May 6, 7448

"... Enough is enough"

in a room where Ralpha left and no one was left.

I rang into the shadow of my bed.

"You're the same, Lar..."

Zulu shows up from behind the bed.

Raise Mizuchi's crooked knife (spotter) on your hips, your left hand still holding the pattern.

I was letting Zulu use it this time in the sense of confirming the indoor effects of [increased self-concealment rate (Rise Hiding In Shadow Rate)].

Mizuchi was originally good at killing signs, and I just thought Zulu was a good actor.

Looks pretty effective in this way.

"Don't say that. That's what I'm trying to do."

"Ha, sure"

Saying so, Zulu offers when he removes the song knife (spotter) from his sword belt.

"So, who do you want?

I asked a loyal slave head kneeling on the floor as he received a song knife (simiter).

"Yes, that's it, Marr and Limby...... and then it'll be around Ben and Ellie"

Zulu looks straight up at me and answers.

I was a little concerned that there was a subtle time.

Because of this, Ben and Ellie are among the slaves who made them work at the sausage factory, the older ones after Marr and Limby. He had offered to be a combat slave with other slaves his age with the beginning of the year because he turned fourteen last year. It was these two who ran the running course surrounding the city of Balduk in the prescribed two hours a month after that, so they clear up and move the inn to Shoney as a combat slave apprentice, letting the sword and spear bareback and run every day.

Naturally Bastral also teaches them about reading, writing and math.

Whatever those studies are, they don't think it's stingy to let them experience the labyrinth in the fall or so if they're doing well.

"Hmm. Whatever about Marr and Limby, what about Ben and Ellie? You still don't know what's gonna happen, do you?

As for Marl and Limby, thanks to the fostering cultivation since the beginning of the year, the physical level is eleven.

Plus, until last year it was at the bottom of the battle slave, and every time I wore it down, without complaining or complaining about one thing zero, I'm working hard to create a basement as a labyrinth adventurer.

At least if a party member or senior combat slave tells you to "penetrate," you can reputation it as only equipped with enough shit chest to instantly penetrate no matter how horrible your monster opponent is.

But as for Ben and Ellie, the planting is only basic about the handling of weapons. Naturally, there can be no experience in action other than fights between children, and it's still unknown.

"That's right, they're pretty good. I didn't really care until I got the report from Jess either...... When I asked Jess how the two of them were doing, she said," You seem more talented than Marl and Limby. "So, I did a little opponent during this holiday, but that's pretty good indeed. Ben has a good physique and soot power for fumes around that age. And especially Ellie, but he's got good eyes."

A good eye means that the opponent can spot gaps moving from defense to attack or react in some way as the weight moves. By and large, it is the ability of anyone to support such things by repeating training and actual battles, but there is also a huge difference between individuals.

"Heh. Right. If it seems to be going well until next year, that's okay too... ok"

That's fine if Zulu, the slave-head, puts out an OK.

"Ha. Thank you for listening."

I placed a song knife (spotter) on the table with the map widened as I looked down at the awe-inspiring Zulu and drank out the perfectly chilled bean tea.

"Oh, yeah. That's right, Zulu. You, you got nothing to say to me?

"What? No, especially..."

Zulu answers with an unexpected face.

"Huh. Well, if you say so. No. But if you want to say something, you can say it early, okay? It's a lot of trouble when it's critical."

When I said that, I waved and let Zulu back down.

... Murowa and this slave woman, what are you going to do?

Well, I'm not going to do anything special either until I tell you from myself.

Thus ended this year's Golden Week.

May 24, 7448.

A month and a little while after my lecture on becoming a new American lord began.

I don't know if the boulders are getting stuck with their jobs and tight, or if they're just dazzling, or if they've pioneered me into questioning if there's any uncertainty at all, but the lectures are getting more and more off.

Well, that's right.

In the end, the lectures given by officials are dominated by figures such as the agricultural productivity and mining volume of the territory.

For example, "crow wheat seemed to be abundant last year, and how much more is produced than the average in the previous decade".

I don't suppose it's a huge divergence from the real harvest because it's an extrapolated figure backwards from tax revenues, but, you know, it's just enough to table the record and come by.

In short, just read the data and see if I can hit it in the head, something that even kids can do as a job.

Of course, that data is also a secret of the Earl of the League and hence of the Kingdom of Romberto, so I can't help it there because I'm not going to let my children handle it.

Rather than that, I'd like to ask, "Why did crow wheat grow richer?" Or, "How do I maintain richness?" Or, "What was the area of open farmland that was subject to tax in that village that year?".

Because of this, there was not a single official who gave me a satisfactory answer to these questions.

There is also a difference between the officials who manage the agricultural land area, including the newly opened land, and those who manage the tax revenues, but the officials who are lecturing me in the first place are a lot of people at the site level, so to speak, below.

I know a lot about the part I'm involved in, but I don't know a lot about leaving a little bit.

And lacking to say,

"It is your Lord's service to think about it and to tell and execute it to those under your command."

Or something like that.

Well, I guess so, but come on.

But if you managed to get more crow wheat harvest in the village, you want to know what caused it?

That would be fine if it were simply proportionate to the increase in the area of agricultural land subject to tax in that year.

It's obvious.

But there are also possibilities that new farming methods have been developed or that the cultivated population has increased.

You know, I think it's important.

Oh, it's not usually the case that tax revenues are lower than in previous years because of it.

In the case of the Kingdom of Lomberto, a constant tax is imposed, taking into account the previous year's harvest on that cultivated land, according to the cultivated area: "This is about 60% because this much harvest should be foreseeable".

Good if it's abundant. As long as you pay even a certain amount that is fixed, you can like the squire or nobility who is the owner of the farmland for the excesses.

Of course, it would be necessary to take that into account as the amount of dividend tax would increase in the following year.

But I can't help but take away a certain portion of my first decision, even if I don't make it.

Sometimes, naturally, if the yield is too low, it will be taken into account, but that doesn't really matter to me.

It's not for me to decide (of course, you can decide) whether or not to lighten my taxes on my squire in the event of inaction, basically because it's for the lord of the land who owns the village and the city.

To put it a little extreme without fear of misunderstandings, in my case, I can even say to the lords of the ruling villages and cities how much you are and how much you only order, so I don't care if the lords pay me properly that the territory will be abundant or not.

The story is that even if the yield is low, the squire who owns the cultivated land will have to cut the money and give it away. Of course, even if the squire didn't cut the money, the lord above said he cut the money.

Otherwise, I'll be the one cutting my money against the king.

Unless there's been some terrible famine for years, there won't be any tax breaks for the great aristocrats who occupy a territory like mine.

No one wants to make up for taxes that aren't enough until they run out of money.

When that happens, the actual servitude often goes to the serfs who are small writers.

This is partly due to the large number of owners (squire and noblemen) in rural areas who take care of all their clothing and accommodation instead of paying little for their slaves.

I want to pool as much cash as possible from time to time in case of an emergency, so I try to keep spending as low as I can.

Simply put, even less paychecks, less meals to distribute and less quality, and even more, selling them out and cashing in quickly.

In this way, there are many tearful stories of owning slaves who cry because they can't pay taxes until they tear their families apart, the slave was finally their real brother, and so on.

Everyone dreams of civilian squires (housekeepers) because it is normal to be enslaved unless you inherit a house from a free people, from a civilian origin, or even from nobility, or on a ball unless you are the eldest son.

This is the joy of all the slaughterers.

They are not nearly all of them housekeepers (the only housekeeper is Xenom).

Unless, once married, the other person is also a jade named the housekeeper, except in part, the free people are the mountain of Sekiya.

I have to make that dream come true (you can say it's almost come true, but whatever my own status, I can't be alarmed because it wasn't declared all over the country when I left Count League territory to me after a formal reciprocal ceremony) and then I have to be able to live my life in peace.

That would be my responsibility to everyone who followed me.

Just to memorize, someone spoke to me when a cross hung over my beloved horse connected to the horse stopping pile, finally freed from a silly boring lecture.

"Ooh, Mr. Gried. I just heard about that dragon, you knocked it down! That's amazing!

Sir Kendus of the First Knights!

Baron Logan retired at the end of last year, and now Viscount Taklad Gendail, who has succeeded him since, is the head of the regiment.

Until then, the first squadron leader, Vishur Balxas, who was the second squadron leader, has been transferred, and the second squadron leader, who has become vacant, has been transferred by this Sir Sagan Kendus, who was the third squadron leader.

The third squadron leader was the captain of the platoon to which my sister belonged, and I was told that a woman of civilian origin (bunnyman) named Maribel Lardock would be awarded the rank of squadron leader concurrently.

She and her sister, plus about a third of the 3rd Squadron, including Sir Kendus, who was then the 3rd Squadron Commander, were on the march, so although only HR for that part of the force was issued, it still hasn't functioned effectively, though.

"Ah, Captain Kendus! Hello."

That he's here!

I hurry up and take my feet off my toes and say hello.

After all, he just returned from the Dart Plains and just appeared at Knights headquarters for a report.

"Ha, don't worry. Sir Gried is safe, too. I think you're still watching the dragons with the others at the castle gate. You should go. You'll be glad."

When I heard that, I couldn't stay or not.

I also head to the castle gate to say hello.

When I arrive at the castle gate, there are more than ten other First Knights people besides my sister, and they surround the head of the dragon with cuteness.

He also seems to be giving a lot of questions to the Third Knights of the Castle Gate Guard.

"Wow. This, that team of GREED chairmen defeated you!

"Miloo has a high nose too, doesn't he?

"Eh heh. Hey, I guess that means my planting was good."

"You're a boulder."

"If your head is this size, how long is it if it's your whole body?

"Well, what's so big about it!?"

"No, I think it's bigger."

"Hey, you. Is this what you've been decorating here since last month?

"Ha, for once, every day and night, but in the morning I ask the court magician to add ice and then redecorate it. When I was in Wyvern last year, I pulled right in, and they wanted to see it at first sight, so they killed my complaint..."

"Huh? Wyvern?

"Because you don't know?

"Don't you know that?

"Since when do you guys..."

"Ahhh. That's a July head, for sure."

"Then there's no reason why you don't know. It was in the middle of July that Wyvern was tailored and decorated."

"You wanted to see that, too."

"It was considerably smaller than this dragon. Still, it was a fine thing."

"Well, then I could see the dragon..."

"By the way, is that Wyvern a little too?

"Yes, as with this dragon, Lord Gried has been laid in the Labyrinth of Balduk."

"Hey!? My lord?

"Well, Lord Gried is noble."

"That's right, but even if I say noble, he's the same Associate Duke as me?


Slowly approaching while pulling Uranus' reins.

"Hey, isn't this from the Third Squadron? Thank you for your time."

Speak up deliberately.

"Huh? Al?

"Oh! You're the chairman! I just heard, that's awesome!

"Was the dragon pretty strong after all?

"Let me talk to you."

"That's right, that's right, let's move the riverbank to Lowkid!

"Nice, that!

"Hey, what's the report to HQ?

"Oh no, the scumbag captain will do it! Do you mind if I delay you for a day or so? See?"

I was quickly surrounded.

"Oh, this is my sister. You're in a good mood. This time I became Uncle Leaguer."

I say with my chest up.

Be a little awed by the Count's majesty.




"Chairman Gried became Earl."

"Leadal or league...... league!?"

"Huh? You mean leagues, territory too?

"That's amazing. Congratulations!"

"My Lord Count. This is tough!

Ha, ha.

Feels good!

"Uncle League territory, is that it?

"This time we went west of Count Lancel's territory."

"Dart Plains..."

"Dart Plains..."

"Dart Plains..."

Oh, my God. That doesn't make me feel good.

"Hey, guys! Wait a minute!

Your sister silenced the noisy knights.

"Excuse me. Speak up. But let me just talk to my brother for a second."

When I say that, my sister takes the reins from my hand and deposits them with one of the nearest knights.

And grab my hand and pull.

"Hey, come here."

"Huh? What? Head high."

"Shut up!"


I got barometric pressure from too many shapes.

I'm pulled straight to an unpopular place behind the castle gate.

"Status open…"

Oh, my God, suddenly you're looking at the status. How rude is that?

But I think my face was nasty and nasty.

Look, it's more like that - I'll take a look.

"... Huh!

Your sister's face is back and forth between the status window and my face, which would be open near my left hand.

"What do you mean?

My sister looks up at me from under her helmet.

Phew... don't even feel my growth here.

"What do you mean, how? More headaches against His Excellency the Count!

Shit, he kicked my shin!

Say it quickly.

"... you heard from the gatekeeper. I tailored Wyvern in the labyrinth last summer. Once the scale was processed and tailored to armor, a magical armor was created. It has a unique name. Give it up and reward the title and territory like Viscount Grimson."

"Is that true?

"You can't help lying."

"Oops... to your brother?

"I showed it to you last month when I came to deliver."

"No, I'm not. The title and the territory."

That's what we talked about together.

Talking that far, my sister put her right hand on my cheek and smiled gently at me.

"You worked hard...... great"

... sister.

Sometimes my sister praises me honestly like this.


Your sister also reaches out her left hand and pinches my cheek with both hands.

My mouth is pointy as an octopus.

I know it's hard to light... but, hey, stop it, everyone's watching.

Don't crush His Excellency's face.

"But what do you mean, you're a Count and you're too smart for me!


My cheeks are crushed and it hurts, sister......

"Fuhie, my daughter-in-law (Y), don't be late..."


Now they pull their cheeks on both sides.

"Hit it, hit it! Hitachi."

"What? Say it again!

Your sister triangles her eyes and yells.

"Whoa, you got married. Fashionable ~"

My hand leaves with a pattin 'noise from my cheek pulled to the limit.

Ooh, that hurts.

"Damn... I didn't know Al would get ahead of me..."

My sister looks regrettable, what an indescribable face to say.

"... why don't you dye your hair and change your mood?

You'd be blowing it off to a good addition to Sir Groholetz's shake, but maybe it's still drawing a little deeper into your mind.

I suggested that it would be a good idea to change the color of my hair to change my mood.

Because I felt like I'd heard a long time ago that women change the color and hairstyle of their hair, too.

In my sister's case, there's not much room to change her hair because her hair is shorter, so I thought I'd at least try dyeing it.

"Well, I look good in this color. It's luxurious and beautiful gold."

... I agree with that unwillingly.

I do think blonde looks good on your sister.

"... how is Mizuchi?


"Bring him next time, won't you?"

Looks refreshed just a little bit.

But it's going to be obnoxious and annoying again, and I've already seen him, and who's bringing him in now?

I'll tell him.

It should be noted that then the Third Squadron people took me to Lowkid, and I looked at the gap and said to my sister, "Me and this Knight Commander. Hey? I'll give you quite a salary, and then nobility..." and I solicited him, "I can't because it's important now," and he refused without a nibble.

Apparently, they're after the platoon leader's seat.

Something about a platoon captain, compared to the leader of the Knights of the Earls of the League. Come on...

... First Knights platoon leaders have more foil, don't they?

I knew it.

21st July 7448

"... that is, fingerprints are not utilized in the investigation of crimes. I'm sure this is because I can't get fingerprints because I'm known to have different fingerprints personally."

Explain what you have learned this week around Claw and Marie when the slayer (Slaters) labyrinth row is off. In addition to Claw and Marie, Mizuchi, Xenom, Tris, Bell, Carm, Vince, Lorrick and Ginger are in on this one.

"Fingerprint collection?

Some twisted their necks at words unfamiliar to their ears.

It should be noted that it is common to thumbprint contracts and sales certificates, so it is known that fingerprints are different for individuals, mainly educated people.

He looked surprised when I briefly told him that fingerprints would be attached if he touched something.

I can't seem to figure out how to make sure of that where the fingerprints are attached.

"In our last life, we've been able to tell even a very small amount of sweat. What was that? Um, the one who pumps powder."

Lorrick says.

Speaking of which, you've seen a police forensic do that in a previous life with a TV drama or something.

"Oh, that, powder can do anything. They really like aluminum powder, but the most important thing is' serohan tape '. Besides, I can't take a' photo 'even if I take my fingerprints, so it's going to be hard to record. I can't create a' database ', and it won't make much sense."

Tris explained it in detail. The powder itself, if you ask me, sticks to the body fluids attached as fingerprints, and it's certainly tough without the transparent tape to take a copy of it.

"Don't break the waist of the story, Tris. That's not what Al's saying, is it? Um, what is it?... thats it. You're not busy with the scientific investigation."

... My mouth is pounding open.

I thought it was around Mizuchi.

But it was Larfa who said the word now, wasn't it?

Of course, every reincarnated person who understands Japanese was looking back at her sitting in the corner of my room with her eyes open.

In fact, it's rare for study groups, and besides, Ralpha and Guine are there. When they heard the theme "About the Knights as a Police Organization," they said, "It's a necessary knowledge for an amazing beauty spy." Regardless of the fact that an awesome woman spy has become an awesome beauty spy at some point, I had no reason to refuse to participate voluntarily in the study group, so I left it alone.

Bell said something about what Tris and Ralpha said that was easy for Zenom and the others to understand.

"Ooh. Sorry...... Al. Keep going."

Tris also says in a uncomfortable face.

"... Ralpha is right. Investigating crime is important for listening, investigating relationships, and sightings. Among other things, the testimony of the nobility, who is a party to the case, is of the utmost importance..."

If you look at it, isn't Guine taking notes with a serious face!

He lowers a thin plate like a drawing board from his neck and writes something there.

Anyway, if it's miso, I didn't realize because I hadn't been interested in these two before.

Paper is pretty expensive, and these guys are serious...?

"The primacy as evidence of the crime comes first and foremost from the testimony of the nobility. This is assumed to be more correct when more than one testimony is eaten incorrectly. The higher the position, the better the blood muscle. In addition, in the case of the same qualification, the new lineage takes precedence. Because the blood of those who are good enough to entertain a new aristocracy is supposedly thick."

We all knew that noble testimony was of the utmost importance, but it seemed like the first time we had heard about the criteria for judgment when it was eaten differently. When I first heard about it, I was a little surprised, but I thought it might be a natural interpretation in a way if it were just nobility. Still, I also felt odd about the logic that the new lineage would take precedence.

Ma, that's the way you think, too, Ari.

That's right, and how long will our little girl Combi's passion last, is this a see?

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