21 Aug 7448

It's still about 3pm when the sunlight shines brightly.

There are twenty dawns in the corner of Doran's Knights' estate, with the exception of Thor (Rozral).

These guys' fines, 62 million Z (they also lost the fines), were paid by Tris and they all became visible slaves to Tris.

On average, it's an account valued at more than three million per head, and I'd say it's pricey there as a general slave who doesn't even have a job in his hand.

They also mix people from squire that magic can be used, so I can't say enough about that in general.

Five below me looking down at it through a one-room window I rented to the Knights.

Other than Meck, whose members are my slaves, naturally Tris and Bell. That and a former knight named Bill Sign, purchased by Tris last month, who is Tris' slavehead.

I didn't bring Zulu because my former knight Meck is more used to riding and fighting, for no other reason.

I'm gonna let Zulu stretch his feathers while I'm gone. I don't even think about this.

It's true. Maybe.

The dawns all have a hazy look on their faces, with a dark atmosphere at the corner.

The fact that we are surrounded by a few fully armed lower end squire is not the only cause.

They were sentenced to about three to six lashes at the venue of the trial that took place this afternoon.

However, the power of the whipping itself is considerably out of hand by prior instructions from His Highness William, the lord.

That said, quite a few people were making a very awesome scream of pain.

It can also be said that the fact that he was not strong enough to pass out has, on the contrary, increased the pain.

After that, Tris and Bell, who were bringing me along, were treating the wounds while my three were hand-in-hand.

That treatment heals only the wound and does not allow it to heal completely.

The pain will be much lighter, but I dare to leave it behind.

"Bye, Mr. Al. We'll be first..."

When Tris says that, both Bell and Bill Sign will give me a meeting too.

"Are you sure you want to go today? It's been quite a while and another night or so in the drain..."

That's what I'm trying to stop.

"Well, that's still good. But the wardens at Mr. Ron Slyle's are waiting..."

I had heard that since there were going to be a massive increase in slavery, I would leave it with Ronslyle for about two months to re-educate.

This time it charters even the large carriage that the Lon Slyle Slave Chamber of Commerce prides itself on, which should also be called a slave convoy.

I am also good at charter fees, so I am greatly discounted and owed 120,000 Z. per night, about three weeks round trip.

It was also estimated that the cost of re-education would be roughly Z 3 or 4 million.

But you know what?

I think the real reason is different.

Huh? I think we'll hang up healing magic again when we get away from the city.

If Bell and Tris split up, they'll be able to hang the cure on everyone about another time, and the guy with the deep scratch will be able to hang enough cure lights.

Still, the pain is just a little soothing, so it would hurt to just be in the carriage.

"Right. Okay. I'll be right behind you. Be careful."

Highlighting the last passage, Tris left the room for all three, grinning bitterly but nodding heavily.

I looked down at the six-headed large carriage packing the dawn guys and dropped them off.

They're moving to a village about fifteen miles east between now and sundown.

It's a long summer of sunshine, so you'll be able to arrive by dusk.

"Excuse me, my lord. Tor is ready."

One of the knights opened the door and told me.

"Oh, thank you very much."

Well, it looks like I'm ready for you. That was faster than I thought.

When I went down, Tor, wearing only simple clothes, stood with a rope around his neck.

HP has recovered and the wound is blocked, but there is still a lot of pain left.

"Put these shoes on"

He threw off the cheap boots he was wearing during a meeting with Tor the other day and watched Tor sneak his feet through the boots as he flaunted his face in pain by changing his posture.

I thank the knights who brought me in and leave the Knights behind.

We will be naming Thor today and overnight at the Dolan as dinner is also scheduled with His Royal Highness William, the deputy Marquis of Byrussia.

Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to leave for Balduk with His Highness's escort (a detachment of His Highness's platoon of the Second Knights and an infantry platoon belonging to another battalion).

Blah, if it weren't for this one, His Highness William wouldn't have known the Marquis of Byrussia, so it would have been worth it.

I hear the Marquis, who is assigned to represent me, won't be attending my inaugural ceremony.

... but you have to think about it.

I went out to the shrine with the knight of the clerk, and after about an hour of waiting, Tor's turn finally turned.

"His name is Tool. My last name is Geen. Now that you have become my slave, I ask you to name them as well."

He presented a deed proving that the knight of the clerk was a criminal slave (a public document briefly describing Thor's guilt and sentence completed, and the history of the owner's transition due to my replacement of the fine) while submitting a signed transfer certificate from Lord Rondor, William Lomberto.

He checked my status and asked me which family name would belong to Greed or Leaguer, so I asked him to do me a favor in Greed. Otherwise, I'll have to rename all my slaves, because it stinks a lot, and it costs a lot. To tell you the truth, I just think that the family name Reagle is a passing point. What is it?

For this reason, I didn't make it the original rozral about the name because I've been coming through it in Tor for years, but I hoped the person would have a good tool.

Tomorrow morning I'm also going to totally heal the pain in Thor's wound (which I'm used to calling because I didn't think it was my Japanese name either) before I left.

However, since there is no carriage, it will be a rather painful journey to Balduk because it will be walking.

27 Aug 7448

We break up with His Royal Highness William at the foot of Mount Outer Ring entering the city of Balduk, the three of us going first for the top of Mount Outer Ring.

On the night of his departure, he chased Tris and the others, who were traveling cursorily, to stay in the same city inn.

They'll be a couple of days behind us on their feet.

I left Doran for five days.

Though a fairly beautifully maintained street, Tor, walked on his feet with his hands tied at an average distance of as much as forty kilometers per day, breathes constantly.

Due to so much fatigue, there was nothing like escaping in a boarding house on the way.

"Look, don't make any noise on these slopes!

He's yelling at Meck as he pulls through Tor with both wrists tied.

I had broken up with His Highness William and soon after I started climbing Mount Outer Ring, Thor began to leak discontent.

I'm sure the latter, whether the army has let it loose or simply Mec and I are being licked.

"Well, fine. Let's take a little pause here."

I decided to take a small pause in the rocks on my way up Mount Outer Ring.

"Hey, Tor. Don't snag to this extent. You'll be considerate."

That being said, Meck removed the water bottle on his hips and used magic to fill the water.

"Don't rush it, drink it slowly," he says when he hands it to Thor.

Meck can take good care of him, too.

"Ngu... Ngu, Ngu, Ngu"

Thor started drinking slowly as he nodded at Meck's words.

[Tool Geen/21/8/7448]

[M/14/2/7428 · Lion Nation · Gried Family Owned Slave]

[Condition: debilitating]

[Age: 20]

[Level: 9]

[HP: 68 (68) (105) (139) MP: 7 (7)]

[Muscle Strength: 16 (22)]

[Jun Min: 20 (26)]

[Dexterity: 15 (21)]

[Endurance: 13 (21)]

[Unique Skill: Ultra Deft (LV.Max)]

[Special Skill: Little Magic]

[Special Skill: Instant (Instantenios)]

[Special Skill: Night Vision]

[Experience: 106060 (110000)]

If you pull around in a debilitating state with less talent or HP, you seem to gain some experience in a multi-eyed way.

It should be noted that HP does not decrease to the extent that it walks the same number of strokes as the endurance value as long as it takes an appropriate rest (about five to enough per hour). This does not seem to matter how proficient the endurance value is, and most of the time there is no problem as long as it is visible in the appraisal.

However, the distance that does not have to be reduced, depending on its speed, is much shorter when running. This one also seems to have to do with proficiency in endurance values, even if you have the same ability value, you can see individual differences.

If, of course, you don't have to run, you climb a ramp, carry heavy goods, etc., the distance to start losing your HP is similarly shorter.

If you walk further than that without taking a good break, you start to gradually decrease with each current upper limit.

In this case, the HP decreased for each upper limit value recovers quite easily depending on the rest time.

But when it drops to about half of its original maximum HP, it begins to decline to other abilities, and unless you rest, you can't walk anymore.

When it gets to that point, the reduced talent will not recover, either, to the extent that he has rested for a few hours.

That's right, and if you're in Tor's condition, you'll be able to work a little harder.

"Well, Tor. You seem to be licking me for a long time, don't you?

"Something else to lick...... just a little more speed...... more rest"

Thor expressing his dissatisfaction on his face even though he said so.

"Hey Meck. This guy's saying this, but I knew I was being licked, right? What do you think?"

Meck looked at Tor with a slightly angry look before I told Meck.

"Right. I can't even tell you what to say to your husband. I don't even think it's too late to say what you want when you're a newbie slave. Like Karostaran, shouldn't we be educating him to be a slave?

Yeah, well, I didn't even think about that.

But I hear you're convinced Tris is your new head and you're with the Dawn members.

I think we should skip the period of education.

There's more people over there, so you should educate them first.

Besides, there are some things I'd like to check before I do.

"Hey Thor. I won't tell you twice, so listen carefully. Give me your position. Don't answer to me, your owner and nobleman. Then don't slap me in the mouth for nothing even though I'm not allowed to. If you want to complain, just say whatever you want where I can't hear you."

With that said, Tor said "... I get it..." and dropped, recalling that he was in a position where he was taking his parents' family hostage, or that he was a slave again.

But it is clear that I am not convinced from the bottom of my heart.

You'll need to convince him wholeheartedly soon.

Anyway, we'd better start by restoring this guy in Balduk and find out how much use we can find for super clever (Ultra Deft).

Balduk is just over Mount Outer Ring.

Almost there.

I left the near-exhausting thor to Mec to push into the inn, and when I got back to the Boyle Pavilion, bad news awaited me.

I've been waiting to hear from you that next Monday, or September 1st, I'll be conducting a brief rehearsal to confirm the procedure for my appointment scheduled for the middle of September. In doing so, Mizuchi, who is naturally my spouse, must also be present, and the members whom I intend to grant aristocracy are also asked to sit in rows.

I can't go to Master Mira anymore, motherfucker.

But actually, I can also say that it was helpful considering only that because neither Mizuchi nor I have yet mastered the magic of induction (triggering).

16 Sep 7448

Between the sights in the royal castle.

It's not a room of two or three circles like the one I've been face-to-face with the king before.

In the lower level of the main circle, it's a nice, big room like a gym.

This room brings together a total of about two hundred nobles and invitees, with the exception of dozens of guards standing on the wall, aligned according to rank, character, status, etc.

Among them is the Marquis of Webdos, and his brother, who is truly the last seat but Lord of Barkud.

In addition, some of the invitees are also said to be consuls and ambassadors of neighbouring countries such as the Empire of Granan, the Kingdom of Bakurney, and the Kingdom of Cambit.

I hear Tukerin, a dark elf who runs a treatment center in Wang Du, has also been invited.

I'm waiting outside my room until my clerk calls me, but you're out of hand, aren't you?

Well, I know the procedure because I've been through rehearsals, and some of the killers (slowers), starting with Mizuchi, so I can afford to whisper and chat.

For this reason, there are six people here besides Mizuchi: Zenom, Ginger, Tris, Lorrick, Vince and Carm.

The four other people besides Tris and Lorrick are so nervous, they're getting cocky.

Among them, the degree of tension between Zenom and Ginger, Vince and Carm was enough to make me feel bad.

Everyone else, including me, can afford to be dressed in noble costumes like they've never worn anything but Rolic and laugh at each other that they don't look good on each other.

Because of this, the man, as usual, tightens his belt on a jacket like a defective front opening kimono, wearing half pants like pumpkins, and white tights made of silk that are perfect.

Shoes are leather shoes like half-length boots with hard wooden planks on the bottom for indoor use.

The woman still tightens her belt on her kimono-like jacket and draws a skirt flashly frilled, I don't know why downstairs.

While I was doing that, I was called first.

My spouse, Mizuchi, clutches up his skirt behind my left and follows me with a grudge.

Blessed are the kings who swoop back to the throne.

Then, it seems bad to hear that he gave up armor made from the scale of Wyvern, a loot he brought back from the labyrinth, so he is declared Zen to cede Count Leaguer's status on the grounds that he made a significant contribution to policing Balduk.

In awe of that, I say thank you and stereotypes, and I finally complain about the fact that I was entrusted with the kingdom's territory. And, formally, ordered to exit from the front of the throne, I pull Mizuchi's hand and line up at the beginning of the line of counts under the throne.

From the perimeter,

"It's unusual to be the First Lady of the Fae."

He seems to be an adventurer.

"Hmm? Hit that dragon, too?

"Sounds like it. It must be like Viscount Grimson."

"I see."

"I heard I run a business association dealing with rubber."

"Rubber. That bed is wonderful."

and other voices whispering bossy have also reached my ears slightly.

In the meantime, the King has made a declaration on the dismissal of the nobility, who was the Lord below the Earl of Loughleague, the deputy of the current reagle lord.

Now it's my turn.

Proceeding to the middle of the ministers lining the shapes of (c) before the throne, he takes his benevolence toward the throne. And he plays when he has an idea of the replacement personnel for the dismissed little lords.

In contrast, the king exchanges shapes with me and tells me to call you here because I want to see your face at the end.

So, the Zenoms are finally called.

Zenomes who line up in a row behind me (sometimes a few if they have a lot of people) to thank their subordinates as well.

Once again, we exchange shapes and give each one a title from me.

I'm done declaring my allegiance to me, the lord, at the end of the day.

A party hosted by the King is then held over a break of about an hour.

Until the party, it's time to go out to the courtyard and greet the aperitif with one hand, or someone interested in me.

I want to talk to Marquis Webdos and my brother, but I can't take that kind of time.

So, finally, the party's just a few minutes away.

The atmosphere of the venue changes at once.

A rushed order arrived from the Dart Plains with a murder report.

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