23 Sep 7448

A luxurious interior room in Castel Lombertia.

In this room are the Duke of Basbourne, who serves as Chancellor of the House of Lords, the Earl of Thurm, who serves as Home Secretary to divide the administration of Heavenly Heaven, the Earl of Bestoll, who manages the army and police mechanisms as castle military scribes, and the heads of the four knights of the kingdom as generals.

"So you're still pretty sure the goal of this invasion is Count League territory..."

The Duke of Basbourne smiles lightly when he says so.

This is what His Majesty the King, whom he serves, said the night he heard the news of the army build-up of the Kingdom of Dabus.

- Make sure you repel about this invasion and show that kid the power of our country. Perfect enough not to make a sound. That bastard, he seems to have business talent in his business, so he should moisturize quite a bit. I want to increase the percentage of security costs.

The good Duke of Basbourne as Chancellor understood exactly what the King was trying to say.

Definitely because repelling is normal. It's just that showing off your national power and preventing it so perfectly that it doesn't make a sound, means proving it's perfectly defensible with your natural force, rather than giving out excessive force.

It makes sense that you can win if you put out a lot of troops, but that can only be an exaggeration of power, simply to say that you can align the great forces. It can prove high national power, but conversely, it cannot estimate the difference between our forces. It can also lead to suspicion of our opponent's ability to gather intelligence, including force estimates and reconnaissance, and the cost of sending out many soldiers.

That said, this time he's excited to put out two complete impromptu battalions. I can't even say it's excessive, but given the difference in training and morale of my soldiers, I can say it's more than enough.

"Ha... We are also told that the arrival order has not yet reached the ranks of the Kingdom of Dabus… we are still conducting deployment training in the city of Bondi on the 17th of this month."

Count Bestol opened his mouth with a heavy voice.

"The slave plains of Dabus are no fool either, so it seems that we have already anticipated that reports of invasion troop build-ups have arrived here. In the unlikely event of an intentional destination deception, we know that any further changes will likely turn to us. At best, it would be either the village of Rad or Beige on the left or right side of the village to the southernmost Gal"

Viscount Harrison Bowen, head of the Fourth Knight Regiment, who is a general, also spoke following the words of Count Bestoll.

"Besides, it's time to confirm sporadic attacks, or troop movements, for Yang Dynamics from central to eastern Dart Plains. I think the attack has about two to three hundred people on its scale, perhaps in the southernmost part of Count Lancel's territory next door, the village of Comin, or its northeastern village of Kardan. The goal is to seal the movement of our leading defense forces stationed at the shortest possible distance."

This statement is made by the Third Knight Commander, Duchess Mireille Iturin. He is the general of a middle-aged elite (elf) whose eyes are marked by a shady feeling. But the eyes are bright and pleasant on the back, and the University of Publicity and Justice makes a name for itself as a selling lady.

"I'm not bright for tactics. We all have the same idea, don't we?

The Duke of Basbourne looks around at the participants in the meeting and says:

The agenda of the meeting has been discussed and validated many times over the past few days in relation to the movement of the invasion by the Kingdom of Dabus and its countermeasures.

Of course, part of the First Knights and two battalions of the Second Knights as a defensive force have advanced more than a week ago, as well as three days ago on rear units extracted from the Fourth Knights. Because the order given beforehand is reasonable or not overlooked, and if so, we must pass on that information backwards to Sir Vishur Balxas, the First Squadron Commander of the First Knights, who is delegating the full powers of this defense battle as a front-line commander.

The Duke of Basbourne declared the meeting closed, making sure all the participants in the meeting nodded.

24 Sep 7448

At noon the following day, the meeting was reconvened.

Many of the participants said that they had been interrupted from work, and that they were going to have lunch now, and the caustic air was getting in.

"Something wrong?

Tell Count Bestoll, the last Duke of Basbourne to show up, is the convener.

"Ha... Well, another transmission arrived earlier..."

After listening to Count Bestol, the air, which was caustic around the civilian population, immediately misted.

Daily work, etc. is behind us if there has been a major move.

"The name of the Dabus commander has been discovered. Sounds like Baron Hugrim Denville, the White Phoenix Knights, said to be the most elite Dabus, is the second vice president there. In addition, the presence of the Knights of the White Phoenix has been confirmed, although it is not known what percentage of the troops are conducting deployment training."

Some of the Knights chiefs have niggards and grins.

Baron Hugrim Denville has been a prisoner on the Lombert side once in the past and has been freed at a high ransom.

Lombelt's side of the assessment also sees a low tactical planning capability and a low command capability.

However, when it comes to offense, it can take a song to carry out unscrupulous pursuits and raise unexpected major handles.

Personal martial arts are expensive and a very difficult opponent to capture with a single, magical strike.

It is also the Knights of the White Phoenix, but is regarded as equivalent to or greater than the Second Knights by the Lomberto side, and not very much to the First Knights. A rare, elite knighthood with strength for Dabus, but a knight who still doesn't seem to be accompanied by strength because of the cherished patterning of his origins is also mixed there in that amount. For this reason Baron Denville's home is a leading Marquis family.

Count Bestoll briefly described those information.

"Did you call everyone again to that extent?

The Duke of Basbourne tells you to be just a little harsh.

It was a meeting to be convened every few days these days, but almost all the matters to be confirmed yesterday have been confirmed, and it should have been concluded that there would be no problem with the original tactical proposal. Many of them assumed that the invading troops were the White Phoenix Knights.

I didn't have to know if the movement was confirmed to be excessive, just that the other commander found out about this one.

Well, that commander has suffered a great loss to us in the past, to the extent that he was captured and taken prisoner.

The Duke of Basbourne is busy.

Those taking part in this meeting are about as free as the Earl of Bestoll in front of them.

"Ha... well, Viscount Gendail was listening by his side at the time the decree arrived... the Viscount really asked me to convene..."

Count Bestoll answers as he wipes his sweat with a handkerchief.

The gaze of everyone who heard it concentrated on Viscount Takrad Gendail, the First Knights Commander.

"Sir Gendail, what do you mean?

The Duke of Basbourne urges Viscount Gendail to speak as he shows the stunt of sighing and speaking at the same time.

"Ha. I'd like to think a little more carefully about this one. It is true that the battlefield at the beginning of this year was the village of Comin, and in doing so we were able to repel it well. It's hard to think about coming at the same place again if it's as usual. The rebuilding of farmland in the village of Comin is not over, and even if you occupy it, it will do little damage here. Therefore, of course, there is no doubt that the primary objective of the other party is to go to the village of Gal or its surroundings…"

Viscount Gendail begins to speak in such a way that objects are caught in the back teeth.

"But when I heard Denville was the commander... it smelled so bad"

And put your arms together with a difficult face.

"Sir Gendail seems to be very worried. I am not as bright in tactics as you and your lords, as Lord Basbourne, but this is still described to knights in the Third Knights as a teenager. This time, the size of the opponent seems the same as usual, and even though it is the White Phoenix Knights, it may break the power against this assumption. Well, the other commander's been captured before, isn't he, Denville? Weren't you laughing that your lords were pig warriors earlier?"

Count Thurm of Internal Affairs opened his mouth.

She is a slightly fat aunt in her fifties. It should be noted that her brother has a vast territory east of Heaven as Duke of Thurm.

The three Earl Territories, lined east of the Earl Territory of the League, participate in the meeting as those who partition the administration upstream of heaven in general because it is heaven.

I didn't keep my mouth shut until today because I knew I wasn't as good as a knight.

Since the beginning of the meeting, however, Viscount Gendail's attitude had not boiled down and he had been frustrated that it was likely to have a prolonged atmosphere.

"Well, well, Your Excellency says so too. I also think Sir Gendail has some worries, though. But I also know what Sir is worried about. When I heard Denville was in command, I felt a little strange, too."

The other day, Associate Baron Dougard Valmort, who has just entrusted the Second Knight Commander, says.

"Mm-hmm. Maybe I'm just going to let Denville fulfill last year's snowflake... thanks for hooking me up. I admit he's strong personally. But all I'm saying is that I was promoted that far with my personal martial arts and nobility. As commander, you know Dabus is incompetent."

Everyone says the face of Viscount Gendyle who speaks, "So? stare," he said.

"... If it is... If it is, I think it makes sense to at least give it a little more force..."

Few people nodded at the words of Viscount Gendail, who told them to whine.

But that doesn't mean denial. I'm just beginning to think about another possibility.

There is no incompetence in those taking part in this meeting.

"Then Denville, stationed in Bondi, commands a unit that is... and that there may be other invading units...?

The Duke of Basbourne says with a slightly worried look on his face.

"But... we don't see any change in the forces stationed in La Corusi or in the city of Kazlan, do we?"

"Maybe I just haven't found it yet"

"Stupid. Unable to find enough troops, that's enough for the Border Garrison. I can't even deal with them."


"Is there any chance of false alarm that Denville is the commander?

"I can think of that, but if you suspect a false alarm, there's no hanging up, okay?

As Duke of Basbourne, we cannot make a lighter decision to reinforce him.

Because it will cost you more than planned, and there will be a greater breakdown about the security of Wang Du.

Before that, there were orders from the king.

The order itself is, in brief, "kick it with proper force," so it's extremely special.

It's not like they're demanding it be impossible or unscrupulous.

In the end, I ended up only issuing a decree with ambiguous content, "I hear Denville is the commander, but don't try to be alarmed," against Sir Balxas, the commander, while acknowledging that this could be a hassle twice. It will be about a week before the decree arrives under Sir Balxas, to the extent that he arrives in the village to Gal.

"Right here."

says Count Bestoll.

This restaurant is located on Guld Street, about a sufficient walk from the royal castle.

The members of the meeting came here for lunch because of the Count's words of luxury.

The diner is hung with a brand new sign and can be read "Menya Gried".

In the back of the store, the head of the giant dragon, which until recently had been decorated beside the gates of the royal castle, peeled off and swept through the wide store there.

It seems to be a fairly popular store, with customers lining up outside the store for what seems to be a large store.

Some of the guests' outfits were like large merchants or nobles dressed in towns and superior clothes, while others were like slaves working somewhere dressed in crude clothes and holding a coin like they cared about.

"Hey! What? This smell?"

Says Duchess Iturin, glaring at her face.

Certainly there is a distinct and intense smell coming out of the store, and many people on the road, like the Duchess, try to pick their noses openly and just pass by.

"You stink."

"Really? That smells good to me."

"Is that true? I don't like this smell either."

Forgive me for saying so, Count Bestoll followed behind the line.

"Ha. I can't help but think so at first. But eat and see because you think you've been fooled. I eat here every day these days."

Count Bestoll says shaking his slightly fat belly.

"... that would be nice... are we lining up? No?"

The Duke of Basbourne is unhappy that he's not likely to eat right away.

Being a prime minister and a duke is not impossible.

"Mm-hmm. It's the rules of this store that line up with your Excellency."

Count Bestoll, who answers violently.

"Menya? What?"

"Gried? What does it have to do with Count Riegle?

"Come on?"

"Mm-hmm. Well done. You noticed. This store is run by Count Riegle. The example dragon is also embellished in the back of the store."



"Mm...... then there are balduckies too?

"It has to be sold out. I don't know if there's any left... but it's late today, so maybe I can't."

Or something. The order came while we managed to have a conversation.




The clerk and the child slave greeted each other with a powerful and pointless voice.

"Hella? What?

"Come on?"

"That's what I always say when guests come to this store. I don't know what that means. Guests are here."

"My Lord Bestoll. I'm sorry to have to explain this to you earlier, but is this shop going to be okay? Because it fits the Duke's mouth…"

"Um, don't worry, Sir Bowen. Like Balducky, you'll love it."

Count Bestoll sits down at the table guided and orders "Ramen Seven" as he is accustomed to.

Unfortunately, Balducky for today seemed to sell out.

"What is this? Ugh."

Viscount Gendyle, who opened one of the small pots lined up in the center of the table, glances at her face.

There was plenty of rubbed garlic stuffed inside.

"This one looks like pepper, right?

Count Thurm, who opened another small pot and checked inside, also says.

"Heh, so what's this one?

Associate Baron Valmort looks strange looking at the contents as he says so.

"That's a pickle of ginger. If you eat the ramen you're about to come, you should try just a little bit of it."

Count Bestall, who receives a change of copper coin from the clerk while saying so, but loads it in the middle of the table without putting it back in his purse.

"What's that?

Even when asked strangely, the Count answers nothing just by laughing niggardly.

"But you smell terrible. It's going to turn my eyes..."

A slightly tearful Duchess Iturin takes out her handkerchief and covers her nose.

"Well, well. Sir will soon get used to it."

"I hope so..."

"Oh? I'm used to it. It's an appetizing scent, if you ask me."

"Lord Zahm......"

"Mmm? This is a chopstick......? I heard it would only be passed on to the royal family...... Huh!? Even that bastard is using chopsticks!?"

Using chopsticks clumsily, the Duke of Basbourne is surprised to see a dirty looking dwarf carrying elongated strange dishes in his mouth.

"I also have a fork if you want. But I'm used to chopsticks already. Why don't you all use it?

Dozens of elongated wooden sticks stand on the boxes that line the table with the seasoning-like kettle.

Take two bottles from there and show Count Bestoll cleverly opening or closing with one hand.

A proud face turned everyone's nerves upside down.

"Please wait. Seven ramen, I brought you."

Around the age twelve or three daughters brought seven bowls on the basin.

"Description of how to eat...... oh thank you so much"

The clerk greets Count Bestall by acknowledging his face, which is completely regular.

The Count also refused to need explanations because he would.

Everyone peeks into the deep vessel at the bottom placed in front of them.

Soup with cloudy, slightly oily surfaces.

It also has something like boiled eggs on it, but it has a slightly brownish color.

Also a slice like minced raw onions and thinly chopped stewed pork.

And there was also an elongated, blackish, shrunken thing on it that I didn't know how to handle.

There was also one stupid big spoon in the bowl.

"Take a sip of soup first and see"

Count Bestall said so, sipping a soup that was so hot that it stood hot with the spoon that it was in the bowl, he mouthed.

Let's see everyone else. Include the soup in your mouth in the same way as it looks.


"This is...!




"And then whatever you want"

With that said, Count Bestall sticks his chopsticks in a bowl, hooks up the elongated dish and begins to carry it to his mouth.

"Buho! Don't get hot and cough."

"Shh! But it's delicious, this!

"Isn't this Kenrudge?

"No way, such a fancy imported ingredient... this toothpick... Ke, Kenruji... I'll just have to take nearly 1000Z with this amount..."

"Hey, these eggs taste great!

"Huh? Mm. It's true. It tastes good!

"That's hard to eat, dude, give me a fork!

"This way too."

"This pork is tenderly simmered and delicious. Tastes good too."

"Why!? Then I can eat. I can't stop."

After checking everyone's condition, Count Bestall picked a spoonful of garlic from the pot at the table, and then also picked the chopped ginger into his bowl.

Everyone imitates it when they see it.


"This... I like this one!

"It would be nice to change the taste."

"Yeah, I can't get tired of it."

"Then shut up and eat, shut up"

"Oh, you can't drink all the soup yet,"

Almost everyone finishes eating after a while.

Count Bestoll raised his hand toward the clerk when he grabbed one piece of copper coin, which, by the way, remained piled on the table.


"I'm in a cloak of caedama. Huh!

A clerk's voice that sounds like it if you hit it.

"What? Caedama?"

Count Bestall returns a meaningful cheek to the Duke of Basbourne asking questions.

"Hehe. I'm still not well known among the customers of this store. You guys can still eat, right?

"Well, that's it."

"Um, I thought it was a little less"

"Me too."

"I couldn't tell a woman I still wanted to eat."

"Hey, Kaedama, wait!

The clerk brought a new elongated dish on the plate.

Count Bestoll, who received it, put it in his bowl.

Reaching out to the copper coin on the table to take it away, his voice chants.

"" Kaedama!

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