Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Twenty: Attack on Comin 'Village 1

15 Oct 7448

"All right, south next."

Following the north side of the village of Comin, there are also two places on the east side, Zed, who had an oversized fireball shot into the lane, then heads south of the village.

It's a lane that flew a massive amount of earth magically out along the way and gave out an easy dirt base, but it doesn't make a lot of sense, and Zed told me to stop it only once because it would be cumbersome to clean up and re-farm after occupation to get it over cultivated land.

The dirt you put out can be erased in the same magic anti-magic field in person, but even for her, it was one of the reasons why she stopped doing what she thought was a hundred million bucks after the battle.

Though moving more than two hundred meters away from the village fence, Zed thinks he would already be clammed for the presence of lanes on the boulders, but at this distance he rethinks that he shouldn't even be able to tell the details of his appearance or gender, only telling him to be careful not to hit the arrows that fly sporadically, and he rides and crosses the middle of the field with dignity without even setting up a shield.

Even the mules who follow him have not set up shields overhead.

At about 200 m, a critical long bow arrow can be reached, but the number of simultaneous shootings at one location is also about 10-20 at best, as we are letting a small number of troops play around the village.

Naturally that hit rate is significantly lower, and it is easy for children to avoid it if they do not even fail to be alert to the sky.

The Lombelt side was aware of that, too, and did not imitate it as wasting arrows.

And fireballs were shot into a total of eight places, two on the south side and two on the west side.

"Hold on, that's awesome! Lane's arm! Didn't you cut it by ten seconds already? Is it true that today is the first time I've used it in that power and range? Four or five years ago, I was surprised when I went to Benkerish, but it was amazing!

Mule exhilarates with joy at Lane, who silently releases a fireball toward the place Zed commands.

There is also a grin on the faces of the knights and soldiers who guard them around.

Anyway, he was suddenly devastated by the most difficult defense facility to destroy.

"Mm-hmm. The boulder is such a dramatic place for [magic mastery]. I finally got a firearrow ready to use in public... '

While I tell them to zero their grievances, of course Zed is just as upbeat as they are.

Sure, it took about two minutes at first to complete the magic (even this deserves incredible stunning) time of mental concentration, but it's only surprising to him that he knew it or saw it again and again that it would be so short with only a few uses.

If you are familiar with the same magic of another power, even if you have changed the power, range, and speed, it is also a skillful technique inherent in [magic acquisition] that takes over proficiency in the proportion there from the beginning and is also highly proficient.

"Stupid, you surprised me like this. You're not supposed to be escorting the court magician, are you? Don't forget that, okay? With all that power, I'm not very tired of using all this magic continuously. Hey, Jack?"

Hex is also bragging against his chest like he is for some reason.

Of course, as he claims, no matter how much magic he could afford, the continuous use of witchcraft would be quite burdensome with a build-up of mental fatigue.

"Yeah, totally. Master Lane is a big deal."

Ark, who is turning into a combat slave, seems to speak Japanese unexpectedly, but he noticed Hex didn't dare to use Japanese and took part in the conversation with nature.

"Don't give me too much credit. I'm still okay with magic because I'm more used to it than everyone else, but it doesn't change my mental weariness just as well. More than that, Zed, enough breakthroughs, right? As far as I'm concerned, I'd recommend the current location and the first one to the south and the second one to the north."

Lane says as she fingers everywhere about her candidacy for a breakthrough.

"Oh, right. All right. We're going to attack three places at the same time, as we should. Issue a preaching order to Sir Duvlin, who is keeping an eye on the north streets. Mule's troops are the first to the south, and Sir Duvlin's troops are the second to the north. If my unit starts a raid over there, signal it. But if we make contact with the fence, we'll be back in a minute, no matter how long. At first, just think less of them. You don't have to force yourself into it. All right?"

Zed issues a quick preaching order to the Davas army under his command, and lets them form wedge-shaped formations for assault against troops under his direct command.

"Then Lane. Another job. I'll put four big shields on the escort... And if you can spare me, I need you to tailor the sniper."

"Okay. But, okay? They're gonna tell me you won because I was there, right?

As a purely magical lane, I didn't like to use magic to kill people, even though it was war. But there is no denying about treating the injured. Words today are only a convenience to conceal the truths that are so well known.

"Hey, Lane."

That said, Hex hastily tries to say follow-on words to a lesser extent as well.

"Fine. You can let whoever you want to say it. Besides, those guys say whatever they want without Lane. I don't care. In the first place, it's true."

"I don't care about pussies or anything," Zed says with a laugh as he crosses over to the military horse with his men's shoulders.

I borrowed the shoulders because they are low in height and have short legs.

"Okay. Hold the axe spear (Halvard). No!

In response to Zed's life, a squire who follows him offers him his favorite Zed Halvard.

"We start the first assault in half an hour!

Zed proclaims around his own forces attacking from the western side of the village of Comin, also taking into account the time when the forces of the mule and Sir Duvrin, which will take the form of attacking from its left to right, will be ready.

A dark black moustache shaking three knitted under his chin.

The silver helmet he wears so that Dwarf's pride, his beard, stands out, has no cheeks on the bottom half of his face.

Even those in the village of Comin on the boulder will know that they are ready to storm, but they cannot originally hope to attack the village in the middle of a vast plot of cultivated land.

Therefore, nothing has changed where it was noticed.

Rather, Zed thinks it will be easier for the Lanes to spot snipers.

Thirty minutes later.

About 300 m west of the village of Comin.

"All right, let's go! All units, assault. No, no, no!

In accordance with the decree of Zed, who shouted bravely, a total of about sixty Dabas troops, led by three cavalry men, put up shields and swept out simultaneously.

Almost simultaneously, sixty men under Mule's command from the South, and sixty men under Sir Duvlin's command from the North, will similarly launch an assault aimed at a breakthrough.

Arrows fly sporadically from the village, but the morale of the Dabus army with the Great Wizard is high, and the rate of advance is not slightly dull.

"All right, let's go too!

After the Zetts, Lane, Hex and Jack follow along, leading the four men with the Great Shield who were ordered to escort Lane.


A soldier who was shielding himself overhead near the head fell at the same time as he shouted.

"It's a crossbow!

Apparently, he's within the direct range of the enemy's crossbow.

The angle of the shield, which was positioned horizontally relative to the overhead, was simultaneously diagonal.

Kah! Kah! and a crossbow arrow (bolt) that makes a noise and pierces the surface of the shield.

The arrow fired by the bow also came down, but the barrage was thin because the Dabus army was attacking from three sides of the village, which could not be described as a very effective attack.

A hole in a fence made of a combination of trees was about to begin to be repaired, but it is naturally impossible to repair it properly in such a short time.

The lumber is just piled up in a mess so that the perforation does not become an entry hole into the village.

There are infantry waiting around them with spears, swords, or bows.

However, since all eight fences have been broken, the number of soldiers packing in one hole is about 20-30, and even if they call for backup from nearby holes, they can rush to come as soon as possible, which is twice as many at best.

Refrain from approaching the fence except when looking at gaps on the defensive side and spreading holes using Halvard, Warhammer, etc. that soldiers can carry.

Before many defensemen gather across the fence, release a crossbow from behind the shield and direct a bow to reduce the number of defensemen whenever possible.

Without taking too long for a single battle, each of the three units retreats toward the right.

Later on, however, the Mule's troops will now strike again from the West, Zed's troops from the South, and Sir Duvlin's troops from the East.

As for the Lombelt side, you will soon notice the legality, but there are two holes in each direction, so there is no way you can make one thin.

Repeat this. First, aim to gradually reduce the defensemen on the Lomberto side.

Five or six of these attacks should be possible in about three or four hours before sundown today.

In a single attack, if you can disable three or four people in a single attack, it is expected that the number of opponents will decrease considerably, and if it decreases, the defense will drop, so the effect will increase gradually.

Afterwards, the most damaged perforations are defined as breakthroughs, and then the entire army is rounded up and evaporated into the village at once to settle.

If these attacks don't reduce the number of defensemen by much, they will have a lot of effect if you keep repeating them tomorrow morning.

It is an operation set up by Zed.

As long as Lane is here, we can use more attack magic to push, but we don't want to show the enemy any more Trump Card (Lane), and if possible, we want to attack the northern village of Wakka, so we want to reduce this damage as much as we can.

I also believe that if the reinforcements on Lomberto's side arrive over time, it will be troublesome, but as a Zed, I have no choice but to expose them to some trump cards at that time.

"... All right! Retreat!"

When Zed hung the order, the soldiers began retreating with caution of the arrows.

There are three people in this attack who could clearly be defeated.

One of them was terminated with a Lane fire arborest missile, but the guy had a crossbow.

Satisfied with the outcome, Zed is not proud to go to the location for his next attack.

Repeating a similar attack three times, Zed's troops were once again in position to attack the West, taking a short break.

The previous battles that Zed grasps are three in the first attack, three in the next attack from the South, four in the third attack from the East and five in the earlier attack from the North.

I really think there is a little bit more because I quote less, of course.

By contrast, the damage to his troops was only nine.

Two of them died instantly on the spot because they were unlucky enough to get arrows in the steeple, and there was nothing they could do about it, but the other seven had nothing to do with their lives because Lane hanged them with healing magic before they died.

It will strain Lane, but tomorrow it will be possible to return to the front.

The outcome of this battle is unclear until whether or not it was certain that he had died, but even if he had taken his life, he doesn't have Lane, so I don't think it's that easy to get back on the front.

If Mule and Sir Duvrin's troops are equally effective, four or fifty could have been rendered powerless.

"Okay, again in ten minutes, now the one on the right..."

When Zed spoke that far.

Horseshoe sounds and anger approached from the north.

"Shit! Reinforcements! That was surprisingly quick."

While Zed said so, he recalled that the other day, when he first arrived in the village of Comin, there would have been a decree for the request for reinforcements.

- So that reinforcement doesn't know anything about Lane? No, I just missed one. You'd better think you knew.

"Lane! Get in!

Lane behind his own military horse, Zed flew the horse for the support of Sir Duvlin, who was shaped to be struck in the back.

"Can you handle it!?"

"I just have to do it!?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll take care of the magic you use! I want to reduce the number of people I can!

Zed and Lane talking like shouting on a horse.

"Fine, drop me off around there! And then I let my side down... you're down."

"Oh, only training to escape was thorough! There you go!?"

Standing down to the ground as he jumped from his horse, Lane spreads his palms wide toward the impending Romberto army.

Zed holds Halvard aside to protect her by that side and sets up a kite shield.

"Not yet!?"

Zed speaking like a panic, but no response from Lane, who is starting to concentrate.

"Join my troops! Don't block your sight!

Zed commands loudly to wave Halbad toward Sir Duvlin, who is fleeing.

Sir Duvrin and the others seem to have figured out that Lane is about to use some magic, so I'm going to change course slightly.

Sir Duvlin's troops were not being chased, and he ran through the sides of the zet intact.

And the nosebleeds drip from the nostrils of the lane where he eats and binds his teeth.

But Lane is concentrating on witchcraft without even realizing it.

"Damn! Lane, not yet!?"

The Lomberto army is about 200 meters away from them.

Zed's voice doesn't seem to have reached Lane.

Even Zed can use some sorcery.

I understand that during mental concentration in magic, there is no disturbing mental concentration unless it is excessive, such as ambient sounds.

I understand, but I'm really in a hurry.

It seems as if you can already hear the cavalry breathing at the head of the Lomberto army.

"It's time for the limit!?"

I can't wait any longer!

Zed stretches his left arm to the lane while equipped with a shield.


At the tip of Lane's hand, before the Romberto army, which was approaching only about 50 m, the most poisonous yellow gases unfolded quite extensively over a width of about 50 m.

Drawing the lane back on the horse when the magic was complete, Zed circled the horse's head.

"What's that?

"It's the Acid Cloud. I don't die instantly, but a powerful poison gas. If you pull it out right away, you'll be fine, but most of it won't be able to move for a while."

A scream of a human horse, which would belong to Romberto's reinforcements, arrived in Zed's ear retreating at a glance.

But I couldn't afford to look back at Zed then.

16 Oct 7448

Early morning.

The Lords' Hall in the village of Comin.

You can't do anything about it, Sir Beglows.

It was Sir Middodges who ruled the village of Comin who spoke.

He is a Pu (Hume) man who has served for three generations Count Bewiz, who has been delegated rule by the King as deputy to the county of Lancel, where Comin Village is located.

As for the joy of rising to heaven when my lord, Count Bewitz, was told to "entrust Comin 'Village to Sora" in his assignment to the land, I have forgotten for a long time that I faced a conflict every three to four years.

For a time I resented my lord considerably, but to say that I had been entrusted with the main land, the pioneering village on the front line, came to my mind, namely because I had a higher degree of confidence in myself than any other minister.

Because my lord, Count Bewitz, is a nobleman with no territory, I was appointed deputy of another heaven before I became deputy of Count Lancel's territory.

Soon after growing up at the time, Sir Middodges had joined the Knights of the Land.

Several years in his reign as a full knight.

His education as a knight also ended, three years after he became the lowest third deacon to help his father, who is entrusted to the family decree of the Counts.

Although his celibacy was prolonged by his serious service with the Knights, and the Count's ministerial corps, he married a little late and officially succeeded the housekeeper twenty years ago on the occasion of his daughter's birth.

That's when we decided to move to Count Lancel's territory.

In addition to his wife, he came to the village of Comin in a small area where only two servants and slaves had thirty, including children.

At the time, there were three servants in the village.

At the beginning of his assignment, he bothered his head with unfamiliar farming and relationships.

However, I totally liked this village of Comin within nearly twenty years of dealing with those who had been in the village from the outset and newly immigrated civilians and slaves.

For him today, this village of Comin was as important as the trail daughter who sent him to the Knights of the Counts of Lancel.

"... reinforcements are still coming. It should come."

Associate Sir Begrose answers Sir with a painful look.

Behind them are more than a hundred soldiers seriously injured in yesterday's battle, still groaning.

Six oversized fireballs, a total of eight, were shot into the building yesterday, and the fence protecting the village collapsed everywhere.

Nonetheless, the two snipers have not been able to identify a magical user.

It turns out that they're shooting fireballs in from so far away that they look like bean grains that they don't even know their gender.

Naturally, the distance is too far away for sniping.

However, it was not entirely ineffective.

When the Davas Army has launched simultaneous attacks on three of the holes made by fireballs, they have trained cavalry in two with about ten infantry men by sniping. He also killed five infantry soldiers who had inadvertently approached him in an attempt to widen the hole, causing serious injuries to more than ten.

Meanwhile, the damage caused by the 243 squadron defending the village of Comin has been enormous, with more than 47 dead and more than 30 injured.

In addition, reinforcements arrived at an exquisite time, but more than half of them were burned to the skin because of enemy mages.

Still, control of the village of Comin has not moved.

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