4 Jun 7448

There are three shrines in the city of Balduk.

One is a small one outside the northeast of the city, with only one official cleric, a small belt of three in all, even when combined with two officials.

The other is built near a small lake in the eastern part of the city, and this one isn't that big.

And the last one.

A slightly splendid shrine with four clerics, built about a mile southwest of the city centre.

First Thursday morning of June.

There was a shadow visiting this shrine as the light rain began to fall softly last night.

There were multiple shadows, but one of them was Torkelis Karostaran.

Those who do not know its name in the city of Balduk are the adventurers of the elite (elves) who have become a minority.

The other is Bernaded Corloyl.

This is also a famous Bunny Man adventurer.

Twenty or so other people are trying to consolidate their surroundings, but most of the slaves the two of them bought.

There are only two of them except slaves. There is also a mix of werewolf (Wolfwer) men and women, Jeldo Ramirez and Meeface Ransoon.

They are both well-known adventurers.

"Well, Master, you're not going"

One man advances from among the slaves and bows his head to the elves and bunnymen.

This man is a combat slave purchased by Tris the Elf this winter and serves as a tentative slave head.

Because the official slave-head is going to be a former knight's combat slave that will be delivered in the middle of next month.

"Oh, I'm coming. Gel, thanks for coming up here until Meath crushed the rest of the day in the rain, too."

"Yeah. And even to celebrate...... thank you so much"

Tris and Bell thank Jer and Meath.

At the time of their marriage, two hundred thousand z. each from Alain Gried, who is the leader of the adventurer party to which they belong, as well as fifty thousand z. each from other members. In addition to that celebration, Gel and Meath had given them a cup of matching glass.

"Don't worry so much. I'm a squire, and there's no way I'm not celebrating your wedding."

"Oh, yeah. It's a small feeling from us... we're going to take care of you, and take it with dignity, please."

Having grinned bitterly at Gel's unwieldy talk, Tris steps into the shrine by re-hanging the stall to keep her from getting wet as she turns her hand on Bell's shoulder.

"... but you've never heard that getting married in June makes you happy"

"Right. But that's what Nifon says."

Jer and Meath are whispering as they drop Tris and Bell off.

"Lady Ramirez, Lady Ransoon. Would you like to wait like this?

Jer and Meath move to a diner a little further away with their slave-heads calling out to the two of them.

The shrine is named for newborns, on marriage, like they are, and some people are blessed with adults like their uniforms (it's just a blessing, and nothing special changes), and some people are simply asked to pray about the end of business and romance (this one doesn't leave the realm of literal rituals). many people visit, such as people who use lockers again.

With only three facilities in the city of Balduk, which has a population of more than 30,000 people, there are always quite a few waiting in order.

Naturally, you won't be allowed to go in except for someone who needs you, so you need to wait elsewhere for an escort other than us.

Meanwhile, within the shrine, a ritual of marriage had been held for two people, Tris and Bell, who had finished waiting in turn.

"Name (Named), Tolkeris Karostaran, to be named as God's proxy in heaven...... I ask you to confirm"

At the time of the marriage, the affiliation of Tris' status changed from Sir Karostaran's three sons to Karostaran's head. Tris, who is a nobleman, but not a heir, becomes the new head of the civilian house when he marries. Naturally, you need to pay 10% of the tax from that income because you are a civilian, but you are not very resistant because Bell originally collected 10% of the tax (Bell also levied 10% of the same tax on that income as a civilian because he is noble but a foreigner).

Besides, in the fall, I plan to ask Al to describe it to Sir, so I felt like I don't care about taxes for a few months or so.

I just thought it was more important for the two of us to get married in June than the taxes we pay in the meantime.

"Naming (Named), Karostaran, as proxy of God in heaven... I ask you to confirm"

Bell's name will then be changed to Bernaded Karostaran, and his affiliation will also be the First Lady of the Karostaran family.

"Eight million gods spread across the heavens and the earth admitted, and from this time on, Bernaded was the first to marry Torkelis, the lord of the Carostarans, and became husband and wife".

The cleric, who watched the two check each other's status with a gleaming face, strictly declares that he will change his expression.

Hearing that, Tris and Bell looked at each other, lips overlapping without either.

"That was a long time..."

Bell says as he is impressed as he turns his arms around Tris neck.


Tris, who answers, also has such expressions as senselessness.

"I'm over forty years old."

Sparkling liquid builds up in Bell's eyes.


I'll gently take out the handkerchief and wipe your tears, Tris.

"But forgive me because I'm younger than before"

I call those two "I should be only twenty...?" and the cleric, staring at him wonderfully, remembers that the next one was packed.

The two of them are just thrown out of the country because they are waiting for the naming order, but this is normal, so they don't deserve to be angry that they've broken the atmosphere.

Taking Bell's arm, Tris escorted his new wife to leave the shrine behind.

Rain also rose in the afternoon.

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Al."

Tris and Bell, crossed by two horses wearing Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, speak to Mizuchi from the horse.

After the wedding ceremony this morning, the two of you will now travel on your honeymoon after lunch.

In front of the Boyle Pavilion there is a crowd of members of the Killers (Slaters), except Al, who is going to the Royal Castle.

"I knew you'd want a can."

"Right - you have to pull the 'can' when you go to honeymoon"

Ralpha and Guine are saying something of their own accord, but since it's the usual thing, no one will take care of it.

"Be careful."

Mizuchi replies to the two, but Tris is laughing and contracting.

"You can go slowly, but we'll be at the drain tomorrow evening, so you'll be fine."

Doran is a pretty big city about two hundred kilometers southwest of Balduk.

It is also the capital of the Duke of Rondor, the southwestern part of the heavenly realm ruled by the royal family, and is said to have a larger population than Balduk, exceeding 60,000.

Known for its scenic landscapes, such as the chopped cliffs and the sandy beaches that stretch beside it, and Mount Mismotch, where flowers bloom differently depending on the characteristic shaped rocks and seasons, are said to never see the same scenery throughout the year, it is also a tourist city that people want to visit once and for all for their spare lives in the country.

A few years ago, after Al met Zenom and Ralpha, he also stayed for a few days on his way to Balduk.


Both Mizuchi and Tris have seen the power of Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof that is magic (magic item) on their heads this year.

If you use that one, the horse won't get tired at all, so the distance traveled becomes quite something.

"Well, I'll be back next Friday"

Bell strolled the horse's reins as he said pleasantly.

June 5, 7448.

Tris and Bell were having tea at the end of an extra break.

"The fact that that big rock can be seen between us and the coast is less than 10 km away..."

Spread the map made by Guine, says Tris.

"... look! There! Nice view! It's time for the scenery to change."

At the tip of Bell's finger, there was about three minutes of wetlands in the middle school schoolyard, with adorable little flowers blooming and shaken by the wind.

There is a kind of fantastic sight that goes hand in hand with the light of the sun near dusk.

"Ooh. Beautiful..."

Tris leans against the bell pointing to the wetlands.

Enjoy the beautiful landscape with a cup of tea for about five minutes.

"Shall we go? One more breath, maybe fifteen minutes to dash."

Looking back, Tris walks toward the horse.

"It won't take you an hour to get there normally if you're 10 km away, so let's take our time."

Bell also holds the cup in his back sac (rucksack) and follows.

"Hey, if I had a warm cup of tea, I'd like a cold beer."

"I don't think the beer is cold..."

"You can warm it up. You want to hang out."

"Don't get too drunk from the start anymore, okay? If it doesn't help..."


"I don't know!

"Ha, Koya Tsubatsu"


The two of them, who once again became horseback people while breastfeeding each other, seem to have decided to slowly go for the city of Dolan while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

"... I'm glad the monster didn't come out or something."

Bell says as he walks by the side of it looking at the blooming wetlands.

"Yeah. But you said both Guine and Mr. Fern, right? There's nothing like a monster coming out of this Zaridor street between Dolan and the King's Capital."

Guineh has been a scattered path in trade since he was a young child, and Farn has been on many trips to and from Barkud. It was heartbeat that monsters would rarely strike while they were up to Doran.

As a result, the two of them went on a trip without armor (especially though it was usually the knights and squire who wore armor, and at best the adventurers who contracted to escort the caravan), equipped only with the least amount of weapons.

Of course, there were some who disagreed about going on a trip with just two people, starting with the slave heads, but it was ineffective to preach monster threats like going out around the king's capital to two of them, first-class adventurers, ancient ginseng members of the slaughterers (Slaters) and at the same time powerful magic users.

Above all, I don't want my companion to interrupt my honeymoon, which is the real deal between the two of us, up to Dolan, who is supposedly more secure in the first place. It was difficult to imagine a crisis in rare things.

And as expected, nothing has arrived at the end of his eyes and nose to Doran.

The two floating people were totally in the mood for an amusement mountain.

"Hey, don't you two come..."

"Oh, I see it"

"I'm on a horse. You're not a knight?

"Heh, I don't see you in armor."

"... right. A man and a woman?

"Come on, you don't make a lot of money. You don't have a face to match Thor's husband. If you weren't a knight, you'd be a pedestrian. It's just the two of us, and we're gonna do it?

Five men and women hid themselves in the bushes of shrubs around the wetlands cut off.

Relax. I was talking to Tris and Bell from a distance about letting them walk their horses.

Will the distance still be 200 m away?

From the five who hide themselves, the left hand buries two hundred meters to the beach like a sandy forest with shrubs.

On the right hand side, across the street, on the land side, there is a wetland that the Tris and the others view until about twenty meters away, and on the front side of it, the shrubs grow like on the left hand side.

The two horseback riders approach the well-maintained streets slowly, pointing to parts of the wetlands from time to time.

"You guys, stick with me on the field before I find you. If you're going to do it, it's from a woman who looks weak."



A dwarf (Gnome) man and a Pu (Hume) woman ordered by a leader-like tiger (Tigerman) woman crossed the street sassy with herself low and hidden in the bush opposite at a distance of about a few meters.

From this side of the street, between the two of them in position, a large mesh of eyes made of sturdy outlines is filled.

This side of the net stretches out a line from the corner, the tip of which is firmly tied to the trunk of a tree a little deeper.

The nets, stretched to the other side while buried in the street, are still stretched from the corner by two syllables, hanging from the street by branches in just the right position about two meters high that are difficult to ascertain, and when hidden men and women pull the edge of the syllable, the nets buried shallow on the surface of the street are lifted.

The size of the eyes is about 80 cm, so it is easy to pull down the line at the time the horse passes over the net, lift the net, and tangle the horse's feet.

The trap is completed by sticking the metal pile attached to the line into the hole that is drilled into the trunk of the tree.

If you can even stick a pile in within seconds of a horse starting to rumble, you can certainly earn a few dozen seconds until the net is cut.

The net is not pinned, so it is difficult to cut without a fairly sharp blade.

Let's just say that less cleavage swords and spears made of cast iron are valid in the main oath.

"... those are good clothes. Horses look good, too. Are you noble?

"Noble people will give you money."

"Right. Is this bong bong around the king's capital?

"Is there anybody behind them?

"... hey, look at you"

Everyone barefoot in crude outfits.

A few of them are wearing worn out leather armor.

The score is three spears and two bows.

Looks like two of the trap clerks and the leader woman are using spears.

Also, everyone has a knife.

"Heck, I'm totally off guard with the women, let's do this."

"Don't rush. We'll make sure there's no one behind us."


"Never hit an arrow on a horse, do you? It's going to be pretty expensive."

He said, "I know."

While doing so, Tris and Bell are getting closer and closer.

I didn't see any follow-up behind them.

The Tigerman woman who confirmed it giggles damned nimmari.

He's killing his breath, lowering himself and disappearing.

It's hard to spot unless you know it and observe it closely.

"An earlier carriage went and thirty minutes. No follow-up.... Okay, I'll do it"

The leader also sent a decisive signal to his companions lurking on the other side of the street.

"The wetlands are over."

"Right. But we might still have it. There's a little more till sundown, and you want to go slow?


Tris and Bell slowly advance the horse.

The two horses are walking relaxed with a cool tail.

And go through the place where the net was buried.


A sudden signal lifted the net from the ground, through the foot of the horse, to the belly.



Tris and Bell raise their voices of surprise, but both their hands immediately extend to a sword that sits on their hips.



A surprised horse hissed and tried to get up on his hind legs to escape the net, but he could not escape the net lifted to his belly.



A signal was sent that they were able to plug the pile firmly in.


At the same time as the leader signals, when the bow string rings, the two arrows are set loose against the bell.

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