8 Jun 7448

"Hi correct. Well done."

Bell remains firmly pointing the muzzle to Tor.

A burning odor of detonator (DDNP) from the detonator reaches Tor's nose.

Thor quickly realized, though pompous, that it "smelled like gunpowder".

"If you move, I'll shoot you."

Butt cake, Belle proclaims cold as she looks down at the stunned Tor.


Having checked the condition, Tris turns his left hand to Tor.

"What!? Stop it!

Hih, and a pitiful scream to cover his head with both hands, Thor.

Tris begins his mental concentration without any attentions.

A white sphere was fired like a snowball when I wondered if blue magic light had gathered in its palms, and Tor quickly put only his head outside and tangled up in a spider thread.

Webb is also used twice by people who are icing beneath their knees to firmly intertwine them all.

They were all more disturbed than Thor.

Then when you stop by Hogs, who is on the verge of fainting due to the pain of losing both wrists, you remove the sword that remains grabbed from both wrists that are rolling.

He called Bell as he pressed a wrist incision against the wound on Hogs' arm, which was also falling with constant and vain eyes.

"It hasn't been long enough, so isn't it okay?

"Goblin was fine until it was enough."

"It sure is. But timing is important. Please."


That being said, Tris uses healing (cure) magic.

Bell used the sorcery of serious injury healing (cure seriousness) to match the sorcery's effect.

It has been experimented with using monsters captured in the labyrinth that even if reconnection (reconnection) magic is not available, it is possible to reconnect the defect at once.

However, it is not possible to reconnect after too long after being disconnected, and there is a need for multiple healing magic users, and at least one of them must be able to use Serious Injury Healing (Cure Serious). Above all, it is also necessary to ensure that the timing of the two healing magic tricks is well aligned.

Connect the other wrist the same way.

"Don't use your hands for a while. It will still hurt, but if it works, I will be able to use it again. Let's hope so, at best."

No treatment was given to Jacqueline, who is stuffy with her crushed nose held down, and Carol, who has the wound there, because this is not what happens immediately.

Carol looked at them flashly with the wounds on her right shoulder.

- How much magic... was that on Webb? I've never seen it before...... Besides, once a severed hand becomes available again? Isn't that what that bunnyman used to cure (cure) something? Higher......?

I can use healing (cure) magic with her, but it takes more than a minute of mental concentration.

Also, I have used the magic of the flame arrow (flame arrow), so many times I can't use the magic of healing (cure).

Once at most.

Whether it can be used twice even when ready to run out of magic.

Then Carol comes to think of it.

They still look like teenagers or, at best, twenty.

Just because you can use three kinds of elemental magic, you're not old enough to use advanced magic like the Web if you're normal. And after using it three times, even Cure?

On top of that, Bunny Man used magic as he progressed, acting like a child opponent to my poisonous nails.

It also seemed like the elves who fought Thor's husband were dealing with plenty of room......

I'm not kidding!

You're too different!

That's right, and why is Thor's husband so afraid of that bunnyman, no, the magic prop that bunnyman has?

I just think of it as a magical prop for phantom sounds (audible glamour) or something similar.

It would have no use other than threats, to the extent that it sprays loud noises and small fires.

"Um, is this all of us? Then you're introducing yourself. My name is Tolkelis Karostaran. Tris is fine. So, this is my wife, Bernadette. Bell is fine. So, you... status open. Nobody. You're not busy...... Hey, you, what's your name?

Tris asks Thor, who only put his head out while sweating.

It should be noted that among the constituents of the dawn, the main members are here except those imprisoned by the Knights such as Zoe, but there are no constituents at the end such as Miina.

"... it's Tor"

Tor answers in a bitter tone.

"Oh, you said your head or something. You're the Thor of the Three Million Z Bounty Neck."

"What are you going to do with me? To the Knights......"

"Well. There's more to this than that, isn't there? What happens if I win? Or do we have to do it until one of us dies, as per the first arrangement?


Thor looks away from Tris regrettably.

As for Thor, I have a desire to reason that "neither of them have settled more than they have died yet," but I also understand that if you say that, it's the last time.

However, honestly acknowledging a loss here is also an obstacle.

If you try him, he thinks the fact that he was threatened with a gun and sealed his movements is what caused this situation.

No, I wanted to think.

Naturally, no account has been taken of the fact that we broke the condition of saying one-on-one there ourselves.

"... hey you, it's normal to think I won this situation, but is there an alienation? If you do, tell me. Whether I admit it or not, I'll just ask."

"... the battle is my loss. You're the one who won."

Tor telling me to squeal with a blur and a small voice.

"I can't hear you with your voice down. One more time, say it out loud. Sounds like everyone here."


Thor distorts his face in regret.

It seemed as if he was reluctant to speak over this period.

"Say it. Hold on tight. Or die one more time?

I said quietly as Bell pushed the gunpoint against my forehead, turning to the front of Tor, who was restrained like a minotaur while sitting down.

Seeing cold eyes like a bottom cold, Thor fears from the bottom of his heart.

These eyes... no.

This woman, I have to tell you, you're serious about me!

"My loss!

Tor saying it out loud like it was a hit.

"... right. So, what happens if he wins?

"Ah, the head of the dawn is you from this moment on!... Damn..."

Thor makes a proclamation in a people's environment.

But at that moment.


A severe pain runs on Tor's face.

Thor wondered if he had been shot.

But in fact, Bell just strained Thor's cheek.

"Hey, isn't it strange to call you against your head?

Eyes on cockroaches scratching algae trying to escape while getting slapped and their guts sticking out.

Cold voice like frost.

But it wasn't the look of disgust that was on that face, it was a thin laugh.

My eyes are not the only ones laughing.

"Ah... ugh..."

Thor regrets everything about a series of matters.

I wonder why I got my hands on these guys.

All those sword arms, powerful sorcery, besides pistols, even apart from the devil's sword-like stuff......

Probably defeated without even letting him pull out half that fighting power.

It's not on the level that they were bad!

I wasn't the one who could win no matter how.

There was no chance of winning from the start.

I need to think about taking Zoe and the others' kejime...

In the first place, Zoe and the others who got their hands on these guys are the culprits.

"Reword it properly."

Bell dropped the tone of his voice somewhat and again ordered it in a gentle tone as he pressed the muzzle against Thor's forehead.


They'll kill you!

I regret it, but if I don't tell you, you're going to have another death feather!

"... the head of the dawn has been replaced by Master Tris!... Ugh."

Thor proclaimed aloud, seeping in tears.

"Say that from the beginning."

When Bell stands up, he arms himself with a pistol in his right hand and looks around with a satisfied look.

"Well, you guys. I'll ask you again. Who's your head at dawn?

Now ask towards a bunch tangled up by the web.

"" It's Master Tris!

"Yeah. My orders are absolute. All right?"

"" Yes! Head! "

That was a pretty good reply.

"Okay. Hey, don't worry. I don't make it bad. Well...... hey you"

Tris calls out to Katze, who was poking his sword at me until just now.

"hey, hey"

Katze answers with a slightly worried look about what they say.

"What's your name?

"My name is Katze. Dear Tris."

"Right. Then Katze, I ask you one thing. What's the reason you guys went after us? Why have you been after me?

It was a tone and face that seemed to ask even slaves who had served for years, like nothing.

"Heh...? Oh, the..."

As for Katze, I thought you'd forgotten what we talked about earlier during the raid.


"Zo, I got Zoe and the others stuck out by the Knights, and you call it payback or you call it kezime...... sorry"

"You're not, are you?


Katze has no idea what a man named Tris is talking about or what he said.

"Who ordered that? Isn't that the head of your predecessor?

Talk quietly with a smile, Tris.

"Huh? Ah! Yes! Yes! Exactly!

Looks like Katze finally understood what Tris was trying to say.

"He ordered me...!

Katze says while pointing her jaw at Thor for being restrained by her body on the web.

"Katze! You!

Likewise, Tor, who at first was pompous and listening, says outrageously.

"I didn't ask you, Thor. Shut up."

When Tris says so, he turns his left hand toward Tor again.


Nod one to Tor and put your hands down, Tris.

"You, what's your name?

"Ga, a gum run and a good one. Head."

"It's a gum run. So, you were forced to give orders, too?

Whitely. Now Tris asks Gumran.

"Go. Whatever your head tells you, you can't go against it..."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear you have a stupid head. But don't worry, I'm the boss."

"Yeah, that's great!

"Later, dawn is here, so is it all of us?

"No...... There are still about ten more of them, but they're all still kids, so it helps."

Gumran answered off his gaze from Tris.

"Are you in the wild horse? If you're here, call me here."

As Gumran raised his call to the wild horse, several children advanced.

Inside it still includes even little kids about seven or eight years old.

Found a familiar face in it, Tris made a call.

"Status open. You don't have a name either...... well. Were you listening?

"Yes, your head"

Miina the dwarf (halfling) who answers freaking out.

"What's your name?

"It's Miina."

"All right, Miina. I command you as the head of the dawn. Take the rest of the kids... right, stay in front of the red sign shop where you can see them. Don't move until I get there."

Miina took the other children away from the scene.

Tris continues to confirm one by one afterwards.

"... is that the mouth you were forced to attack, too?

I ask Carol the same way, who became one of the last, except for Jacqueline, who remains stuffy.

"... Yes, I am. Um... can you help me?

Carol asks in pain.

"It's obvious, right? I'm your head."

Tris replies flatly laughing at Nicole.

Then I checked everyone's status just in case.

Sixteen dawns are here, including Thor, but Carroll's other names were only two in the free folk class and the slave class.

Tris and Bell talk to each other in a whisper.

"It won't even be so named... this is not good for boulders..."

"I still have the name of the owner, so I need to do something about it."

'Right. I have no choice. Do we all stick out to the Knights once?'

'Oh, hey! Well then how many...!

Thor rushes to pinch his mouth when he hears it.

It's too harsh to sell everyone to the Knights as soon as you become the head of the Dawn!

Even with all those men, who returned their hands to Thor, Thor retained both his will and his grip as a "foreman".

'Hey, be sure to answer honestly. If you spit a lie, I'll kill you. You guys ever hurt a noble class?

Tris, who noticed Thor's voice, crouched down and said to him with his face close.

'No. No, I don't. Because that's not a good idea. I haven't even stolen from someone I think is definitely noble, is. I ordered it thoroughly.'

When he hears it, Tris gives Bell his eye.

Bell immediately perceives Tris' intentions and begins to ask another member the same question.

"Is that true?

Tris' eyes say he will not resolutely tolerate lies.


Are you even going to tell me to see through my eyes to the depths of my heart, Tris, with a serious face and staring into Tor's eyes?

'Right. If you were lying, you'd be dead for sure, and there'd be dead people out there among them. Still, you can tell I'm not lying?

"Yes, sir."

Tor shaking his neck vertically with a cuckoo.

He was only strictly admonished for crimes against the aristocracy because he was dumb but not stupid.

Nor has he ever committed a ostensibly murderous act other than a protest between Yakuza.

Not many members like this strange policy and are dawn.

It is not uncommon to deliberately let more than a free citizen's constituents kill in a popular circle if the other party is a slave, not to mention the meaning of intimidation of another organization around them in the case of a protest, etc.

Even if they are reported and captured, the crime of murder does not apply if a person of a class greater than or equal to a free people kills a slave.

It is only the sin of material damage.

Executors can either whip once or twice at most or foil back to their wives with fines of about millions Z.

Whether it was Zoe and the others who first raided Tris and Bell, they carefully targeted them, targeting travelers who were hard to reach even if they killed them. It was also an offence in the absence of witnesses.

"The three-million-Z prize money hanging on you, what's the charge and the charge?

'It is a serious forced levy and extortion, a sleaze, an injury to civilians…. And then there's things like those instigations...'

"You don't have murder in there, do you?

'He says it's probably okay because he forbids murder in a situation with witnesses... and the guy who broke it had it done before he had a leg over here...'


If you hear this, Tris also has a convincing prize of three million Z.

This prize is very low if you are a suspected murderer to the aristocratic class and continue to flee.

Also, the murder of slaves does not make it possible to multiply the prize money.

'Um, can I ask you a question?

Thor reluctantly asks because he thinks the topic has been interrupted.


'Um, are you from some city organization? A spike to Doran?


Tris answers unexpectedly with a strange voice.

'Oh, don't get me wrong. We're just Versatilers. But I'm proud to say I have a lot of power.... Well, I don't know how many of you can write off your sins, but I think it's possible enough to reduce the punishment for that by making sure you didn't have an unclear degree of sin.

Well, that's not exactly our power either, we need someone else to break our bones, but if you ask, they'll do that. "

"Well, such a big guy backs up......"

Thor is just a little hoarse.

If that's all the big guys hurt their lovely men (Tris) enough to listen to me, they would have targeted me with all their might.

If it's just the dumb knights, it's still possible to reach out to the organization behind the dran other than dawn, and the entire city of the dran will even turn to the enemies of dawn.

After finishing the question, Bell returns and reports to Tris, "Sounds like this guy told you so".

"Okay.... Then you guys listen carefully to what I'm going to say now!

Tris began explaining to Dawn.

First, about the unnamed of the slave class.

Tris will accompany the owner to negotiate the purchase for what is clearly located.

If I can buy it, I'll go to the shrine with that leg and perform the naming ritual.

Now it's possible to be someone else.

Next, those with names, even in the slave class.

Negotiate the purchase for the original owner as well.

Whatever your personal name is after the naming ritual, only affiliation can be changed.

And as for the free people, let the Knights arrest them all.

Naturally, he will be judged on the charges against him on the day of the next judgment.

But by turning your hand from behind, you relieve sin wherever possible.

Whatever the toll or small head, whipping can be about a few to ten punishments if you are a member of Flat.

There's nothing like dying if you haven't committed a clear murder.

Those who floated and rejoiced when they heard these, those who were angry that it was unreasonable to punish themselves alone, and so on.

"Shut up. If I hadn't complained, this is what Big Muscles would have wanted to do. But when I saw your reaction, I decided to take a different approach."

In front of Singh and the quiet Dawn members, Tris declares expressionlessly.

Actually, I was hoping this would happen.

"Isn't that fair? Then I decided to be fair. We'll all stick out to the Knights once and make them pay for their sins properly."

Dawn to be extinguished.

"But I'm going to cut back on the number of munchings. Still, you can't just lose the fine."

Fines for crimes such as those involving whipping, even cheaper, exceed one million Z.

Most of them raise their voices of despair without such money.

It is decided to refuse to pay fines, etc. even if the original home comes out.

In addition to more whipping depending on the amount if the fine is not paid, it becomes a debt slave to the administration = lord depository.

"... I'll pay for that. There's no other way to make you all fairly and legally clean."

Tris further says to Dawn, who remains utterly silent.

"Whether you guys are unhappy with this way or not, I won't cover it any longer than I've decided to. Some people may not want me as their master, the head of the dawn, but I don't know that either. Of course, you are free to flee after the trial. But some of them won't get away with it, and I'll have the rest of them by the day of judgment. If you think you can get away with it, you can get away with it."

Tris says as he wraps up an awesome atmosphere, like when he's relative to a monster.

"Then I'll tell you for your information. Me and that guy are a bunch of Balduk adventurers (parties), killers (throwers) shield holders and wizards (blast backs). If you're confident you can defeat the dragon and run away from us, you can try."

Tris takes full advantage of rumors he heard in the Knights about a killer (Slaughters).

Bell was staring at everyone with cold eyes that didn't make her feel emotional either.

"S, Throwers......!


"You're so young..."

You said, "Shield Holder." I don't even have a shield... "

"I've heard of you."

"Idiot, you're being notified. Mr. Carroll read it to you, right?

"He also defeated Wyvern last year..."

Dawn dawns who are drained of their liver.

Carol had also seen last year and this year about the killer (Slaters) feat that had been notified before the administration as decadent.

Finally, I even admired it a little.

I knew that the leader was a popular (Hume) man because he was so famous, but I didn't even know about his members' race and face.

Having said that, I was convinced that I would be able to cross spears with that member... because I was easily impressed by reason.

He was also very surprised to hear that, and at the same time was good at not being rivaled by Tris.

Apart from that, Dawn members suddenly became anxious about what would happen to them themselves anyway.

"... and so to speak, they were forced to work evil by Tor, the leader, who said so!

"Their identities will be taken on by us, no, His Excellency Mr. League Uncle Alain Gried. I will pay the fine properly too I think…"

The Knights members told by Tris and Bell will be in trouble.

The sum of their fines, excluding Thor, is said to rise to about seventy-four (seventy-four million Z) pieces in gold coins.

He also said that basically only the crimes of theft, extortion, assault and injury, so the punishment would only have to be whipped. Apart from the number of times.

"But, you know, it's not us Knights who judge that, it's the deputies. My Lord the Marquis of Bailusi is going to cut you, so I don't know what to do."

Even for Tris and the others, this response is as expected.

"I understand. I now give the floor to His Royal Highness William Lomberto, Duke of Rondor, the original lord."

William, the second son of Thomas Lomberto, king, serves as platoon captain for the Second Knights.

Last year, Barkud rubber protectors were given by the King in recognition of his promotion celebration to the platoon leader.

Of course, Al was the one who sold it.

Naturally, he also maintained good relations with Prince William, a royal family.

It's discretionary, and it's a priori decision.

But with the reincarnators involved, Tris and Bell thought that Al, who heard this story, would always move even if he made a debt to William.

Besides, Al seems to prefer, "Punishment makes you take it, makes you pay for your sins. On top of that, it is possible to decide whether to help or not" the situation could be created, so I even thought the end would be better.

In case you didn't want to create a debt to this extent, you just have to cut it off as it is, such as Thor, who is a criminal.

If you are a member of the Dawn, the fine I just heard will make you a little bitter but not an amount you can't manage to pay.

Though I haven't worried about gold from the beginning because Al doesn't pretend to look at the plight of the Karostaran family that keeps the front-line villages.

"Please think about what His Royal Highness William will think when the disposition that preceded him is executed and later learnt about it"

"Nothing. We're not saying we can't get acquitted. I would like to take into account His Royal Highness William's assessment of the Marquis of Bailusia and, with that, of the Knights."

The Knights think.

It would be true first of all that they have some sort of handover to their original lord, His Highness William (the true lord is the king because he actually only lends his son the Duke).

Because there's no point in lying here.

His Royal Highness William just wants your own cut.

Apart from Thor, who is otherwise in charge, the degree of cutting to the constituents of the dawn is the job of a duly delegated deputy.

But if, as they say, His Royal Highness William wanted your own cut, the Marquis would be disheartened by His Royal Highness... then the Marquis would also be against the Knights...

"His Royal Highness William also visits the land several times a year, when he will try the murderer, won't he? I'm just asking you to wait until then to dispose of it. Or I could just say to His Excellency the Marquis that we had this conversation... I'm sure the Marquis is wise..."

Ma'am, to this extent, there would be no problem in putting it in the Marquis' ear through the Knights Commander.

"... I will try to get into your ear. But from there on..."

"" Thank you!

Together, they were two men bowing their heads to the Knights.

"You've been waiting for me."

The lower constituents of the dawn, including Miina, stood unattended in front of the red sign shop ordered by Tris.

"Well, show me your status one by one,"

According to Tris and Bell's split confirmation, there are two nameless people in eight, including Miina.

"What's the Demza family?

More than half have become Demza family owned slaves.

He is also the owner of several adult constituents.

It is not uncommon for some slave traders to discard the expense of feeding a newborn born born to a slave in stock to the point of selling it.

Even if they survive, if they capture a child with his or her own status, they can sell it for about Z1 million with little expense only for education on how to behave as a slave, so everything is OK.

Of course, the abandonment of slaves, not least the abandonment of children, is a fine crime.

"He's the biggest slaver in the drain."

Miina responding to your new head.

"Yeah, then it sounds early. Take him that far."

If the slave trader is the opponent, there is a good chance he can poke at the evidence of the crime and solve it with the end money.

June 15, 7448.

I was heartily stunned when only one Bell interrupted their honeymoon and came back about a week ago.

I thought you seemed to have the least connection with Marriage Blue.

I was more stunned when I heard the story.

He's a new reincarnation!

But you're not convinced to go bow your head to His Highness William for wanting you to put your hands on the punishment of a stinking criminal.

But when we talked, Mizuchi said, "Why don't we just rehabilitate the criminals? I said," so I decided to inflate her proposal.

"I'm trying to get you to engage in the opening of the dangerous Dart Plains front line with the rehabilitation of criminals, so please, one thing..." I told His Highness Richard, and he spoke to His Highness William comfortably.

But they say the next run is going to be about August.

That's why I'm going to accompany you.

'Cause for once or so, I wanted to see him face to face with that toil.

If you're in the dungeons of the Knights of Dolan, you say you're OK enough to talk a little before the trial.

So, a few days later than originally planned, Tris brought back as many as ten kids today.

The kids call Tris "head, head" to mouth.

When I said, "Hey, that sounded like a hard time," I said, "You, watch your mouth!" Or a halfling female kid said it great.

Tris said, "Idiot! This man is the Count of the League, apologize!" Yelling was so depressing that it was pathetic.

Though only a few days away, from Doran to Balduk, I don't think he forgot about these parts because of Tris' personality.

That would mean that they are quite admired.

It's also kind of fresh to say that Tris is dented by this.

Funny, and these kids said Tris had taken him as a slave, so let's just leave him alone.

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