8 Jun 7448

Katze is being poked with a blazing sword.

Carol, whose right shoulder is pierced by a sword and whose left hand is sheltering her wound with a knee poked to the ground as she bleeds.

"What the hell? What the hell was that? Ah?"

The Tors showed up late there.

Nearly a dozen men, including small heads such as Jingal and Gumran, are holding off beside Thor.

But there was an unexpected, surprising look on the faces of all my men.

They had put a lot of faith in Carol's fighting power.

Also, I've only heard reports from Carol's guys Rossi that they're twice as numerous as they are, and if they're going to buy time, they're going to make money.

That's what's pushing us to the point of total annihilation, even though we rushed immediately after receiving the report.

Thor observes his opponent with caution, even as he taps lightly.

A man with dark green hair who looks like an elite (elf).

A woman with blue hair who looks like a bunnyman.

A weapon-like weapon is like a sword with a wave-beating blade in your right hand, and anything else that looks like it doesn't look like you're wearing it on the knife itself.

So much so that the swelling of the pockets on the thighs in the elf pants is noticeably different from left to right.

Do you put in a wallet with a large inflated right but so full of contents?

Muscular and fit for an elf.

Clothes are quite something...... Bunny Man's outfit has changed slightly, but is likely to be favored for the roughness that uproots the backtown.

Still, I don't use a shield, and it's unclear how I prevented Carol from witchcraft when I'm not wearing armor.

No way, did you play it with a sword?

It's not a comic book from a previous life, and even if you're a master of swords, you can't be anything but street art.

Even Carol is not dumb enough to fire at that distance.


At that time, an elf poking his sword at Katze turned carefully and slowly.

At the same time, the flames that were wrapped around him disappeared.

"It's definitely these guys! Head!

"Mr. Carroll?

"Daché. Dear Katze!"

"Let's do it!

Thor raises his hand and shuts his mouth against his servants who call him up.

"Shut up for a second."

From about ten meters away, I narrow my eyes to look closely at the elf's face, and for that reason, it becomes a staring face.

Then he tries to identify even the flaming sword's tongue, but he doesn't know it until then.

I thought it might be a magical sword (magical sword) that I heard rumors about.

Acknowledging that face, Thor comes to mind with his unique skill, super clever (Ultra Deft).

Of course, even Tor cannot be prevented unless he has a shield, such as an arrow or sorcery fired from another direction during battle. Impossible to play with a sword.

Or, thanks to that sword...... no, there's nothing unusual about the sword used by Bunny Man, who is relative to Carol.

Thor is good at seeing Bunny Man's side after the elf.

But if you're the same Japanese as yourself...?

Even if special inherent skills specific to defense exist….

That's what I mean......

I've been busy working my head for a long time, even though I'm good at it.

Is that woman Japanese, too? She's my favorite woman.

Try this on the elf guy too, you know exactly what it's like to be Japanese.

I'm pretty sure these guys have enough defensive skills to even attack magic.

And then that's the woman who's smashing Carol.

Even Carol is pretty good at melee, so that means you have that arm too...

Look at those breasts. Even from the side, it is quite shapely and exhilarating.

What? Is that a bra? What happened to your bra? No, maybe I made it.

I can't imagine the inherent skills of a man, but I've never gone beyond caution.

Is it the man who did Hogs and Jacqueline?

So Katze also means one-on-three together, so you're saying it's a pretty good user to subtract their low prowess?

I thought adventurers were no big deal compared to knights, but how could you do that?

No, because you're using the Devil's Sword?

... I want it.

Yeah, that would be something a good user like me would use to show the truth.

Damn, those thighs, my eyes are really going.

...... hmm? That's pretty muscular.

Yeah, but no matter how many of them are, they are good enemies to me when I use Ultra Deft to the fullest.

If you're one-on-one, you'll never lose!

But you surprised me with the Japanese.

I knew you were here...

Ugh. Even if you skip the bunnyman thing. Awesome!

But why are you dressed like that?

That's right, if you look closely, your arms are thick, and even your abs are cracked......

Kill him and you'll get that sword, too!?

But I thought it was time to enrich my men... and kill them a little?

... What can I do to subordinate these guys?

But I...

Thor, who in an instant gave thought to many things, never opens his mouth.

"Are you Japanese?

The elf answers when he hears that.

'That's what you are, too. But I can't believe you're hanging out with these guys. "

Tris was also quite upset inside because the Japanese turned out to be related unexpectedly. But I will not fail to be cautious of Katze, who is poking his sword at me. He also kept his poker face desperate not to be enlightened by inner agitation.

'Hmm, but I couldn't even live properly if I didn't. I don't want to be told by someone who doesn't know that. "

Thor remembers the escaped Damul Spinning Chamber of Commerce without even having time to grow busily.

I would have been sold to the mine before I was even a teenager if I had spent time there like that.

Then it is possible that the child's body was subjected to heavy labor and was debilitated to death.

You don't know anything. You can say whatever you want!

'Oh well. I had a hard time being born at the bottom of a society like this for no reason, you can't help dyeing your hands at crime to live, can you? That's what guys like you always say with their mouths together. That's where Japan and Aus are together. "

Tris threw up as if he had lost interest.

Thor, who heard of it, caught on to his rage, but succeeds in calming down his feelings somehow.

But I was sure I couldn't help but say a word back.

"Ooh, you're right. You don't know the truth about those who were born at the bottom, either in Japan or in Aus. You look like you're dressed up and forgetting, so I'm gonna tell you something. '

Niyali and Tor.

'This isn't Japan. And good for you, it's my dawn territory. Nobody calls the Knights to tell them he was murdered.'

Tris and Bell unwittingly look at each other when they hear that.

"What? You suddenly freaked out when I remembered? Boy, I grew up with a hipster...... well. I thought I'd give him a kick in the ass, but he's the same Japanese. Honestly, give me that sword and that woman. Oh, you can just hurt me and forgive me, okay?

Of course, I'm not going to miss the elf man alive.

'... hmm?

Thor shouts surprised to see how Tris and Bell are doing.

The two were laughing with a refreshing face.

'Hey. Aren't they going to call me? Then it was okay to kill him.'

'Sounds like it. It's self-defense, and I don't think you can blame me for killing it... but killing it isn't good for sleeping, and I thought it would be troublesome for the Knights, so I didn't just take my life. "

Thor peeled his eyes off at the two people talking to each other about things he hadn't expected.

Are you scared?

That's all there is to it, huh?

Besides, were you trying not to kill me?

That's Carol, right? Not only attacking magic, but if you let them use poisonous nails, they're pretty armed... there's no way you can take them out of hand!



Do we all hang up at once?

No, considering you beat Carol, this one's pretty damaging too...

Zoe and her group are also imprisoned by the Knights.

More inability to move is a major problem with boulders.

You don't lose one-on-one, do you?

"That's a lot of confidence, you guys"

Tor telling me to provoke a little.

"Are you speaking a foreign language? Wow!"

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. A boulder."

"Whoa, 'Japanese' doesn't make sense to the guys around me. From now on, it's good to see you in Ragdarios. Well."

I heard Thor's words, and Tris and Bell were all there, and I thought, "I guess that's the first time I used Japanese," but I didn't say anything.

"So, what? If I give you this sword and this woman, will you miss me?

"Oh? Are you offering me? You're terrible."

Tris and Bell return plenty of spare response.

But more than ten in addition to Katze, with the exception of the three who were already severely wounded and rendered powerless.

It includes the reincarnated.

We both have quite a sense of crisis in our minds.

But the Tors only know the surface.

So much so that Tris and Bell were accustomed to havoc, and the poker face went into the hall.

"Whoa, leave such a terrible guy alone. I'll make you my woman."

Thor, who pulls out his slurry and sword and says:

Thor's swordsmanship relies on intrinsic skills.

The sword (short sword) used by the infantry is also a specially made super luxury item that he made to the blacksmith to make it easier to use.

On the left hand side is still a specially made big knife.

Thor freely manipulates this small and large with both hands and uses it in a motion that is unusual and free to defend against attacks.

It was also a horrible place to unleash an attack even from an unlikely posture, even though it was self-flowing but thus shapeless.

The only person who has ever struggled is Carol, who has unleashed attack magic at divine speed.

Then open your mouth with the short sword tip held in your right hand against Tris.

"Hey you. That's enough, let him go. A one-on-one battle with me. I'll never let these guys have a hand, and if I win, I won't take it to life. Put in an apology and leave the money and its sword, the woman, and I'll miss you."

As Tor, I simply don't want to hurt Bell, sometimes it seems like it would be difficult for a while to hold if I hurt him, but I just avoided confronting Bell, who seems to have the inherent skill to even supposedly disable Carol's offensive witchcraft.

Because while the defense is battling a skillful and troublesome bell, it seems troublesome to be coming for an unintentional strike by Tris, who would be good at sword moves.

On the contrary, he said it still seemed easy.

In some cases, you may be able to slaughter Tris at once and decide the battle.

I haven't even licked the bell with Tris, the reincarnator.

But if it's a one-on-one melee, you'll never lose.

There was unwavering confidence.

With his sword pointing at him, Tris is inwardly uplifting his drink.

"Heh? One-on-one. You look strong.... By the way, I heard if you won. But what the hell happens when I win?

"Oh? You admit to making me a prize?

Belle with a slightly obstinate tone.

"Don't be like that if you think I'm gonna lose. But I can't lose. Don't you?"

With that said, Tris releases the swollen, heavy-looking pockets of his right thigh toward the bell by unbuttoning the button he is clamping to his trousers and removing each pocket.

When Bell received it, everyone who watched it thinking it sounded like a coin touching each other got a slightly unexpected look because those sounds did nothing.

"Hmm, that's what I found out. The strongest guy sticks his head up. If you win, the head of the dawn will be you from today on.... if you could beat me."

Everyone looked convinced when Thor said so.

Violence is the absolute in the back society, and if it is strong, it is justice.

My men and the wild horses around me said it was true, but it seemed as if no one had thought of Thor losing at all.

A reborn called Thor is so well known for his strength.

There have been rumours that the heads of other criminal groups have avoided direct confrontation with Thor in the past few years, and that it would be strength to enter three fingers, including the Knights Commander, in the city of Drun.

"Phew...... Right... Hmmm..."

Tris only got an imaginative look for a moment, but suddenly the atmosphere changes.

There is even a feeling that the ambient temperature has dropped sharply, leaving plenty of room for laughter unbroken.

"Heh... If so, even if I'm the prize...... but how far can you believe that word?

Bell, by contrast, still hasn't neglected to be careful with Carol, but he smiles nimmari in a bright atmosphere when he unbuttons the lid on the pocket he receives from Tris and checks the contents.

"Hey, declare it right. Then I can give you a prize, okay?

I looked around and told Thor.

It was as if we were going to make sure again where and who was standing and what was.

It is too surprising an answer as a toll.

It's normal to hate the heads of criminal groups and such for these kinds of deals.

At least it is common to say, "There is no way there is such a thing" at times like this, such as the protagonist of a story from a previous life.

Not to mention conditions that are likely to be abominable, such as making your spouse a commodity.

Similar values are also shared by wealthier people than the civilian population of Aus.

Maybe these guys are quite the organizers (yakuza) in some city, not adventurers or something?

Fuji such an idea brings Tor's head, but that makes it quick to talk.

If we have the same kind of agreement to believe in power, we don't have to kill it to be able to do it.

If so, it's a little shame, but giving up a woman (bunnyman) to boost the elf's loyalty isn't stingy either.

"... All right. All right, listen up! Declare it!

Tall enough to be heard by everyone, including the surrounding wild horses.

And stick your sword up.

"If I win, give me everything you've got! If you win, everything at dawn is yours! The battle is one-on-one with me and you! I won't let you get in the way! And... it's settled when one of them dies!... Is this it?

As for Thor, I didn't want to kill him until I was sure he was from Tris, but if I did, that's fine, I don't think I can help it.

"Okay. Okay. What's the starting signal?

Tris asks calmly, still with his sword stuck in Katze's throat.

"Come on. Get your sword off him. How about when he steps this side of the line?

Tor answers because he draws a line to the ground with his sword tip.

Hearing that, Tris waved the tip of the sword he was pointing at Katze and said, "Go, slow down," he half-hearted toward Tor and reassembled his sword.

"Katze, I don't need a small worker. Come slow."

Tor says as he cleverly pulls out the knife with only his left hand from behind his hips.

Tris frowns only a little when he sees Tor, who has become like a duplicitous, but lays down his sword without saying anything.

I made a prediction from Tris' setup that he would use some Orthodox sword, and he said, "You should have used magic, right?," says Tor with plenty of room.

It is discernible that he would not even be concentrating on the spirit of magic because he is not pointing his fingertips or palms to direct magic.

In particular, Tor, who was crawling around the bottom of society, doesn't know more about magic than Carol has ever heard of him, and of course he can't use it.

Even for the source Carol, she had a magic education in the Knights, so the knowledge is pretty superior in the Aus, so that's usually not a problem.

As for Thor, he was going to let Tris use offensive magic first and then move on to the melee.

If you are looking at the moment of firing in a one-on-one manner and calmly in this way, it is possible to do so if you are free for as much as 10 m.

The flying speed of the magic warhead itself is generally only more than a hundred kilometers per hour, to the extent that adults throw stones.

The throwing ball of a high school baseball pitcher is a little faster.

It's impossible to be more skilled than her at a younger age than Carol, and I usually don't do it because I don't have the magic to inject extra magic into her to increase speed. If you're going to use magic to do that, you should get more trouble.

Also, Tris was thinking about watching the other person's movements before responding.

Tris is completely uninformed about Tor and still thinks he can't fail to be careful about magic.

But this is more than necessary because Carol knew she was going to use magic.

Although I haven't actually seen either of her moves, I can tell you that it was too cautious to know that Yakuza also had someone to use magic, or that Tor took care of herself knowing she was a reincarnator.

In reality, there are rarely people like Yakuza who can use magic.

Because if you have the strength of your will to continue your magic training, you are more likely to live on a straight path.

While doing so, Katze slowly stepped over the line.

But still, I don't see any major moves along with both Thor and Tris.

Though we both felt a little clapped out knowing we weren't coming using magic right away, Thor sometimes thought of it.

... that sword hasn't wrapped a flame yet.

Oh, it's magic, not magic swords.

Or, magic props?

Or have you used your magic in battle with the Katzes and you have no more magic?

Tris is thinking of something else again at Tris.

Sounds like we'll do it there, but why not try to use magic?

... Ah.

Can't you use it?


That's right, killing is... bouldering.

It was Thor who rushed ahead.

"You're not coming? Then we're going this way. Gogga!

Tor is going to kata at once more than not coming from the other side.

As a result, he suddenly dashed toward Tris using even instant (instant tenios) special skills.

Short sword on right hand side.

Knife on left hand side.

Leaning forward to throw his torso out, his arms, grabbing the score, are spread slightly rearward of his body.


When Tris casts a spell (Command Word), flames erupt in an instant from the blade of a wavering sword.


A short sword slashed from the bottom by Thor is inhibited by Tris' Flaming Sword (Flame Tan).

A blazing sword hits the upper part about ten centimeters from the area around the short sword.

Thor slashed for Tris' thigh with a knife that was just gripped in his left hand.


The Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) disappears leaving a glowing remnant so fast that Tor wraps his tongue around it and plays the blade of the knife.

That's all Tris got the momentum to rotate his body, and when he released the spinning kick, he kicked the right flank of Tor and quickly took another distance.


The damage of the kick pushes it through to the core of the body with more impact than Thor thought.

What the fuck?


Tor is the first to be aware of rubber bottom boots for labyrinth treading with nail tips solidified with ebonite.

That's right, that sword... is that the kind of trick?

"The Lion Clan (Lios) opponents are used to it..."

Thor cleverly receives the sword of Tris as he firmly crosses the short sword with the knife and kills its momentum as he penetrates it with thoughtful steps.

The weight and velocity of the slaughter released by Tris was quite something, as Thor expected from his physique and muscle mass.

And instantaneous (instantenios) runs out.

"What, are we done here? You're pretty low."

Whatever the tone, Thor's head boils to content that makes him look like a little fool.

"Oh, shit!

Thor moves to a series of uncanny attacks screaming.

Thousands of changing moves rolled out continuously from the bottom, from the right and from the left.

The cheers revolve around the men who saw it.

Tris is sometimes on the front line with more than one monster against him, but he is immediately pushed to the side of the fight.

Without a shield, we can't really move on to the attack.

Thor's moves were so diverse.

But all of the attacks have been prevented by Tris or by a single sword.

Tris was quite impressed inside.

I screwed up with the habit of screwing up.

You mean you're not putting your head up on Dada...

This one sucks if you distract me at all, damn it.

But then so...

Thor thinks he can bring it to his own pace now, although he was in quite a hurry at first, and that he should always show a gap if he pushes it at this rate.

But Tris stops looking at hasty but reckless offensive opportunities and is completely devoted to defense.


Four in.

Gah! Gah!

Five in.

A blade chirping noise echoes at the crossroads of Rabble and Kalha streets.

I am not alone in meeting with Thor so far.

Neither the men who were cheering, nor anyone who already spoke up, swallowed the gokuri and spit to watch what was going on.

The only wild horse still raising his voice is the wild horse he was watching on the far roll.

Note that the flame of the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) has been lost for a long time.

And finally, the time had come for the equilibrium that had been preserved to be broken.


From between them, the sound sounded clearer than ever before.

The short sword used by Tor broke about ten centimetres from the tundra.

No, this is what Tris was after.

Thor doubts my eyes for this too.

Stupid!? This is a special made sword with 4 million Z's!?

It's not Tris who misses that gap.


Tris pinched Thor's fist with a knife on his left hand and crushed it with a patterned head of his right knee and sword!

Thor accidentally removes the knife.

From there, Tris moves abruptly to a counterattack.


Kick the knee,


Poke your thighs,


Slap a punch with a coin in your bent face.

The surroundings are quiet as if they hit water.

Tor, with his buttocks on and his nosebleed, looks around.

"Hey, you guys, don't look at me! Do it!

Thor to hang the decree on his men.

The guys try to rebuild the gains they made as they were bounced off and head to Tris.

At that moment...

There was a roar at the crossroads.

Bell removed the contents of the pockets from Tris and used them.

My men stuttered at the loud noise and stopped moving for only a moment.

But I try to rush over like I remember right away.



"I'm stuck!




It was Bell who aimed at the gap that stopped him from moving and used the water and fire magic that would be level five to put out massive amounts of ice and solidify him about below his knees.

"Wasn't it one-on-one? By the way, you know what this is, right?

Show the piece of metal you gripped in your right hand and point the short tip of the white smoke at Tor.

"Ke, pistol!?"

Thor's voice spilled into the void like a distraction.

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