to work hard then."

It was Carl who comforted the two of them creating more and more atmosphere, but he also cautioned Mira, "If you're playing, why don't you train with me?" Of course, Carl was quickly tired of flying off somewhere.

"Hey, my master told me to use magic sensing (detect magic) to watch but I didn't really understand..."

"Right. I was told that, unlike booking (scheduling) for invocation, there is also a mix of evocations… it seems better not to think of it as just that."

Two people discussing it with a dark face.

"Hmm. Even though there's a lot of Al magic, I can't master it in a day until this magic. Because it's important to practice independently for a while."

Mira herself remembered that the mastery of this sorcery required many years of time, and hung her words of comfort on both of them.

"… the next time I come, I'll show you where we're using triggers…"

When she heard Al's words, Mira laughed joyfully and dropped them off.

Al and Mizchi, who returned from Fairy Town at dawn the next day, enter a separate inn from the Boyle Pavilion, as usual.

Mizuchi fell into the bed of the room when he took off his armor, and immediately stood to sleep.

With a little envy for her like that, Al showered with one sleepy head and crossed his beloved horse Uranus when he changed.

You must arrive at the royal castle at nine o'clock.

Lectures from officials had been suspended for the past few days on the grounds that family members were coming from Balduk, but the officials said, "I am more strict than His Majesty in telling you to go through the fall ceremony" and didn't even seem to give me a break at first.

May 6, 7448

Back from the royal castle in the evening, when I return my horse to the inn, I head to Murowa.

Because today is the last day of Golden Week, so everyone should gather at Murowa.

It's convenient to talk to everyone.

About half the members had already gathered when they arrived at the store and were interested in stories of no other love during the holidays.

"Hey, Al. Looks like you're busy here."

Rocco talked to me as I put up a jock.

In his opposite hand he holds a barducky stabbed in the skewer.

"Well. You look as good as ever, above all else."

He's been increasing the amount of weights in his running every morning here lately.

Before this, he said he was on holiday, but he asked Mizuchi, who leads the battle slaves to the labyrinth, to accompany him.

Mizuchi also wondered what kind of blow it would be and asked me why, and she asked me "let me make a dime" and I was annoyed.

I'm glad you're motivated, but it's a little late.

Building your body is a great thing in itself, but in Rocco's case, you think it's better to read and write before you do.

I'm not a physical adventurer next year.

I sat next to Rocco and I'll ask for the same beer as him and wait for everyone to get together.

I intend to leave only the people who will be my squire after the meal today and explain that to them.

Exchange words, drink and eat rice with the members who have gathered in three quarters.

They will dive into the labyrinth again tomorrow, so more than half of them will not be able to eat such a decent meal for a while.

Only the Redeemer (Sabres) is not, as Giberti accompanies them, but the others become less sophisticated dishes, made by Ruby and Jess.

Talk about team splitting after tomorrow and finally move on to today's main issue.

Do other guests feel uncomfortable at night when we members of the Slaughter (Slaughters) gather? Mostly this time is private, so we don't have to pay for it.

I can be reassured because I have as much imagination about what would happen if I divulged about what Murowa's father, the clerk and proprietor, would also talk about here.

Still, I don't talk about HR information in this store.

As I mentioned earlier, there is probably nothing to leak, but it is not a question of that, it is also an education for those who will be "my nobles" and "their subordinates".

Because I don't want you to talk about this information easily in the future.

"You're almost done. Then Zenom, Ginger, Vince, Lorrick, Carm, Tris, Bell, Bastral, and then everyone but the slaves will come to my room from now on. Because I'll tell you about the future. I'll make sure it doesn't get too long, so it's narrow, but it's patient there."

Some of the guys seemed to feel thin when they heard what I said.

Some of them are obviously unable to hide the colour of discouragement.

Huh? It's Ralpha. Are you sure?

I moved the place from Murowa to my room and explained the location of each village and who would be lords in that village.

"That's why Guine and Kevin will be asked to work as Zenom's squire, Hiss as Vince's squire, Sanno and Lutz as Lorrick's squire, Kim and Rocco as Carm's squire, and then Meath and Jer as Tris' squire."

Serving the nobility as a formal squire is a category of successful people.

Especially if it comes true outside of the assault itself, it doesn't.

Everyone who is called by name is cheering and joyful.

"Hehe, firestarter homeowner...... Yay! Besides, it's twisted with Mr. Xenom's territory! Oh? Guine. Were you there? Nice to meet you!"

"Welcome, Mr. Kevin!

"I'm glad you followed Rolic."

"Oh, from next year on, we're official squire too!

"Well, I've been flying out of my hometown for more than a decade... and finally, I..."

"I feel bad, but we left the village seven or eight years ago...?

"Shut up! Mr. Samuelger."

"What, suddenly?

"You're a squire. From now on, I'll call you Kumir."


"... what about me? Is that it? I don't think I got a name... for Al or something? Has anyone forgotten?

"Hey, Meath. The Ransoons and Ramirez, two, two! I can let you two kids inherit!

"... right. But that would be if I married you, wouldn't it?

"Huh? Huh?


"Hey, what, I won't threaten you"

"I... am I alone... But it's about Vince being there, isn't it lonely?... hey, fade."

"Rocco, I think I'll be with you again for a while."

"Oh, right.... Yeah, you're good for me, damn it."

"Warm, isn't it? What, you think you could be a jazz or something?

"Huh? Yes, no, that's exactly what I thought, there wasn't one. Yeah."

"... what do you say"

I was annoyed by the boulder, so I raised my hand and quieted it down.

"Some of you haven't called your names yet, and I need you to be quiet. We still have a little bit more to go on."

"Oh, yeah! Right."

"Ralpha, annoying"

This guy at all......

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hehe."

"... Well, go on. Claw, then Marie. And listen carefully, everyone."

Covering his shoulders in the corner of the room, he calls out to two people who were watching everyone rejoicing.

"You are invited to join the Knights of the Earls of the League. I think I'll only be captain of the regiment, but I don't think you'll be busy for a while. It's gonna be tough, but don't ask me there."


"Leave it to me."

I'm not strangely happy because we both talk beforehand.

He gave me a blameless reply.

Naturally, they have little experience as knights.

Suddenly I don't go to the Commander class.

However, there is no such thing as ironing and sending him in as a future executive candidate.

The study of knighthood practices and knighthood management was scheduled to start again next month or so, sure.

It's a police mechanism in the realm, and it's a direct military force of the lord.

Quite a period of time was planned for study around here.

I'd love to have these two present anyway, but that's not allowed.

I've been told that only a handful of privileged people, such as lords, are entitled to special courses.

So remember desperately, there's nothing else I can teach you.

Damn it.

"Right! Knights, too."

"I'm a squire, so if you don't mind, you can come in."

"Ah! Am I joining the Knights too? Oh, I have to practice spears, too!

"Right! I'm an official squire, and you are!

"A knight on top of a squire!

It's getting annoying again.

"Ah, everyone else give up for the moment about joining the Knights. Especially if my husband says it's a good idea to serve. But all of a sudden, I'm not going to jazz the kind of guy who gives you permission to do that."

They will also want power to take control of their territory.

Some of them are buying slaves, but only a few are still buying combat slaves.

"Besides, who's gonna take care of the farmland when you join the Knights? Who's going to take command of the opening? Just to be clear, I think there's only enough room in here to count while you're young enough to be a Knights' man out of this, huh?

Everyone is eating quite a bit.

Joining the Knights is normal before the age of twenty, even if it's too late.

Of course, there is no age limit for joining the group, but there is no normal place for new joiners after eating a lot of years.


"If you ask me..."

"Weed is going to have a lot of farmland, and I can't do the Knights either..."

"But if you're a son or daughter..."

"Meh, are you going to be a prestigious squire... Gokuri"

"Talk to your respective hall for the rest of the details. And remember, we haven't made a formal decision yet, have we? If you're too proud, you might scratch your own shame."

That's what I said and tightened it.

Everybody leaves my room, but there's only one guy who can't move with a bumpy face.

"And, Ralpha. Just stay a little bit."

It's the last time, but I have to tell her.

Ralpha's face is brightened by the fact that I didn't forget to speak.

It's as easy to understand as ever.


Ralpha is in a good mood as she escorts everyone out of the room.

Everyone closed the door as they left the room.

"Ralpha. Don't be too overtly disappointed..."

To be clear, every time Ralpha seemed dissatisfied, everyone had a glance at him.

I didn't care.

"Eh heh...... So, I... your father's squire after all? You should go with Guinness."

"What are you talking about? You're automatically an associate, aren't you?

"Ah! If you say so, yes!

Ralpha is a convincing face with his hands in front of his chest.

This guy, up until just now, I mean it...!?

"... I can't even tell you what it is. You will succeed Zenom. If we don't even have a big problem, I'm the Baron of the future Lord Weed... the Duchess. Why don't you think of it right away?

"Because... you were all happy to say formal squire or something. I'm the only one with nothing..."

"Let me get this straight. You're the only one who didn't understand that, right? Well, no. So, even Xenom seems fine for the time being. You have your part to play. I'm gonna say that now."

I can see it with anticipation.

"I know I can imagine, but for the time being, I need you to look around the territory with Guine to make an accurate map"

"Well, that's true."

They predicted this extent.

"As you can see, there are nine villages of lords with only a few names and a slight reputation, the city of Zondir, right?

He showed me the map and said, pointing to Beglitz and Weed, to Zondir, another city, and to the villages in the territory.


"Find out thoroughly when you and Guine make a map. And I don't mind being noticed. I'd rather be that way. You can see the lord's spare time and go say hello officially."

Ralpha laughs and nods niggardly when she hears that.

"Hehe. Amazing woman spy combo. Ralph and Guineh were born."

... I'm so tired.

Well, but it's also because I trust you two with strength.

I wonder who I'll attach to your role.

I don't know about Zulu......

If you put it around Marl or Limby, it would be awesome to be so impotent...?

...... I hope so.

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