16 Sep 7448

About a week ago, information was received from an intermediate organization that was rooting in Dabus territory.

The contents were as follows.

-Middle last month, the Dabus National Army assembled what looked like an invading force in a city called Bondi, southwest of the Dart Plains. Deployment training started

-The number is about 50 cavalry, 2000 infantry, and 1000 others, and the size is about the same as the normal invasion force in the Kingdom of Dabus.

· The destination of the invasion is expected to be the Earl of the League territory, said on the Lomberto side, with a high probability from the position relationship

-It's not clear who the commander on the Dabus side is.

· The timing of the invasion is also unknown, but in view of the start of the deployment training, it is forecast that the provisional border will be crossed and reached within Count League territory around the middle to end of next month.

Tris turns blue when I hear this.

There is no alternative to that, as the village of Garhe, which becomes his territory, is also the southernmost part of the territory.

"Al...... what do we do? You're going? We can get to the village before we can cross the border, right?

Xenom hits me in the ear with a low voice.


I guess it would be possible with that hoof.

"This is... My Count, you're in big trouble"

The Viscount sounds worried that it was Lucline or Railayne who was just exchanging greetings, but the expression is intriguing, and he calls out.

"Sounds like it."

While I'm still calm, my head is full swivel with days calculations to buy all the candidates and supplies I need, and travel time calculations.

If you are the Redeemer (Sabres), just do something about the food and you will come without complaining.

No, I don't want to complain about all the killers (Slaters) if you're worried about getting dressed or laundry.

It is also possible to move out in full...... There is a whole group of Tolls. Can we at least leave Tris or Bell behind?

That's right, and the report of this troop build-up is too timely.

Well, it's a great opportunity to show our combat power to the Dabus side, and no, to the Lomberto side.

They say there aren't a hundred casualties of war in both armies because it's a regular conflict, so if you bury the right group at all costs, you're gonna freak out and run away?

No, no, it's a hassle to clean up after you get the dirt out.

If we go here with big ice, it'll melt away... I guess that's good.

If it is other than cultivated land, it is fine for the time being if the land is soaked and rough due to the massive melting of ice.

With that in mind, he was immediately summoned to the king.

Look, I sucked it.

I think you're talking about, "It's your land now, so you can use the garrison, so do something about it."

Look at that.

It's not an invasion from this side, if it's defense, you can do whatever you want because there's no need to maintain the occupied territories.

... Yes, it's a lie.

Is there any reason for that?

There exists a clause in Lomberto's national law that says, "Unless the person in question receives a new order, he or she shall obey the previous order”. Otherwise, the crime scene will easily be havoc. Especially in wartime. Fighting occurs every few years in the Dart Plains. There's no reason it's not thorough.

Below the Count of Loughleague, the deputy of the Lord of the League, are still in the territory of the Count of the League.

You've already been asked that I'm planning to be the new Earl of the League, and I'm starting to get ready to take over my job, but it's the earliest year I can officially enter the territory, and if I keep going like this, I'm scheduled for next spring or so as originally planned. It's impossible for a guy who's been entrusted with territory since two-thirds of the year went by in the first place to pay the advance for that year properly without omission. I only know what's going on at the desk.

But not a little early, though, to say that I had some anticipation of the conflict that Uncle League Realm would stage?

By and large, we were talking about striking out of here next time around the end of the year!

Then I'm glad I'm not worried about one thing and I'm just waiting for the reward.

I didn't even hear you attacking me!

The Dabus guys aren't dying, either, not at all!

In the first place, we have absolutely no land exploration around the Dart Plains border.

For once, there is a tremendous map, but it is quite troublesome if rivers and springs are out of position, starting with forests and forests because it is not accurate what you think.

Assuming we keep going like this, seriously, all we can do is make a magical push in anticipation of an encounter?

I would hesitate to use magic casually if it was a defense of the village and its surrounding arable land to Ghar.

... I'm sure of that, but I think it's also possible for me, if we go, to enchant and decorate the first defense battle with white stars.

Besides, that would reduce the death toll on Lomberto's side.

Then it is possible for the Second Knights garrisoned to sell favors to the King, rather than to the former.

Go flat out to the area where kings, ministers and diplomats from all over the country are consolidated.

"... Hmm. You don't look too hasty. Inspirational."

The king is light green without showing any haste, even though he says it's just after the reported foreboding of the land being attacked (that's fancy stuff!) say a glass of wine with one hand.


That doesn't mean I panicked here.

"Count Riegle. This time, it's not going to happen. Move on your own and stay out of the way of the army."

The king says, "You know what I mean," but it feels like it.


No, if they told me to go, I'm not going to stand in the way of the Knights garrison...

"Your Majesty, didn't you say Count Riegle was an excellent man? No matter how confident you are in your arms, you can't go out with an oligarchy."

That's what I said and came with my mouth pinched was Brigadier General Berters, who had just arrived in the cabinet last year.

Brigadier Duke Bertus is the youngest as a minister, in his late forties.

He is also famous for his grand aristocracy, where his father's duke has a large territory.

The Ministry of Accounts he serves was originally part of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which deals with finance in general, and was divided about fifty years ago.

He said that relatively young and talented people are often at the top of the list as scribes (ministers) because of their intense duties in fiscal matters, especially those related to the rise of the year, such as budget allocations in national politics.

I've only exchanged greetings for a moment while studying lords, too.

I bend my hips and bow my head to him short.

He is a dwarf (halfling).

"Well, I guess so, but for once, yeah. I need to stab the nail."

I see.

I suppose you thought I was going to go defend my territory.

Well, at the end of the year, I heard talk about attacking you from this side, so it was unexpected that you could attack me the other way around.

But it's the usual conflict, isn't it?

The Kingdoms Knights defense is garrisoned, too, and you're not going to fall that easy.

Tris will be worried, but if the village falls to Gal, it falls. Actually, it would be better to take it to Tris.

Of course, we have to take it back and build another village from scratch.

However, even though agricultural land would be rough, the most laborious opening itself should be quite advanced, above all because tax exemption in agriculture is guaranteed for twelve years.

It can also be said that it would be a fairly privileged environment if we thought about developing a completely new village in a truly maroon forest.

"Unless your majesty commands you, I will not be paranoid."

I'll calm down and answer.

But on the inside, give me orders to defend! I think.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to show Dabus's invasion unit how easy it would be to kick it off, and then renegotiate the security costs, which are the payment.

"Well, the Count hasn't moved at all."

Says the grandfather of a werewolf (Wolfwer) who grew an elongated beard with the letter (c) on both sides of his mouth, like a Chinese man in a comic book.

Sure, he's Marquis Bjord.

It's a letter from the Foreign Ministry.

I didn't have much contact.

"No, it's warlike. But the Second Knights are in the garrison..."

Will I be negotiating primarily with this man in the future if I become independent?

I'm old enough, so I think I'll be the next generation by then.

"Ha ha. The Earl originally had my blood in him, too. I'm not the one to be surprised at all."

Laughing and saying that is the duke of Sandark without saying it.

He's also the one who hits my maternal uncle.

It could be said that one of the right ministers now responsible for national land development as a territorial letter, the heavy town of the Kingdom.

"We're out of time. Minister."

He had bought a large chandelier's magic prop, and he had given me words to celebrate both during Wyvern and Dragon.

"Whatever it is, this time, no, I'll repel it properly this time, so don't worry, watch. If you know how it works, you'll want to actively pay for security."

The king says in a good mood.

Oh, you know what?

It makes sense that even kings, like me, have a big interest in security spending.

Even if I'm declared to have succeeded Count Riegle, it will only come into effect next spring after I go to Count's territory.

I guess that's where you want to show me the power of the kingdom by then.

So I guess I was going to hit it out of here at the end of the year even if the Kingdom of Dabus didn't invade this time.

Ma, there it is.

Security spending was set at 30% of tax revenues five months ago, but I can also say that it was a demonstration against me at the time, when I negotiated a price cut with dissatisfaction with the amount. And I say or maybe I do.

If that's the case, is it your next chance to show us this power?

But I have plans, too.

"But Your Majesty. Wouldn't it be nice to have Count Riegle in the interception? I know it's going to be powerful enough to bring down that giant dragon."

The Duke of Sandark gave me a help boat.

I want to show you that even I retain a great deal of fighting power.

Plus, I have a strong desire to know on my skin about the Aus war while I can afford it.

Finally, I'm getting tired of studying lords.

Of course, it's not that I don't like studying, I just want a little rest because I have so much to remember.

I'm aware of it around here, but I'm still in my twenties.

"Certainly, as Lord Sandark said, I also know I want to go out for an interception. I was wondering if I could add a few moments as a force of war..."

I say with concern the expression and voice that is such a special victory.

"Hmm. The boulder is from an adventurer who even butchered the dragon, Your Excellency the Count. Especially if they say so. Your Majesty, if the Count is to join us in the war, I will give you the honor of adding to the list of presents from our country and one more horse."

That's what I said, Count Mimilousse. I am a diplomat in the Kingdom of Cambit.

Celebrate the birth of the new Count family. Two military horses and two slaves are each given by the Empire of Granan, the Kingdom of Bakrney and the Kingdom of Cambit. It is my lesson to break the gift in half with the Kingdom of Romberto. I don't know about the Kingdom of Lomberto, but I'm told that I should return it with appropriate possessions made in the territory within a year or two of being sealed in the territory.

Oh, of course, the slave is someone with a definitive proof of purchase from a domestic slaver who doesn't have to worry about the middleman.

"Well, then let us bestow upon His Excellency the Count one more of our kingdoms."

"Uhm. So, will my country be gracious for five horses to use on military horses?"

Diplomats from the Empire of Granan and the Kingdom of Bakulny also say it orally.


I thought it was three horses, five horses, and all the horses!

This is great!

Leaving things behind is also a chance to sell my presence to foreign countries.

You want to know what I'm capable of over there, too.

Because you won't be indifferent about the military power of the lords entrusted to the borders of the great Lomberto.

"Ha. Thank you for sharing this. But I'm truly sorry for your suggestion in the corner, but it will be dismissive."

The Marquis Bjord of Foreign Affairs softly blocked it.

"The Dabus invasion unit and other elite, second-knight border garrison units that our country boasts are capable of responding adequately."

The Marquis of Gumran, a folk ministry script that had remained silent until now, made a statement.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs is equally responsible for fiscal matters, in particular matters relating to revenues such as taxation. A draft has been prepared here for the calculation of the tax amounts for each territory in Heaven and for the cost of security to the great aristocracy of the territories that are the Hordes. For this reason, it is assumed that the only left-minister, the Prime Minister, is followed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I also spent quite a bit of time educated by this guy's men until a while ago.

"Master Left. I am very pleased to hear of your generosity to His Excellency the Count, my country, for that alone. I'll never forget it."

He also followed the Right Minister, Count Bestol, who heads the Castle Army Ministry.

Someone who binds the personnel and police mechanisms of military relations, but both come up with proposals at the scene, which is close to an honorary position to say one way or the other because they say that the ruling is central.

It is also said that most of the work is done on how much of the military budget can be divided with the Ministry of Accounts, but in these times, the military budget is also the most important destination for spending, so they don't struggle.

"Well, it seems like the usual number of people, so it would be repellable without any major problems. Hey, Captain."

Speak up to Viscount Gendyle, the First Knights Commander, whose left minister of the Dog Nation (Dogwer), the Duke of Basbourne in the Interior Letter, seemed so busy roaming Balducky in the corner until now, held him aside as a guard captain.

"Ha. You're right. I'm sending a dozen or less from my First Knights by the end of the day, and tomorrow the Second Knights' impromptu battalion will advance."

Viscount Gendyle replies with a hard look on his face, but until just now he watched as the Duke of Basbourne had eaten the kazotted baldukki.

As a result, the Second Knights usually have impromptu 1st Battalion to 3rd Battalion stationed in King's Capital, each battalion consisting of five squadrons. Depending on the unit, the size of a squadron is about 200. Other than the Immediate Battalion, there are said to be a total of about 3,000 border garrison troops (the remaining 2,000 border guard personnel are from the Knights of the Gorges). Of course not all of them are combatants, but most of the accompanying heavy units are centered on Fourth Knights soldiers, so the percentage of combatants is high.

The King originally said the interception was enough without me, even the Duke of Basbourne, the number one member of the Cabinet of Ministers.

You don't have the Duke of Sandark's position, do you?

Whatever the joke is, it looks like you should give up this time for this minute.

Especially in the unlikely event that I, the new lord, come out and lose the battle, I can say that it is a reasonable decision from the point of view of showing me the power of the kingdom.

As the Duke of Sandark, it rang with adventurers. I guess it was huge to expect from my power, but one way or the other, he made me earn points, and I guess he was going to earn my own scores that I recommended when I pulled.

"Ha. Gris, Earl of the League. It's good to be bloody age-appropriate, but there's still a lot to learn. Be quiet this time."

The king said with a smile as he softened his face.

You look at me, and you feel like you're doing it.

I have no choice.

This time, we're going to have to decide what to look like.

Oh, Tukelin's old man, he's eating baldukki over there.

If you're a foreigner, don't you have to stay here?

... You said you didn't expect me to go anyway.

17 Sep 7448

The next day.

The Second Knights immediately dispatched the First and Third Battalions in their entirety.

It is a total of 2,000 defensive combat units.

The number of combatants is considerably higher than usual in front of all those big mouths slamming at foreign diplomats yesterday.

I, too, waved along with Tris with a sneaky face to watch the progress.

Last night, Sir Balxas said the First Knights troops in command had also set out one foot ahead, and defense looks easy for this minute.

I'll see you in time.

It is close to critical as a schedule because of the large number of infantry troops, but I think there is some leeway given the expected invasion period, the time to come beyond the provisional border.

Besides, a sufficient number of defensive units are also stationed in the villages of Gharu, Rad and Beige, among the league uncles, and if Sir Balxas arrives while they endure, even if the invasion of Dabus has accelerated somewhat, and then the second Knights' impromptu battalion arrives, it will be over for a few months.

That's what I was thinking.

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