June 5, 7448.



A small voice rises convinced of the hit at the same time as the arrow is released.

But Tris and Bell, who held the sword and cast a spell (Command Word) before thinking, "Ah," there were times when they were just ringing as first-rate adventurers (Versatilers) on the boulder.

Be aware of coping and resistance for your own safety without checking any circumstances, such as what happened or why. If that doesn't seem possible, then run. Understanding the situation is next.

The labyrinth adventurers are very different from knights, squires, or adventurers in general.

If at any time a labyrinth adventurer feels any danger, even if they cannot be attacked or clearly determined to be attacked, they act assuming that everything that moves except their companions is a harmful enemy.

Whether the subject is demonic or human, there is no confusion whatsoever there.

To put it well, it can also be said that he is highly crisis conscious, but normally he is a dangerous guy with a low boiling point.

Of course it is the same with the earth in the oath.

That said, it is rarely suddenly in combat mode outside of the labyrinth because it instantly determines the threat and moves to the corresponding response if it feels low.

It can also be said that this quickness of judgment is a testament to the adventurers who have worked out.

In Tris' hand is held a magical sword that erupts flames from his body and is instantly swung against a net that is being pulled up to his feet.

Bell's body, targeted by a bow, is instantly wrapped in thin blue magic light.

Though an arrow hit Bell's neck, behind its right back and behind its right flank, those who hit his neck fell to the ground without even stabbing him at the tip of that flank at all, and the flank hasn't been busily damaged. The clothes seem to have penetrated, so this one hangs from Bell's flank.

"Four o'clock!

Bell screams.

"I didn't stab you!?"

The shooter's elite (elf) man screams.


Another archer, a man of the Dog Nation (Dogwer), also makes a big shout of amazement.

Earlier small voices only knew about the direction, but if you raise your voice so loud, Tris and Bell can also grab an approximate distance.


The leader Tigerman woman is also amazed.

Of course, she also knows that magic objects (magic items) exist, but they are too precious to be linked immediately.

Besides, if elemental magic is used alone, it is possible to use it immediately.

Tris and Bell share roles in the breath of Ayumu.

Because Bell does not have a bow and the horse is unable to move freely, Bell, shallow wounded and incapable of using magic, challenges the melee and cuts the net while Tris magically covers it.

Not to mention that Bell can show comparable defenses to metal armor, so this would be the right answer.

The first blow failed to reduce the number of heads and allowed the opponent to act. In these cases, the Raiders' side is Theory to aim from those who can get off the horse and move freely, so they are their actions in reading it.

Again: "Gabbado!" Bell jumps over the net with his left foot off the hook as he casts a spell and gently jumps from the back of his horse when he hangs it on the saddle.

Two arrows struck again at the same time as the landing, but one came off when Bell twisted himself slightly, one hitting the right shoulder.

But the hitting arrow once again falls poton the spot like it was played by something.

With a glimpse of an empty blouse hole in his right arm, Bell makes an incredible steep acceleration toward the elf man who shot his bow as he moves onto the dash.

Along the way, Tris' unleashed Stonebolt magic warhead overtakes Bell and flies toward the dogwarts who are about to turn on the arrows again.

"Hey, what the hell!? Wow!!

The elf reaches for the knife on his hips when he lets go of his bow.

One has been scolded, but despite receiving as many as three arrows, why can this woman move so much?

Elves panic half the time because they don't understand and can't grasp the knife pattern well.

The Tigerman woman, the leader of the raider, also stunned from the bottom of her heart, but still tried to stick it out toward the bell as she lifted the spear she had placed on the ground so as not to stand out.

"There is! Ouch!

Hold her belly and squat as the dog warrior man who unleashed an arrow beside her unleashes a scream.

Tris' Stone Arrow (Stonebolt) was hit.

The leader is stunned once again.

With that said, that man on the horse, he should have been using flame or fire-based magic shortly after he tangled his horse's legs with a net. Yet you've already attacked magic!?

The surprise created a deadly gap for her.

Bell decided that the woman trying to put up a spear was more threatening and changed her target.

Bell jumps into nostalgia while paying up a spear rolled out by a Tigerman woman with an infantry sword (short sword) in her hand.

Tigerman woman releasing a kick and letting such a bell get close.

Bell twists her body as she releases a faceless kick.

At the same time, he slapped the patterned head of an infantry sword (short sword) into the tibia of his kicking leg and slashed it on the opposite leg where the movement stopped.

Bell's manipulative sword was pulled out after cutting meat to Tigerman's femur.

Bell kicks Tigerman's face up with a rubber bottom boot with his toes stiffened with ebonite trying to squat accidentally to shelter the wound.

A splashy nosebleed blooms red in the sky, adding more color to the sight of the drain.


An elf man with an arm stretched to pierce a knife towards a bell like that.

The blunt glowing blade pierced the blouse and stabbed Bell in the back...... it didn't.

"Shh," as if it was inhibited by something stiff. The blouse and the thin shirt underneath it also just slipped the blade as they cleaved together.

I did poke it at an angle close to the vertical!?

Again, stunned and trembling elves.


Looking back at the cursing elf, Bell twinkles and triflings his sword when he says "even though it was high" in a frigid cold voice.

He was slashed in the hand holding the knife, his opposite hand was slashed, and his thigh was heavily damaged.

The elf man squatts, losing his temper to resist anymore.

Confirming the feeling of a broken rib by punching a kick into its flank, Bell puts his thigh with his right hand and his sword against his neck as he steps on Tigerman's shoulder, which is rolling by holding his face down with his left hand.

Tris, on the other hand, already has a cat.


A Pu (fume) woman shouts out a spear at Tris on the horse.

Tris had masterfully manipulated the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) and slashed the woman's spear.

The Norm man is like a white snowman with his whole body entangled in the magic of a spider's nest (web) and nothing can be done.

"Hii, hii no!!"

The woman of Hume, who instantly left herself and realized that her companions had been wiped out, threw down a spear whose tips had been cut off for no use, raised a cloudy cry of terror and swept out into the streets to the city of Doran.

"Shit, you want to die... it's not my hobby"

Tris whining in his mouth.

Spread your left hand and stick it out against the woman's back.

A stone arrow (stone bolt) was released slightly between them and pierced the back of the escaping woman.

As for Tris, he had no choice but to aim for his back because he could remove his severely moving hands and feet.

Having treated Bell, who suffered a minor injury, Tris uses the net that remained on fire instead of a rope, tying everyone's hands behind his back, including those captured by the web.

As for the feet, they are tied with a rope of about dozens of centimetres, and they are not forgotten to be able to run.

It should be noted that for the wounds they sustained, the recovered bells were only providing minimal healing, so everyone is holding their lives.

Of course, before hanging the healing magic, he was interrogated with threats at first.

As a result of that interrogation, I only confirmed that there seemed to be no back-to-back relationship in Balduk, but not as popular as believing the words of the bandits in their entirety.

Tie the five men behind their backs, hang a rope around their necks and make a number of pearls, and Tris pulls.

With a bow hanging behind it on his shoulder, Bell pulled up to Doran as he watched.

They are going to hand it over to the Knights of Doran.

"Hey, you guys. You can miss it. I'll pay you. Come on."

"Oh, fifty, no, I can pay 600,000 Z. Please."

"Are you an adventurer? It's boulder strength, isn't it? I can make money, too. Come on."

The bandits who spoken such sweet words.

But neither Tris nor Bell ever worked together.

He only opened his mouth when he asked the first serf-like man who was interested in viewing in the city of Doran at dusk about the location of the Knights garrison.

Both Tris and Bell were angry.

Tris was angry about being hurt by Bell, who had just become his new wife. Of course, Bell had been hurt, but he was angry that he had been torn apart of an expensive blouse and that his honeymoon in the corner was about to be ruined.

That's natural anger, but there's no reason I can't tell enough to leave it to anger to kill the bandits.

Several eyes were following the two and five men heading to the Knights of Doran hiding in the shadows of the city.

"Hmm. Surely this guy is Zoe McConnell. You're one of the little heads of the Bandits“ Dawn. "

A knight told Tris and the others who stuck out the bandits they arrested.

"Heh? Dawn. This is the first time I've heard of you. Are you famous?

Another knight answered Tris' question.

"That's quite the case with the drain. By the way, you and your wife look like civilians, but do you have noble witnesses?

"No, I'm not. But we were both associates until yesterday. Can't you do that?

Tris answers, thinking this is going to be a bit of a hassle.

"Um, well, in these guys' case, I know it's okay because they've committed a lot of other crimes, and some witnesses about it, but for once, yeah. A nobleman can testify a little exaggerated and hit you in the neck in one shot."

It is, as always, a Romberto-like response of aristocratic supremacy.

As a result, Zoe and the others who carried out the chase were not given a prize.

But the Torre Lion (Lios) man, who is the head of the dawn, was hung with a very high prize of three million Z.

"I'm going to be told by the Ser in the fall, too, right?


Tris and Bell talk about Al, who marched from the king as Earl of the League.

In the process it is naturally revealed that they are both members of the Killers (Slaters).

"Hey, I didn't know you were a member of the Slaters who defeated the Dragon. Then even two to five...... Those guys were out of luck, too."

The feat we raised in Balduk was also passed on to this drain.

Some of the Knights of the Dragon went all the way to the king's capital to see the dragon's head.

"By the way, watch out for Dawn. Not as long as they're not resentful. Have you decided on a place to stay?

Tris and the others tell the name of the finest inn in Doran.

"You can rest assured that Meehas will have guards, and they won't be able to get their hands on you that easily."

With the words of the knight who so undertakes, the two headed to the city of Doran.

"Damn, you were scattered."

"True, it's everywhere."

The two in the form of being ketched on their honeymoon go on to Meehas, where they heard the place in the Knights complaining.

"Your head, it looks like Zoe and the others stepped on it."

Behind a nasty tavern on the tip of the slum south of the city of Drun.

His men were kneeling down to the man in Lios, who swung back in the middle of the big couch and let the woman in Hume, who let him sail left and right, make an exaggeration.

"Am I? What happened?

Lios' man replies, but has a cup in one hand and the other hand diving under the woman's clothes to get her chest done.

Instead of showing a reluctant bare gesture, the woman was happy to whisper.

The brunette Lios man prefers the Hume woman, not her own kind, for some reason.

"Heh. Zoe doesn't make a lot of money these days, so I was putting on a geel or something to make her do the chase on Zaridor Avenue."

Reporting men kneel, but their eyes stare firmly at the breasts of a woman whose shape changes.

"Yeah. Well, if only the timing of the Knights' lookout were off, it'd be a shame to attack the pedestrians"

Lios tilts the cup as he responds raw.

Yeah, and my voice leaked out of the mouth of the woman who messed with my chest.

"But you see, those guys, just now, were pulled up by an elf man and a Lady of the Rabbit (Bunny Man) to the Knights' Garrison..."

A subordinate who reports staring at a woman with cloudy eyes.

"Got caught? And to both of us? How many did you put on Zoe? No, Zoe's the best of the four little heads, whoa."

Lios asks as she pulls her hand out of the woman's chest and sticks the cup out to the woman next door.

"I wore four of them: Geel, Beth, Bean, and Tommy. All tied to a number of pearls..."

Lios throws a cup on the way his men are reporting.

"Just kidding! Dawn got all five of them and only two of them did it!? Then the black blade will lick you too! Find those two and smash them to death!

Two women frightened by Lios, who suddenly shouted up.

Blood finally fell from the forehead of the man whose cup was hit.

"Heh! Yasa is easy to find out! This is Meehas."

My men, who were thrown a cup, also answer in awe.

Those eyes are blood falling off my forehead. I'm staring around.

"Meehas... it's hard to get your hands on... hey, gather 'em all! When you get out of the inn, take him into the back alley for a gap and tie him up! I'll kill Zoe directly before she gets judged!

Lios includes the contents directly in his mouth when he takes virtue from a frightened woman.

When I took the sword that was hanging on the edge of the couch, I made a noise and pulled it out of the sheath, spraying it all over me.


Other guys watching what happened in the store scream at Lios like that.

"Thor's husband's booze spray is out!

"This is a sight to behold!

Lios barks as he stares at both his men like that.

"You guys go too!! Tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow at the latest, I'll let you know how horrible Dawn is!

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