Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson Twenty-three: The attack on the village of Comin, settled


"Ugh... right. I don't know what else to do. Got it."

Zed, who had asked Lane to treat the injured, squeezed out the words in a slightly barometric manner, worried about the eyes of his surrounding men.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. But when it comes to healing everyone properly, we can't have a boulder at once."

Yesterday, until I occupied the village of Comin, I didn't need to use so much magic as a lane because it was a request to "treat and do only those seriously wounded who are likely to be life-threatening, to a level where their lives will be saved".

But at the dinner table after the occupation, the level of demand jumped dramatically, "I want all the injured to be treated completely".

The casualties of war are also out, and the number of prisoners falls to one-third of the survivors as guard personnel, so it was a really necessary demand to invade further into the depths.

In attacking the northern village of Wakka, it is necessary to crush even the slightest element of anxiety that has reduced the number of combatants to nearly half their original strength.

Besides, for a soldier, it's nothing but a factor that drastically lowers morale, such as going to the next battlefield without even completely healing your wounds or those of your comrades.

Well, now that we've just grabbed a victory with the historic consequences, and we're in a situation where we could expect quite a reward even if we go home now, we need to pick out some buds that will amplify our aversion.

Because the majority of the soldiers are already satisfied with the outcome of this battle and are overwhelmed by the desire to return while they have their lives.

Even on the lane, I cooperated without complaining because I understand that.

But there are too many of them anyway.

More than 20 people were seriously injured alone, and more than 120 people were in need of some treatment, including minor injuries.

Even if some people were asked to eliminate their wounds to the point of pain, the magic of a court magician would not be enough, and the spirit would rub them to the limit.

Of course, anyone who can use healing magic outside of Lane has been mobilized.

Besides, it has become even more burdensome that only minimal treatment must be given to Lomberto's captives, beyond the possibility of ransom.

"... sure. Well, Associate Baron Shrikhan would be able to glue the front as good as it is if he didn't even attack unscrupulously, and it looks like all those who can leave that place have already arrived, even if Lomberto sends reinforcements."

"Oh, that. Admittedly, you need to interrogate the prisoner, but if you can, do it where I can't hear you."

"... sorry. I'll be careful."

Zed is also quite a thoughtful quality to think about, but he didn't expect to extract nearly half the number of people from a defensive base in the midst of a boulder attack.

Actually, it's not that I didn't anticipate it at all, and in the worst case, maybe that's what I was thinking.

But to Gal. If you lose half of them from the village defense at once, you can't overlook Schrikan on the boulder either. Of course, instead of expecting a move to block the movement of reinforcements directly, he assumed that the defense would pull back the reinforcements advanced by attacking the village to the halved Ghal, and predicted that there would be considerable leeway in time for the massive reinforcements to be sent.

For this reason, orders had been issued so that we could not underestimate our achievements while taking great pride in them.

In addition, for the purposes of this operation, the occupation of the village of Comin and the further occupation of the village of Wakka in the depths has also been communicated within the royal palace, but the real aim is not the expansion of the occupied territories.

The biggest aim is to get Zed and the rest of the reincarnates to set a big handle, otherwise the priority falls considerably.

In a sense, it is no exaggeration to say that the greatest aim in itself has already been achieved.

Anyway, this day and the next day, the next day and indeed three days, the Dabus army did not come true to go out of the village of Comin.


"Still no movement, huh?"

Sir Balxas muttered after receiving a report from the soldiers of things.

"... that's odd. Hey, you. Is it true that the village of Comin was occupied yesterday?

The knights of the First Knights, subordinates of the Ser, asked the soldiers of the things.

"Ha. From what I saw yesterday evening on a war reconnaissance, I'm pretty sure Dabus troops were entering the comin 'village residential area. Every few of our soldiers began to be tied to a fence, I'm sure."

"Right...... sorry. That's what he said. But Commander. If this Comin village is the enemy's main unit, I think it's time to make some moves. Or did you serve your operational purpose by occupying the village of Comin?

Below Sir Balxas, the command unit, organized in smaller numbers than ten, mainly Knights of the First Knights, had arrived in the village of Wakka yesterday morning by taking only minimal rest.

At that time, I was relieved that the village of Wakka was alive, and I asked him about the situation in the village of Comin with all my hope.

But it was already late, and the village of Comin only knew that they had fallen before they arrived in the village of Wakka.

I had no choice but to take over the command of the position building that had already begun, and I was rotten about putting in place an interception system in preparation for the battle that would take place in a day or two while waiting for the arrival of the infantry unit.

In doing so, the Knights of the Land of Count Lancel also arrived in the village of Wakka by the end of yesterday, and the number of troops defending the village of Wakka combined with the defensive forces originally stationed in the garrison was about 30 cavalry and 200 infantry.

In addition, if you estimate early, about 400 infantry units of the Fourth Knights, which were the rear row of the Earl of the League, will arrive at noon the day after tomorrow, and about 1000 infantry units extracted from the First and Third Battalions of the Second Knights should arrive at the day after tomorrow.

"... is it true that there is no Dabus reinforcement? What are the chances of missing it?

Sir Balxas asks in a harsh tone.

"Ha.... that, including me, does not confirm that there was reinforcement in the reconnaissance unit. I can predict that a reinforcement has been called for since the order has been issued several times..."

As Sir Balxas, I had no doubt about the report of the soldiers of the sight, but I felt something that did not fall. The same is true of his men.

Perhaps Dabus was seriously going to drop Comin 'Village from the start.

There are several possible reasons, but as the report suggests, it is very difficult to imagine that a unit with a very good magician would be used as a mere token.

Also, I don't think it's possible that even the magician knew anything about the power of the upper echelons of the Dabus army.

Because it is natural to assume that a mage with so many excellent moves would have been quite an arm before he became a soldier and had gathered some fame.

Even if he was not a soldier, it would be even worse if the court magician boasted so much arm and magic.

I even think it's likely that even a court magician really pulled it out according to things.

I mean, it's weird if the upper echelons of the Davas Army don't know about magicians.

Or it is even conceivable that the sorcerer himself is the commander of Dabus.

It will come as no surprise that the person is given the status of Commander instead of the court magician.

If so, I can't help but snort about the purpose of Dabus' operation.

Let me think of it as a small squad. Actually, that's where it's meant to be. As for this squad, we need to concentrate on the village of Gal, which makes it look like it's meant to be, and occupy the village of Comin electronically while the defense squad is less reinforced.

Even on Lomberto's side, there was some room for the Border Guard personnel originally, so the massive stuff is difficult, but the reinforcements of the defense teams themselves come quickly.

I wouldn't talk about it if I didn't have the trust of a magician to convince myself that I could destroy them sequentially or at once, but I can say that if I could put my trust down, it would be quite an effective hand.

He didn't seem to have used a lot of magic when he launched the attack on Comin Village initially, so it seemed highly credible that he was going to gather some reinforcements before beating them.

Though there are some loopholes, so far Sir Balxas and others have almost exactly spotted the Dabus operation.

The problem was the current situation.

As you can imagine, if the forces that occupied the village of Comin were the main force, naturally behind them would be the forces that would maintain the occupation or evacuate the acquired prisoners, the reserve forces that would make up for the lost power, and also, in common sense, would be unnatural if reinforcements did not exist.

Because we were sending reinforcements from the surrounding villages first to the village of Comin, the defense forces that remained even in this village of Wakka had cut 150 people, and that is the same for the other villages.

Because if you have that many magicians, it is the muscles that make additional attacks on the backward villages that have become thinner, cutting as much as you can.

When he received his report on the war situation in the village of Comin, it was because he also made predictions about these things that Sir Balxas boldly made the decision to send half of his forces as reinforcements, and he himself hurried to the Wakka village defense.

That was the form that completely devoured the shoulder watermark.

That said, reinforcements have not yet arrived, and we cannot afford to fail to be cautious about Dabus's offensive.

In addition to the presence of magicians on the way to the recapture of the village of Comin, there is no reason to go emptying the village of Wakka, so it cannot be an action that can be adopted at this time.

Thus there was nothing the Barkisas could do but solemnly put out their energy in building the defensive position of the village of Wakka, and send every possible reconnaissance team.

Late night village of Comin.

Three former lords, Zed, Mule and Hex, were poking their foreheads at each other and discussing it in a whisper in one of Sir Middodges's mansions, which they received as temporary commands.

Sir Duvlin has drunk a lot and scratched a big snore in a guestroom-like room, and Lane is resting in another house asking Ark, who turned into Jack the battle slave, to keep an eye on him.

"So, what do we do? Does it flatten the village of Wakka, too?

Asked Tset as the mule roamed the stir-fried beans.

"That's it. Well, if it's possible, naturally. There won't be so many reinforcements coming to the boulder yet. I can't tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow, you can just go."

Zed also replies with a bite of bollocks and beans.

"Well, I just need to hold on to the pose."

Hex said as he chewed a thousand pieces of pork fin steak that he had harvested and dismantled.

The steak is cold and stiff as it has been quite some time since it was cooked.

"Hmm... naturally I will also wear the village of Wakka if the defensive system seems to be taking a step backwards. But you still have 100 or 200 of the defense team on the boulder... the beans on the rombert don't taste good. Status open...... Hie beans? I don't know. '

Tset put a knife in a pork steak flavoured only with salt and pepper when he pushed the plate with the stir-fried beans aside.

'Really? I liked it a lot. Take the raw beans home. Well, seriously when I say we attack, there's about a hundred people we can go to, and no matter how many lanes there are, it's going to be hard to attack the boulders... apart from talking about how few defense teams there are. Just take a look. I'll be right back. The soldiers said no one was serious about a more dangerous assault right now. It'll only cost you more if you let them do it halfway. "

Mule drew the plate that Zed had pressed and opened the remaining beans onto his plate.

'That's right. I won the corner, and who's gonna do it more seriously now? Besides, it's not a good idea to get too handy right now, is it? You said Alec and Cell had gone too far. "

Hex drank directly from the bottle the wine from Sir Middodges' secret collection, which he also received.

"Mm-hmm. Well, it's not too much about Wakka Village. But if Lane is there, we can always take it, and this time we have more prisoners than we originally expected. Even if I raise my hand too much at once. If you get any bigger than this, that's a pain in the ass."

Saying so, Tsetse sips the soup and wipes the soup on his moustache with a napkin.

'Sure. There are future things, and you shouldn't raise the hurdles too much. That wine over there, is it good?

The mule swallows the beans with wine, while also gazing at the wine Hex has.

'I can do it. Here.'

Hex thought it was time to go home as he handed the bottle of wine to the mule.

October 20, 7448.

"Well, defense... and black armor."

"Ha. It should be noted that the defense force is over 200 and under 300..."

Some of the reconnaissance teams to the village of Wakka have returned.

Because of this, the scouts had sent out five regular soldiers, each in pairs, starting yesterday, but only two teams made the return safely.

The Zetts couldn't even read this sacrifice to the boulders.

"No reinforcements, and you won't be able to"

The mule makes the point that there are no more reinforcements.

"Sir Sagual is right. This time we were able to occupy the village of Comin only in our role, and so many prisoners were obtained. It's a big victory, and I was wondering if we could fix our defenses until reinforcements arrive..."

Sir Duvrin also nodded with a translating face.

He is also a soldier of Dabus. If it is possible, Wakka Village should be able to attack as well.

But if there is a sure chance of success, we are talking about.

Though it has a lane, an attack on the village of Wakka, where double the force solidifies the defense, could also be described as reckless, with the exception of the war dead and the maintenance unit of the village of Comin, which he commands, which has been reduced to nearly half of its original strength.

"... there's no better way to do it than to have no power. Even with the court magician's palace, the number of people varies too much from boulder to boulder"

Said Zed with sincere regret.

- I didn't know the First Knights had arrived and the defense was nearing completion... glad they didn't attack lightly. If ten more guys get hit, there's really nothing I can do about this more than not even crack the offensive force properly.

"Commander, you must be so distracted. There is no reinforcement on this scene right now. It was originally the troops, and I can't help it. Besides, aren't we getting enough results?"

Sir Duvlin tells him to comfort Zed, but his tone also seeps out an undisputed sense of security.

If Zed was defeated in the attack, he could be recaptured to the village of Comin.

If that happens, the battle to this point will also be attributed to blisters.

The convoy of prisoners is due to arrive this evening, so I don't want to be attacked until tomorrow at any cost.

As long as you hold the lane and stay in the village of Comin, you will be able to stick it for quite some time even if a few times as many enemies attack you.

Because it's extraordinarily easier to protect than to attack.

And as for the report of the occupation of the village of Comin, it has been issued a long time ago, and this reinforcement, along with the convoy, is definitely approaching.

A reinforcement, the Occupy Maintenance Force, arrives, and if nothing happens after two or three months, the triumph will come to Wang Du.

October 20, 7448.

The attack on the village of Comin put an end to six Dabus army scouts as their last sacrifice.

The ransom claimed from the Kingdom of Dabus to the Kingdom of Lomberto as a post-war treatment amounted to a total of Z5 500 million, of which less than Z3 700 million was paid within six months.

The vast majority of the sums that could not be paid are ransoms for civilians who cannot afford them or for soldiers of free civilian origin.

Although villages are often lost or gained in bilateral border disputes, there has never been a record of the Dabus side gaining so many prisoners in the last few decades.

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