September 30, 7448

"Well, thank you, Lord Associate Baron"

Dressed in silver shining metal armor (plate mails), the young man of the Mountain Nation (Dwarf), crossed by refreshments and military horses, bows his head to the man standing next to him in a similar outfit.

The young man's name is Zhentis Helioside.

Those close to him call it Zed, the temporary commander of this Royal Dabus Army.

"Mm-hmm. I'll take care of the main unit. If the Associate Duke is also positive, be sure."

In reply to Zed with a magnificent tone and expression is Associate Baron Gilliam Schrikan, who, like Zed, is in the position of the Hundred Chiefs of the White Phoenix Knights of the Kingdom of Dabus.

He is a deputy commander who was equal to Zed before he was promoted to temporary commander.

"Phew. You don't mind falling into the village of Comin, do you?

There is no other way to treat Zed politely, not to mention how he is now a better superior, because he has a genuine aristocratic position: age one turn above Zed and an associate baron.

"Well, you make jokes too. If that's possible, of course it's great."

In the first place, not only are you young and inexperienced, but the fact that Zed, with only a lower title as Associate Duke, has been appointed commander of the invading forces is in itself an anomaly in the kingdom of Dabus, which weighs the ranks of nobility.

Even for Associate Baron Shrikhan, I always thought that the very existence of Zed, who was young and promoted to a hundred heads of the same rank as himself, was not interesting.

I admit Zed's martial arts, and I understand his raw and serious character.

Besides, I am also well aware that I am a friend of cloudmakers such as Prince Wang and Prince Wang.

So he also admitted with disapproval that Zed, young and inexperienced, had been appointed deputy commander, just like the Associate Baron.

But I didn't care to be clear about the fact that in this HR, I overtook myself greatly to what could be termed five hundred or a thousand chiefs, the equivalent of a position close to a general in unlimited numbers.

I fully understand the circumstances around it, even as a zet, and care to be as polite and humble as possible.

Even if such a zet is temporary, it fits into an important commander for a reason.

Two circulars arrived from the Royal Palace halfway this month.

One of them clearly stated Baron Denville, the original commander, "capture and publicly execute the White Phoenix Knights, the strongest knights of the Kingdom of Davas, for corruption in the food runoff".

In addition, evidence, witnesses, etc. were presented in such detail that there was no room for objection.

There are more or less military food runs covered by public money in every knight's regiment.

Davas Kingdom, no, it's not nearly as bad a crime as being executed if you're an oath country in general, and Denville is a nobleman with a formal baron position, so it's customary to do so by alternation or heavy or by title-stripping.

However, the Knights of the White Phoenix are a strong army that represents the kingdom of Dabus, a Knights under the royal authority. The kingdom of Dabus is not so sweet that corruption there is missed on the boulders. This time in the form of a strict ruling with the solemnity of discipline and the significance of showing off to others who are dyeing their hands at similar corruption.

And the corruption of Baron Denville's food run-off is in itself true.

True, but only a determined victory was achieved by the Zetts, who had been collecting evidence in conjunction with the trap for several years so that Baron Denville could dye his hands against corruption in the first place.

In this regard, Alexander Belgrid, Prince Wang, said, "A good handkerchief if you don't lose the temptation… it may have been a collaborator, but it was only Baron Denville who made the decision to dye his hands against corruption. We were the ones who induced it, but you don't have to be heartbroken about it," he leaked to a friend nearby.

The circular also stated that the execution would be carried out by witchcraft by Brigadier Sir Lantier Gegran, who is entrusted to the only magician of the court, as a friend of the King Prince and Zed and a rare magician of the Kingdom of Dabus.

A woman named Lantier Gegran, not to mention to level up, is also a person who did not agree to a magical execution of a criminal. It should be noted that I strongly dislike corruption because of its natural temperament.

"Corruption is betrayal of the people. It's synonymous with betrayal of your people. Only traitors can't forgive a world like this."

That is her valve.

Of course, she has not been informed of the fact that she led Baron Denville to dye his hands against corruption.

Such is her service this time, ostensibly an inspection of the battlefield as a court magician.

But the truth came at the request of my friends, Zed and Mule.

"This is my first time in the war as Deputy Commander. This is my first appearance in a responsible position. I want to decorate it with victory if I can, and most importantly, I want to reduce the number of war dead. In some cases, you might kill someone, but could you help me with the mule?"

Prince Wang and his prince, who were there, asked him to bow his head, and even more so from his cordial adventurer friend Hexar, who said, "Then take me as your escort. While Lane was concentrating on his witchcraft, he reluctantly decided to serve until he said," I'll protect you. "

Lane was enraged when he was informed of the corruption of his commander, Baron Denville.

"I can't believe the food runoff......! I can't forgive you! Everyone who's been conscripted from all over the country has only been given a thin porridge and a piece of dried meat!

Since her expedition from the Wang capital Landgries to create a worsening of the food situation against Lane, she and the soldiers around her have been distributing every meal to her hated oatmeal (oatmeal) porridge (polidge). If it was her personality, it was expected that she would be able to buy and eat whatever she liked along the way, so the effect was surface.

Drawn out in the central square of the city of Bondi, which became an extraordinary execution site, Baron Denville dared to be tied with a scratchy rope, but on the verge of execution he tried to pull the restraint, chopping it apart, using an instant (Instantenios), a special skill of the Lions (Lios). But Lane was so badly injured by the amazing sorcery that he followed him toward his goal as he remembered, that he was beaten to death by more sorcery where he could no longer move.

And to another circular, "I will roll up and appoint Associate Sir Zhentis Helioside, deputy commander as temporary commander. Associate Baron Gilliam Schlicken, Deputy Commander, shall remain assistant to the Temporary Commander".

Thus Zed was to sit in the chair of the temporary commander, despite the rank of a hundred captains.

It should be noted that the rank of ten or hundred is Dabus' own, not in the literal sense.

Ten here means the number of knights, cavalier candidates, and unserviced volunteers to be placed under command.

Conscripted tenure soldiers, who make up about 70% of the Royal Davas Army, are not accounted for as regular troops.

When fitted into the military system on the Lomberto side, it is a platoon leader with ten men - a squadron leader class, and a squadron leader with a hundred men - a battalion leader class.

But why did Zed leave a large number of troops to Associate Baron Shrikhan, and he had a small number of unit commands that could be described as Yangtze?

There's a reason for that.

The purpose of this operation.

Of course, the true aim is to raise the hand and promote it to the breathtaking figure of Prince Wang, starting with Zet.

For this reason, this invasion operation is a dual operational plan between the superficial operation and the actual operation.

Only four of the invading forces know about the whole thing, including Zed.

The ostensible operation is, as originally planned, the recapture of the village of Garhe, the pioneering village of the Kingdom of Lomberto in the western part of the Dart Plains. It was the Kingdom of Lomberto that created the village, but in the first place it was where the Kingdom of Dabus used to fell the trees to form formations.

Since the building of the village by the Kingdom of Lomberto using its site, once the Kingdom of Dabus placed it under occupation and created a new village of Garhe.

But seven years ago, the Kingdom of Lomberto had taken it back.

The invading forces were told that the purpose of this troop outpost was to recapture the village to Ghar.

But inside the royal palace of Dabus is secretly informed that the real aim is the occupation of the village of Comin, east of the village to Ghar, dozens of miles away.

It is a village that, although full last year, launched a strategic strategy, has just failed in an unexpectedly stubborn resistance.

Something is more convenient to put under the force a place closer to the centre than the western village of Dart Plains, which is also less well developed as the Kingdom of Dabus.

For this reason, not many people in the Royal Palace insisted deeply on re-offending.

It is an operation designed to draw on their intentions while at the same time securing a bridgehead to the future, to promote and strengthen the voice of those involved, including Zed.

In a true operation, Zed's unit, which leads only two hundred men, including conscripts, to invade the village of Comin, is the main unit, and the village invasion unit to Ghar, commanded by Associate Baron Shrikhan, is more positive.

If Lane didn't make the service good, he would have revealed his true operational purpose to her and once again attached cooperation, but it would be good to praise her for being able to carry the good work so far without being revealed more than necessary because he reluctantly did.

Especially since she herself, even thinly, had felt, and had consolidated her readiness to devote herself to the future development of the Kingdom of Davas, she had also learned a great deal about her own abilities as a pawn and her warrior value.

Lane has also killed adventurers he met inside Benkelish's labyrinth.

Of course, if the village of Garhe can be occupied with the troops deposited with Associate Baron Shrikhan, that would be a lifetime.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that the invading forces, the Royal Davis Army, are assembled in the city of Bondi and would have fallen far short of the Lomberto side.

There is no way to let Lombelt occupy it at all, so he should be waiting in quite a line.

Associate Baron Shrikan must stick to it at best and retain Lombert's main defensive force.

To that end, Zed said, "I'm asking you to order a temporary commander, but my predecessor as a hundred chiefs is Sir Schlicken. I know it would be appropriate for Lord Schlicken to lead the Garhe Village offensive force," he said, telling him to tickle Schlicken's pride. He offered to direct his troops to the village of Comin, which is perceived to be a positive move.

Of course, I never said anything about the Shrikan commanding unit, such as the main unit.

He also called himself the Comin Village Attack Force, not the Yang Dynamic Force, for the troops he commanded.

It is difficult to see a minority less than 10% of all armies as the main force.

Both Associate Baron Shrikhan and "The Court Mage's Palace wishes to inspect our troops. Can I take you with me?," he said, nodding to Eagle Deep Fried.

As for Shrikan, he sometimes wants to show the size of the vessel to Zed, who carries out manoeuvres in only about two hundred troops, and even if he loses his courtroom demon mentor to some force, his achievements will be scratched. Rather, it was an acknowledgement of the desire to accomplish the attack on the village of Garhe and monopolize its achievements without the support of the court magician.

The fact that the use of magic there is joining the battle against the village of Comin, which is Yang Dynasty, will be passed on to the Lomberto side soon anyway, and there is an increased likelihood that you will encourage the movement of the defense forces to the village of Comin. I thought we could even reduce the number and quality of defensemen staying in the village to Gal for that matter.

Operation starts on October 12th, two weeks after the Comin Village offensive forces open the battlefield.

The information is communicated to the Lomberto side, the formation of the village defense unit to Gal is diminished, and the date is October 15, three days after which it seems difficult to return as soon as possible, and the Garhe village offensive unit is scheduled to leave this city of Bondi on October 11 in order to match it.

Zed set out for the village of Comin, accompanied by ten knights and twenty squires, fifty regular soldiers, about a hundred conscripts, including a mule, along with Lane, a court demon mentor, and Barnes, an adventurer with her escort, and a strife that is transforming into a combat slave using his inherent skills.


...... Psst! ……

The sound of a small but characteristic whistle that seemed to plunder from the southwestern direction sounded.

Behind the woods surrounding the village, are hundreds of meters ahead?

It was the heavens of the Kingdom of Lomberto, the Fourth Battalion of the Second Knights stationed to defend the southernmost village of Comin in the county of Lancel, and the Brigadier General Begroes, Squadron Commander of the Third Squadron, who overheard it.

He also knew very well that nearly two months had passed since the Royal Dabus Army had entered the city of Bondi, which would have been organised with the intention of invading the village of Gal in the western neighboring reagle Count Territory.

It is predicted that an attack will also be launched against the village of Comin as a positive move in the village offensive to Ghar, and reports have also been received that a small number of troops have advanced from the main unit about two weeks ago, as predicted. There have been no reports that some village has been raided since. The sound of that whistle is proof that the prediction is correct.

Brigadier Duke Begroes strokes his chest down, saying it was worthwhile to focus on the actions of the squadrons he was regularly putting on patrol in a southwesterly direction, squeezing his sentinel net in a direction that would invade.

The patrol unit that blew the signal whistle would also be desperately retreating by now.

"All right, get ready for the match! The numbers are a little higher over here! We're repelling! And then, Rob, you, check the number of opponents, and then you run all the way to Wakka Village to tell them about the enemy attack!

Brigadier Begroes crosses a military horse in a move he is accustomed to when he flies his men.

It is easier to see the war situation from a slightly higher place, and the orders issued reach far away.

The village of Comin, like other pioneering villages, cuts through the surrounding forests of the village to make it a cultivated land.

The central residence is roughly circular, with a simple fence stretched around it only to prevent horseback riding and invasion by external enemies.

The fence is like what we call a horse fence in Japan, with no moat or earth base, but naturally the enemy's advance stops in front of it.

Its shape is about 20 to 30 cm in diameter with pointed tips and about 2 to 3 m in height. It grows on the ground like a pile at intervals of several hundred centimeters, during which time it is tied in three steps by cross wood.

Since cultivated land is overwhelmingly wider than residences, it is difficult to protect all cultivated land from boulders, and there is no fence on cultivated land to spread gradually by opening it.

Encourage the serfs and civilians whose men are out on cultivated land to evacuate.

I am sorry to the owners of the cultivated land, but the cultivated land that is under reconstruction at the corner will be ravaged again.

It has been about six months since the defensive forces led by Brigadier Lord Beglows began garrisoning in this village, but in the meantime the faces of those who became close came to him. They will soon all complete their evacuation in the heart of the village, around the Lords' Hall.

Rob, whom I had just commanded, crossed his army horse and went out of the gate, which was located on the north side.

Lurking in the north woods, once you know the approximate number of people who have carried out the raid, go straight to the village of Wakka to report. Even if the number of assault troops was higher than expected, a liaison in the village of Wakka would go to the city of Garance, further in depth, and it would be a week, no matter how late it was estimated, to pull the troops stationed there.

"It seems there are about two hundred people, including the weight, heading this way. Calm down and deal with it, it won't be a problem at all!

To calm his men's feelings, the Associate Duke says with plenty of room.

"Now, when the evacuation is over, close the gate! Hold the spear in position! Try to keep your bowmen in line!

15 Oct 7448

The Royal Dabus Army, which has carried out raids on the village of Comin, was thought to total hundreds.

Occasionally, horseback riding sporadically tramples and roughs the field, but as soon as it is about to approach the distance reached by the bow, it retreats, and both armies continue to meet each other without even leaving the war dead.

It can be described as a blatant stumbling block that is common in positive attacks.

This is the fourth day since the Royal Dabus Army showed up.

Is it time to go to Gal when the Dabus army was also seen in the village?

That's when Associate Lord Beglows thought there could be zero casualties of war if he didn't stick around and force himself.

There was a major explosion at the fence on the north side of the village.

"No way... is that a fireball...? Incredible......"

The werewolf smoke of a full-scale offense went up.

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