14 Oct 7448

Village to Gal.

It is one of the pioneering villages in the western part of the Dart Plains, which stretches south of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

There is currently a large army stationed in this village that is not always present.

The purpose is to defend the nearby area, including the village, to this gal.

Sir Vishur Balxas, First Knights of the Kingdom of Lomberto and First Squadron Commander, who is tasked with commanding the defense forces, was thinking ahead of the bonfire.

The other day, two thousand combatants from the First Battalion and Third Battalion of the Second Knights, reinforcements, arrived from Wang Du.

He has also pulled the number of men who hit four squadrons from the Fourth Knights, who were stationed in the southern part of the heavens as a defense force step row, to build a backward position for supplies in the village of Midora, north of the village to Ghar.

Organizing supply lines against the village of Beige and the villages of Rad, east and west of Ghar, and in some cases using them as reserve troops, was the aim of this.

As for the other formations, the Knights of the Land of the Duke of Thurm, which was stationed in Weed, the second earl city of the league with the village to Ghar, has also forcibly added all 200 people to the defense forces of the village of Rad in the west as a unit of the defense forces.

The establishment of a liaison network for nearby villages, mainly personnel of the Fourth Squadron, commonly known as the 254 Squadron, belonging to the Fifth Battalion of the Second Knights, who were now stationed in advance in the village to Gal, has finally been completed.

And in the middle of the night, when the date had just changed, the arrival of the Dabus army was announced against the village of Comin, the pioneering village of Count Lancel's territory next to the east.

It was envisaged that there would be a positive attack in advance on the village of Comin or its northeastern village of Kardan, and there was information earlier this month that about 200 small units were ahead of us from the Dabus army.

So there is no surprise for the attack on the village of Comin itself.

Sir's stray is not whether to send reinforcements to the village of Comin.

Reinforcements are released.

The problem is its size.

Arranging reinforcements from now on may not make it to the defensive battle in the village of Comin.

It is possible that he is fighting an advantage against the Dabus army only in the defense of the village of Comin, or that he will arrive late afterwards.

But I can also think of a situation in case.

Because even after the fall of the village of Comin, the arrival of reinforcements will be a catastrophe that cannot be seen if they fall as far north as the villages of Wakka and Kardan.

In doing so, this reinforcement should not be in the village of Comin, but as reinforcements to the defence forces of the villages of Wakka and Kardan.

We are not going to ignore the Dabus army, which is expected to be more than 2000 in total, and the village will be the target of this invasion of Gal.

In short, send reinforcements but how big?

That was his problem.

But he also well understands that spending time in jail only makes things worse.

"Was the 243 Squadron defending the village of Comin about 200 troops..."

If the report is correct, the Dabus forces that have attacked against the village of Comin were also to that extent.

Even if complete repelling is difficult, there are enough to sustain a defensive battle for quite some time.

"Sir Balxas, I think this is a positive move. The goal is probably to draw reinforcements and sharpen the force from this unit."

The commander of the Second Knights squadron delivered his opinion.

However, it is now because such a thing has been foreseen before.

Sir Balxas opens his mouth when he carefully ignores the performer.

"You don't have any other information from Bondi that a separate unit sent out, do you?

The black armor from Barkud worn by Sir reflects the bonfire.

"Ha, no"

It was Richard Lomberto, Lord Lombardo, the platoon leader of the First Platoon, who replied in awe.

He is a man of noble stature dressed in magical armor branded Black Sky Scale that he has new this spring.

It is rumored that in the future his son will succeed to the throne.

In doing so, he will be in a position to support the King as Regent.

"... All right. Of the 215 Squadron and the 235 Squadron, only the Knights leave immediately for Comin Village Defense. The knights also incorporate all but the finest who defend every part of the road. Let them arrive by tomorrow. The Commander... will do."

It was the Squadron Leader of the 215 Squadron who entered.

Thus the knights departed from the village's defence forces to Ghar as reinforcements to the village of Comin for a total of about 160 people.

It will be early tomorrow evening for them to arrive in the village of Comin.

Until then, if the war situation is glued, they will be a tremendous force to move the situation greatly.

15 Oct 7448

Off the field on the south side of the village to Ghar.

The area is hastily cut through the forest and a simple defensive position is being built.

Even if you bypass this formation and launch an attack on the village, you can inflict pain on its flank if you fly the army ready to raze a field that is easy to navigate.

Ignoring this place is therefore impossible no matter how stupid the commander on the offensive side is.

"Sir Balxas, it looks like you're finally here."

The First Battalion Commander of the Second Knights has advanced to Sir Balxas.

"Uhm. All hands, for the match - Yip!

When he gave his life to prepare for battle aloud, the Ser rode his own military horse.

The only other person on board is the commander of each unit, and the direct combat personnel are down, even if it is a knight.

Often there is no space in the woods for assault, so military horses get in the way of combat.

Only the commander needs to give instructions to his subordinates, and he has to ride in the way to keep track of the war.

After a while, Sir's high point of view captured the appearance of the enemy army.

An enemy soldier marching between the trunks of a tree is invisible.

My distance is 60-70 meters away.

"Archers! Forward! Three shots backward!

A bow squad moves in front of the formation, and the commanders of each platoon sound directing their targets to their respective men.

Looks like he's hit a couple of them, but in the woods, the bow's potency is sharpened a lot.

It is originally a soldier species used for the purpose of surface control in an open place.

Normally, they shoot diagonally, drawing mountainous ballistics and shooting them as if they were falling from the enemy's head.

In the first place, the distance you can target with direct fire (point blank) is about 30m, even if you are a well-armed archer.

The purpose of Sir Balxas' first use of a bow squad that was difficult to use because of psychological oppression and geographic factors on the enemy, even though he knew it, dared to make his opponent see this total number and abilities.

In short, "Is that all you can afford a number of people to use an ineffective bow?" or "the other commander is an asshole," to the extent that it can be made to think.

Indeed, the Dabus army, which was shot with an arrow, rushed to set up a shield or something, and its march rate was dull.

I didn't expect to be able to shoot arrows in the woods.

Of course, I soon realize that the Davas Army has little effect either.

The number of injuries inflicted is also enough to count.

However, it was certain that the march speed was temporarily dull and caused minor confusion, and the archers succeeded in retreating to the rear without any damage using the margins made in the meantime.

While doing so, he and I cut our distance by 20 m.

It's a distance we can already see each other's faces.

The Davas Army avant-garde is solidified by an infantry equipped with Theory Street shields and swords, in the style in which the rear row of spear soldiers protrude their spears from that gap or use their lengths to swing them down to beat them from above.

The defensive Lomberto army sticks spears out of the gap in the simple barricade made of wood.

The anger is disturbed and the screams are staggered.

And a few minutes later.

The Dabus army has begun to retreat.

The first battle was intense, but the number of corpses of the miscellaneous soldiers left in front of the Lomberto army was less than twenty.

First of all, it was a small hand check, and I just hit it off and saw how it went.

"I need a message for both wings."

Sir Balxas issues a cautionary decree to his men who are in command on the left and right of the formation.

He felt so small in number that he didn't think he had an army of 2,000.

"The other commander seems to be Denville, the pig warrior. Protect, protect and protect even. In time, they'll break the paralysis and storm. The battle starts with that."

However, the day went down with no significant damage on either side only when another similar attack took place.

Well, at the same time.

This is the village of Comin, dozens of kilometers east of the village to Gal, which became a battlefield.

A major explosion on the northern fence of the village was thought to have been caused by the magic of an oversized fireball.

Incredibly, even though it's a simple fence, only one blow broke some of the fences.

Squadron leader of the defensive squadron, Brigadier General Begroes, stared at some of the fences that had broken only momentarily but certainly suddenly.

Luckily there was no one around that fireball landed.

The Associate Duke lets the damage be ascertained in haste.

It seems possible to repair the fence itself, but that was going to take time there.

I'm stunned that I just lost my hips again as I tried to issue a preaching order with a bitter worm-biting look on my face.

Another similar fireball landed a little further from the broken fence and exploded.

There are also several magicians in the Second Knights to such an extent that they can release regular fireballs.

But I can't do a streak, and the power of a single blow is so low that it's not comparable to that one.

It is to the extent that if you strike a person directly, you can kill him.

The fence should have been sturdy enough to withstand direct fire balls.

But that one is far more powerful than that, and it would kill enough people if it just exploded nearby without a direct hit.

Immediately afterwards, the Associate Duke returns to me and gives the order as soon as he succeeds.

First of all, it's a message.

That there are so many magicians in the Davas Army that they can unleash two more powerful fireballs in a row.

And that if all that powerful offensive magic were unleashed against the inside of the fence, great damage would not be spared.

In short, we must issue a decree calling for immediate reinforcements.

But at the same time, I think so.

With all that power gain, you'd be infusing a lot of magic, two rounds of it.

So, no matter how good the other mage is, he'll need to rest for a few more hours.

Let the fence be repaired right now, or do a sneak attack while you're ready for some damage.

But in the unlikely event that daring the assault would not succeed in taking over the sorcerer, can we protect the village with the number of our own troops who would be badly damaged......

Eventually, I decided to order my men to give priority to repairing the fence.

Even if the damage is done, reinforcements will come sooner or later if they are thoroughly guarded.

Speaking of which, what happened to the Herald (Rob) who ran it the other day?

The opponents are about the same number as this one, so they should pull about a squadron playing somewhere...

"Hey, what about Gael and Zed?

The Associate Duke asks his men who came by with the materials.

Gael and Zed are two crossbow archers (crossbow snipers) who specialize in targeting enemy mages.

The effective range is 80 m.

Since the general fireball range is about 80m, it is also possible to aim from that range critical if the other party does not distract you from your presence.

I didn't use it because I didn't want to show crossbow possession in defensive combat until today.

"Ha, I'll call you right away!

My men rush out.

Looking at him afterwards, I recall that the Associate Duke has not even confirmed the appearance of the other mage yet.

First, we need another shot or two, and then we need to let them use magic again to identify the sorcerer.

We have to keep an eye on the outside of the fence, so next time there may be a victim, but this is really necessary.

In no time, two snipers came under the Associate Duke.

The Associate Duke ordered the two of them to ascend to the roof of the proper house for the sake of the mage's visibility.

And I realized I was going to feel dark while ordering it.

- If you can increase the power that much, even the range will be extendable... Sorry, Gael, Zed. But if you're going to shoot me from afar, if you realize it, you should be able to flatter me enough...

"Uh-oh, wow!

Mule accidentally raises his praise when he sees the fireball fired by Lane hit the fence and caused a huge explosion.

'Hmmm, that's a lot of power indeed... Lane, that's a fireball right now, isn't it?

Zed, standing next to her, also asked with admiration.

'Yeah, that's right. I have to break the fence,' cause it's more powerful. '

Lane answers with a slightly seeping look of fatigue.

Because it was a force she would never normally use, there was no alternative to requiring nearly two minutes from the start of mental concentration to launch.

Around, Hex, who bought Lane's escort and left, and his battle slave, Jack (Hex's previous brother, Arnik Strife, transformed), remain on guard as he sets up his shield.

I'm alert to the visuals from the sniper, and I've got a couple of smaller units at closer range, because I've never gone beyond caution.

Fireballs released by Lane are said to have extended their range to about three times their normal size and five times their power.

"Hey, Lane. Is it true you can shoot more than you can now? I don't think I was on that level when you showed me back in the day. '

Mule asks with expressions such as intrigue.

'Yeah. I usually make it twice as powerful as it is now. Besides, I wasn't so used to fireballing back then...'

Lane answers if you scratch up your wind-blown hair.

The slightly long-lasting brunette has bright straight hair.

"Ha-ha-ha! Hey, did you hear that, Zed!

"Oh... boulders are court magicians (Court Wizard)"

Mule and Zed raise their impressed voices.

'That's right, how much more can you shoot that power? I need a dummy at the cavalry entrance, so I need five more places. "

To Zed's inquiry, Lane glanced over his shoulder and said, 'Five shots or so would be fine. But is it all from here?' And it was flat.

"All right, let's go to the east side next"

When Zed declared, they started moving in solidarity with the troops around them.

At that time.


When the village's north gate opened just a little, the two horseback riders rushed out to pieces towards the east and west.

"It's a decree!

"Crush it!

An anger echoes in his mouth, and soldiers begin to bow around him.

"Lane! Please!

Zed's voice sounds.

"Come on, get out of my way! Get out of the way!

There was only one decree by which Lane was terminated with a Fire Arborest missile.


'It would be a request for reinforcements. And then there's Lane's report...'

"What do we do?

"Drop it there by the time reinforcements arrive and you'll be fine."

"Oh, yeah."

"Let's hurry."

16 Oct 7448

Late at night.

A decree arrived at the headquarters of the Lomberto army stationed in the village to Gal.

It is the war situation in the village of Comin that the decree has conveyed.


Sir Balxas, who received the report, has made his voice absurd.

Unlike the village front to Gal, which was able to repel the Dabas army well at the end of the second day of battle today and without much damage, the war situation in the village of Comin is inconceivable.

The number of 243 squadrons defending the village of Comin is about 200.

It is not much the same number of troops as the Royal Dabus Army, which has carried out the raid.

It is unlikely, first of all, that the same number of people will lose in a defensive battle by building a position.

If you're serious about knocking it off, the attacking side isn't about three times as many people as the defensive side, and even if you can, it's difficult to maintain it afterwards, and naturally many victims and injuries occur during raids.

There are quite a few healing magic users themselves, but once or twice healing magic does not completely heal sword wounds or arrow wounds.

Besides, there are limits to the magician's magic, and mental fatigue accumulates when he is concentrating on magic.

But as a reality, the Comin Village front is rolling down from adhesive to struggle rapidly.

The cause of this was the inclusion of a fairly skilled sorcerer in the invasion force into the village of Comin.

Another unit of the First Knights has a magician who is very good enough to take the alias of the Black Witch, but to hear reports of the sorcery used by the Royal Dabus Army as Comin Village was attacked, it was said that fireballs and other fairly advanced offensive sorcery were used to such an extent as to be comparable in power to what the Black Witch had shown in the past.

It has also been reported that it possesses very advanced techniques not only for offensive sorcery but also for the sorcery of moulding, such as building earth bases in less than ten seconds.

It is precisely a testament to the fact that it possesses so many magical powers, such advanced moves as can be described as the court magician class.

If they are true, it is only natural that the defensive battles of the 243 squadrons stationed in the village of Comin are unfavourable.

On the contrary, it is not surprising that in some cases the village of Comin has fallen.

- Uhm, you daybus... Were you hiding such a powerful sorcerer? I didn't know you could afford to distribute all those big pawns. Shit.

Sir Balxas gets lost.

Is it really the village of Comin?

There was also a saying in the report of the decree that it was only in the village of Comin that it was possible for the main unit.

However, with just one flow arrow, no matter how many archmage guides you may be, you fall into non-combat, and you are close to defenseless in the midst of your mental concentration on witchcraft.

I can't say I'm a wizard in the court sorcerer class, only concentration doesn't last forever.

Whether there is more or less magic, the spiritual energy consumption that takes mental concentration to express magic is sure to go with equal shredding of energy, whoever it is.

Crossbow snipers that specialize in targeting such sorcerers are often accompanied in battles between armies with large numbers.

Naturally, even the 243 Squadron has about two or three archers trained like that.

We need to get close to 70-80m or so, but if a skilled crossbow sniper calms down and takes aim, it's possible to be inside the target even at that distance.

Unless you are also wearing metal armor (plate mail), you may even have one shot of death if you hit a steep spot.

Even if not, they will be forced off the front for quite some time until the wound heals.

You can't lose a precious big pawn for that, so normally a powerful wizard wouldn't be on the front line that much if it weren't for the Great War.

The black witch of Lomberto is a true knight belonging to the Knights, so I can say an exception during the exception.

In fact, those colleagues are strictly instructed to "defend herself even if she thinks she's royal" in a way that won't let her distract her.

Because she is regarded as powerful enough to always repel any opponent coming at her while she is alive.

- Hey, is Comin 'Village more destiny? No way. Impossible. It's still more convincing that guys like Miloo, who weren't known within Dabus, happened to be in the war......

Sir Balxas sits on the floor table with his arms around him and meditates on his eyes.

Before him a knight of the decree, who keeps breathing rough, remains on his knees.

He also has the elite of his men, the First Knights, and key members of the Second Knights.

- The advance reinforcements should be arriving in the village of Comin this evening.... if they work hard, or... no, it's just an aspiration. Besides, even sending backup right away...... shit. I don't have a choice.

Sir opened his eyes softly and spoke of his decision.

"Divide the defense forces in half. I'm the one who commands this. Sir Lomberto, you will remain in command of the main unit here and deal with the attack of Dabus, which will be here all day. I'm in the village of Midora, and the Fourth Knights are involved in the defense of the village of Wakka."

The men who heard the Sir's words were stunned because of too unexpected content.

Because the premise was that the village of Comin would fall.

"Don't fall in love, you guys! Get ready now!

Sir yells and his men move like they've been played.

Half of them have to follow the Sergeant and start moving immediately.

"Sir Romberto."


Richard Lomberto, Lord of Lombardo, voiced by one Sir, answers with a discouraged voice.

"If we keep going about the village to Gal, we'll win even if we get half this number. The other commander seems to be Baron Denville. But what if…… in case it is confirmed that a sorcerer like the one who came out of the village of Comin has been put on the front…"

"Ha... I will surely die"

Richard answers with a consolidated expression of determination.

"No. No, you're not. I entrust this place to His Highness's men, and His Highness himself requests you to retreat immediately to the Lombertier.... No, this is an order. Repeat, Lord Lomberto."


"Repeat it!

Sir Balxas commanded in a resolutely strong tone.

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