October 20, 7448.

"Well, there's no Rocco... awesome"

Upon returning from the royal castle, the Redeemer (Sabres), just led by Mizchi, had just returned from the labyrinth.

After that, I went back to the Boyle Pavilion with him and was getting a brief report from Mizuchi while I left my stuff in my room and changed clothes.

Members of this Redeemer (Sabres) are headed by Mizchi, Ralpha, Ghine, Kim, Ginger, Rocco, Meath, Hiss, Lutz and Zulu.

Note that in addition to Marr and Limby, new battle slaves Ben and Ellie also made their labyrinth debuts, and some of them bought battle slaves, so the membership within the Killers (Slaters) is pretty messy.

Well, it's the Redeemer (Sabres) who wants the Eight Layers as his main hunting ground (after the Nine Layers, magic cobolds, goblins, and imps can be summoned as the Lord of the room, so it's too dangerous without me). It is the massacrers (Butchers) who have claws and maries to repeat the battle even to their august opponents on the seventh tier. Do you feel like it's the Eradicators (Exterminators) who make kids fight slaves cry to their undead opponents every four or five layers?

And then there are a few people around the corner who are dealing with combat slaves that I bought like I used to treat everyone else.

So, it's about Rocco, and he said he was very active in this labyrinth row.

The lord of the eight-story room, three of the six cave trolls that came out at once, also walked by the target at the same time and played a big stand around with the steeple-targeted sword Sword of Aming.

It's possible to deal with as many as three cave trolls at the same time by yourself... Xenom could do that.

Me? I... there's nothing I can't do, but it must be pretty tough without magic.

I think the same goes for Mizuchi.

Do you feel that the results you've been working so hard on lately have emerged here?

I was a little worried to ask him if he was feeling too much, and he said he was obvious, "No, you were tough" after the fight.

Mizuchi said he had similar concerns, but when he heard the words and the tone at the time, he thought, "This guy still hasn't thought about anything... but the use of swords and shields is still the best in a killer (Slaters)".

That sounds like a pretty good way to go to Gal.

According to a decree back the other day, it appears that the Dabus army has managed to set off its attacking forces in the vicinity of Count Lancel's territory in the direction of the village.

According to Count Bestoll of the Castle Military Promise, it didn't seem very different from the usual conflict, and the first thing he said was that he would be able to get rid of it without any problems.

Finally, since the attack was expected from the beginning, he pushed his heartbeat that there was no need to worry because there was nothing upsetting about the defense forces.

If you are roughly discerning about the Davas Army operation, your sister says Sir Balxas, who is said to be the conscience of the First Knights, is in command of the whole thing and joins the battle as a platoon captain to His Highness Richard. Besides, the Second Knights are sending two battalions, so isn't it an easy victory to defend the village to Gal?

I'm in the middle of my territory being attacked, but there's nothing I can do about it right now, and worrying doesn't start.

To Gal. The village can be taken by Dabus once. No, that's about what I thought.

I need to do something about my immediate concerns first.

Now I have three things to worry about, things to worry about, things to worry about, things to worry about, things to worry about, things to worry about. How do I put it? Anyway, there's something I need to fix.

Firstly, the planting of accounting relationships with the Russegs, who are postponing their return to Barkud.

Actually, it's going pretty well. This doesn't mean Russeg and his wife Millie and former housekeeper Lafitte are good, but their son Harris is good. Harris turned fourteen this year, but he's only young on boulders and seems to swallow fast. And Anna and Hannah, too.

It will be about six months later than planned, but Bastral says it will be possible to make a stretch of planting by the end of this year before a new family of squire comes from Barkud to take turns.

They have a girl named Sarah besides their eldest son, Harris, who was still small when they took turns with the Ryogs two years ago. I had no choice but to leave it with the Tobas family where Russeg's brother was my son-in-law. I can't let him live with me on a cute platter, and I'm really sorry about that.

Oh, the Tobus family is my benefactor, the house of Mun. This would mean that Sarah is being raised by Mun. What, you forgot? Isn't that terrible?

They have heard that coming at the end of the year in turns with the Donneol family is going to be the Eisenside family, where Reynolds succeeded the housekeeper. Although Beckwith, Reynolds' father and former squire chief, won't come because he's old enough for a boulder. In addition to his wife, Reynolds said his brother Emberto and his wife will also come with him, and they tell him to look for the residence they live in. Because of this, Emberto is a slave to the Eisenside family on the occasion of his marriage, but as always, he says he's the best arm if you let him make a rubber protector.

If this Eisenside family completes the accounting process, Bastral and Kathy will be able to take you to my territory.

So time solves the problem rather than worrying about it.

However, I feel very close to being in a hurry about not being able to take the Bastrals from the beginning. Somehow, I feel like I'm treating you unfairly, no, unfairly.

Think calmly. I think it's the right material, and it's not unfair or unjust, of course. The members who entered later will take them with them, but where Bastral is the only one who will allow them to stay until against that hope...... I understand that this strange feeling is meaningless, but my younger spirituality is making me lose room.

Next up, on the emigrants to my territory.

I don't really have a problem with slaves, including serfs, because I can buy as much money as I want, but I have a little problem with civilians who become squire.

There are many nobles who come from the realm of the Earl of the League instead of me who have squires, so I knew it wasn't enough just the number of squires we were now deciding on.

Of course, we can say that it would be quite enough to separate the people of Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair), but that is problematic. First of all, they don't have a single civilian housekeeper like Xenom, nor have they been acting with me for years like members of the Killers (Slaters).

In the meantime, I only deal with mountain people (Dwarves), so I have few options but to throw them into the Knights for education. Of course, even if I say I throw it into the Knights because there is also the possibility of dissatisfaction with the other members, it will be a real start at the bottom. I mean, for the time being, those guys are out of battle about territorial management.

Yeah, like I said before, the old man who raised the armorer and the old man who raised the beef cow surrounded him.

But what we're talking about right now is not about those kind of commercial, people who bought civilian status with gold, or people who haven't even trained in combat, but people who've been born and raised in proper squire lineages.

A true civilian who commands a serf, opens land, grows crops, harvests, pays taxes properly, and, if he has to, can fight with his sword. Sounds like a soldier from Tunda. Isn't it a little different?

It is a source of headaches to come together on their own without having to bother recruiting for these civilian candidates.

Because the nobles who attended my recital are coming to introduce me to the next one.

But I have trouble getting people to refer me to people I don't know very well, like my cousin's daughter's third son or my brother-in-law's daughter.

Huh? Why say no?

They're making me promise to accept only five sons and daughters of the King's distant relatives.

'Cause there's a relationship where I slept with a common son, and I couldn't say no.

Besides, I can't say I don't like the fact that Marquis Webdos asked me to do it because of my relationship with my brother and father.

In total, the Marquis' relatives and the subordinate sons and daughters of neighboring villages in Barkud are scheduled to receive more than a dozen of them.

Most of them are single and hardly hooked up to civilians, but some of them seem to be married and enslaved to their households.

I really wanted to pull a conscious Barkud native like the Ryogs, but I want manpower to say it's my parents (Barkud) because of the opening of a rubber garden or the manufacture of products. So I can't say any more impossibility.

Because it can also be problematic later to raise new civilian homes so easily even in Barkud, we are dealing with the shortage of manpower by adding more slaves. This is what we can do because the civilian family is firmly rooted in the land and gathers the trust and respect of the slaves.

... Whatever it takes, it's a boulder full of bread.

In other words, except for a few people who had already decided to migrate, they should have been able to choose whatever they wanted, but I knew I couldn't ignore the guy named Fence of the World (Shiatsu).

Anyway, someone you don't know well would still be better off if they seemed to have a little something to do with it.

I have to say no to all offers that are out of touch with me in that shadow.

Especially since some people know that my spouse has only one Mizuchi and say how their daughter is, it's troublesome to politely say no to them... I'm in trouble.

And then there would be a few people if they really looked good.

So, the last one.

This is quite a difficult question.

No, it's not hard. Come on...

It's Ralpha and Guine.

These guys show their faces to the study group every time these days, and they do the audition more enthusiastically than ever.

It seemed like there was also a desire to coach people, and in their free time, they even put on an archery of my young combat slaves who were letting Jer take care of them.

That's about it. I have no complaints at all, and I even think I'd be rather happy.

The problem is that the usual behavior started to skew in strange directions around last month.

One evening, just back from the royal castle, two floaters with unspoilt stature entered the Boyle pavilion, so I went to complain to the kid, "You can't stay like that," and the disgusting looking manager and the floater were talking about something at the front desk. Ralpha and Guine were the ones who looked like vagabonds after a closer look because they were the voices they knew.

On another day I wander around the slam to hide my face in that thin, dirty outfit.

They're trying to hide their faces because they're totally famous in this city, which makes no other sense.

So, I do things like how much time I can url without being greeted by a yakuza or adventurer collapse that roots in a slum.

When I asked him why, he strained his chest and told me it was "spy practice".

They're hiding who they are and getting information about them blending into the city.

When I heard that and was temporarily flabbergasted, I said, "... I hope it goes well..." and I said, "Leave it to me!" He slapped her in the chest and replied.

Another day, when I went to the room for Zenom and there was a spear coming out of the door, I peeked in, and I wore a short shirt with a wide chest opening and a short umbilical length that I could see, and I wore a short skirt with pants that I could see.

That would be bitter, but I just think I should be on my own, but with my left arm alone in that outfit, I wore everything from shoulders (sparders) to upper arms (rear braces), elbows (coaters), forearm armor (vambres), and caged hands (gauntlets), and my right leg wore everything from legs (quices) to knees (poleins), shins (greaves), and combat shoes (boots), and I saw Ghine set up a piercing spear Spear of Piercing in a strange pose.

Ralpha said, "My right hand is a little bit more like this."

I figured out the spear itself because I was a little planted when I was a kid, but it wasn't a practical setup, no matter how I looked at it, so I said, "I can't poke my hips in that, and if I'm going to wear all my armor properly, I can't balance out and make a busy move," and when I gave my mouth, the two bright red pillows threw at me and shut the door.

When I fumbled and told Mizuchi, I said, "Oh... I see." I started doing weird things with him until then. Seems like he practiced deciding on everything and how to pose and appear... but he got stunned and couldn't even tell me what was going on. Mostly, if you're embarrassed enough to be seen and red, don't do it from the beginning.

I was reminded of Xenom's face last week when I saw him walking down the front street wearing loose makeup that didn't even have a shard of character that didn't fit the two of us at all, and for some reason I felt sorry for him from the bottom of my heart.

When I rushed after him and hung up, I said in a voice that made Cena, "Oh, boy. Your sisters are expensive." While the reaction can't be too unexpected and too stale, it disappears somewhere. They taught Bell and Mizuchi how to make up, but if they asked me to, I don't think those two would wear that kind of loose makeup, so I don't think it's Ralpha and Guine's original.

I was pulling the handshank thinking I'd say a word or so at the meeting.

I also had the feeling that I couldn't adults point one thing out to adults over twenty about outfits, words and deeds.

But I thought I had to make it change because I have the feelings of my adoptive parent, Xenom, and the decency of me holding that Xenom.

Then only then will you come dressed in a very normal and decent way and have cancer.

Seeing that, I also missed it without saying anything, thinking, "Looks like these guys got shame on the boulder, they're grown up now, and if you noticed it yourself, okay?"

Besides, I was told in front of everyone, "Don't dress like nothing" and "What kind of clothes do you think Rocco likes?" and so on to treat young women with a sense of clothing.

But that was a big mistake.

I know you're an adult, but I should have told you “in front of everyone" without that kind of relationship.

Vince and Ginger, Carm came to complain like it was hard to say.

"Dear stall. I'm talking about Lal and Guine..."

"Dressed without that clap, as long as I was in Balduk..."

"It may be necessary for a spy, but it's weird."

"Hang on? Necessary?

I accidentally returned the parrot. 'Cause it's too much to...

No, wait a minute. A spy?

For this reason, the common Ragdarios (Common Language) pronunciation of the word "intermediate" is called "cupion”.

Once upon a time, Mun pronounced me a 'spy' and I couldn't get through.

Why would Carm do that?

Oh, good. Someone must have taught it. I'm not wrong.

"Huh? I had no choice but to..."

"At the direction of the Count..."

"Ahem? Me?"

Too unexpected.

We need to correct it.

"Even the common sense of chickens..."

Everybody... hey.

"No, just give me a minute. I've been bitter about those two outfits and stuff, too, haven't I? Why me in the first place?

When I asked them in detail, they ordered me to find out what was going on in the territory other than the Killers (Slaters) from Count Territory.

This is nothing.

Because it's not like hiding it from everyone, and I want the rooted lords to notice it, and pay attention to the trend of "the".

I can't even give up a hundred steps and call myself a spy.

But I asked why because not only these three people felt odd about Ralpha and Guine, but they all felt odd.

He said the response was like this.

“I was ordered to work as an intermediary. I was told to go around and see what was going on in the realm while making a map. In other words, look for the weaknesses of the Lords, and in short, they're spies.

As I mentioned so far, fine.

I don't know what to say, but the one thing I'm adding to it on my own is, "Grab a weakness."

“Spies are not what they say they are in oath.”

Of course, I don't want you to be confused because you're not.

“A spy infiltrates enemy territory alone or in very small numbers and gathers information. We need to hide who we are and act in secret wherever possible because it is not our aim to fight and defeat the enemy. For this reason, disguise is an important skill."

Not at all from the beginning.

Neither can it be recognized as one ideal form of humint contact by conceding millions of steps.

Exceptionally disturbing only in one direction.

“There is a need for calm, intelligence, judgment, decisiveness and broad knowledge that will not panic in any situation following. You also need to be good at fighting because you are required to destroy enemies alone if necessary, such as if you have been exposed during the intelligence-gathering process”

Naturally, I denied it.

I don't know, that kind of guy.

Even CIA and MI6 would escape barefoot.

“Sometimes colour tricks are carried out to gather information, so beauty must also be combined. Let's just say that just the two of us meet the conditions.”

When I got here, I got scared and couldn't say anything, but there's more to it.

What did you think when you heard this? Even asking is a hundred million bucks.

“The civilization that we reincarnators have grown up in, Earth, was a few steps ahead of Aus, and research had been done on espionage. scientific training based on its latest research findings”

When I asked, I was so depressed that I wondered if I even had a malignant tumor in my head.

Mizuchi, Belle, and Tris also rode badly and said, "You're right, they're the right ones. But training is necessary," he said, "so it ended unnecessarily badly.

Especially even they thought, "If Ralpha and the others get attention as the hands of the Hall, the Lords will have to be concerned, and vice versa," and also came to the conclusion, "If you are seriously hiding from the Hall, you will be more concerned than ever with realizing that you are trying to get attention in a deliberate way, and there is a possibility that unnatural allah will come out".

My aim is close to that, so I'm relieved.

It seemed like a half-hearted feeling if I tried to be everyone who wasn't reincarnated, I couldn't help it then. I know that almost everyone is more educated than court magicians, even though I have not talked about the details, starting with the small guns and pistols that have already been realized. He thought, "That sounds strange, but if all the reincarnates say so, I guess so."

Simply put, "On Earth, spies are smart and beautiful, and they have a lot of personal combat skills, they can't be good people, and they can't serve. Like us," he believed. And then he said, "We don't like it either. Al told me to do it so I had no choice," so I thought they knew and did it.

However, he worried that I would be insulted because I was too curious about the boulders.

I said, "I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll tell them to refrain a little more," he said, holding his head as he withdrew them.

Ralpha and Guine would do something a little weird, but I thought it would be a little while because it would be easier to get attention.

Nothing. It's not a big deal to pay attention to them. Just say a word.

The problem is that I advertised myself as a "nobleman with an asshole” during Balduk.

They might have thought I was the "asshole's parent” until Xenom. No, I'm sure they thought.

It's embarrassing.


When I climbed the castle 30 minutes before it was 9: 00 as usual, the gatekeeper told me to "hurry to the two circles".

When I went to the designated room, there were skanky kings and Gendair captains, as well as high-ranking politicians and knighthood captains.

I even have a Darthline Miyagi, with a subtle look on my face.

"You came earlier than I thought. But if it's early. Sit down."

I sat in the seat pointed at me as I greeted the ministers and the Knights Commanders.

"About an hour ago, a decree arrived. According to it, the village of Comin could fall"

I'll take my seat. No, the king said shocking words with a bitter voice.


I accidentally made a voice out of it, but that didn't seem to be just me, and a few other people in the ministerial class looked surprised and the voice was just as loud and noisy.

But wait a minute.

Um, surely Comin 'Village isn't my territory, is it?

... Yeah, no.

It is true that it is a pioneering village in the territory of the Count of Lancel, next door, exposed to massive attacks there between last year and this year, defended by the sisters led by Captain Kendus.

It was said that there would be an attack on the village in this battle.

The scale of the attack is 200 to less.

The defensive force stationed against is 200.

In addition to the fact that the defense side is advantageous, the defense forces are stationed in the rear and surrounding villages, so if they have to, they can collect twice as many, so there's no problem...

I just got an update from Count Bestoll the other day about two weeks ago at the time, and the numbers must match.

That's just for one night. Why?

"Quiet, Lord Gendail. Explain."

According to Captain Gendail's explanation, the village of Comin was attacked by the Dabus army on the twelfth of this month.

Its size was about 200 or so, as initially expected, and the method of attack was an obvious stepping stone, which was then close to harassment of the order.

Just in case, the village of Comin sent out a request for reinforcements, but this is natural enough.

But things change after the fifteenth.

As originally speculated, the village of Gal, my territory, was attacked by an estimated 2,000 troops.

But this one had built a defensive position with more troops than that, and there were reserves in the rear, so I could afford it.

I'll leave the village at the spare gal for now.

On the same day, the attack on the village of Comin was switched.

A sophisticated attack magic trick called the court magician Kakaya was used.

And many shots in a row.

They say the defensive fence covering the village's residential area has been destroyed everywhere.

From this, it was determined that inside the Knights, the Dabus Army put in multiple court magicians.

Then there was the possibility that we could not defend ourselves if we gathered some reinforcements from the surrounding villages.

I was slightly upset when I heard this.

What? This upset.

... Wizard of the court sorcerer?

One or two of them would do that.

But it's predicted to be more likely.

I can think of a few.

For one thing, Dabus had so much power hidden and ready.

This time, we have planned an operation that we made look like a monster in order to be fully in place, and we have attacked the village of Comin.

... I can't say there isn't. But is it possible to control so much information that you can hide so many magicians?

Possible possibilities include purchasing combat slaves from the Kingdom of Lyle.

You think I've bought a little before?

One, what if there wasn't more than one magician?

Clearly, it is possible for me or my sister.

In that case, it also means that there are people in Dabus who have significantly increased their magic power.

He may or may not be a reincarnator.

But you should suspect the reincarnators here.


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