
10: 00 a.m.

Now I'm alone, enjoying a super fancy bean tea with a graceful cup of 200Z in a fancy restaurant right next to the royal castle.

At this hour, the shop is empty, and this daughter-like young woman, who has a good customer other than me, has spoken of a slightly younger man who is also a good person.

After that, after being asked mostly unilaterally about the general state of the war and the major policies ahead, I was just in the conference room to apologize (?) They kicked me out.

I was honestly surprised about the war situation in the village that it was likely to fall, but I was relieved that there seemed to be no problem with my territory, starting with the village, to Ghar.

In the worst case scenario, he said the village could be occupied, but if it wasn't taken, he'd never go over it.

There are no more recent seeds of concern about my territory, but it leaves much to be desired in my mind.

Ma, worrying won't start.

But you're gonna really think about it.

Other reincarnators......?

Think calmly, it would be low if I said it was likely or unlikely.

The reincarnators are not very large because of their original numbers, and they will be joining the Knights of Dabus from that small number to show their headlines at the moment.

But as far as I'm concerned, I guess I'm a reincarnator.

Though some ideas have come to mind to serve as a basis for judgment, there is no basis outside.

If you blame me, it's closer to saying it's just a hunch.

I'm purposefully wasting my time alone in a store like this because I can't make up my mind even though I hear the lecture will resume in the afternoon.

What kind of decision is that?

It's settled.

It's funny how reincarnated people seem to be in that position within the Dabus Army (if they have arms as reported, they have to be treated to the extent of their sisters, right?) Then we should at least investigate the person if we can't send a messenger to take him in. Originally.

But there are also reasons why we cannot take such action as soon as possible.

One is the issue of human resources.

The boulder must have a reborn messenger.

It's hard to be trusted to send an oath person, in many ways.

I have lectures to go to, and it's out of the question.

Next up, Mizuchi, but she's already my spouse, when is the party, so I don't know if she'll call you, and it's polite for the couple to bow their heads when they say no to the sale of their daughter-in-law to me, so I'm not going to move it now.

My next point is... Lorrick.

It is good to come from above being a formal nobleman as well.

But it's too good to come from.

It would be bad if they found out that I had let the brother of the current king's third lady go out of the country on her own.

The King won't mind, but Her Royal Highness Lady Marinen of the Third Lady won't find it amusing.

It's not like he was called in the first place either because he has such an edge. I'm sure I haven't seen Her Royal Highness Lady Marinen face to face since my ceremony. If it is the common sense of the royal family of Lomberto, it is only fitting that during the year at the latest His Royal Highness will officially call you, and there should be something like a reward party for obtaining the throne.

When that happens, there's only two options left: Tris or Bell.

I don't trust Tor enough to give him freedom of movement.

If they are, they are also formal aristocrats, so they have considerable qualifications, and they have no problems with their external language and behavior. Also, it will be possible to negotiate according to my wishes.

But we're in the middle of training slaves now, and most importantly, we're in the middle of a village attack on Gal.

It's harder to say it's appropriate than leaving behind the fear that one way out of the other will make you emotional.

Bastral has to do the accounting.

If we were to be free for a few months, we would be delayed in moving to the new territory, and most importantly, we would not be convinced that we would be leaving Kathy for so long.

... No, well, I hope I ordered you to force yourself to go, but the content is what it is. Negotiating to come to this faction against the man who attacked us is a difficult task.

Of course, being a reincarnator is an absolute condition.

In some cases, it is also fully considered that there is a danger.

If you're really reincarnated over there, even if it's the reincarnated who came in contact with the mushrooms, you'll try to take them in the other way, and even if you can't take them in, it's a story that seems likely enough to capture and imprison them.

Still, if you're not the kind of morale guy who'd be happy to go, success isn't a constraint to begin with.

Even if I do, I can't really feel like I'm happy to go.

You know, there's no normal guy who's going to be happy to go, right? This is the situation.

Yeah. No.

Otherwise, I'm not here.

There's not a single brainy loose piece in my subordinate.

You must not stay!

Plus, another reason I can't make up my mind is what Lils said before.

- Beware of the rebirth of the kingdom of Dabus. One day I'll be in your way...

The question of whether all of her stories heard then, including this word, are worthy of trust… is certainly there.

But the only reason for the suspicion is the undead, dead-end bullshit called Deoak.

There is no need to suspect such a Yotai story on grounds.

Just because it's Miki's word for me is fully trustworthy.

I've heard Lils speak Japanese, and I even prepared medicine for my brother-in-law.

Is it the same as such a dying vampire alien?

... first, assuming, assuming.

Assuming Lils isn't Miki, there's no reason to give me advice...

Anyway, there seems to be little doubt about being a sub-god anymore, and I don't know what such a presence means to deliberately trick Miki into deceiving me and Mizuchi.

Of course, I'm not innocent enough to think that God just reached out to me for salvation.

Maybe it's not surprising that an oath would do that.

Well, that's why I feel subtle considering both the pros and cons.

I find it easy to draw in if a reincarnated person who is supposedly in the army of Dabus is unhappy with his current treatment... I guess he dressed up as a major player in this battle.

I don't know if you're going to get paid, you're going to get a rank, you're going to get a reward, or what it is, but you're likely getting something bonus.

Naturally, there will be life today, and there is a possibility that there will be property in your hometown.

Of course, like me and Bastral, maybe he's already married and providing for his family.

If so, it is also possible that a child is being born.

I don't think he'll come this way for a bit or softly.

And if it's obvious, but in contact, it's likely to be under Dabus's sphere of influence there.

No, if I succeed in defense, I don't have a problem with that.

When that happens, it also means that said reincarnated person is captured as a prisoner... in this case it's really the best, but I guess so.

You'd be retreating with the army, or worse, you're dead in battle.

Especially since that report showed that reinforcements were going to fall just like that in time, there would be almost zero chance that the defense would be successful.

Dabus probably took it. If you manage to get a large number of people to the village, it will be easy to resume the war, and if you are a small number, you will be attacked by people who think you are a reconnaissance team, good and driven away, or worse, killed.

I knew I couldn't do it.

At the very least, I'd like to see if there really is a reincarnator, but I'd have to say that's even difficult at the moment.

Stop, stop.

The reincarnated are important, but the matter of the current impending takeover of territory and the associated institution-building are of extra importance.

I have to go over there next February to March or so with my current plans.

I haven't had another six months.

It's like a mountain of things to do by then.

That's right, you can't be selling oil here.

Let's forget about the Dabus reincarnators now.

... and I don't know if it's a good idea in the first place.

I left the store in a short amount of time.

We still have nearly two hours before noon, and there are things we can do in that time.

I don't have time to be lazy.

That night.

Not many killers (Slaters) eat together because the majority of them are in the labyrinth, and those who train combat slaves are eating with their own slaves.

The only people who are getting to the same table as me are Ben and Ellie who are tired of Hetohetto and are like bored rags, Ralpha and Guine who were annoying them all day today, Jess, and then for slaves, Tris who wanted to throw them at Bell and listen to them.

It should be noted that Tor is not around the end of the year because he is taking turns with them and throwing them into the Lon Slyle store because the slavery education of the Dawn One Party contracted by Tris and the others has been completed the other day.

Asking about Ben and Ellie from the Ralphas, this one also went to Gal and managed to briefly report on the village's war situation.

I'm not going to talk about the amazing magician thing today because it's a pain in the ass even if it's noisy.

Looks like you don't have to worry about the village.

Tilt the beer jock with that being said.

"Huh. Good... '

Tris sighed at the back of the chair with a face that seemed out of his mind.

"Good for you."

"We were worried, too."

Ralpha and Guine also look reassured.

"But that Common Village? Was it? You can't do that, can you? That's a little strange to think about. '

Are you relieved that Tris is starting to lose his mind a little bit? It was surprising that the attack would have fallen more than the attack on the village, even if it had been a good idea to retreat from the invasion of Gal.

But while we were talking, he seemed to notice me with a subtle look on my face.

- You mean it's hard to say in front of the Ralls?

I feel like I heard Tris' heart.

Looks like we're in a perfect state of mind, too.

'What are you staring at? I can tell Mizuchi and Belle. "

No further pursuit thanks to Ralpha's interruption......

'But, Mr. Al. Isn't that a chance?

Sounds like you didn't. Looks like Guine was into it, too.

But did you come with a chance?

What do you mean, an opportunity?

I know it's superficial to capture only this event, but I'd like to make sure.

'Yeah, well, you were talking to Guine. It's bad for Tris, but the fact that the village wasn't taken by Dabus to Gal this time isn't very good for Al. "

'Yeah. You really should have just been taken this time, right?

Ralpha and Guine say.

Tris is half-eyed and staring at both of them.

'What made you think that?

I was a little surprised to hear you two talk.

'Cause if the village is taken to Gal this time, Al's territory will naturally be reduced, won't it?

'That's right. Then you can complain about the Kingdom's lack of defense. If that's the case, do you want to reduce the amount of money you pay, or if you don't, garrison? I thought I could tell you to increase the number of soldiers you defend.'

'Yes, to the taken gal. The village. Come on, Al can take it back as soon as he wants, can't he? If you don't rely on the kingdom's army to take it back, come on, all the ransom of the prisoners you took will go into Al, and Tris already bought a lot of slaves in Tris, so you'll be in the village soon, huh? So, if we inherit the territory and take back the land that was taken earlier, the local lords will put a glance or a second eye on Al.'

"It was before Al went to Gal to take the village, and you think everyone would be impressed if you went and took it back right away."


These guys were pretty much thinking about that with these guys.

Looks like progress has been made.

Tris also looks at them with a surprised face. And you're looking at my face, too.

- No way, was that what you were after? The premise is that once they take it away, they send the village to Gal for me and Bell?

Don't worry, it's not.

It's not that secluded.

'You've thought about that a lot. That's what I thought for a moment when I heard about Dabus attacking me, too. But that's half. Assuming that happens, I will certainly be the only one of you who will take the village back to Gal without the help of the Royal Army. If so, the local lords might be impressed. But we won't negotiate about the payment, nor will we negotiate about the increase in the number of troops stationed. "

When I say that, you two look surprised and strange.

"To be precise, is it better to not negotiate, but to not be able to?

Tris seems to have noticed.

'Yeah, right. Well, if you're curious about that, you can negotiate yourself, and if you take the story well, you could win a reduction in your payment or maybe an increase in your garrison.'

I had a beer and wet my throat.

'But that's not very good in the long term, no, in the short term. There are several reasons. One is that it worsens the heart certificate from the kingdom, and the king if you pull it off. It's not gonna get any better, is it? Well, this isn't a very big reason. If you can save hundreds of millions of dollars a year, you can put up with it. "

The two snorted.

"The other thing is that I have to come to Wang Capital early in my assignment, almost in return for negotiations. Flying using Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, would take more than two weeks round trip. There's no substitute for a lord. We have to vacate the territory quickly without a busy understanding of the officials and the people who will be our men over there. Well, but I think a couple of weeks would be fine. '

Nod about this too.

'So, that's the biggest reason. It's a matter of morale and pride for the soldiers who defend us. When I find out I've been paid for security, I'm usually willing to do it. If you try them, they're going around the corner to defend the border. Some people will have families. I think there are feelings that people like that because they work hard here. There will be some people who are proud to take full charge of the defenseman.

Motivated people like that are valuable. If they think we can't rely on the money enough to be priced, it ends up losing money this way. If it turns out to be a full-scale war, I'll have to defend my territory.

As you know, eventually I want to be independent of this country. Instead of having to rely on the army of the Kingdom of Lomberto until it's armed enough to invade Dabus. "

We talked this far, and the two of us didn't know very well, to the face.

"Oh, come on, it's like turning in two or three years..."

'Then I'm still more convinced by the reason I just said it, but to say that's the biggest reason is a bit...'

Or something like that.

Of course, there will be no change in the salaries they receive where the security costs, which are overdrafts, have been somewhat reduced.

It's not like we're going to split the mountains with people stationed on Earl of the League territory.

If the rewards you get don't change, I don't think a lot of people care about the reduced payment to enter the king or anything like that.

But people who don't care about that don't always have high morale.

Even the patrol goes through the street once, I think a lot of things are overlooked unless it's also a blatant anomaly.

I don't care about people like that.

But many of the troops stationed are the Knights of the Kingdom.

I mean the king's private soldiers, who are also the biggest nobles in the country.

At least the Commander class will have that much loyalty to the King, and they will be willing to do so.

I don't want to imitate that kind of person's morale.

I do not have to know if we are going to continue to pay for security forever, and I want to pay properly and maintain a high morale force at the latest within twenty years and, if possible, even within a few years, so in the meantime.

In some cases, there's no one to quit the Knights of the Kingdom and transfer to my ranks.

I just don't want to make the track record of once again pricing those who fight for their lives.

Because if that happens even once, "that country gets paid less and less if it can't work like a king".

Of course, it's not a bad thing to impose a sanction like that as a punishment for something. That's a different story.

In the case I'm assuming now, they came later, even though nothing was wrong, when I attacked the village on my own to Gal, where the previous defense force had been taken, and I said, "Look, I'm so strong. I can't use an army that can't work this much. It's nothing but saying," I might lower my security costs. "

If you're going to be hostile to the Kingdom of Lomberto in the future, that's an ant, too, but I don't mean to be hairy.

If that happens, they could take your sister hostage.

Even if you don't, your sister would be mad and seriously attacking me if I turned against the Kingdom of Romberto.

Even if it does, I don't think you can win, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a lot of damage to my soldiers.

No, let's not go around blinding like this kid forever.

I love my sister, and I respect her.

I can't imitate pointing a blade at someone like that.

They were both good around here.


I finished my morning lecture and thought I'd have some ramen for lunch, and the use from the Knights was waiting.

Sir Gendail, the First Knight Commander of anything, seems to be calling for you.

I thought it might have been a new move at the border battle, so I snuck out to the Knights headquarters in Royal Castle.

It was definitely the 15th information I heard yesterday morning... you arrived eight days late from the Dart Plains.

I guess the knight of the decree is telling me by taking over many horses when I think of the distance.

"To Gal. Village people are changing without any particular major problems. It looks like there have been several battles, but we have fought to the full and not at all."

Yeah. Then there's nothing wrong with that.

"The boulder is Sir Balxas, isn't it? It means I can sleep with my pillows high, too."

They say it's time for the fighters to be on their way to an end, so stay on the ground for the rest of the year and see how things go, and they'll be back if there's no problem.

"But the village of Comin in Count Lancel's territory, unfortunately, seems to have confirmed its fall."

Sir Gendail has a bitter face.


Sir Balxas, the commander of this defense force, also said he left the defense of the village to His Royal Highness Richard to Ghar and himself to the village of Wakka, located north of the village of Comin.

Sounds like a stomach buildup to mount a defensive battle there and stop the invasion.

Uh... sounds like it was quite a distance...

Are you gonna make it? She had arrived in the village of Wakka on the seventeenth if she thought so, and I was really surprised by this.

Sir Balxas had a strong prudent image, but I guess he made an immediate decision after receiving a report on the war in the village of Comin.

Otherwise it's not that short of a moveable distance.

Naturally, it can't be paved, so the roads are in bad shape, and the Dart Plains are covered in woods, so there's no way you can travel in a straight line.

You were a pretty thoughtful guy.

By the way, according to information received at the same time, it was apparently a mistake to assume that the Dabus army, which had invaded the village of Comin, had more than one magician in the court magician class.

He seems to be just one magician.

But hum. This is, at last...

"… we are thinking of recapturing the village of Comin by increasing the total strength of the First Knights. before the Dabus mage pulled it off. If you don't crush it now, it's going to be a big deal ahead..."

That's right.

Even if you're a reincarnator, you can't help it if you die from it, can you?

...... hmm? The total power of the First Knights? Huh?

"I'm going to hit Sir Gried. Later, I will play to Your Majesty about this recapture operation, and will be out next week if you have your men. I would like to assure you that we will protect you, but I was wondering if it would be good for His Excellency the Count to see your sister now..."

What do you mean?

No, if that happens, I'm going to accompany you, even if I make a mess of it.

But does the King not yet know that this operation has been drawn up......

What would I do if I were king?

Permission granted?

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