August 20, 7448.

Five months after the lecture began on the boulder, the spare time for the schedule also came noticeably, so I could take some time off as I liked it.

Regarding territorial management and Knights management, officials have also praised "Your Excellency is very good at remembering things".

Even if you say you are praised, the basics are to say how much you remember what you were told, so if you have a brain miso of this age, you won't have much difficulty. I keep a good note of what I heard that day before I forget, and I can tap it back into my head in the process of making a note. If you have forgotten it or become obtuse, it is not much of a problem because it is verifiable within a few days. Rather because it would be a "very eager to learn" rating. That's OK.

Oh, and I kept a sermon on Bell and Tris (Tris said he gave Bell a pistol, and it's the same crime), who fired lightly, not to say to take away his temper to resist from the reincarnators.

Well, but I admit it's effective in cutting reincarnated people's willingness to resist.

It's also good that you didn't kill one of your opponents to round the case.

It would also be a good decision to explain to the Knights that they "found it in the labyrinth, a menacing demon prop that just blasts a roar and a small fire," and let Prince William isolate it in his name so that he wouldn't even keep Thor and his interrogation of them busy.

It seemed like they used my connections on their own.


But it is.

The pistol (that) was really in crisis, and I gave it to him with the intent of the last fort when the magic ran out.

Just show it as a threat. Aside from the reincarnators, they'll figure out if it's Nannokocha.

But it's not a good idea to fire lightly at the city's yakuza.

You're the only salvation I've ever had anybody hit.

As a punishment, Bell sentenced Tris to no holidays on three layers of the labyrinth until landfills in the soil improved as well, so that he could do ice pickling more quickly and accurately (if he could do that, he didn't need to fire and stop him).

Only on the day of my lecture can I rise to earth, and the rest is the sentence of canning in the labyrinth all day.

With the amount of magic these guys have, I can't do it with boulders, but I can expect to improve considerably in a few months.

Besides, unless it's an extra-depth hierarchy, there's not much of a problem as long as you're aware of the magic runs out.

Because of this, there are so many adventurers in the three-tiered metastatic crystal room that it is impossible to overlap your body without being seen.

Also, although a three-tiered monster is not very strong, he is not stupid enough to dairy in the passage of the labyrinth, nor is he so weak in will.

I can also say it's the best punishment for these two right after their newlyweds.

Dressing and food will be transported to their combat slaves who let Henry and Meck take command.

So, let's put aside that hassle and get to the point.

Now I'm in the Knights of the City of Drun.

Besides, I'm just headed to the dungeon.

Yeah, of course, I've done some digging, and I'm not sure enough about what I think is necessary, but I'm ready.

I'd do it if it seemed to work, whether it was wasted in the end or not.

There is no light in the hustle, and the cold staircase is being led down by the guide's knight.

Once the walls and ceilings are made of stone, it doesn't look as wet as I expected.

Hmm, does it feel like three layers of a narrow Balduk labyrinth without the walls glowing?

The light intensity of the lamp held by the guide's knight is low, regardless of footing, and it is difficult to even see the steps a little further ahead.

Step by step, every time I go down the stairs again, I feel the unpleasant smell of a step by step big piss mixing in the air.

I was right to switch to cheap leather boots because I had some anticipation about this.

And I finally got to the little room filled by the prison people.

According to the Knight's description, there are 30 cells in this dungeon with a maximum capacity of more than 300 people.

So, Tris and Bell reported that the reincarnator, the guy who says Tor or something, was the head of the burglar group, so he's been filled with one of only two solitary cells because he's treated like a big guy for once.

Walk down a hallway lined with several cells that combine fat angles in a lattice, the deepest part beyond several doors. This seems to be the area of the solitary confinement.

"Right there."

The knight urges me to stand in front of the cell where Thor is imprisoned.

"Hey! You, get up!

That's how he yells and the knight kicks the plaid.

Meanwhile, I used one of my witchcraft behind the knight and my prep was over.

It takes about ten seconds to concentrate.

The person who was sleeping on the floor woke up his upper body scratching his bollocks and ass.

[M/14/2/7428 · Lion Nation · Damul Family Owned Slave]

[Condition: debilitating]

[Age: 20]

[Level: 9]

[HP: 119 (119) (139) MP: 7 (7)]

[Muscle Strength: 18 (22)]

[Jun Min: 22 (26)]

[Dexterity: 17 (21)]

[Endurance: 17 (21)]

[Unique Skill: Ultra Deft (LV.Max)]

[Special Skill: Little Magic]

[Special Skill: Instant (Instantenios)]

[Special Skill: Night Vision]

[Experience: 106014 (110000)]

Yeah, you seem somewhat debilitated, but still, the high talent level is that you just said the boulder was a reincarnator.

[Inherent Mastery: Superdexterity (Ultra Deft); During the use of this Mastery, the ability to work in detail with your hands increases depending on the level of Mastery. The degree of increase is a 20% increase, depending on the level. It is only from the wrist onwards that the ability has an effect, and it does not allow the whole body to move cleverly. In addition, skills do not work in the use of some tools. The effect time is the number of minutes by 1 added to the skill level. In addition to being able to use tools with no moving parts, MAX-level expansion capabilities are applied to the body as a whole.]

Heh, isn't that a pretty useful unique skill?

But I definitely want it, not so much.

"You're Thor, aren't you?

It's my first meeting, and I rang out, being careful not to be too intimidating because I'm in too different a position.

'... what about you?

Hmmm, I don't know if I would answer a question with a question in this situation... I can't tell if I'm stupid or just being discouraged. Well, no.

'I'm called Greed. I'm an adventurer in Balduk'

'Oh, you're the Grid... He knocked down the dragon. Big deal.'

Lios' reincarnator looked up at me and said, scratching a horseshit on the ground with his chained legs.

Because it hasn't been in the sun for two months, my complexion feels blue and white.

Also, I guess I can't eat as much as I like, I was under the impression that I was losing a little weight.

'If you don't have much time to spare your life, please do it briefly. I'm not here to talk to the public. Answer the question. You must be the Tor, right?

I have quite a bit of time. I just want it to end during the magic effect time of Lie Nursing (Diect Rai). Of course, I hope I made an extension of the effect time, but this magic, the extension of the effect time, not only uses extra magic, but it takes a bit of a different direction of mental concentration as if it were another magic. I told Mizuchi that my basic five minutes would be enough. It's not that I can't use it, but it's just a pain in the ass. If you really need it, you can twist it with your nose for about ten seconds...

Besides, a knight would find it odd to talk in Japanese for too long.

I may be forbidden to converse in some cases.

Well, the official lord's special order sent me to see you. I don't think so.

Is there a reason I'm not Thor in this situation?

Sorama, you're right.

Ma, I don't think I'm going to lie.

There was also the possibility that another answer would be returned.

'... well. What's your unique skill?

"Ah? What's the point..."

Answer me.

"... It's Pull (Byraz)"

Hmm, Thor's exhale responded to Lie Breaking (Diect Rye).

At least you're sure you tried to fool me.

I don't mind that, but you're a little out of your mind, this guy.

Or a story made over the years that just doesn't question the common sense in me... no, there are many parts of me that need to know the other reincarnators.

"Feel it. I see. '

I asked the knight if I could touch Thor because I wanted to see his status.

The knight pulls out his sword and says, "Check your status. Get your arms out of the lattice," commands Thor.


Tor, who, when he punches his tongue and pulls up to the lattice, gives out his arms, even though he is reluctant.

Do you know that there is no point in resistance beyond this period?

'Oh, I'll tell you because you don't seem to know. Japanese people can see their unique skills. "

Thor's arm, which has stretched out of the lattice. Grab that wrist and say.


I can see you panicked a little.

"" Status Open ""

Me and Thor see each other's status at the same time. He should have my status in his eyes.

However, with no unique skill and skill level.

I told you before I saw it because I was going to show you my status too, so it didn't make much sense if you didn't.

"You, you rude bastard!

The knight is furious because Thor saw my status.

Well, and forgive the knight, and see Tor over the lattice again.

'You tricked me... well, being an Earl...'

Tor says in a hateful tone.

'I found out in my current reaction. You were lying, too, weren't you? Now it's okay for you to be my son. But if you're going to keep lying, your life is up until tomorrow. His Highness William, the official lord of the land, is my client. I don't care what your sentence is. "

I gave a pale account of the facts.

"Sounds great to a habit that isn't even my power... a fox borrows the power of a tiger"

Tor who tells you like you despised him.

I feel sorry for this man named Thor.

"I can't believe you can't see it, including the connections you have... you poor thing.... Damn, those guys... idiots are on time... '

Only the second half of it manages to be done in the mouth, taking over the words.

'Whatever you think, it doesn't change the facts. Okay, listen again. What's your unique skill? It's no use lying. I can see through the lies. "

"... super clever (Ultra Deft). Hands become clever. I used to not be able to use tools, but lately I can handle tools cleverly too...... '

I'm not throwing up.

"Effective time?

'That's about enough now. It used to be shorter.'

At the same time, I know that I understand my unique skills there.

'Right. Next, then. You, from now on, I swear to God you'll change your mind and help me, if you're going to pay for the sins you've committed, I'll help you.'

If you're serious about changing your mind, I'll think about it.

Anyone who cares about it and works hard can start over.

'... what kind of blow is that?

'You can count on it. Answer me. "

'All right, all right. Ah, Count Riegle? I'll work for you. So do something.'

This guy's exhaling breath is reacting to my magic.

It's a lie.

Well, there's no need to use magic.

"... well. I told him not to throw up. Bye."

When I say that, turn around. "It's time..." I call out to the knight who was holding back beside me right.

'Wait! Wait! I need your help! What am I supposed to do? I'll do anything!

This seems genuine.

I say no to the knight, "Excuse me, please wait a moment" and turn back to Tor.

'I know you're serious this time, but don't you forget they lied to you earlier?

When I go back in front of the lattice, I look down at the tall I look up.

"... me. I hate guys who can't follow the rules. In the rules, it's the guy who even rules on his side who appreciates hard work. If you don't like the rules, you just need to work hard so you can make your own rules, so you can change them, so you can twist them. If you can't do that, shut up and follow me down."

Talk as you try to sound cold.

"So I really don't care about you being caught breaking the law (the rules). But the two of you I met, remember? Tris and Bell asked me to do this. Don't forget that."

Let's talk in words that even knights can understand once in a while.

'Okay. No, I get it. Please. Please help me. I will try to change my mind from now on......!

Tor lowering his head about the ground with both hands as if he were going to do it in a dust seat as well.

I don't know if it's true or not because I can't see the exhale.

You'd be lying anyway.

"... how is your original owner, Damul, doing now?

When I asked him that, he quickly agreed that he would negotiate and help, and Tor said, 'I know it's still barely open. of Givasa Street...' or something. I turned up and started saying it, so I blocked it.

'If you know, you talk fast. I actually met with the chairman of that Damul Spinning Chamber of Commerce before I got here.'

I arrived in Doran two days ago. Finally, I came to Doran once last month to hear from the Knights about Tor. At that time, she also showed me a copy of the house called Damul, which is listed in the status.

The Damul Spinning Chamber of Commerce is known for its covenants, and until a few years ago it seemed to be quite well feathered, but it had also considerably shrunk its operations at great cost to you for failing to purchase cotton, which could be described as speculative, about three years ago.

So, I talked to my husband there.

My husband had already been contacted by the Knights that Thor, with the status of a Damul family owned slave, had been captured.

However, the chairman of the Damul Chamber of Commerce, who does not want to pay a fine on behalf of slaves, naturally declares the renunciation of ownership (even though the owner of the slave who became a criminal is considered to make a living, he can escape the consortium by declaring the renunciation of ownership. In this case, the owner of the said slave is the administrative office, or the lord, as the case may be).

Even from his age, Thor is probably a slave by the name of Rosral Geen, who escaped more than a decade ago.

He had a little older away brother besides his parents, and all three of them sold him as mine slaves.

So, aside from his age, why was Roz expected to be Tor, and here's why.

A few days after Roz escaped, he also used the slaves he owned to find his whereabouts, but the intrigue is still a small child, albeit an expensive lion tribe there (Lios).

Even if it is found, it is as young as whether it would be 500,000 Z if it were a common slave.

Also, the feathering was good there at the time, so I immediately stopped the search and went back to my routine and forgot about Lios' kid.

But a few years ago, an unidentified Yakuza began wandering around Damur.

I didn't make myself clear, but it seemed like you were looking for the whereabouts of the families of slaves who were here before.

I don't mean a guy like Yakuza, especially if he's threatening me or interrupting my business.

But I knew if Yakuza even gave me a bad cause, I wouldn't have reported it to the Knights because it was horrible.

In doing so, it was thought that the purpose of the Yakuzas would be the whereabouts of the parents and brother of the Geen family.

So the chairman of the Damul Chamber of Commerce recalls.

About Rosral Geen, who escaped a long time ago.

If he were alive, he'd be an adult by now.

The Yakuzas seem to be a bandit called Dawn.

It is famous that the man of Lios, who is called Thor when it comes to dawn, is the leader.

I guess I can't come on my own for fear that my legs will stick.

I was slightly sorry and tried to find out who he sold it to by remembering the time, but calmly, Thor was originally a slave to his possession.

Even now, the official owner is himself.

Why should I be as sympathetic as a slave?

That's what I thought, I said.

"There was a kid downstairs in Geen. Rosral, but after I sold my parents, he ran away and rotted... and I don't know where he is. Is it about seventeen or eight now? If you find our slave Lios, please report him."

Then the Yakuza stopped showing their faces with patari.

Well, there's a good chance that there weren't so many people in the burglar group that I could trust, and naturally it would have been outside to investigate myself.

It is usually difficult to investigate any more because there are no points of interest.

So, that's why I went in a couple of years.

I tipped my wallet and put dozens of silver coins on the table - he talked to me.

Of course, I found out where the Geen family was selling.

Not only did I have the silver coin in hand, but I even gave it to Kim Joo.

I traced it from the slave traders I sold to the two slave traders and eventually investigated it to the point that it was used in mines on my territory.

This could be a waste of time.

I don't know, I hope it's going to be a waste.

"So. Where are the slaves previously owned by the Chairman of the Damul Chamber of Commerce, Douglal Geene and his wife Sandra Geene, and his son Rinald Geene... What?

Thor is opening his eyes and puffing his mouth.

"Ah... live... are you?

He's alive. My brother even has a wife and two children.

I found out that Thor was trying to get my family to find him on the way down, so I spent a lot of time and even money looking into it completely.

'... doesn't it depend on your concern?

Oh, what a nasty line I have!

I was hoping you'd let me do this for nothing.

I would have used it a little more comfortably if it wasn't going to be a waste anyway, you shithead.

"Gu... it's dirty..."

A squeezing groan leaks.


Don't you hear me?

'... I'll do anything. If you'll let me see you, I'll do anything. So......'

Sounds real.

Then you only have a few more.

"Next. Who did you tell about the gun?

"Ah, guns? Oh...... '

Thor gives a little cunning look.

'Cause I can check it out later. If you find out you lied...'

"That's all I told the knight during the investigation."

Yeah, that's right. Then I'm listening.

Because the knights had never seen or heard of a gun, it was confirmed that they believed Tris and Bell's description from the head.

I'm talking about what Balduk's top adventurer who caught the Bandits in their entirety deserves credit for, or what the leader of the Bandits caught said.

- Thor wouldn't know anything about demonic tools, so he said something appropriate about Schedule and Peshtre. I guess I couldn't say I lost my hips because I was surprised by the big noise. Yeah, of course, I've questioned my men, and I've got testimony that it doesn't look like it was a dangerous magic device that you two used.

That's why.

At times like this, it's convenient to be an adventurer who often finds magic props.

Because of this, Thor has not vomited lies.

Well, that's the last of it.

'I'll just ask you one more time. Do you want to work for me?


Sounds real.

'Okay, then I'll buy you. But be punished. So if you don't die, I'll heal your wounds. "

Unless you are too weak, there are times when a reincarnated person who is at nine levels due to a munching with added palms and hearts dies.

Well enough to have organized and led a bandit.

You have as much air as that.

"Excuse me, Your Highness. I want to make this a model case for the future."

Head down to His Highness William.

"No, please raise your head, Chairman of Commerce. Even in the kingdom, criminals were forced to work, but they did not have the courage to open up in front-line villages. I'm counting on the results."

The front line is a geography where it is possible to flee to a foreign country if you work a little harder.

Well, if you let them do forced labor in that place, the deserters will decide one after the other.

I'm not going to use Tor for the opening work, either, regardless of the group at dawn.

I don't even trust you from Hannah.

Of course, if you listen to me honestly and work hard, I'm going to treat you pretty well.

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