16 Oct 7448

Richard Lomberto, Lord Lombardo, First Knights of the Kingdom of Lombardy First Squadron First Platoon, was in disillusionment.

A few years ago, when I was finally entrusted with the platoon, I was completely losing it somewhere, such as the exhilaration, and I was on the verge of losing my confidence as a knight.

- I don't know if I can even tolerate death and defense, even though it's a statute born into the royal family... can't you put that much faith in my power... No, what are you thinking? I'm not going to die originally, and I'm just talking about winning.

Captain, the enemy still hasn't made a move.

Richard relies on his men, Knight Belize, to come down on his knees and report.

The time now is seven o'clock in the morning, after dawn.

Half of Richard's commanding Lomberto defense forces have already finished breakfast and are preparing a battle for interception.

"Uhm. Increase your alert."

- Idiot, I am. Even this front is important. I will not live up to the expectations of Lord Balxas, who entrusted me with that command.... than that, why hasn't Dabus attacked us? This is yesterday. Yesterday, right? As Lord Balxas thought, is this the main unit in Komin Village?

"Roger that. Then, as you ordered, we reconstituted the remaining defense teams into five."

Belize, who has served me like a right-hand man since the platoon captain took office, is an excellent woman.

Richard the Puppet (Hume) has one bigger lion (Lios) than Richard, and there's so much to say without the sexual habit of immersing himself in a whorehouse that specializes in male prostitution.

- If a magician like Miloo has been put into the village of Comin, it's certainly possible... but the attack on this one seems the same as usual. It's hard to even think of a mere stumbling block... and then what could be considered a two-front operation, huh? No, that's odd.

"No one's left injured in the cavalry, is there?

- If you intend to do that from the start, it would be odd if you didn't use a little more force on both sides. But... no...

"I'm not here. All eight are pimped, including the captain."

Belize looked up at Richard with a calm look when she said so.

Seeing that look, Richard realizes that his wonders and mind have calmed down and he has been able to regain his calm thinking skills.

- It's hard to rely on a man. Looks like you've organized it, and you're gonna try to see how your enemies come out today... They've got to be at Azumi Village by the end of the day. That would also change the movement.... There are a few possibilities, but none of them are so well founded... The first shot today, I'll have to narrow it down by how it comes out.

"Sure, everyone, no, except me. That was an easy Barkud armor to put on and take off."

"What? Ha, you sure do"

Richard remembered that he was raising his alert level and ordered him to go to bed until there were reports of enemy attacks against all his cavalry, including himself.

He goes to bed collecting cushions while wearing armor.

Now he was a prince in some places quite thick.


"Hey, what is it!?"

Brigadier Baron Gilliam Shrikhan, head of the Dabus army's village invasion unit to Ghar, was flabbergasted by reports that a decree arrived late at night.

"Hey, you! Is that true? Guess it's not a false alarm, huh?

The knight of the Associate Baron's men is also incredible, and he asks the decree with the expression he said.

"Ha. Indeed, after noon yesterday, the village of Comin was occupied under the command of Brigadier Duke Helioside, who will be revealed as temporary commander. There will be more than 600 prisoners earned. For evacuation, we are sending a transfer unit to the Green Dragon Knights garrison in the city of La Corusi."

The commanders, who were Lord of the Village Invasion Unit to Gal, were flabbergasted before the order to report in exhalation.

The total number of invading troops in the village of Comin, which is seen as a positive move, should have been about 200.

It was also impossible for Russia to believe that was all the occupation of the village of Comin or that it had gained more than three times as many prisoners.

However, it is also certain that there is no point in making false reports.

Not to mention reports from the sights that were sending the village to Gal late last night that Romberto has found himself moving nearly half his troops.

In doing so, he said, "Now we've sent out reinforcements to the comin village-like side twice. Is it not true that the helioside lads have also become a hundred heads of people because of their mercy? Isn't that pretty good maneuvering," he giggled.

With that in mind, Schrikan was attacking the village defense against the halved Gar yesterday and how things were going.

He was hanging from as many sides as possible to make sure the defense team was not ambushed.

And since I came to the conviction that it was not a move for the ambush, I also intend to carry out an assault tomorrow with all the offensive troops at once.

And then the temporary commander ordered you to do it.

- An order?... an order?... Well, the commander is definitely him, albeit temporarily.

"… say"

"Ha. The war has already had a lot of results. After a few days of maintaining the front without imposing, wait for the next order to retreat."

A decree said as he breathed.

Shrikan felt darkened in front of him and realized that in the next moment his own face had been dyed by Cuckoo Zhu.

"Knock... Knock! Oh no... are you saying I worship back dust again? I was a hundred men long before he joined the White Phoenix Knights!...... say that!

I was aware that Schrikan was not amused by Zed, Alex, Cell and other reincarnators who set up the original operation on the matter.

But in their eyes, Shrikan was the type of person there to do common sense words and deeds, as well as uplifting.

- If I pulled it off here, I'd just lead ten times his strength and stop him as a... No, I haven't even stopped sending reinforcements to Comin Village, so I'm even busy... If that happens... if Your Majesty thinks so... the difference with him will be hopeless again!

"Then, the Helioside Interim Commander should be out for an attack on the village of Wakka, even deeper than the village of Comin, unknown today. The Commander has just sent reinforcements to the village of Comin, so the protection of the village of Wakka will be weak."


- No, you can't. Give him a hand with that... that's what I'm good for! At least we need to occupy the village to the gal in front of us......! At this time, the prisoners are behind us. We have to get results......!

Schrikan held one determination in his chest and allowed the decree to rest.


Today, when I dawned overnight.

With the dawn Shrikhan led the entire army out of formation.

Of course, the aim is to send reinforcements twice and occupy the village to the halved gal of the defense.

Shrikan is not going to carry out the assault helplessly either.

In carrying out the attack on the village to Ghar, he had sorted and deployed those who could use attack magic one step ahead of the front line.

They are going to prioritize enemy commanders and cavalry.

Of course, high-ranking commanders usually get a high ransom, so they're not often targeted with a clear intent to kill.

It is at best enough to cause injury and aim for helplessness.

This is also a big bet.

Although there are not many practical examples, there have been past instances in which these methods of warfare have been adopted, and when they succeed, they can be described as swords of various blades that can sometimes lead directly to rather tragic results when read and failed.

Even those accustomed to using attack magic will need about a few seconds of mental concentration time, during which time they become completely defenseless.

They are often targeted by bows or, in turn, by attack magic.

In the meantime, the death of a sorcerer almost leads directly to the loss of a healing sorcerer in equals, and in the worst case, morale falls from it and even remains linked to the collapse of the entire army.

But only this time, it could also be said to be a good share of the bet there.

In any case, it has been confirmed that there are few cavalry left in the defensive corps, and if we can defeat the remaining few, morale will collapse because the enemy seems sooner.

By contrast, these wizards are jade stone mixed, but there are nearly 20 of them. There is more if you simply can use magic, but if you have a skill level that allows you to use attack magic, the number of people drops dramatically, so you can't help it.

I intend to go out into the open plot somewhat bypassing the position on the Lomberto side, not out of the woods because I need to see my goal firmly.

So if you are coming from the other side with an attack, intercept it, and if you seem to be coming to see how things are going, carry out the attack here.

It's a simple, but unmistakable operation that leads to a soldier.

Out about 300m from Lombert's tense position, the Dabus army began to prepare an offensive posture under Shrikan's command.

Those of you who have seen it, the Romberto army, will be lined up for a quick interception.


Under Shrikan's decree I, the Dabus army rushed out with a shout out, spearheaded by a shielded infantry.

"You're here....... Hmm. If you don't have a big magician, you'll be dead. All units, intercept!

When Richard decrees so, he quickly issues an order to the knights who had refrained beside him.

Then, he moved forward a little from the beginning of the formation to the front, and began to inspire the shield soldiers who would receive defense.

When the Davas Army shields approached by dozens of meters, all the Lomberto cavalry men who could see the battlefield from a high position noticed abnormally.

There are those in the Dabus army who, by the way, are holding their feet and clapping their hands at the Prince, the Temporary Commander.

It must have gotten better for being in the most prominent position in the Lomberto army, near the center of the formation.

Of course, there are reasons why the commanders of the Davas Army instructed them as their first goal.

"It's attack magic! Be careful!

The knights of Lomberto spoke up to the prince, while some ordered the sniper under his command to snipe against the magician of Dabus.

While no magician was killed by sniping, only a small number of people were cited as having fought as ordered because the enemy allies had been disturbed in addition to the contact already made at the beginning of the formation.

And of the sorcerers spared the sniping, the magic of flaming arrows and stone arrows began to be sporadically released from those who had finished their mental concentration.

It's not just magic.

Not too many, but a cross-bow sniper capable of direct fire is also beginning to set a target for the Lomberto knights.

It was only in the beginning that Richard, who was gorgeous in identifying the firing, quickly ran out of room.

"Come on!"

Richard defends the arrows of the flames with a shield to be equipped on his left hand with his hands free of the reins.


Of course the mage who unleashed the flame arrow also leaked from among the soldiers who put up their shields beside him in an attempt to cover Richard.

The arrow of fire was thought to pierce the shield, but the moment it came into contact with the shield, it was obviously smaller and quickly extinguished.

The shield used by Richard is specially made from Wyvern scales.

It has been branded with a black-walled scale since it was made, and I don't even know who is using it, but it has the effect of [Medium Demon "Impediment Inta" technique attenuation "- Medium Magic"].

This is the ability to attenuate the level of the Attack Magic Warhead defended by a shield for four levels.


Richard twists his body and rearranges his shield to play the stone arrow that flew in from another direction.

At the same time, the feeble thought arose of whether this place should be lowered, just harsh behind his brain.


The moment the stone arrow hit the shield, as did the flame arrow earlier, it vanished.

We can still get there! Satisfied with StoneArrow's successful defense without feeling any great shock, Richard inspired his surrounding allies, gave instructions for new goals, and drew attention to the enemy's long-held weapon (Paul Weapon), which is about to be swung down over the shield's head.

Also, surprisingly, the bolts released from the Davas army snipers, apparently unlikely to hit Richard, also flew with a shield erected by Richard depicting an unlikely and unnatural trajectory, the end of which was bounced off without being able to penetrate the shield and fell to the ground.

This is also the result of the effect of [Arrow Convergence, the goal of flying tools], which is the effect of black wall scales.

"Target that magician!

Richard himself, unaware of the effect of the shield, desperately directs the goal.

It is possible for Richard to use offensive witchcraft as well, but there is no room for mental concentration because he is doing defense in addition to riding.

If it's a flame arrow, you can release it in seconds, but those seconds will kill you.

But the Dabus army, who saw Richard like that, was to lose a lot of morale.

Richard's men, Belize, who noticed it as soon as possible, were further frustrating the morale of the Davas army by raising their voices against enemy allies as if they were laughing at magic and the futility of arrows, inspiring the morale of their allies.

"Stupid! What the hell is that?

Shrikan of the Dabus army, who watched from the rear of his allies, is first flashed and soon dominated by anger emotions.

It is common for knights to perform auditions by firing arrows with tampons first as defensive training for bows and arrows and sorcery attacks.

But you can assume that if you get a few shots in a row, you'll hit about one.

It is heavily armored armor to play it.

A few shots often penetrate the armor gap, and attack magic always hits where the operator aimed if the opponent doesn't even move. If we let him focus on defense, he'd stop moving, so it was an operation aimed at it.


Shrikan orders the assembly of regular soldiers when he speaks up as he roars.

In this situation, I realized that it was difficult to take over the Commander, and I had to bet on the White Soldier Battle asking for numbers.

The Lomberto army has lost many soldiers to reinforce the village of Comin, and the remaining number is about 1000. Nearly half of these are estimated.

That said, even though conscripts are half of their own army for the main Dabus army, the Lomberto army is still a threat if they are to fight white soldiers on the flat.

If you just hit it from the front, you could even lose.

"Ha, Your Highness. Black wall scales are a big deal! Wipe out the magic and play the arrows on your own!

A soldier standing by Richard's shield spoke unexpectedly.

It's an unlikely statement because it's supposed to be like declaring, "It's not your arm," but the soldier accidentally spoke and the words came out.

Some of those around them noticed the soldier's first words, but they felt the same way, so they were not pointed out.


Another one drew an unnatural trajectory and an arrow was played by Richard's shield.

- What the hell is this? Is this guy right, is it the power of black-walled scales?

Unnatural movements were also seen in the Dabus army while Richard thought so.

Regular troops appear to be gathered in the units deploying to the front.

- Huh. Do you want to shoot me in the neck with a breakthrough? But will it work out so well?

Ten minutes later.

The Davas army began withdrawing when about 200 casualties hit 10% of the entire army.

Richard backed the center with skillful command, while simultaneously advancing both wings, making it look as if he was going to semi-surround the Dabus army.

Except for the central unit of the Dabus Army, it was a vulnerable conscription unit, and Schrikan, aware of the crisis, had to reluctantly pull the army with some advice from his men.

The withdrawal of the Dabus army is in itself a sensible move, and to Gar the village's defense is the main objective. The Lomberto army will not follow in depth either, but will only move to a vigilant position if you wish to pull.

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