Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 21: Attack on Comin 'Village 2

16 Oct 7448

"How's the soldier?

Zed asked as he emerged from the tent stretched out on the farmland in the village of Comin, in a position of rapid construction.

Before the sun rises, but our guard has already begun to simmer the soup.

Except for the soup, the dried meat and the bread, which was baked many weeks ago, became completely stiff and began to grow to mold, is an army meal.

"I'm still asleep, except for my sleepover. Though it was less than planned yesterday, after four attacks, I did my best to escape. I'm tired."

I guess it just happened. Hex answers as he stretches and rubs his eyes.

Zed draws water stretched in a large barrel in a pattern, washing his face and hands.

This water was left out by Lane last night.

Waste is strictly forbidden because the quantity is limited, except, naturally, for the commander.

"Who's the injured?

"Luckily, the guy who could use healing magic wasn't hurt. There are no dead people.... it's amazing how many people have died in the war."

"Oh, I was lucky. What about Lane?"

"You must be so tired. I'm still asleep. I've never seen such amazing magic before."

Hex responds with a shoulder clasp.

From what he heard yesterday, the last magic Lane used seems to be that of Acid Cloud, which expanded its range of effects by about two hundred times.

As soon as he retreated to the position, he said he was "tired" and fell asleep.

After that, he is resting again once he wakes up and hangs healing magic on the injured.

"Maybe that too...... Benkerish's labyrinth is not as big as the open air."

That being said, Zed takes the toothbrush out of the bag he raises on his hips.

The reincarnators made it custom-built for artisans.

It is a very expensive delicacy as a toothbrush because it is carefully embedded with each piece of pork hair that is of all thicknesses and lengths.


Zed starts brushing his teeth when he receives just a little salt from the pot of salt Hex offers.

"What, you were already awake? You're both early."

A mule walks in as he bites the stretch to death.

"That's what you are, too. It's not even sunrise yet."

As he replied, Hex also said to the mule, "Do you want to use a pot of salt?" and offer.

"Oh, no evil. So, what about our court magician?

"Still asleep. Should I wake you up?

"When the sun comes up, fine."

By the time the washing was finished, the soup seemed to be ready, and more soldiers were getting caught and woken up by the smell.

When the sun starts to rise, we begin to have breakfast at the same time, except for the soldiers who stand watch, and the positions are surrounded by a temporary hustle and bustle.

"What will you do today? Commander."

asked Zed, with whom Sir Duvlin was dining.

If it had been originally planned, we would have entered the village of Comin by yesterday, and by now we would have been asleep in the village.

Of course, the arrival of reinforcements itself was fully predicted even for the Zetts, who were in command of the Dabus army.

However, it can also be said that the attack on the village in Gul, Count of Leagues, was supposed to be accompanied by an attack on the village of Comin at the same time, and the fact that it was originally a small number of people helped make the surveillance of the surrounding area very weak.

In the first place, we had predicted in advance the speed of the decree that Romberto would send, the size of the reinforcements and the time to arrive.

As a result, the arrival of reinforcements was expected to be the fastest around sundown yesterday.

The arrival of reinforcements at an earlier rate than predicted was purely due to the fact that Lombert's decree worked hard beyond Dabus' predictions, as well as the overlapping sophistication and coincidences of the Lombert army with local interests, but the arrival of reinforcements at that time was, anyway, the worst for the Dabus army.

A few more hours, if we had arrived late, the village of Comin would have fallen for a long time.

"I hope you surrender one night to the number of injured and killed in the war."

"I hoped so too...... I don't think that's likely at the earliest. Yesterday we did pretty good, but I didn't know all that horseback riding was coming in the middle of the night..."

At midnight last night, reinforcements from the Lombert side arrived again against the village of Comin.

That number is roughly 200.

At night it was speculated that no infantry would be included due to the number of horseshoes roaring and the speed of travel without having to be seen by the cat people (Cat People) and tigers (Tigerman).

This reinforcement, of course, was sent two days ago by Lord Balxas, commander on the Lomberto side, from his headquarters in the adjacent territory.

Formed exclusively of cavalry extracted from the 215 and 235 squadrons, reinforcements who engaged cavalry from all over the road came in two days to use their high mobility to break a journey that spanned more than 100 kilometres.

Though the road itself exists, more than half the way through the itinerary is not well maintained or satisfactory, and in some cases there are even places where monsters leave on the road.

Running without even taking a satisfactory break, it was helpful to take it to the Dabus Army, which was not a battle place, but night wars and so on rarely occur because there is no busy lighting.

It's like telling you to snipe around with a pine light or something, and even if you use magic, the effect time is known. You can use it continuously, but you have to have quite a few magical users to illuminate some number of feet, and you can't ignore even Wright's mental concentration time on sorcery.

"Sure... their morale would have been restored..."

If you have a bitter laugh, say it, Zed.

"Well... but we also have a lot of morale from yesterday's big victory."

Rather than say cheering up Zed, Sir Duvlin spoke as mere confirmation of the facts.

"Yeah...... Today's battle, but first the cavalry of yesterday will come out"

That's the problem.

"That's where I turn to the help of the court magician. I think if we do well, this will surrender us."

"Sure. The magic of Master Gegran has spared me."

Sir Duvlin said with a look that made him even feel spared.

"If you still don't surrender, ask for the help of the court magician once now, and magically damage the fence. And in the morning we taper our enemies as we circle around as we did yesterday. … confirm the effect of the attack and enter when fewer than half of the enemy's defensive forces are satisfactorily moved as planned. By the end of the day, I'll have a cat."

Zed says with an apology about putting a hard time on Lane in his heart.

Also, as for the defensive fence, what has been repaired in the course of last night is woven.

"That's all you got. Regardless of the midnight one, it seems to have put quite a deep strain on the first reinforcement of the enemy as well..."

Lord Duvlin replied, nodding deeply.

Neither did he initially seriously think that he could fall into the village of Comin, etc., but only recognized it as a positive move in the village offensive to Ghar.

That wasn't so different because even when I was informed of the true purpose of the operation, I thought, "No matter how many missile magicians there are, I'm impotent in such an oligarchy".

But I'm completely rethinking my mind after seeing how Lane worked yesterday.

Somehow there is a huge medal hanging in front of me.

That said, as a Dabus army, I can't rely on Lane's witchcraft to get into jail.

Then the scale of the turmoil increases, and there are really more injuries and war fatalities.

Some manpower must be allocated to maintaining the occupation of the village of Comin, thus reducing the head count of the Wakka village offensive in the north.

It's very luxurious, but as a Zed, no matter how many people die in the war until the fall of the village of Comin, we just want to keep it down to thirty.

"Um, it's great to say it's profound enough not to kill"


Zed's right, if you kill him, you can't get ransom.

It's best if you get hurt to the point where you can't resist.

Even if the opponent is a miscellaneous soldier, if his parents are quite wealthy, he can take millions of Z's for ransom, and nobles and knights will have an excellent amount of over 10 million.

Even if you can't pay it, you can sell it as a slave.

Even soldier's gear can be sold, so it makes a fine fortune.

Besides, if you've been able to capture the beautiful opposite sex, you can sell it off as a sex slave after you've comforted yourself until you feel comforted.

Because if you can return to a healthy body without major trauma, it won't be worth it.

You can't just invade and win.

For this reason, half of the ransom of the prisoners and the selling price as slaves are held by the army, and a quarter are folded throughout the troops, and the remaining quarter enter those who have been captured.

The same goes for gear and cowhorses.

When selling as a slave, it is common to sell to a slave trader, but it is naturally better to get a ransom because it is bought and beaten cheaper than the market.

It's also why there won't be more casualties of war if we do.

Storage may also be permitted with the permission of the Force Leader.

For example, if you have obtained four spears of the same magnitude, you may take one as is, or if you have taken four serfs prisoner, you may make one your own.

"Whatever you do, you have to win. It's not a story. Lord Dublin, thank you for coming today."

"Yeah, I'll take care of it. I'll show you what the commander ordered and what the fur did not do."

Sir Duvlin, a lion tribe (Lios), replied with a fierce grin.

At night, Lane, told by Zed, used one magic trick.

They blocked a lot of dirt in front of the only gate in the village of Comin.

Now the cavalry will no longer be able to strike out of the village unless it destroys the fence itself.

It's a hand because it has a magician who can use high-level earth magic.

Of course, it can be removed by manpower after opening the gates, but you must be prepared for considerable sacrifice to be made in front of the enemy.

Once, Dabus only imitated a method of warfare hit by a black witch, but it makes no difference that it is effective.

The Dabus army, which killed the cavalry's manoeuvrability without much effort, recommended surrender against the village of Comin, but regardless of manoeuvrability, it swelled again to more than the Dabus army and was also allocated for restoring morale.

And after fifteen o'clock on the same day.

"Okay, we're leaving!

The Dabus army, which was shooting a bow at the area around the perforation when Zed's tense orders sounded, retreated simultaneously as the tide drew.

As yesterday, a total of as many as ten corrugated attacks were added simultaneously in three places from morning until now, with considerable results.

Apart from traveling in the village with as many as 200 cavalry members, it doesn't make much sense on horseback to fight defenses inside the fence.

The reinforcements who arrived because of this also ended up having to disembark and fight as infantry.

The rapid deployment of the troops is not possible with the perforation of the human horse being able to somehow get through, even using the perforations broken by fireballs to strike out, and only feeds on the destruction of each.

When he only attempted an assault once, about a dozen knights were shot in the fireball from afar the moment they went out and lined up, two were killed instantly, three were seriously injured and horses fell. The other five were also paid high tuition fees, including burns and forced to leave the front.

The Lombert side also understood the disadvantage, pulling against all parts of the defensive fence, and consolidating the defense of the perforations against the Dabus army, which repeated the pull, so it was exhausted.

So far, there have been seven Davas army casualties apart from yesterday, and fourteen more injured than they can take part in future battles.

Including minor injuries, five cavalry and one hundred and forty infantry remain combatable.

In contrast, the Lomberto army caged in the village of Comin totals 155 war fatalities since yesterday and more than 400 serious injuries, including those hit by poison gas yesterday.

Among the casualties of the war were two cross-bow snipers who were a favor, and only about sixty minor casualties combined can be combated. Moreover, fourteen of them were the families of Sir Middodges and his servants who lived in the village of Comin.

Zed's troops, assembled on cultivated land about 300 m from the village, are well-intentioned, even out to those who sing songs while taking a break.

Hex and Lane were having a conversation watching Zed give instructions to the decree with some tough face.

"Apparently, we're going in next. Lane, are you tired?

"Mm-hmm. It's okay. By the way, why don't you just surrender after all that damage?

We both heard him making a surrender recommendation every time he pulled over.

It's no surprise that we've already surrendered if it's common sense of war that we both know about.

"Right. I'm gonna ask you something."

Asked by Hex, Zed answers with a sinister face.

"Thank you. The commander over there seems stubborn. Are you expecting further reinforcements or even suicidal aspirations... if this is normal... then '

'Well... you know you can't win anything anymore, why do you think?

"The first thing I can think of is, as I said earlier, they're still expecting reinforcements."

'You think they're coming?

Hex asked a little worried.

'That'll come sooner or later if you let it go. That's why I can't wait until they surrender, so that's why I'm attacking them. But the reinforcements that came yesterday were clearly not defensive gear. They must have sent us to kick our ass, the same army. I mean, the reinforcements we requested when we showed up on our first day. According to the neighboring villages of Wakka and Kardan and Dars, I think it's a suddenly formed unit pulled out of the Balise of the territorial capital. "


'Only cavalry arrived last night. It may be aimed at quick reinforcements and ravages in the flats since arrival, but this one doesn't seem organized after learning about Lane's information either. The number of archers was low. "

'That being said, there's no such thing as a guy who can hit a bow on a horse...'

'That's not a lot. There are not many, but there are none. If you want to collect them, you can collect dozens or so of them in a hurry. If I was Lomberto's commander and I knew anything about Lane, that's how the reinforcements were organized. "

'That means it's not...'

'Oh, I guess the commander over there didn't know about Lane when that reinforcement was formed. Especially since yesterday when I let Lane use magic. "

Zed says with the look of doing it.

"I'm sure the majority of them were equipped with horse spears (lance)"

Not that I actually saw it, but in today's defensive combat, the guys with good armor quality that seems to be reinforcements (they wore pretty good armor because they must be knights) were mostly longsword-only equipment, and only a handful used bows and spears.

'If it were true, I would have kept those guys out of the gate before dawn, and combined heavily armed cavalry and bow cavalry at the same time as dawn to storm them all at once. Be prepared for some sacrifice. Actually, I was most afraid of that, but I guess it didn't come that way because there were few bow cavalry. There's no point in letting them storm the lane with all the heavy-duty cavalry. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that last night's reinforcements were also organised on the basis of information from the first day of transmission. "

Exactly what I was aiming for, Zed said with a grin.

But the expression changes quickly.

"But yesterday, when I let Lane use his magic, I'm letting one man get away with it."

Zed's expression seems to have chewed up the bitter bug.

'When he brings in new reinforcements...?

"Of the defensemen who are fully conceivable but garrisoned in the neighborhood, it would have been yesterday's reinforcement that pulled them out of where they could afford it, and even if it was last night's reinforcement, in time, it would have been dispatched from the village to Ghar. No reinforcements are coming today."

"Then why aren't you surrendering?

'Right...... and all you can think about is that the lord who was ruling that village took his place? At least until three years ago, a lord named Middodges ruled that information was originally available, and his parents' house seems to be the family order of this lord. I think they'll pay me about the ransom. The lord must be replacing you if you don't surrender. So, my parents aren't very rich either, so I'm not going to be able to pay the ransom. If you lose the nobility that was doing the lord, you have to kill him so that there is no hindsight worries. Sometimes we enslave them, but nobility on the boulder takes time to educate them. "

The prisoners are dissatisfied if they don't get cash in about six months, even if it's long.

In addition, nobles who are good at the experience of using people, even if they enslave them, may at the same time engage with soldiers who have become slaves, etc.

It is expected to take a considerable amount of time if the original proud aristocracy, even if it is strongly held as a slave to avoid it.

'Besides, if I made all that damage, even the troop commander over there would be pretty narrow on the shoulders when I got home, even if he paid the ransom. Maybe it feels close to home.

When Zed tied it that way.

One knight came out of one of the holes opened in the village of Comin as he waved the flag of the Kingdom of Romberto loudly.

I just think of him as a messenger of surrender.

At any rate, when he surrendered, he advised the messenger to come out alone, waving the flag.

Thus on October 16, 7448 at 3: 22 pm.

The village of Comin fell.

Lord Sir Middodges was executed in the course of the day along with his wife and his pre-adult eldest son, his second daughter, and all the villagers of the village of Comin, including his squire and serfs, became spoils of war as slaves.

He also succeeded in obtaining four hundred long class knights, one hundred and sixty knights and as many as two hundred and seventy prisoners for infantry.

Though the majority of them were wounded and incapable of combat, they have been of such great consequence that they have rarely been seen in recent years.

Zed disarmed all those who had been taken prisoner, restrained them firmly, and broke the fingers of those who could use magic in their minds.

Of course, I haven't forgotten to send one knight to Gal as a preaching order against the Village Attack Squad.

He has been told to report the consequences of the Great War with no room left for Associate Baron Schlicken.

In order to maintain the occupied territories and manage the prisoners, the village of Comin placed about fifty soldiers on its commander, Sir Duvlin with a mollusc face, and declared that it would leave early the following morning for the village of Wakka in the north.

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